Thursday, November 5, 2015

A Little Bit About Certain GSO Ghosts

As I was starting to discuss in my last post -- the general genus as to the shape or the morphological texture, that is most directly appertaining to the Ward-Neumman and/or the Ward-Caucy contour of a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is of an electron, versus the shape or the morphological texture that is most directly appertaining to the Ward-Neumman and/or the Ward-Caucy contour of a mass-bearing superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is here of a proton, is, in effect, two different individual classes of shape-based structural formats.  I have earlier worked to describe some hinting, as to the general shape-based texture of the cohomologial-based topological contour of the said mass-bearing strings of an electron, yet, here are some extrapolation-based hints as to the comparison of the just-mentioned case that is to be contrasted with the general condition of the mass-bearing strings of what would here be a respective given arbitrary proton -- that may be hypothetically of the same pairing of an atom (in this given case).  Here:  Take a postulative filled circle that is centered just above the central region of a given arbitrary xyz plane.  Next, center another filled circle that is centered just below the same central region of a given arbitrary xyz plane, as before.  Next, form a postualtive-based filled homeomorphic concavity for both the front and the back of each of the said so-stated circles, that is of a tightly-knit Laplacian-based restriction as to the scalar amplitude of the size of its relative field, on all four total sides -- each of which belongs as the respective front-side and the respective back-side of the two said individually taken filled circles at hand.  Next, consider the flow of the relative norm-to-holomorphic (relative top) so-eluded-to disc-like phenomenology to be moving radially, yet in a manner that tends to bear a wave-tug/wave-pull that is into the page.  Simultaneously (via the vantage-point of a central conipoint), consider the flow of the respective reverse-norm-to-holomorphic (relative bottom) so-eluded-to disc-like phenomenology to be moving radially, yet in a manner that tends to bear a wave-tug/wave-pull that is out of the page.  Now, what one is to do here -- is to integrate the last two just mentioned Laplacian-based topological flows, that I have just described.  Integrate this torus-like phenomenon into one more elongated spatial dimension -- arbitrarily say, axial l, with a directoral basis that would here be directly associated with an "l hat."  This torus-like structure, will, as well, bear an annulus that is positioned relatively proximal to the horizontal axis -- to where the holomorphic-based cohomological mapping of the said annulus would be from the positive horizontal direction to the negative horizontal direction.  This cohomological-based venue for a respective given ghost-based mappable tracing -- would tend to not bear any deciduous conical embellishments at the Ward-Neumman extrapolation, that may be Gliosis to the outer contour at the Poincaire level of any respective given arbitrary GSO ghost -- that is of this just-stated given arbitrary case.  Next, integrate the Laplacian-based mer of the just-stated general genus of a GSO ghost-based mappable tracing -- into the direction of the proscribed Lagrangian-based path, that corresponds to its correlative Hamiltonian operand, that is of such a unique and special case.  This is similar but different to the actual case of the mass-bearing superstrings of the f-field of a proton.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

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