Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Different Look At Changing Substringular Field

Let us here initially consider an electron, that is to here be undergoing the Fujikawa Coupling -- which always happens as is according to the Green Function.  Let us say here, that the direction of the Fourier-based differentiation of that one-dimensional superstring of this case, that is being converted into a bosonic superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy -- happens as a case to where the so-eluded-to Laplacian-based open-loop of plain kinetic energy, is here to be in the process of being converted into a photon -- to where this is happening in such a manner, to where the motion of the so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring that is to here be in the process of converting into a discrete quantum of light, is at a course, to where, instead of the electron happening to be moving via a cross-product that is to be going in the holomorphic direction that is in the path of the trajectory of its thickness, -- it is to here, instead, to be happening to be moving via a cross-product that is going in the holomorphic direction of the path of the trajectory of its length.  This is happening in the process in which the so-eluded-to discrete quantum of kinetic energy -- that is being released from the so-stated electron, is to be moving in such a general tense of holomorphicity, to where this is to here be in the process of being converted into a photon, via the process of the Fujikawa Coupling, as is according to the mathematical extrapolation of the Green Function.  The initial composition of the core-field-density of the so-eluded-to phenomenology of holonomic substrate, that is to here be changing from being a one-dimensional quantum of discrete energy permittivity into a two-dimensional quantum of discrete energy permittivity, is to here be converted from being of the nature of being a conical-based cohomological pattern of mappable tracing that acts as a two-dimensional field integration, into being of the nature of being a toroidal-based cohomological pattern of mappable tracing that acts as a three-dimensional field integration.  Since the Green Function works to cause the harmonic perturbation of the altering field of the said one-dimensional superstring of the kinetic energy, that is of the released energy of an electron, to act in a hermitian manner -- in so as to be changed into the said two-dimensional superstrinng of the electromagnetic energy, that is of the newly formed photon -- then likewise, the translation of the correlative changes that are thereby brought into the alteration of the directly corresponding core-field-density, that is of the so-stated altering physical phenomenology,  is going to as well, to tend to be changing in a hermitian manner.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Alteration Of Manner Of Substringular Core-Field-Density

Let us initially consider a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is an open-loop string of plain kinetic energy -- that works here, to help to comprise the composition of one respective given arbitrary electron.  Let us next say, that the so-stated electron is to now drop back-and-forth an energy level -- in so as to release its spare energy, in the form of a photon.  This general genus of activity, as I have mentioned before -- works to involve the Green Function and the Fujikawa Coupling -- in so as to help to explain what happens when a one-dimensional superstring of discrete kinetic energy is to then be converted into a bosonic superstring of discrete electromagnetic energy.  As the just mentioned Fujikawa Coupling is to be happening -- as is according to the mathematical Ward-Caucy-based general tense of what is here to be known of as the Green Function -- the initially existent two-dimensional core-field-density of the initially proximally local one-dimensional string, is to then be converted into what is to ensue, as a three-dimensional core-field-density.  This would then involve the initially proximally local integrative washer-like field of the said core-field-density of the so-stated open-loop-based string, that would here have a relatively small centralized annulus, to then undergo a conversion into then bearing of the morphological-based nature of tending to be of a two-dimensional superstring -- that is to then bear a relatively toroidal-like three-dimensional core-field-density, that will then tend to work to bear a Laplacian-based torsioning -- that will here be Gliosis at the Poincare level to the said core-field-density of the so-eluded-to bosonic string of discrete electromagnetic energy, in such a manner in so as to form that general genus of a cohomological-based manifold, that is here to be of a Calabi-based manner.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely Samuel David Roach.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

As To Conical World-Sheets

Let us say that we are to initially be considering a respective given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that works to bear a two-dimenisonal world-sheet -- that works to map-out the projection of the trajectory of the said respective string.  This so-stated world-sheet acts as the physical memory of the field density that is most Yukawa to the said superstring, in its proximal localization at the Poincare level.  Such a so-eluded-to field -- that would here appertain to the integration of the correlative eigenindices, that are to here act as that force that may be exhibited by the so-stated superstring, in a manner that is Gliosis to the immediate external surface of the topology of the said superstring -- that is here in this particular case, a given arbitrary open-loop of discrete energy permittivity, that is to then behave as the fermionic string of this case scenario.  Now if the superstring were to be projected into that tense of holomorphicity -- that would here be directed in such a manner, in so as to work to form a cross-product that would here be in the direction of its thickness, then, the correlative resultant cohomology that would thence be formed would tend to form a Rham-based integration of a washer-based pattern of shape -- that would here tend to bear a relatively small annulus, when this is taken in consideration of the scalar magnitude of one "mer" of each so-eluded-to ghost-based index, that is here to work to form the directly corresponding cohomological trace of the said one-dimensional superstring.  Yet, if instead, the said open-loop or fermionic superstring -- were to be projected into that tense of holomorphicity -- that would here be directed in such a manner, in so as to work to form a cross-product that would here be in the direction of its length, then, the correlative resultant cohomology that would here be formed, would tend to form a Rham-based integration of a set of conical-shaped ghost-based indices -- that, in so long as there is no spontaneous antiholomorphic Kahler condition immediately following -- will tend to point its coniaxial-like apex at least somewhere n the relative Minkowski-based direction that will tend to behave as more of a Hamiltonian operator that is moving as a relative cross-product, rather than tending to point its coniaxial-like apex in the relative Minkowski-based direction that would otherwise behave as more of a Hamiltonian operator that is to then be moving in the relative dot-product direction of the so-eluded-to Ward-based general substringular neighborhood of such an arbitrary scenario.  This has to do with the general tendency of superstringular inertia, in that it tends to be unthwarted -- until an external force is to act upon it.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Volume-Based Cohormologies

Let us here initially consider the cohomological-based tracing of a bosonic superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- as it is differentiating in a Fourier-based manner, via a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode.  The directly corresponding three-dimensional field of the so-eluded-to two-dimensional superstring that is of this case, is to then work to form a ghost-based pattern that is patterned after a relatively toroidal-based manner.  This happens at a relatively set locus, to where this will then work to form a correlative cohomology, that will here tend to form a volume-based doughnut-like resultant of a Reimman-based scattering, as the so-eluded-to cohomological-based pattern that I have here so-stated, is being generated as a holonomic substrate of physical eigenindices.  These eigenindices, that will here work to form a  physical indication as to the where, the how, and when, that the so-eluded-to closed-loop discrete quantum of energy permittivity has been active at -- after the so-stated Reimman-based scattering of the correlative relatively forward-holomorphic norm-state-projections have succeeded to form the so-mentioned physical "memory" -- as to the Poincare-based nature of the directly prior Fourier-based activity, that is of the said bosonic superstring.  This would then happen, in so as to form a relatively tightly-knit harmonic integration of the here so-eluded-to eigenindices, that have here come together in so as to work to form the so-stated conglomeration of norm-state-projections -- that will then work to form adjacent eigenstates of such a physical memory, that work to bear an even chirality.  Once that the so-stated cohomological mappable tracing has been imbued upon, the given arbitrary respective proximal locus of the said tightly-knit substringular neighborhood -- at which such an indication as to those manners by which the so-stated two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity had differentiated, in a Fourier-based manner -- will happen, to where there will spontaneously be an ensuing relatively anharmonic scattering of the said given arbitrary integration of ghost-based indices -- to where such an anharmonic scattering may be viewed of as a general genus of a Rayleigh scattering, that will work to degenerate or scramble the initial tense and Laplacian-based structure of the previously mentioned Reimman scattering.  This will happen, to where the so-eluded-to adjacent disorganized eigenindices that are of a relatively odd chirality, -- will then be re-delineated to another substringular locus, in so as work to help in the general activity of the recycling of norm-state-indices, -- to where the initial so-eluded-to GSO ghost-based cohomological mappable tracing, will then tend to be reallocated to a locus that is off of the initially so-eluded-to relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  This happens, in so as to work to form dilatons and dilatinos -- that are indirectly put together, in so as to form gravitons and gravitinos.  The residue of these ghost-based indices, work to form a set of physical memories -- that may be termed of as Neilson-Kollosh-Ghosts, that, when anharmonically scattered, are re-delineated in so as to be brought back into the initially so-stated Real Reimmanian Plane -- in the form of a recyled tense of norm-state-projections, in so as to work to form a cycle that works, in the process of physical refurbishment in the substringular, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

As To Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Modes

In general -- the tighter that any given arbitrary respective Noether-based orbifold eigenset --  that is to bear a specific given arbitrary respective Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, happens to be of,  then, the less likely that the directly corresponding proximal locus of the respective internal reference frame, that is of such a case scenario, is to be going any closer to light speed, than if the said respective Noether-based orbifold eigenset is to, instead, work to bear a less tightly-knit Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, at the Poincare level that is correlative to the so-stated internal proximal local substringular reference frame, that is of such a case scenario.  For instance -- if one is to have a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of one unique and specific internal reference frame, that is to bear a relatively highly knit MajoranayWeyl-Invarint-Mode in the substringular, then, the proximal locus of the here so-eluded-to tense of conformal invariance -- will here tend to be in a relatively high scalar amplitude of acting from within a tightly-knit limited Ward-Caucy-based region, and, thereby, its velocity will then tend to be far removed from any viable tense of activity, that would otherwise even compare to that general motion that may be associated with light speed.  Yet, if such a respective orbifold eigenset is to, instead, bear a very loosely-knit tense of Majoranay-Weyl-Invarince, then, the eigenmembers of the Hamiltonian-based operation -- that would here function in so as to work to extrapolate the propagational-based Fourier-affiliated kinematic activity of the said orbifold eigenset that is of such a case, is  to much more likely move in one tense or another, significantly closer in its propagation to a genus that is less further removed from light speed, over the general genus of the sequential series of instantons -- by which the Fourier-based activity of such a respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to differentiate in so as to act as a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincereley, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Help As To Grand Unified Theory

I have mentioned before, that the strong force is an exemplification of that activity -- that is of the multivarious centralized "knotting" of the Rarita Structure eigenstates.  It is the vibrational oscillations of the said Rarita Structure eigenstates, that act as the holonomic substrate of gravity waves.  Gravity waves are basically what I have termed of as Schwinger-Indices.  So, it is the multivarious Rarita Structure eigenstates, that act as the entity-based template as to what is to here be both vibrated and oscillated -- in so as to work to form what I have termed of here as Schwinger-Indices or gravity waves.  It is the strong force that acts in so as to work to bind certain sub-atomic particles together, in so as to work to form the fundamental units of what works to form any given arbitrary respective atom.  The source of what would here work to form the so-stated vibrational oscillations, that act as Schwinger-Indices, is the activity of gauge-bosons acting in so as to "pluck" the holonomic substrate of second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  So, it may be described of -- as there being certain relatively dense clusters of that phenomenology -- that, when vibrated and oscillated, works to form gravity waves -- that act via what may be termed of as the multiplicit Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode -- in so as to act as those holonomic substrate-based eigenstates of binding cites, that act in so as to work to form the strong force.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Ending Part Of Session 13 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

When one is to have the substringular condition of a relatively small orbifold eigenset, that is to here undergo the Kahler-Metric in a spontaneous-based manner -- then, the scalar amplitude of the tense of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- will then tend to be affiliated with that correlative motion of the directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate, that will here work to bear a relatively tightly-knit tense of conformal invariance, when this is to here be taken from within the proximal localized reference-frame, that is Poincare to the direct association of the so-stated orbifold eigenset with its directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate.  Likewise -- when one is to instead have a relatively large orbifold eigenset, that is to here undergo the Kahler-Metric in a spontaneous-based manner -- the scalar amplitude of the tense of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- will then tend to be affiliated with the correlative motion of the directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate, that will here work to bear the condition of having a relatively less tightly-knit tense of conformal invariance, than that which would be afflilated with the earlier mentioned relatively smaller orbifold eigenset, when this is to here be taken from within the proximal localized reference-frame -- that is Poincare to the direct association of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, with its directly corresponding Klein Bottle eigenstate.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Repositioning Of Mechanism

The Kahler-Metric -- for the activity of such, for one set of directly related eigenstates that work to perform one Kahler-Metric eigenstate -- happens over the course of 381 consecutive group-related instantons, after which the so-eluded-to Fischler-Suskind Mechanism is repositioned by the Fourier-based activity of that substringular motion, that may be involved with what may transpire in three consecutive group-related instantons.  This overall genus of movement works to involve an initial 96 group-related instantons -- where the correlative Higgs Boson eigenstate is to here work to move the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate into that given arbitrary Minkowski plane, by which, those superstirngs of discrete energy permittivity that need to reattain their fractals of discrete energy -- may be able to form a cycle of entering the directly corresponding Klein Bottle in order to be shook, in-between the correlative sequential series of the so-eluded-to set of iterations of BRST and the correlative sequential series of the so-eluded-to pertinent Regge Action eigenstates, that are correlative to the Fourier-based activity of the respective given arbitrary proximal locus.  From the so-stated 96th related instanton until the 286th of such related instanton, the just mentioned genus of that Gliosis-based interaction of discrete energy quanta with the holonomic substrate of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, is to be held underway.  Over the course of the ensuing 95 iterations of group-related instanton, the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate is delineated relatively away from the plane by which the so-stated eigenstate had directly interacted with the motion of discrete energy quanta.  After the so-eluded-to 381 initial iterations of that motion that is caused by the Fishler-Suskind Mechanism, being in the process of pushing the activity that is here involved with the Gliosis-based interaction of discrete energy quanta with the contents of the holonomic substrate of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, the directly associated substringular leveraging-based Hamiltonian operation that is to be here involved with the motion and the arcing of the multiplicit Higgs Boson eigenstate and its correlative multiplicit holonomic substrate, that is of the Klein Bottle eigenstate, -- is adjusted over the course of three covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable motions of the said Fischler-Suskind Mechanism, in so as to work to adapt to whatever the new activity of the directly associated eigenstate of the Kahler-Metric is to work upon next.  This adaption will always tend to go in the direction of optimum rest.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Part Two Of Session 13 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

It is the multiplicit Klein Bottle eigenstate, that works to act as the operand-related phenomenology that operates in so as to behave as that substrate of which discrete energy, that borders on loosening its ability to be a metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian of discrete energy, is to go through, via a cycle of bearing a Gliosis-based interaction with its Ward-Neumman bounds -- in so as to work to cause the thus formed fractals of discrete energy quanta to be brought back to the so-eluded-to discrete energy quanta, so that the condition of both the existence and the persistence of discrete energy may continue to occur in the substringular.  Right when an antiholomorphic Kahler condition is to happen, there is the activation of a correlative proximal localized Wick Action eigenstate -- that is delineated in such a manner -- in so as to work to form a Yukawa-based wave-tug upon what may be described of as a Landau-Gisner Action eigenstate, which is then pulled into a substringular tense of leveraging, that may be called the Fischler--Suskind Mechanism.  As the so-stated Fischler-Suskind Mechanism works to push the correlative holonomic substrate of a given arbitrary respective Klein Bottle eigenstate -- into the relative norm-to-holomorphic direction, via the guidance of a respective Higgs Boson eigenstate -- to where this said Higgs Boson eigenstate, of which is activated at the opposite respective end of the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate, via which the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism is Gliosis to the said holonomic substrate of the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate at the Poincare level -- to where this activity of the directly corresponding Kahler-Metric eigenstate is to then be initiated in the direction of the general proximal localization, to where the correlative orbifold eigenset that is to here undergo a Gaussian Transformation is to then bear a Gliosis-based interaction with the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said holonomic substrate of the here respective Klein Bottle eigenstate.  At the 96th iteration of group-related instanton into the so-elueded-to leveraging -- which is at the 96th discrete wave-tug that is kinematic upon the Fourier-based Ward-Caucy motion of the so-eluded-to leveraging of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate of such a case, via the correlative Kahler-Metric eigenstate -- that the motion of the said eigenstate is to then be translated in a Fourier-based manner --in an orphogonal-based manner, in so as to bear a centralized kinematic interaction of discrete energy quanta that are to regain their respective fractals of discrete energy -- with the Ward-Neumman bounds of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, in so as to form a cyclical process that works here to act to help both renew and recycle those holonomic substrate-related eigenstates of energy, -- that are to both persist and exist as a continued tense of discrete energy.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Part One Of Session 13 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Let us initially consider an orbifold eigenset, that is reverberating in a relative back-and-forth manner -- between two codeterminable, covariant, and codifferentiable relative general ends of a general field -- in so as to work to form a sequential series of iterations of similar but different Minkowski-based Stoke's-related regional fields, -- to where there is a cyclic tendency of what may here be thought of as a recurrantly formed antiholomorphc Kahler condition -- that is to here be formed each time, that the said orbifold eigenset is to reverse in its general directoral-based flow of holomorphicity, over time.  Let us next consider, that each time that the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to make a general reversal of the direction of its fractal of angular momentum, the directly previous cohomological ghost-based pattern that had just formed, in what would here be its immediately prior Hamiltonian operand of its Lagrangian-based path, would go from working to bear a tense of a Reimman scattering of norm-state-projections, that were here of a relative forward-holomorphic-based substringular flow, to then next work to bear an ensuing Rayleigh-based scattering of their immediately previous harmonically organized norm-state-projection-based indices -- into what would here follow as a relatively anharmonically scattered set of norm-state-projections-based eigenindices, -- to where the initial process and the initial condition of a generated cohomological ghost-based pattern, is to then tend to be degenerated into a relative disorganized set of eigenindices -- that would as well, go from a general set of adjacent eigenindices that had just previously worked to bear an even chirality, into a general set of adjacent eigenindices that will then here have a tendency to instead bear an odd chirality.  This general tendency of what would here be an initial relatively forward-holomorphic-based cohomological field generation that is then simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint, tend to work to degenerate any potential relative reverse-holomorphic cohomological field-based indices -- that are of the general genus of what would here be then the eliminated set of reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections, is to then bear a reversal of this tendency, in a unique Minkowski-based field lattice, that is similar but different -- as may here be extrapolated by Stoke's Theorem... and back again, in a "congruent" Minkowski-based field trajectory of field projection,  that has the potential of then working to include up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  This is to where, this is to tend to happen in a Majorana-Weyl-Covariant field pulsation -- that is of a set of proximal localized eigenindices of norm-state-projection.  As this is happening, the directly correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate that may be affiliated with the so-eluded-to Kahler-Metric reverberation of such a case, will as well work to form a cohomological mappable tracing, that will here work to form a cyclic pattern of a generation of ghost-based indices -- that are then proximal localized as a degeneration of the so-eluded-to ghost-based indices, in a "congruent"-based reversal of cohomological field-based indices, and back again, as I will explain further later.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Substringular Reverberation And Cohomological Degeneration

Let us here consider an orbifold eigenset -- that is to go from a set initial position, while then going into the relative forward-holomorphic direction, while then going into a reversal of the initially said holomorphic direction, while then reverting into going back into the initially said relative forward-holomorphic direction, and so forth -- in so as to work to form what may here be considered to be a relative substringular reverberation, that is of an initially so-eluded-to Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, over a sequential series of iterations of group-related instanton.  Each time that the so-stated orbifold eigenset is to reverse in the delineation of its relative tense of holomorphicity -- there is an antiholomorphic Kahler condition thus formed -- in so as to work to form a tense of a sequence, of what is here to be a series of Kahler-Metric eigenstates, to where the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset that is to be reverberating here, from within the range of a proximal localized set back-and-forth-based Lagrangian path, will then work to act in such a Fourier-based manner of kinematic codifferentiation, to where there will be the resultant cohomological-based tense of an initial Ward-Caucy-based state of a set of ghost-based indices -- that are to be initially generated, while then these just mentioned ghost-based indices are to then be degenerated, while then there being a relatively similar set of ghost-based indices to be formed here that are close to being as the initially so-stated cohomological pattern -- yet in a different specific mappable tracing, as this may here be considered in such a manner as to how one may extrapolate this as happening as is according to Stoke's Theorem.  'This happens, to where this second manner of cohomological mapping-out of ghost-based indices -- is to then be degenerated, as the relative reverse-holomorphic mappable tracing is to be remapped as may be extrapolated by Stoke's Theorem, and so-forth, as this may be implied by the so-eluded-to pattern -- in so as to work to form a continual sequential series of ghost-based generation/ghost-based degeneration, that may be "covalently" mapped-out -- in such a manner, to where each of the re-mapping-out of both general "platitudes" of holomorphic cohomological generation/degeneration, will here work to form a set of potential Minkowski-based integrands of interactive region, as to the specific given arbitrary cites of Fourier-based covariant-based differentiatoin, -- this of which is to take place here, over what would actually transpire as what would here tend to happen -- over a relatively transient sequential series of group-related instantons.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Antiholomorphic Kahler Conditions And Cohomological Degeneration

Let us initially consider either a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, or, a given arbitrary orbifold eigenset of discrete energy -- the latter of which is comprised of one or more superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that is traveling through the medium of a respective Hamiltonian operand, via a correlative mean Lagrangian path -- in what we will consider here to be a substringular delineation, that is being propagated through in the relative forward-holomorphic-based direction.  Let us next consider that there is an external force, that is to ensue to act in a Fourier-based manner, at the Poincare level, at a positioning that is just outside of the proximal locus of the Majorana-Weyl covariant substringular neighborhood, at which the said superstring or orbifold eigenset is differentiating at, in a Fourier-based manner, by way of its said relatively forward-holomorphic pulsation, that is to here bear a topological sway -- via what may here be described of as an initial eigenpulse, that is veered to the relative left of its prior locus of delineation.  Let us here say, that the so-stated external force that was just mentioned, is to spontaneously act in so as to reverse the holomorphic directional pulsation of the here so-stated either discrete energy quantum or quanta of energy -- to where this is to then work to form both a metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity and a Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, in the course of the activity of the said external force, that is being imbued, in such a manner, in so as to help to work to form an antiholomorphic Kahler condition.  This course of action will then, in this case, tend to act or work to form the ensuing Fourier-based differentiation of a proximal local Kahler-Metric, yet, such a general genus of a kinematic-based differentiation, that is to here work to help allow for the continued existence and persistence of local energy, works as well to help in the perpetuity of the continued existence of Gaussian Transformations to occur, in so as to as well, to help to tend to cause at least a little bit of a delineation of the initially so-eluded-to forward-holomorphic-based cohomological stratum -- that had just been formed as the physical memory of the immediately previous activity of the here so-mentioned given arbitrary superstring or set of superstrings, to bear a respective proximal localized degeneration of at least some of the ghost-based indices that had been initially formed by the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, in its initially so-eluded to generation of ghost-based indices, from before the so-eluded-to reversal of its directoral-based topological oscillation.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Disturbance In Space

The most primal disturbance in space, works to form what I term of -- as a tense of the strongest fractal of a state of pressurized vacuum. A discrete transversal increment of such a tense of a fractal of a pressurized vacuum, works to form what I term of as a tense of the linkage that exists in-between the individually taken holonomic substrate of the third-ordered point particles in time and space.  The discrete radial-based integration of sub-mini-stringular linkages, works to form those of the smallest volume-based point particles -- that I term of as third-ordered point particles.  Third-Ordered point particles are bound by sub-mini-stringular segmentation -- in so as to form a reverse-fractal of the discrete radial-based integration, that acts in so as to help to form such particles, that come together in so as to work to form that general tense of the volume-based particles -- that I term of as second-ordered point particles.  Second-Ordered point particles are both formed by and are linked by, the here so-stated third-ordered point particles that I have here mentioned.  A "chain" of second-ordered point particles, works to form what I term of as mini-stringular segmentation.  Mini-stringular segmentation, works to form what I term of as the core-field-density eigenindices that exist in the substringular.  It is the just mentioned mini-stringular segmentation, that works in so as to help to form -- that phenomenology that may be described of here, as the pseudo-energy that exists -- even in a complete vacuum.  It is the just mentioned mini-stringular segmentation, that acts as the smallest discrete phenomenology that tends to exist, all by itself.  You won't tend to find any unfrayed phenomenology in the substringular, that is loose -- that is smaller than mini-stringular segmentation.  Mini-Stringular segmentation comes together, in what tends to exist in a spherical-based manner -- in so as to work to form what I term of as first-ordered point particles.  A "chain" of second-ordered point particles that is bound at opposite relative ends, when taken individually, by one first-ordered point particle, that is then neither of the holonomic substrate of a Campbell Projection, nor of a Hausendorf Projection, nor of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection, is what comes together in so as to form what I term of as a zero-norm-state-projection.  A zero-norm-state-projection is then, basically a segment of mini-stringular segmentation -- that is bound at both ends by a first-ordered point particle.   A set of what amounts to basically act in such a manner, that is to work to form a radial-based tense of an integration of first-ordered point particles -- that undergo the Polyakov Action during BRST, come together, in so as to help to work to form a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  And, a set of what amounts to basically work to act in such a manner, that is to work to form a linear-based integration of first-ordered point particles -- that undergo the Polyakov Action during BRST, come together, in so as to help to work to form a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Superstrings work in groups that I term of as orbifold eigensets, and, orbifold eigensets work to form the holonomic substrate of those particles that are in the arena of the subatomic level.
I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Cyclic Generation/Degeneration

Let us initially consider a cohomological-based pattern of ghost-based indices, that begin to be formed -- at a general given arbitrary locus, where there are the eigenindices of a Gliosis-Sherk-Olive ghost-based pattern, that work here in so as to map-out the physical memory of an orbifold's proximal localized Fourier-based activity -- from within a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based field, that is mapped out here, as the holonomic substrate of a Hamiltonian operand, that may be locally defined through a conformally invariant oscillating Lagrangian-based path, over a cyclical sequential series of group-related instantons, over time.  Let us next say, that, after one overall generation of the basic indices of a full ghost-based pattern -- that works to form one said cohomological mappable tracing, the so-stated cohomology is to start to be degenerated.  Let us say that there is to then be a cycle that may be described of here -- as a set of ghost-based eigenindices that go from being generated, to then being degenerated, over time.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Certain One Exception

The only case that I can think of, off of the top of my head, when a relatively forward-holomorphic norm-state-projection is to interact with as superstring in a Yukawa-based manner, that is not of a Gliosis-based manner -- in so as to work to form ghost-based indices -- is when there is a relatively thick core-field-density that works to directly surround a given arbitrary superstring in a Gliosis-based manner at the Poincare level, that is just to the exterior to the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of the said respective given arbitrary superstring, -- to where this so-stated surrounding core-field-density of which is to then be struck by a relatively forward-holomorphic norm-state-projection, in a Gliosis-based manner, in and of itself, in so as to work to help form a cohomological mappable tracing, or, in other words, in so as to work to help to form a set of ghost-based indices.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued! Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Norm-State-Projections And Cohomologies

In general -- a Reimman scattering that works to form ghost-based indices, is caused by the relatively forward-holomorphic interaction of norm-state projections with the holonomic substrate of superstrings, in a Yukawa-based manner that is not necessarily of a Gliosis-based manner, while, a Rayleigh scattering of ghost-based indices -- is caused by the relatively reverse-holomorphic interaction of norm-state-projections with a set of ghost-based indices that have already been formed in the substringular, in a Gliosis-based manner.  The formation of proximal localized ghost-based indices, or, in other words, the formation of proximal localized cohomologies, is formed by a general genus of a Reimman-based scattering.  The elimination of proximal localized  ghost-based indices, or, in other words, the elimination of proximal localized cohomologies, is formed by a general genus of a Rayleigh-based scattering.  The activity of the ordering of ghost-based indices, works to form the Laplacian-based condition of the correlative respective adjacent eigenindices, that work to form the eigenmembers of the said cohomologies to bear an even chirality.  The activity of the Fourier-based activity that works to form the relative disordering of ghost-based indices, works to form the Laplacian-basesd condition of the correlative respective adjacent eigenindices that work to form the eigenmembers of the here entropic state of the so-eluded-to cohomology, that is to here be in the process of being eliminated, to bear an odd chirality.  The so-stated Reimman scattering, is a genus of a harmonic perturbation, -- in which the correlative eigenindices of the then formed ghost-based pattern are, in the process, to be integrated in so as to work to form a cohomological mappable tracing.  Yet, the so-stated Rayleigh scattering, is a genus of an enharmonic perturbation, -- in which the correlative eigenindicies of the then eliminated ghost-based pattern are, in the process, to be broken-down in to a set of relatively unordered eigenstates, as the so-eluded-to cohomological mappable tracing is to here be spontaneously dissolved.  This said general genus of the tendency as to the ordering of first-ordered point particles into at tense of a physical memory of superstrings, via the multiplicit interaction of discrete energy quanta working to bear a viable Yukawa-based interaction upon relatively forward-holomorphic norm-state-projections, may here be considered as a generative process, while the said general genus of the tendency as to the increasing disorder of first-ordered point particles into a tense of an elimination of the physical memory of superstrings, via the multiplicit interaction of relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections upon a cohomological stratum, may here be considered as a degenerative process.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely,Sam Roach.

Splitting Of Cohomological Mappable Tracing

Let us initially consider one given arbitrary cohomology, that acts as the ghost-based pattern that is to here be formed by one relatively large orbifold eigenset -- that is moving through a Rham cohomology, that is moving in a Fourier-based manner through a hermitian Lagrangian, over time.  Let us now say that, at a given instant, the just said orbifold eigenset is to form a metrical-based Chern- Simons singularity, that works here in so as to help to cause the initially said orbifold eigenset to convert into two separate smaller orbifold eigensets.  Let us next say that one of the two said smaller orbifold eigensets that had just formed at this point in the so-eluded-to group metric, is to be pulled into a Doubolt cohomology -- via a thus just formed Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity that will have just formed, simultaneously, during the so-stated metrical-based Chern-Simons singularity, via the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  As this is happening, the other of the two said smaller orbifold eigensets that had just formed at this point in the so-eluded-to group metric, is to be pulled into a continuation of the initially so-stated Rham-based cohomology, via a hermitian Lagrangian that is to be pulling through a different course of a Hamiltonian operand than the other so-stated relatively small orbifold eigenset -- that is to be pulled, instead, here, into the so-stated Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularity, over time.  Next, let us consider that -- at the opposite end of the overall said cohomological stratum -- from where the said ghost-based pattern is to be generated, the cohomological entity is to soon start to be degenerated.  If the Hamiltonian operation of the said degenerative process, that is to here be directly associated with the Rayleigh scattering of the said ghost-based pattern -- is to bear exclusively complex roots in the eigenbasis of its intrinsic functional grouping, then, the directly corresponding degeneration of the given arbitrary cohomology will then tend to bear only bear a Njenhuis topological sway -- thus causing only the just formed Doubolt-based cohomological spur that had just formed, to be degenerated in the process of the correlative Rayleigh-based scattering that is to here be underway, yet, if the Hamiltonian operation of the said degenerative process, that is to here be directly associated with the Rayleigh scattering of the said ghost-based pattern -- is to bear exclusively Real-based roots in the eigenbasis of its intrinsic functional grouping, then, the directly corresponding degeneration of the given arbitrary cohomology, will then tend to bear only a Real-based topological sway -- thus causing only the correlative Rham-based cohomology, that is to here be underway via the directoral pull of the hermitian-based direction of singularity -- to be directly associated with the Rayleigh scattering of the said ghost-based pattern that is to then work to eliminate that said part of the cohomological-based mappable tracing.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 9, 2016

As To Generated and Degenerated Ghost-Based Indices

Sometimes, there may be a cohomology that is being generated at one end of the so-eluded-to ghost-based pattern -- at a slower rate than it is being degenerated at its relatively opposite end.  Often, such a general genus of cohomological generation/degeneration is of a Rham-based tense of a cohomological-based tracing.  Such a hermitian flow of cohomological tracing may either be initially generated, via the general activity of a euclidean expansion of the directly associated ghost-based indices, while, often such a hermitian flow of cohomological tracing may, instead, be initially generated via the general activity of a Clifford-based expansion.  Since such a general genus of what is here to be a generative/degenerative cohomological tracing, is to here bear a mappable Lagrangian -- that works to involve a higher rate of a Rayleigh scattering eigenpulse than the here existent rate of its directly affiliated Reimman scattering over time, in the course of the here present kinematic interplay of the Fourier-based differentiation -- of that general format of a tense of the formation of a physical memory of ghost-based indices, that are here to later begin to be scattered out of existence at a faster rate than these are brought into formation -- this  will then tend to spontaneously work to cause the ellimination of those eigenindices, that had initially worked to form the proximal locus of the directly related cohomological-based tracing that is of such a genus of an  overall tense of generation/degeneration.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

In-Between Sessions 12 And 13 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Often, a given arbitrary cohomology may bear one specific cite that is to exist here from within its respective Ward-Caucy boundary conditions, that works to bear a generating effect -- in which there is a directly corresponding time-wise piecewise continuous "growth" of the so-eluded-to ghost-based pattern, through which the said cohomology is to then be in the process of acting in so as to be increasing in its size at the given arbitrary proximal localization at which the so-stated cohomology is to increase in the overall Hodge-Index of its primal eigenindices, that work to comprise the said cohomology -- while, over the same covariant-based directly related group-metric, simultaneously via the vantage-point of a central conipoint, there may as well be the bearings at a separate specific cite from within that self-same cohomology, that is to exist here from within its respective Ward-Caucy boundary conditions, the workings of the bearing of a degenerating effect, in which there is a directly corresponding time-wise piecewise continuous attenuation of the so-eluded-to ghost-based pattern, through which the said cohomology is to then be in the process of acting in so as to decrease in its size at the given arbitrary proximal localization at which the so-stated cohomology is to then decrease in the overall Hodge-Index of its primal eigenindieces that work to comprise the said cohomology, over time.  The initial proximal locus that is from within the said cohomology that is in question, that is of the tense of being a generated ghost-based field, while this is happening over the so-eluded-to covariant group-related metric -- is of a Reimman scattering of ghost anomalies, since this tense of a scattering tends to work to be of a harmonic manner, by which the adjacent scattered eigenindices of the ghost-based cohomological setting that is coming together here, will work to here bear an even chirality, -- since such a Reimman scattering of ghost-based indices will here tend to form an integration of the so-stated set of adjacent eigenindices that are of the so-stated even chirality.  The second so-stated other specific locus of the cohomology in question, will here work to bear a proximal locus that is from within the relatively opposite side of the said cohomology in which the so-mentioned cite by which the said initially set of integrated ghost-based indices that are in question are to be coming together, to where this ulterior locus of the said cohomology is instead a degenerative field that is to work to bear a Rayleigh scattering of the respective ghost-based field, -- to where such an annharmonic scattering of ghost anomalies will here bear adjacent scatterered eigenindices that work to here bear an odd chirality.  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely,
Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Worm-Holes Linking Various Layers Of Reality

Unless one is traveling into the future in the same universal setting, when one is to travel through a given arbitrary worm-hole -- in so as to either go from one universal setting to another Or in so as to go to another spot in the same universal setting -- as to what the layer of reality one is to be going into, in either the respective newly entered universal setting or into a different spot in the same universal setting, the layer of reality that one will then ensue to be going into will often tend to be of whatever the predominant layer of reality is for the traveler, for the universal setting that the traveler was existing in right before her or she was to enter the so-stated given arbitrary worm-hole.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Samuel David Roach.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Worm-Hole Projections, the Last Part Of Session 12 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Depending upon the manner of the trajectory of any one given arbitrary worm-wole that is to be formed, its projection often may or may not work to inter bind two different universal settings -- via the Fourier-based activity of the manner of the respective contorsioning that is to happen here, with whatever the said worm-hole in question would happen to be.  If the contorsioning of the Njenhuis-based Lagrangian-affiliated tensors, that are of the Doubolt-affiliated tense of that bending of  space-time-fabric that is to be utilized -- in so as to work to inter bind two different relatively distant spots in the  Continuum -- is to here work to bear a Li-based tense of Chern-Simons singularities, then, the so-eluded-to worm-hole will then often tend to work to interconnect two different settings that are likewise and respectively of two different universal settings.  Yet, if the contorsioning of the Njenhuis-based Lagrangian-affiliated tensors, that are of the Doubolt-affiliated tense of that bending of space-time-fabric that is to be utilized -- in so as to work to inter bind two different relatively distant spots in the Continuum -- is to work to bear a Li-based tense of hermitian  singularities instead, then, the so-eluded-of worm-hole will then often tend to work to interconnect two different settings that are likewise and respectively of the same universal setting.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Substringular "Circulation"

Metaphorically think of Ultimon Flow as the circulation of blood through a biological entity.  As blood has to go all around the body in order to "iterate" at any of one specific locus, this is metaphorical to that each superstring -- during the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow -- has to "circulate" through the overall Ultimon, in order to iterate at each ensuing locus at which it is to be at next.  Once a black-hole is formed, as the ensuing frayed superstrings are pulled into a black-hole, in so as to later be "spit-out" as antimatter that is to later re-organize into matter -- the relatively adjacent unfrayed phenomenology, during each ensuing iteration of  SETS, is retied in order to work to form an ever changing sequential series of the multiplicit set of Laplacian-based conditions of the general state of homotopy, via what I term of here as Cassimer Invariance.  The existence of black-holes is to then be like a metaphorical tense of being like "blood clots" in the substringular.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

In General As To Matter Striking Antimatter

When there is such a collision outside of a black-hole, that is of one given arbitrary Hamiltonian-based entity that is involving just matter, -- that strikes another given arbitrary Hamiltonian-based entity that is just involving antimatter -- that are to collide in such a Gliosis-based manner, in so as to work to cause there to be a spontaneous effect of the elimination of all of the discrete quanta of energy that had initially worked to comprise the so-eluded-to overall Ward-Caucy conditions of the sum of both the said Hamiltonian-based entity that had just involved matter, with the said Hamiltonian-based entity that had just involved antimatter -- the resultant Laplacian-based conditions as to what had happened to the topological indices that had initially worked to help form the overall stratum of both matter and antimatter, is that it will have then become a state of relatively unorganized unfrayed mini-stringular segmentation, that will here initially tend to be a relatively mild density of zero-norm-state-projection metrical-gauge-based Hamiltonian operator-based indices.  This will then tend to work to bear the existence of a relatively slight density of pseudo energies -- to where each "eigenstate" of the so-stated pseudo energy quanta, -- will then tend to be of a relatively high Hodge-Index of measurable "pseudo-quanta," that will each bear both a transversel scalar amplitude of 10^(-129) Planck Energy and a radial scalar amplitude of 10^(-129) Planck-Bar Energy, at the Poincare level of each of such detectable loci, at which such quanta of pseudo energy are to be extrapolated.  This will physically be an initially mild density of homotopic interconnection -- this of which will then tend to not be of either a substringular nature, nor of a point particle-based nature.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

An Interim In Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Superstrings and point commutators must have an inverse correlation with another general medium, in order for them to have a tense of homeostasis.  (I am here referring to "homeostasis" as a tense of static equilibrium, or, in other words, as a conformal invariant tense of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.)  Without this so-eluded-to tense of a respective setting of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, the waves that are extended from the "positive" points (the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the superstring of discrete energy permittivity that predominantly acts as the basis of the particle-based tense of that so-eluded-to discrete quantum of energy) would have no where for the activity of the Imaginary exchange of Real Residue to shift the correlative tense of propagation state quantification with, and thus, there would be no points and no material phenomena.  So, the "infinite world toroid" is one way of looking at the behavior of the space-time-continuum, since half of the points of the space-time-continuum are of a "positive" nature, and, half of the points of the space-time-continuum are of a "negative" nature.  -- although the respective negative states tend to be of a larger overall Hodge-Index than the so-stated respective positive ones.  Yet, the space-time-continuum is not actually an "infinite world-toroid," in a sense.  The so-stated "infinite world-toroid" is just another way of looking at the condition of those positive-point-traces of that i(pi) loop and the Popov-Ghost-Traces that work to make-up the orientation of both the Bases of Light and their correlative superstrings, during the duration and the activity that I term of as being called SETS.  (Space-Time-Bearing, Entanglement, Topological, Setting).  The individually taken Bases of Light, during SETS, work to bear all of the Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates that are of one layer of reality -- that are of one set of parallel  universes, into a relatively consolidated region, as their directly associated superstrings of discrete energy permittivity are then undergoing the correlative conditions of the ultimate fractal of pressurized vacuum, as homotopy is, after these are "teeter-tottered" out of and back into place, -- just enough to allow for the ensuing needed Gaussian-based adjustments that are to happen, in so as to allow for the viable increments of the constant minor reorganization of spatial indices, so that energy may have feasible room to both persist and resist.  Once the virtual breakage of homotopy that happens during SETS is uncondensed back into a mildly new arrangement, the individually taken Bases of Light are retied in such of an unfolded  enfoldment -- in so that the individual Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates may be re-located to be retied or tied to those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity that these are directly corresponding to, during the instanton at which theses are encoded to be at, after the immediatley following instanton-quaternionic-field-pulse-mode.  It is kind of like a "huddle -- break." During the then ensuing iteration of BRST -- the repsective given arbitrary superstring "teeter-totters" in another manner with its directly corresponding counterstring, in so as to work to form that semi-Fourier-based activity of what I have termed of here as the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue.   Discrete energy flows, through both the generally noticed and through the generally unnoticed duration of Ultimon Flow.

An Idea As To What Entropy Is

There are constantly certain and multivarious phenomenology, that are being struck in a Yukawa-based manner and/or in a Gliosisi-based manner, by electromagnetic energy -- throughout the multiverse. Mass-Bearing superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, when struck by electromagnetic energy, work to form a genus of a gauge-transformation that may here be called a Calabi-Yau interaction. Superstrings of discrete plain kinetic energy are fermionic strings of discrete energy permittivity, that, when struck by electromagnetic energy, work to form a genus of a gauge-transformation that may here be called a Calabi-Wilson-Gordan interaction. Photons are bosonic strings that are discrete quanta of electromagnetic energy, that, when struck by other photons, work to form a genus of a gauge-transformation that may here be called a Calabi-Calabi interaction. When electromagnetic energy strikes any set of one or more superstrings of discrete energy in a Gliosis-based manner over time -- this works to form entropy. The dual condition of both those photons that have just reverberated from a Gliosis-based contact with other superstrings of discrete energy permititivity -- when coupled with that general genus of that condition which orbifolds and their correlative superstrings of discrete energy work to bear, immediately after these are struck in the so-stated general eluded-to manner -- works to form that general physical condition, that one may here call the phenomenology of entropy.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Part 15 Of Course 12 Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

Superstrings and the first-ordered point particles that work to comprise these, work to bear an inverse correlation with some other general medium -- via the activity of the here multiplicit Polyakov Action -- in order for the multivarious activities that are due to both the existence and the activity of relativity, to be able to take place.  Without the Ward-Caucy conditions of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance, the waves that are extended from the said first-ordered point particles of any said respective superstring, towards its correlative counterstring, would not have that general genus of Clifford Expansion that is needed, in so as to help to work to allow for that multiplicit genre of homotopic residue to exist, in so as to help to cause those multivarious interdependant tenses and tensors of the inter-bound varieties of Lorentz-Four-Contractions to happen, in so as to work to allow for the so-eluded-to existent relations of the processes of relativity to exist.  This so-eluded-to set of such a general genus of mini-string segmentation -- that works to interconnect superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to their counterstrings, when this is individually taken, may be thought of as a tense of certain propagation state quantifiers -- since both the existence and the manner of the activity of the correlative Polyakov Action eigenstates, has a bearing in that Noether-based homeomorphic field, that works to interconnect superstrings to their correlative counterstrings, that, when one is to, as well, work to consider the wave-push of both the Hodge-based fractal of Hamiltonian-based angular momentum operation as this is added to the correlative Hodge-based fractal of Hamiltonian-based spin-orbital momentum operation, that is to tug in a multi-directoral manner -- upon any given arbitrary superstring -- this would then tend to work to influence the ensuing propagation of the here respective said superstrings.  A tachyonic superstring becomes tachyonic, in part, -- when the respective superstring that is to, in general, exist here during the correlative Beti (Bette) Action, is made a non-orientable superstring, -- by not being homeomorphic.  Such a non-orientable superstring is to then work to bear both such so-eluded-to Lagrangian-based Chern-Simons singularities and metrical-based Chern-Simons singularities -- that work to tend to push the superstring of any individually taken respective case, during the Regge Action, in a relatively assymptotic venue of curvature, in such a manner to where the superstring of such a case that is here to be non-orientable, will then tend to work to bear an added set of complex roots, that work to cause an added binary tense of a coniaxion of superstringular wobble, -- during that correlative Regge Action eigenstate -- that ensues the here directly previous Beti (Bette) Action.  If the respective superstring of such a respective case, tends to be at the most rest -- by then working to bear such a Yukawa-based hyperbollic-based tangency -- that is not of a Noether nature, as well, to where this will also cause the local existence of what would here be Njenhuis-based local correlative spin matrices, that will cause such a superstring to be unorientable, during the so-eluded-to Regge Action eigenstates -- to where this propagation of the superstrings will then tend to become at least temporarily tachyonic -- on account of the then resultant shift of the eminent propagation state quantification. I will continue with the suspense later! To Be Continued!
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.