Saturday, August 15, 2015

Part 4 of Session 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The condition that every general phenemonology -- certainly from the level of discrete energy on up -- is "stough in a spot," works to indicate the resultantly obvious condition that every general phenomenology -- certainly from the level of discrete energy on up -- works to bear at least some form of discrete angular momentum.  This works to indicate the condition that any single overall quantum of discrete energy bears at least some sort of a scalar amplitude of substringular permittivity, due to the condition that all actual energy not only bears at least some form of spin-orbital momentum, yet, also,  as well, that all actual energy bears some form of "drive in a direction," as such discrete quanta of energy are propagated through the multivarious Lagrangian-based paths of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian operands of as to where the so-eluded-to quanta of energy are being pulled through, over time.  This works to indicate the condition, that for every operational-based superstring of discrete energy permittivity, there is also, as well, a correlative operational-based counterstring of discrete energy permittivity, as well as there also being both a correlative operational-based Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of discrete energy impedance and a light-cone-gauge eigenstate (that is also, as well, of discrete energy impedance).  This means -- that, for every holonomic substrate of the pointal-based condition of discrete energy permittiivity, there is a holonomic substrate of the wave-based condition of discrete energy permittivity -- and, as well, there is simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central conniption, both one directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate (pointal-based condition of discrete energy impedance),  and one corresponding first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate (wave-based condition of discrete energy impedance).  (The actual holonomic substrate-based phenomenology of the light-cone-gauge that is "plucked" by gauge-bosons is, though, the topological framework of what may be termed of as second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.)
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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