Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Part One Of Session 13 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is reverberating in a relative back-and-forth manner -- between two codeterminable, covariant, and codifferentiable relative general ends of a general field -- in so as to work to form a sequential series of iterations of similar but different Minkowski-based Stoke's-related regional fields, -- to where there is a cyclic tendency of what may here be thought of as a recurrantly formed antiholomorphc Kahler condition -- that is to here be formed each time, that the said orbifold eigenset is to reverse in its general directoral-based flow of holomorphicity, over time.  Let us next consider, that each time that the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to make a general reversal of the direction of its fractal of angular momentum, the directly previous cohomological ghost-based pattern that had just formed, in what would here be its immediately prior Hamiltonian operand of its Lagrangian-based path, would go from working to bear a tense of a Reimman scattering of norm-state-projections, that were here of a relative forward-holomorphic-based substringular flow, to then next work to bear an ensuing Rayleigh-based scattering of their immediately previous harmonically organized norm-state-projection-based indices -- into what would here follow as a relatively anharmonically scattered set of norm-state-projections-based eigenindices, -- to where the initial process and the initial condition of a generated cohomological ghost-based pattern, is to then tend to be degenerated into a relative disorganized set of eigenindices -- that would as well, go from a general set of adjacent eigenindices that had just previously worked to bear an even chirality, into a general set of adjacent eigenindices that will then here have a tendency to instead bear an odd chirality.  This general tendency of what would here be an initial relatively forward-holomorphic-based cohomological field generation that is then simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint, tend to work to degenerate any potential relative reverse-holomorphic cohomological field-based indices -- that are of the general genus of what would here be then the eliminated set of reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections, is to then bear a reversal of this tendency, in a unique Minkowski-based field lattice, that is similar but different -- as may here be extrapolated by Stoke's Theorem... and back again, in a "congruent" Minkowski-based field trajectory of field projection,  that has the potential of then working to include up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  This is to where, this is to tend to happen in a Majorana-Weyl-Covariant field pulsation -- that is of a set of proximal localized eigenindices of norm-state-projection.  As this is happening, the directly correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate that may be affiliated with the so-eluded-to Kahler-Metric reverberation of such a case, will as well work to form a cohomological mappable tracing, that will here work to form a cyclic pattern of a generation of ghost-based indices -- that are then proximal localized as a degeneration of the so-eluded-to ghost-based indices, in a "congruent"-based reversal of cohomological field-based indices, and back again, as I will explain further later.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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