Tuesday, November 3, 2015

More As To Certain GSO ghosts

During the course of the last post -- I gradually introduced my readers, to a general idea (similar but different to an actual case) -- as to the nature of the genus of the mass-bearing superstrings -- that would be here associated with the d-field of a respective given arbitrary electron.  What I will introduce next -- is a little bit about the general idea as to the nature of the genus of the mass-bearing superstrings, that would be here associated with the f-field of a respective given arbitrary proton.  The cohomological indices -- that are formed by that motion of the directly respective norm-state-projectionis -- that work to form those ghost anomalies that work to act as the physical memory of the directly corresponding superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, -- when one is dealing with the extrapolated ghost-based indices that are thus formed by the physical memory of any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, work to form what may be here termed of as GSO (Gliosis-Sherk-Olive) ghosts.  The GSO ghosts -- that are formed by the physical memory of both the existence and the motion of the mass-bearing superstrings that are correlative to the condition of the d-field of an electron, when such a respective electron is undergoing a Ward-Caucy condition of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance -- tend to be shaped in such a toroidal-based manner, in so that the Laplacian-based existence of an edge-bearing topological condition of an exterial conical-based contour -- will tend to be incorporated to the outer surface area of the so-eluded-to GSO ghost -- in a manner that is Gliosis to the so-stated toroidal condition of the said ghost-based index, at the Poincaire level as to the so-mentioned outer surface of the said cohomological-based index.  I will continue with a little bit of a comparison of what I have just mentioned here, with the general Ward-Caucy-based conditions that are applicable to the nature of those mass-bearing superstrings that are of the f-field of a proton.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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