Thursday, August 6, 2015

Part Seven of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Let us here consider two orbifolds, that come together in this particular given arbitrary case, in so as to work to form one respective orbifold eigenset.  Let us now consider one given respective E(8)XE(8) heterotic string, that works in this case -- in so as to help to interconnect the two said orbifolds that have come here -- in so as to form the said respective orbifold eigenset.  Let us now say that the directoral-based tensoric flow of the orbifold, that is at, in a Laplacian-based manner, the relative holomorphic end of the Hamiltonian-based operation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset--  tends to bear a vibrational oscillation -- that is intrinsically of a relatively dampened manner -- when one is to here consider the "objective" of what is needed, for the here directly corresponding Hamiltonian operation of the correlative orbifold eigenset of this case.  Otherwise, the said relatively holomorphically positioned orbifold of this given arbitrary orbifold eigenset works to bear an appropriate directoral-based tensoric flow, in so as to be able to perform the needed function of the operation of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian eigenstate.  This will then tend to work to form a condition, to where the relatively reverse-holomorphically positioned orbifold of the said orbifold eigenset of this case -- will then work to form a relatively augmented vibrational oscillation -- in so as to help to compensate for the relatively dampened vibrational oscillation of the Fourier-based spin-orbitial axion-based motion of the so-stated orbifold -- that has been here mentioned to be positioned, in a Laplacian-based manner, at the relative holomorphic end of the motion of the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  This relative augmentation of vibrational oscillation  -- is here caused by a conditioned response that is delineated upon the here interconnective E(8)XE(8) heterotic string of this case --  that will then work to cause an equal and oppositely directed leveraging upon the most Gliossis source of the said respective "conditioned response," in so as to cause the so-eluded-to needed compensation, that will then work to allow for the accomplishment of the said respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operation.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later.

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