Monday, November 9, 2015

Certain Adjustments Due To Tahcyonic Flow

Let's say that a certain given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is not orientable -- over the course of one respective correlative iteration of the Bette Action, that the said superstring is undergoing, over the course of a directly corresponding iteration of BRST. The said superstring is then to go through one iteration of its succession of the Kahler-Metric that it is to be directly associated with. Let us say, as well, that the so-stated superstring is likewise, not orientable, over the ensuing iteration of the Regge Action.  The superstring is then -- since it is here unorientable -- to go into a tacyhonic phase, for at least a relatively transient duration of group-affiliated instantons.  The said superstring is still encoded to undergo more of the process of the Kahler-Metric -- in order for the so-stated superstring to re-attain all of its fractals of discrete energy, that it needs, in order to remain as a discrete unit of energy permittivity.  So, for however long that the so-stated superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to be still undergoing its then present need for going through the Kahler-Metric that it is to be going through -- the said superstring will go through an indistinguishabley different set of substringular neighborhoods, that will then work to be able to fulfill the so-stated superstring's need for a direct affiliation with the appropriate genus of those substringular members of the Kahler-Metric that it needs to be directly in correspondence with -- in order for the said superstring to be able to re-attain its fractals of discrete energy permittiivity that it needs, in order for the said superstring to be able to both persist and exist as a discrete unit of energy permititvity --, to where the said superstring will then be in a position to where it may then be able to finish its direct correspondence with the encoded genus of the Kahler-Metric that it is needed to be in a direct association with, over the corresponding group metric of time to where this may happen.

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