Monday, August 31, 2015

A Litte Bit of an Aside as to harmonic and annharmonic scattering

The tendency of a set of substringular members -- that are of a group-attractor-based genus -- is to work to help form a Reimman-based scattering of certain other respective given arbitrary substringular members, such as a harmonic scattering of superstrings -- in so as to work at helping to organize a cohesive set of one or more orbifold eigensets that are present at a set given arbitrary substringular region.  So, a group-attractor eigenbase will tend to work at helping to cause the integration of substringular members, since a group-attractor-related eigenbase works to help form a harmonic-based scattering, or in other words, a group-attractor-related eigenbase will tend to work at helping to cause a Reimman-based scattering, of, let us say in this given respective arbitrary case, an orbifold eigenset -- in so as to bring the correlative substringular members together, so that the here resultant cohesive set of superstrings may then be able to act as a conglomerate set of quantum discrete energy, that may then be able to perform one specific given arbitrary substringular Hamiltonian-based operation, over time.  Yet, the tendency of a set of substringular members -- that are of a ghost-inhibitor-based genus -- is to work to help form a Reyleigh-based scattering of certain other respective given arbitrary substringular members, such as an annharmonic scattering of superstirngs -- in so as to work at helping to disorganize or break-down a set of one or more orbifold eigensets or ghost anomalies, that are present at a given arbitrary substringular region, over time.  So, a ghost-inhibitor eigenbase will tend to work at helping to cause the loosening-up of the order of substringular members, since a ghost-inhibitor eigenbase works to help form an annharmonic-based scattering, or, in other words, a ghost-inhibitor eigenbase will tend to work at helping to cause a Reyleigh-based scattering, of, let us say in this given arbitrary case, a set of cohomological indices (a Reyleigh scattering will often work to scatter an initially organized set of ghost anomoly-based mappable tracings -- into a tense of relative disorder) -- in so as to bring the correlative substringular members apart, so that the here resultant dis-arranged set of substringular members will then tend to be pulled in such a manner in so as to be brought into a larger scalar amplitude of a proximal tense of relative entropy, so that the then annharmonic scattering of the so-stated or said ghost anomalies may then be able to be used in such a manner -- in so that the component substringular quantum units of the said scattered ghost anomaly-based stratum may be consequently utilized, in so as to be able to help in the process of the recycling of norm-stated phenomenologies, over time. To Be Continued!
I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Part Ten of Session Six Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

When the Clifford Action that is taken-up by the Fourier-based activity of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is either of a Dirac-affiliated kinematic activity or of a manner of Fourier-based activity that works to bear hermitian Lagrangian-based singularities, over time -- the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset will not, of the just-mentioned conditions alone, work to bear a highly intensive tense of conformal invariance, at that locus in which such a lack of a Majorana-Weyl-Invaraiant-Mode is being demonstrated -- in such a general given case.  This is the case, since such a tense of a Clifford Action will tend to work at causing a relatively local substringular divergence of what would here amount to an initial consideration of a Reimman displacement of superstringular members, in the form of what would here be the introduction of a Rayleigh scattering upon the just-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, that had just previously been brought into an even chirality -- by an immediately prior Reimman scattering of the so-stated members of the directly corresponding orbifold eigenset.  Such an anharmonic scattering of an initially harmonic displacement of superstrings, that had worked to comprise the orbifold eigenset in question -- will here tend to work at converting the symmetry of the locally adjacent so-stated substringular members, from going from a multiplicit condition of working to bear an even chirality, towards going into a multiplicit condition of working to bear an odd chirality, when this is taken in a relatively holomorphic manner that is piecewise continuous -- from the initial source of the directly corresponding perturbative Hamiltonian-based operators, to the ending point of the directly corresponding perturbative Hamiltonian-based operators of such a case.  Such a genus of a Rayleigh-based scattering, will tend to alter the Jacobian eigenbasis that is here directly affiliated with the Gaussian symmetry of the wave-pull -- that is correlative to the topological sway of the pulsation of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian operation of the said orbifold eigenset -- as such an orbifold eigenset is subsequently pulled out of an initial tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, into a divergence, that is later brought back into a different general locus that is then settled back into an ensuing tense of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode. This readjustment of the multiplicitly taken Jacobian eigenbases -- that are here directly affiliated with both the existence and the kinematic differentiation of orbifold eigensets -- works to fulfill the multiplicit abelian need for the inclusion of both Real Reimmanian and Njenhuis primed normalcy, as such an overall tense of abelian-based functioning is needed, so that the multiplicit wave-tug/wave-pull of the multiplicit activity of orbifold eigensets may be able to take hold upon each other.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Part Nine of Session Six of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

The general abelian-based wave-tug/wave-pull -- that orbifolds and orbifold eigensets use to exert their overall impedance and permittivity upon -- works to bear its topological sway upon the general universal settings, that the derived said respective given arbitrary orbifold-like phenomenologies are contingent upon, in a directly viable way.  So, for instance, if one set of orbifold eigensets is directly pertinent to the kinematic activity of one said general basis of a universal setting, then, its general abelian-based wave-tug/wave-pull works to exert specifically upon the respective universe that such a set of orbifold eigenset-based phenomenology is both active and existent in, over such a time period in which such an orbifold eigenset is differentiable in the so-eluded-to universe -- in a manner that is of a Fourier-based manner.  Those directly affiliated Clifford-based actions -- that would here directly appertain to an exponentially increased Hodge-based index, as appertaining to a directly corresponding increase in the scalar amplitude of a Hamiltonian-based pulsation, that would here involve the Fourier-based activity of both the covariant and the codeterminable activity of such so-stated orbifold eigensets -- are often directly affiliated with either a Dirac-like or a reverse-Dirac-like substringular condition, that may work to bear a tense of either a hermitian genus of topological flow or a tense of a Chern-Simmons genus of  topological flow, at the cite in which such an increase in the scalar amplitude of the local Hamiltonian-based pulsation is active in, in a kinematic manner that would here be extrapolated in the substringular.  This would then work to involve an eigenbase of substringular members -- that would here either work to be construed of as either a compactification or as a decompactification of phenomenology -- of the here directly pertinent indices of holonomic substrate.    This mentioned condition of either being of a Dirac-like, or, of a reverse-Dirac-like genus of substringular affiliation -- would here be at least in part in contingency with whether or not one is dealing with either a respective group-attractor-based eigenbase, or, with a respective ghost-inhibitor-based eigenbase, as the directly corresponding setting of consideration.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Part Eight of Session Six Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Let us consider two different orbifold eigensets, that are each kinematic functional groups -- that act as two different Hamiltonian operators, that are of two different universal settings.  These said orbifold eigensets -- that are here relatively Njenhuis to one another, are of two different Gaussian settings.  This means that such orbifold eigensets, that are of two different respective universes -- will here act as Njenhuis or Imaginary matrices of orbifold eigenset-like entities, that are of the respective holonomic substrate-based phenomenology, that works to comprise the two said given arbitrary respective Hamiltonian operators, that each work to perform one respective substringular operation - that is in their respective universal settings -- one of such orbifold eigensets working to perform one specific substringular task in its respective given arbitrary universal setting, and, the other of such orbifold eigensets working to perform another specific substringular task in its respective given arbitrary universal setting.  This works to elude to the condition, that a substringular manifold or an orbifold eigenset, are a tense of a matrix -- that are of a relatively consistent genus of a Gaussian-related eigenbase, as well as being of a relatively consistent genus of a Gaussian-based symmetry.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Seven of Session Six of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiaition

As an ansantz, there is the interdependant interplay of all of the countless orbifolds, that exist in both their respective parallel universes, as well as in their respective multivarious layers of reality -- in so as to work to form the specific substringular Hamiltonian-based operations, in which each of such orbifolds acts in so as to perform, so that each needed substringular activity may be able to happen -- so that the respective energy may be able to transpire, so that all of the needed substringular events may be able to occur.  Each of such orbifolds exist as either part of or a respective manifold, or, as a respective manifold, that may be described of as a membranous-based holonomic substrate, of which here acts as an eigenset of each of such eluded-to Hamiltonian-based operations.  Orbifolds that are of a Real Reimmanian-based eigenbase to one universal setting, are Njenhuis to the Real Reimmanian-based egienbase of orbifolds that are of a different universal setting.  In other words, if you were to here consider the Real Reimmanian affiliated egienbase of the orbifolds that were to here appertain to the activity of one given arbitrary respective parallel universe -- such an eigenbase would be Njenhuis to the Real Reimmanian affiliated eigenbase of the orbifolds that would instead be appertaining to the activity of another set parallel universe.  This would then work to cause the eigenbase of the orbifolds of any one respective given arbitrary universe, to not be of a Gaussian-based affiliation to the eigenbase of those orbifolds that are of a different parallel universe.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Part Six of Session 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The push and pull of both an orbifold eigenset and its interior of correlative holonomic substrate -- as the said orbifold eigenset is kinematically differentiable in a Fourier-Transformation -- works to produce the fractal of charge, that such a so-stated orbifold eigenset exhibits, that it works to propagate, in the form of the kinematic codeterminable and covariant activity of the said orbifold eigenset, working to bear the directly corresponding angular momentum that it works to operate --  in so as to form the overall permittvity of the so-stated set of superstrings, that work to perform one specific function, over time.  This so-eluded-to resultant fractal of an electric field in the substringular, works to help propagate the orphoganal-based correlative fractal of a magnetic field -- in this respective given arbitrary individual case -- in so as to help to propagate both the correlative fractal of Hamiltonian-based flux and also the fractal of Hamiltonian-based charge distribution, that are here directly affiliated with the activity of the correlative sets of holonomic substrate-based phenomenology -- that would here involve the metrical-based actions of the respective given arbitrary superstrings and/or orbifolds -- that act in an integrative manner, in so to form the eigenbase of the operation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset of this case.  Yet, initially, it is the fractal of magnetic force, that is of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, that works to initiate the correlative fractal of electrical force -- since magnetism may be determinable, in part, without an initial relationship of time-based orientation, whereas, an electrical field requires a time-based orientation, in order to both exist and be determinable.  Such a genus of both a fractal of a magnetic field and a fractal of an electric field, pull each other through the respective Hamiltonian operands of the correlative Lagrangian-based paths -- in which such substringular eigenmembers are transferred into, over time -- in so as to work to form an orphoganal topological-based sway, that functions in so as to help the said fractals of magnetism to be able to help pull the respective fractals of electrical field -- in so as to work to facilitate both the progression and the continuity of energy itself.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Part 5 Of The Sixth Session Of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The angular momentum of an orbifold eigenset, works to help define the fractal of the electric field, that is exhibited by the Fourier-based translation of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- over a successive series of group-related instantons, in which the said set of orbifolds that operate in so as to perform one specific substringular function -- are propagated through their respective Hamiltonian operands, via those multiplicit Lagrangian-based paths in which such individual sets of orbifolds are pulled through, in so as to be able to do their directly affiliated kinematic-based activities, over time.  So, in one general genus of tense, the angular momentum of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is utilized by the Hamiltonian operation of the said quantum set of orbifolds, in so as to work to define that fractal of an electric field -- in so as to here work primarily as the mechanism of the so-eluded-to orbifold eigenset, that is codeterminable, in so as to act to be able to help determine the general differential eigenbase, that relates the respective given arbitrary quantum of the Hamiltonian-based drive, that is of the so-stated given orbifold, per each successive consistent gauge-metric-based quantization.  This, then, as a logical and a metaphorical thought, works to define the relationship between the interdependant factor, per instanton, of the quantum of the Schwinger-based indices that are propagated by the kinematic motion of the said orbifold eigenset, when this is taken as the denominator that is here under the kinematic interplay of the correlative Hodge-based indices -- this of which works to help define an innate fractal of what may more "macroscopically" be thought of as a function of "charge" per "time."  (Even though the electrical field is very microscopic, it is very large, when in comparison to the substringular level.)  This is because, the Hodge-based indices are the quantum additions, that help to work at defining how much phenomenology of holonomic substrate is being moved, via its kinematic activity of its here directly applicable differential geometry, through the given arbitrary discrete Lagrangian -- in which it is here moving in, over time.  Whereas, the activity of the directly corresponding Schwinger-Indices, works at helping to allow for the progression of the ensuing fractals of "flux" that are needed in so as to help to allow for the gauge-metrical activity of the interdependance of substringular permittivity, with substringular impedance. Actual electric current is defined as charge per time.  This is why.  This, then, works to cause the fractal of the electric field of any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- to help to cause the here ensuing wave-tug/wave-pull of the so-stated orbifold eigensets -- in so as to primarily bear the correlative tense of being a phenomenology of holononmic substrate, that is propagated through the twining of the correlative space-time-fabric of such a case scenario.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Part 4 of Session 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The condition that every general phenemonology -- certainly from the level of discrete energy on up -- is "stough in a spot," works to indicate the resultantly obvious condition that every general phenomenology -- certainly from the level of discrete energy on up -- works to bear at least some form of discrete angular momentum.  This works to indicate the condition that any single overall quantum of discrete energy bears at least some sort of a scalar amplitude of substringular permittivity, due to the condition that all actual energy not only bears at least some form of spin-orbital momentum, yet, also,  as well, that all actual energy bears some form of "drive in a direction," as such discrete quanta of energy are propagated through the multivarious Lagrangian-based paths of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian operands of as to where the so-eluded-to quanta of energy are being pulled through, over time.  This works to indicate the condition, that for every operational-based superstring of discrete energy permittivity, there is also, as well, a correlative operational-based counterstring of discrete energy permittivity, as well as there also being both a correlative operational-based Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate of discrete energy impedance and a light-cone-gauge eigenstate (that is also, as well, of discrete energy impedance).  This means -- that, for every holonomic substrate of the pointal-based condition of discrete energy permittiivity, there is a holonomic substrate of the wave-based condition of discrete energy permittivity -- and, as well, there is simultaneously, via the vantage-point of a central conniption, both one directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate (pointal-based condition of discrete energy impedance),  and one corresponding first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate (wave-based condition of discrete energy impedance).  (The actual holonomic substrate-based phenomenology of the light-cone-gauge that is "plucked" by gauge-bosons is, though, the topological framework of what may be termed of as second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates.)
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Three of Session 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentation

There are three sets of universes in our overall space-time-continuum.  The space-time-continuum may then be considered of as being a multiverse -- since there are 91*10^81 universes in each set of universes of our so-mentioned space-time-continuum.  Besides the eigenstates that work to comprise the multiplicit-based fractals of what may be thought of as magnetism, that come together in so as to help form the discrete energy impedance of the multivarious substringular manifolds -- that work together with the multivarious discrete quanta of energy permittivity that is exhibited by both the existence and the activity, of what are normally thought of as those superstrings that work to form the perpetuity of energy -- there is the Fourier-based activity of the fluctuation of norm-conditions, that works in so as to provide the existence of the multiplicit functionability of the said discrete energy permittivity, in the form of both the pointal-based operation of the so-eluded-to discrete energy permittivity in the form of the said superstrings, and, as well as in the wave-based operation of the so-eluded-to discrete energy permittivity, in the form of substringular counterstrings.  The so-mentioned discrete quanta of energy permittivity thus works to help form the multiplicit-based fractal of electric field -- in so as to work to form the Hamiltonian-based operation of the condition of angular momenta-based indices -- that kinematically act, in so as to work to form a fractal-based relationship between the interplay of discrete energy impedance with discrete energy permittivity, in the form of a relationship that exists here between the primary source of Hamiltonian-based spin-orbital momentum with the primary source of Hamiltonian-based angular momentum, in the substringular level that is Poincaire to the general multiplicitly local cite of the iteration of discrete energy, during BRST.  This works to help form a multiplicit fractal-based cite, of what may be thought of as a fractal of both the existence and the activity of electromagnetic energy -- as being of the general basis of what may be extrapolated of by both the activity and the cohomological-based tracing, of the Fourier-based differentiation of discrete energy at the substringular level.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two of the Sixth Session of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

The substringular manifolds -- that may be thought of as orbifolds, or orbifold eigensets -- bear a fractal of magnetic-based force, this "force" of which may be thought of as primarily being the Hamiltonian-based topological wave-tug/wave-pull -- that is brought about as existing, by the Fourier-based activity of the spin-orbital momentum of the dual acting motion, that is of both the correlative and directly corresponding Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and their affiliated light-cone-gauge eigenstates.  Any given arbitrary universe works to bear its kinematic-based impedance, by the activity of the multivarious orbifolds -- that work to comprise the countless substringular manifolds, that act in so as to bring about the activity of superstringular-based force.  The activity of such a Hamiltonian-based integration of forces, works to cause the kinematic differentiation of the space-tim-fabric of the directly corresponding respective individual universes, in which such a set of substringular manifolds differentiate, in a Fourier-based manner -- in so as to form that integration of energy, that works to make up the interplay of energy that is of each of such respective individual universes.  This is the case, when in terms of the Fourier differentiation of all 273*10^81 of the universes -- that work to help comprise the make-up of the multiverse.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Part One of Session 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Superstrings tend to differrentiate -- in a Fourier-based manner -- in manifolds.  This means to say, that the kinematic activity of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, tends to happen in a manner that works as being the operation of membranes of superstringular phenomenology -- that are formed by the integration of the respective given arbitrary multivarious bundles of discrete energy, that come together, in so as to perform certain respective specific Hamiltonian operations, that act in so as to perform one individual function per each eigenset of such membranous quanta of holonomic substrate, over time.  This alone works to just consider the kinematic interplay of the multiplilcit superstrings of discrete energy, over time -- yet alone the Laplacian-based differentiation, or, the "snapshot"-based differences, that exist among substringular eigenmembers -- over a non-time-oriented framework, in so as to work to consider those multivarious differentiable-based characteristics, that come together in so as to work to indicate the topological-based differences in both the individually taken holonomic substrate and in the individually taken cohomological-based mappable tracing, as such timeless differences may be extrapolated by the prominent relatively high expectation values -- that may be utilized in so as to work to help determine the relative displacements and the relative delineations of those so-stated substringular eigenmembers, that work to comprise the phenomenology of the substringular.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A Little Bit As To The Clifford Expansion And The Kahler-Metric

Superstrings -- over the process of the Polyakov Action -- decompactify to the inverse of their correlative Lorentz-Four-Contractions.  Let us here say that one given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to be Lorentz-Four-Contracted by a factor of two, at one respective setting.  Over the directly corresponding duration of the here correlative increment of relatively local BRST, the respective superstring that is to be contracted, over the correlative increment of the Polyakov Action, is decompactified via a Clifford Expansion, by a factor of 1.5*3^8 -- by the end of the so-stated correrlative duration of BRST.  Here is another example.  Let us say that a superstring is of a case that is of a Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode, that is here relatively motionless -- in a terrestrial-based manner.  Then, over the ensuing respective given arbitrary duration of local BRST -- the superstring, over the correlative Polyakov Action, will be decompactified by a factor of 3*10^8 -- by the end of the so-stated respective increment of BRST.  So, when any respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset is to undergo a relatively local increment of the Kahler-Metric -- after each correlative iteration of the directly corresponding individual increments of BRST -- each superstring of the so-stated orbifold eigenset, that is here to undergo the said ensuing process of the local Kahler-Metric, will reverse the decompactification of its scalar magnitude of relative length, as each of the so-eluded-to increments of discrete energy are pulled into the Ward-Neumman bounds of the directly corresponding holonomic substrate, that is of the correlative Klein Bottle eigenstate, that is of this case scenario.  This happens, as each directly pertinent bundle of both respective discrete energy permittivity and respective discrete energy impedance -- is pulled into the said substringular physical bounds of that holonomic substrate that is of the so-stated Klein Bottle eigenstate of this said case.  This works to cause the initial Clifford Expansion that happens to the scalar magnitude of the correlative superstrings, to be inversely oriented, temporarily -- as the said discrete energy is initially drawn as such -- per each individual increment of the directly corresponding Kahler-Metric, into the so-stated "bottle," to where as the said bundles of discrete energy are exiting the said "bottle" per each increment of the so-stated Kahler-Metric, in the process of the activity of each approached ending of group-related instanton -- to where the said "bundles" are brought back into their decompactified Ward-Neumman orientation, that is as an inverse to their so-eluded-to correlative Lorentz-Four-Contraction (per each individually considered superstringular unit) -- as the so-stated discrete energy is brought into the Regge Action-based "eigenmetrical" activity, that is utilized in so as to end each of such succeeding individually taken increments of group-related instanton.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

An Interim In-Between Sessions Five and Six -- Appertaining to Orbifolds

Right after each individual group-related iteration of the Polyakov Action, that is here in consideration of the Fourier-based activity of any respective given arbitrary orbifold -- the individual superstrings that work to comprise the said orbifold will be going either directly into each individual group-related successive iteration of the Regge Action, or, if the so-eluded-to orbifold in question is, instead, going through the Kahler-Metric at the "time," then, the individual superstrings that work to comprise the so-stated orbifold will then go into the Ward-Neumman bounds of one respective given arbitrary Klein Bottle eigenstate.  This happens once --  per each respective ending, of each directly corresponding iteration of group-related instanton.  If  the superstrings of an orbifold eigenset are to go into the process of the Kahler-Metric, then, all of the superstrings that work to comprise such a said orbifold eigenset, will then be going through such a so-stated group metric, in so as to work to re-attain the fractals of discrete energy that these must re-attain -- in so as that discrete energy may remain existent as discrete energy -- so that energy may both continue to persist and exist, over time.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

An Interim In-Between Sessions 5 and 6 of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Here's a little something to think about.  Gauge-Bosons (E(6)XE(6) strings) are heterotic strings, that act in so as to "pluck"  second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, in so as to form third-ordered Schwinger Indices -- that are pulled outward and along the Rarita Structure, in so as to help in the interdependence of gravity, as acting as a relationship that is between superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that are on the relative multiplicit Real Reimmanian Plane, -- and gravitational-based strings, that are here in this case, off of the relative multiplicit Real Reimmanian Plane.  On the other hand, certain other heterotic strings, which may be known of as E(8)XE(8) strings -- act as bonding phenomenology, that work to interconnect orbifolds into orbifold eigensets, and thus, this latter mentioned genus of heterotic string works to pull Schwinger Indices that are flowing along the Rarita Structure, inward -- into the arena of providing a needed in-flux of vibrational oscillation back into the correlative orbifolds, in so as to help in both the spontaneity and the continued existence of energy as energy.  Again, gauge-bosons tend to pull vibrational oscillations outward upon the relatively local Rarita Structure eigenstates (as more of a holonomic substrate that acts as a disturbance or a perturbation of the phenomenology that it "plucks") whereas, E(8)XE(8) strings are a genus of a heterotic format of superstringular phenomenology, that tend to act as a phenomenology, that pulls in extraneous vibrational oscillations, that are just outside of the here relatively local orbifolds -- back into the general locus of the orbifolds.  (As more of being a holonomic substrate that is used to attenuate extraneous vibrational oscillation.)
To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Part Eight of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

The genus of compactification of an orbifold eigenset, that I was just discussing the day before yesterday, is here an example of a kinematic differentiation -- in the given respective Jacobian eigenbasis of a fractal of magnetism, that is directly associated here with the Fourier-based topological flow of the impedance of any respective given arbitrary set of superstrings -- that work to perform one overall function.  This said impedance is more directly related here, to the activity of the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates and their respective light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- that work to help form the said orbifold eigensets -- than the activity of the actual correlative superstrings and their counterstrings, that are of the same respective given arbitrary orbifold eigensets.  This so-stated impedance is more directly associated with the spin-orbital momentum of the said orbifold eigenset, than its angular momentum.  The correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigensstates thus mentioned, have more to do with the pointal-based characteristics of the said impedance, while, the correlative light-cone-gauge eigenstates thus mentioned, have more to do with the wave-based characteristics of the said impedance.  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Part Seven of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Let us here consider two orbifolds, that come together in this particular given arbitrary case, in so as to work to form one respective orbifold eigenset.  Let us now consider one given respective E(8)XE(8) heterotic string, that works in this case -- in so as to help to interconnect the two said orbifolds that have come here -- in so as to form the said respective orbifold eigenset.  Let us now say that the directoral-based tensoric flow of the orbifold, that is at, in a Laplacian-based manner, the relative holomorphic end of the Hamiltonian-based operation of the so-stated orbifold eigenset--  tends to bear a vibrational oscillation -- that is intrinsically of a relatively dampened manner -- when one is to here consider the "objective" of what is needed, for the here directly corresponding Hamiltonian operation of the correlative orbifold eigenset of this case.  Otherwise, the said relatively holomorphically positioned orbifold of this given arbitrary orbifold eigenset works to bear an appropriate directoral-based tensoric flow, in so as to be able to perform the needed function of the operation of the directly corresponding Hamiltonian eigenstate.  This will then tend to work to form a condition, to where the relatively reverse-holomorphically positioned orbifold of the said orbifold eigenset of this case -- will then work to form a relatively augmented vibrational oscillation -- in so as to help to compensate for the relatively dampened vibrational oscillation of the Fourier-based spin-orbitial axion-based motion of the so-stated orbifold -- that has been here mentioned to be positioned, in a Laplacian-based manner, at the relative holomorphic end of the motion of the said respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset.  This relative augmentation of vibrational oscillation  -- is here caused by a conditioned response that is delineated upon the here interconnective E(8)XE(8) heterotic string of this case --  that will then work to cause an equal and oppositely directed leveraging upon the most Gliossis source of the said respective "conditioned response," in so as to cause the so-eluded-to needed compensation, that will then work to allow for the accomplishment of the said respective given arbitrary Hamiltonian operation.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Part Six of Session 19 -- The Klein Bottle And Orbifold Differentiation

When orbifolds kinematically differentiate within  a given region -- under the conditions of a conformally invariant mode -- the Jacobian eigenbasis that would here be directly corresponding to the Hamiltonian operation that is prevalent in the correlative region, is maintained, in terms of the Gaussian norm-conditions, when this is taken in terms of both the Real Reimmanian primed normalcy and the Njenhuis primed normalcy.  When an orbifold egienset is divergent in its field fluctuation, then, the Jacobian eigenbasis of this given case is to be kinematically divergent -- in terms of the Gaussian norm-conditions that are in terms of both the Real Reimmanian normalcy and the Njenhuis primed normalcy. The more that the decrease in the Clifford volume of an orbifold eigenset is -- when this is given a condition of a maintaned spin-orbital delineation, the more compactified that the orbifold eigenset is, and also, the more compactified the given resultant correlative magnetism is.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

E(8)XE(8) strings versus E(6)XE(6) strings

The difference between a gauge-boson (an E(6)XE(6) string), and a heterotic string that is of the nature of an E(8)XE(8) string -- is that gauge-bosons operate, in a Gliossis manner, upon the field that is immediately at the Poincaire level of any respective given arbitrary light-cone-gauge eigenstate, whereas, E(8)XE(8) strings are an example of a heterotic string, that are proximally local at the Poincaire level, that is right at the immediate exterior locus of orbifolds -- in so as to help in the Fourier-based activity -- that would here work to bind the so-stated orbifolds into orbifold eigensets.
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.  Please read my corrected immediately previous post!

The Very Next Part of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiation

Let us now consider the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based field of the so-eluded-to given arbitrary orbifold, that I was beginning to describe earlier in this respective given session.  As the Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based field that was so-mentioned, differentiates in a Fourier-based manner, as a mechanism that works to inter-relate a Hamiltonian-based operation -- that is of a spinning-twist-based torsion.   (The orbifolds that have here been brought into a conformally invariant-based setting -- bear a here relatively locally proximal, as well, set of spin-orbital Njenhuis tensors -- that operate in so as to kinematically differentiate off of here what is of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, that is of the here directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-based field.  This happens, in so as to work to form a tense of a propagation, that is of the overall summed Hodge-Index -- that is of the Hamiltonian-based-operational fractals of the so-eluded-to magnetic field eigenbase of this respective given arbitrary case.  The here mentioned relatively proximal tense of indices -- that would here work to form the overall set of Hamiltonian operators, that would work in this case in so as to be what would here work to comprise the so-stated local fractal of magnetism, this of which is demonstrative in the set respective given arbitrary substringular neighborhood of this given case, acts, in so as to comprise that interconnection of the holonomic substrate of the said locally proximal orbifolds, that have here come together or integrated in so as to work to form the so-eluded-to regional orbifold eigenset of this respective given arbitrary case.  Theses said orbifolds, that have here come together in so as to form the given said orbifold eigenset -- are binded together via a tense of heterotic strings, that may be described of as E(8)XE(8) strings, these of which are of a heterotic nature, over time.  These said E(8)XE(8) heterotic strings, work to hold together the orbifolds of an orbifold eigenset, by proximally twisting as if these were gears, that operate in so as to bear a tensoric genus of substringular torque -- in such a manner that acts as is according to the scalar magnitude of the compactified slack of that wave-tug/wave-pull -- that acts here in an abelian manner, upon the holonomic substrate of the said heterotic E(8)XE(8) strings, these of which are, again an example of what are known of as heterotic strings.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, August 3, 2015

A little extra as to the Importance of gauge-bosons

Gauge-Bosons are essential phenomena that exist in the field of a light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, since, when individual gauge-boson eigenstates work to  "pluck" the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates that exist from within the Ward-Neumman-based field of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate -- the resulting vibrations are second-ordered Schwinger Indices (the summation of such vibrations per first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate, being a first-ordered Schwinger Index) that flow through the Rarita Structure, in so as to allow for the Ricci Scalar to function -- so that gravity may take effect upon substringular phenomenology, in general.  This is just in reference to the E(6)XE(6) type of gauge-bosons.  Just as adjacent electrons have to spin assymmetrically, to give a reverse-fractaled example, in order to obey the Pauli Exclusion Principle, -- adjacent E(6)XE(6) strings must bear an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism, in order to not infringe on each others' space.  Such an assymmetric spin-orbital tensorism, is caused by the spurious effect of the metrical-based Chern-Simmons field, that exists between adjacent E(6)X(E(6) strings.  Such a Chern-Simmons field is due to the condition of such gauge-bosons -- differentiating per instanton, in-between a discrete energy unit of permittivity and a discrete energy unit of energy impedance.  So, whether a related light-cone-gauge topology is of an abelian or of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge-based nature, the substringular field that binds these gauge-bosons, to both sides of an associated first-ordered-light-cone-gauge-eigenstate -- is primarily of a Gliosis-based abelian nature at the Poincaire level, so that the "plucking" of the second-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstates will not be of the nature to be able to shatter the given first-ordered light-cone-gauge-eigenstate of any respective given arbitrary case.  The fabric of a substringular field, is what I call "mini-string."  Mini-String segmentation is the fabric of gauge-boson-based-action, that works to tend to be able to interconnect the topology of all unfrayed substringular phenomena, in so as to be able to work to help form the homotopic structure – that is of the general eigenbases of the substringular.  My website is

Samuel David Roach

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Part Four of Session Five of Course 19 -- The Klein Bottle and Orbifold Differentiaition

The homotopic eigenbase of the conformally invariant-based, or steady-state, field, of any given arbitrary orbifold eigenset, is the Ward-Caucy-based covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable existence -- and also the Fourier-based activity -- of the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-related fluctuation of the so-eluded-to Ward-Caucy-based topological sway, that is of the summed respective given arbitrary substringular eigenmembers -- that have come together or integrated, in so as to operate as one Gaussian-based stratum of Hamiltonian Operators, that are here put into a covariant, codeterminable, and a codifferentiable locus.  This so-stated fluctuation, is here, locally, in a state of a relatively steady-state-based functionablity.  (This is the case -- whether there is a larger substringular neighborhood that this belongs to, that is in less of a state of conformal invariance, or not.)  Here is what I mean, by utilizing an alogorical example as an anectdote-based metaphore.  Let us say that one is to consider a person who is standing "completely" still on earth.  His or Her body is here in a local tense of a relative condition of being in a steady-state-based mode.  Yet, the said person exists on a planet that is moving a lot more rapidly in its rate than the so-stated person is moving -- in this case.  Likewise, a relatively local Poincare-based substringular neighborhood, may be in a tense of conformal invariance -- even though a more macroscopic or largely considered region -- that is to include the so-eluded-to initially stated substringular neighborhood, may be existent in a less conformally invariant -- or even in a relatively perturbative -- tense of its conditions, of relative covariance, when one is here to consider an observer who would be then considering a more macroscopic external viewpoint.
So, the tense of a relative given arbitrary Majorana-Weyl-Invariant-Mode -- is generally in consideration of the locally covariant Poincaire behavior of substringular events, at the cite of the relatively local environment -- whether or not there is an external perturbative state that is at a less microscopic perspective as to where one is to here consider the eigenbasis of the respective given arbitrary Poincaire level, or not.  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!
Sincerely, Sam Roach.