Monday, May 16, 2016

Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions And Cohomological Degeneration

Let us initially consider either a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, or, a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of discrete energy -- the latter of which is comprised of one or more superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that is traveling through the medium of a respective Hamiltonian operand, via a correlative mean Lagrangian path -- in what we will consider here to be a substringular delineation, that is being propagated through in the relative forward-holomorphic-based direction.  Let us next consider that there is an external force, that is to ensue to act in a Fourier-based manner, at the Poincare level, at a positioning that is just outside of the proximal locus of the Majorana-Weyl covariant substringular neighborhood, at which the said superstring or orbifold eigenset is differentiating at, in a Fourier-based manner, by way of its said relatively forward-holomorphic pulsation, that is to here bear a topological sway -- via what may here be described of as an initial eigenpulse, that is veered to the relative left of its prior locus of delineation.  Let us here say, that the so-stated external force that was just mentioned, is to spontaneously act in so as to reverse the holomorphic directional pulsation of the here so-stated either discrete energy quantum or quanta of energy -- to where this is to then work to form both a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity and a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, in the course of the activity of the said external force, that is being imbued, in such a manner, in so as to help to work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This course of action will then, in this case, tend to act or work to form the ensuing Fourier-based differentiation of a proximal local Kahler-Metric, yet, such a general genus of a kinematic-based differentiation, that is to here work to help allow for the continued existence and persistence of local energy, works as well to help in the perpetuity of the continued existence of Gaussian Transformations to occur, in so as to as well, to help to tend to cause at least a little bit of a delineation of the initially so-eluded-to forward-holomorphic-based cohomological stratum -- that had just been formed as the physical memory of the immediately previous activity of the here so-mentioned given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings, to bear a respective proximal localized degeneration of at least some of the ghost-based indices that had been initially formed by the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, in its initially so-eluded to generation of ghost-based indices, from before the so-eluded-to reversal of its directoral-based topological oscillation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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