Friday, August 28, 2015

Part Seven of Session Six of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiaition

As an ansantz, there is the interdependant interplay of all of the countless orbifolds, that exist in both their respective parallel universes, as well as in their respective multivarious layers of reality -- in so as to work to form the specific substringular Hamiltonian-based operations, in which each of such orbifolds acts in so as to perform, so that each needed substringular activity may be able to happen -- so that the respective energy may be able to transpire, so that all of the needed substringular events may be able to occur.  Each of such orbifolds exist as either part of or a respective manifold, or, as a respective manifold, that may be described of as a membranous-based holonomic substrate, of which here acts as an eigenset of each of such eluded-to Hamiltonian-based operations.  Orbifolds that are of a Real Reimmanian-based eigenbase to one universal setting, are Njenhuis to the Real Reimmanian-based egienbase of orbifolds that are of a different universal setting.  In other words, if you were to here consider the Real Reimmanian affiliated egienbase of the orbifolds that were to here appertain to the activity of one given arbitrary respective parallel universe -- such an eigenbase would be Njenhuis to the Real Reimmanian affiliated eigenbase of the orbifolds that would instead be appertaining to the activity of another set parallel universe.  This would then work to cause the eigenbase of the orbifolds of any one respective given arbitrary universe, to not be of a Gaussian-based affiliation to the eigenbase of those orbifolds that are of a different parallel universe.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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