Saturday, August 1, 2015

Part Four of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiaition

The homotopic eigenbase of the conformally invariant-based, or steady-state, field, of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is the Ward-Caucy-based covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable existence -- and also the Fourier-based activity -- of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-related fluctuation of the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy-based topological sway, that is of the summed respective given arbitrary substringular eigenmembers -- that have come together or integrated, in so as to operate as one Gaussian-based stratum of Hamiltonian Operators, that are here put into a covariant, codeterminable, and a codifferentiable locus.  This so-stated fluctuation, is here, locally, in a state of a relatively steady-state-based functionablity.  (This is the case -- whether there is a larger substringular neighborhood that this belongs to, that is in less of a state of conformal invariance, or not.)  Here is what I mean, by utilizing an alogorical example as an anectdote-based metaphore.  Let us say that one is to consider a person who is standing "completely" still on earth.  His or Her body is here in a local tense of a relative condition of being in a steady-state-based mode.  Yet, the said person exists on a planet that is moving a lot more rapidly in its rate than the so-stated person is moving -- in this case.  Likewise, a relatively local Poincare-based substringular neighborhood, may be in a tense of conformal invariance -- even though a more macroscopic or largely considered region -- that is to include the so-eluded-to initially stated substringular neighborhood, may be existent in a less conformally invariant -- or even in a relatively perturbative -- tense of its conditions, of relative covariance, when one is here to consider an observer who would be then considering a more macroscopic external viewpoint.
So, the tense of a relative given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- is generally in consideration of the locally covariant Poincaire behavior of substringular events, at the cite of the relatively local environment -- whether or not there is an external perturbative state that is at a less microscopic perspective as to where one is to here consider the eigenbasis of the respective given arbitrary Poincaire level, or not.  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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