Metaphorically think of Ultimon Flow as the circulation of blood through a biological entity. As blood has to go all around the body in order to "iterate" at any of one specific locus, this is metaphorical to that each superstring -- during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow -- has to "circulate" through the overall Ultimon, in order to iterate at each ensuing locus at which it is to be at next. Once a black-hole is formed, as the ensuing frayed superstrings are pulled into a black-hole, in so as to later be "spit-out" as antimatter that is to later re-organize into matter -- the relatively adjacent unfrayed phenomenology, during each ensuing iteration of SETS, is retied in order to work to form an ever changing sequential series of the multiplicit set of Laplacian-based conditions of the general state of homotopy, via what I term of here as Cassimer Invariance. The existence of black-holes is to then be like a metaphorical tense of being like "blood clots" in the substringular.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.
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