Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Next Part of the 12th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric

If an orbifold is not moving in a tachyonic-based manner, then, it is moving as is according to Noether Flow.  Any given arbitrary orbifold, or, set of superstrings, that operate in so as to perform a specific function -- that moves in a transversal -based manner, from an initial locus, over the course of one iteration of group-related instanton -- to the directly succeeding locus, over the course of the next respective iteration of group-related instanton -- then, the overall distance that the said respective given arbitrary orbifold will move, as one whole holonomic substrate, will be one Planck Length.  This is in the direction of the directoral wave-tug/wave-pull -- that is directly correlative to the consequential flow of the overall permittivity of the so-stated orbifold, as it is re-delineated over the Hamiltonian operand of the Lagrangian, that the so-stated orbifold is being redistributed through.  If an orbifold is not moving in a tachyonic-based manner, then, such a condition of the said orbifold -- as it is moving in a Noether-based manner -- will potentially bear a radial spin amplitude, that will -- if it indeed does spin in a radial-based manner, through the so-eluded-to tensoric-based Hamiltonian operand, to a scalar degree of amplitude that is by a re-positioned distance of Planck-Radii.  This so-eluded-to re-displacement is through the respective given arbitrary direction of the correlative directoral wave-tug/wave-pull, that is directly affiliated with the permittivity-based Lagrangian -- that is most affiliated with the Hamiltonian-based operand, that would here involve the conditionality of optimum rest.  This would then work to involve the redelineation of the orbifold, as a whole, being redistributed as a holonomic substrate by just one Planck-Radii -- from the initial said respective positioning of the so-stated orbifold at the initial condition of group-related instanton, to the ensuing said respective positioning of the so-stated orbifold at the second condition of group-related instanton.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Part Two of Session 12 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Since substringular phenomena kinematically differentiate per iteration of group-related instanton in either a transversal, a radial, and/or a spin-orbital manner, cohomologies are mappabley traced-out in a manner that involves either a transversal, a radial, and/or a spin-orbital genus of successive progression -- over time.  Orbifolds may move in any given arbitrary transversal-based manner --  in which such a set of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that operate in so as to perform one specific function -- are pulled into, in so as to bear a unique genus of Hamiltonian-based wave-tug/wave-pull, in which the directly related substringular phenomena that is comprised of as the said orbifold, is able to bear a condition of optimum rest.  Such a Hamiltonian operator -- in the genus of a substringular orbifold -- is comprised of the resultant Hodge-Index of the trigonometric sum of the correlative superstringular Hamiltonian operators, and the resultant angular trigonometric sum of the correlative superstringular directoral permittivity, that is associated with the overall wave-tug/wave-pull of the said orbifold, as a whole -- over that successive series of group-related instantons, in which the said orbifold is kinematically differentiable -- through the unique discrete Lagrangian, that the so-eluded-to overall Hamiltonian operator is covariant and codeterminable, over the range of its substringular operand, over time.  So, as an orbifold is re-delineated and re-displaced over time, the projection of its trajectory will be moved kinematically through its surrounding space.  The interaction of substringular phenomena, with either the first-ordered point particles -- even if the said substringular phenomena does not directly physically come into contact with other superstrings in the process (Yakawa, yet not Gliossi upon other superstrings) -- will work to form a mappable tracing, of which will work to form a physical memory of the here initially so-mentioned substringular phenomena, by the said first-ordered point particles that are being re-delineated and redistributed --  as is according to both the scalar magnitude of the degree and genus of motion of the Hamiltonian operator upon the said point particles, &, the Hodge-Index of both sum of phenomenology of the said Hamiltonian operator, and its resultant directoral topological sway -- in so as to form a respective given arbitrary cohomological pattern, of which alters in both its respective genus and mode, over the successive progression of the so-stated Hamiltonian operator -- as it is kinematically differentiable, over time.  To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part One of the 12th Session of Course 18

The cohomologies that directly appertain to both the existence and the activity of orbifolds, and, the cohomologies that directly appertain to the integration of the mappable tracings of the multivarious world-sheets -- any respective world sheets, of which, are the trajectory of the physical projection of substringular phenomena of holonomic substrate -- are never of a completely static nature, over time.  Cohomologies are the integration of ghost-based indices.  Ghost-based indices are the physical memories as to the what, when, where, and how, the various substringular entities had been and moved, over time.  So, as any given arbitrary substringular entity has moved from one spot to another, the physical mappable tracing of as to where the so-stated substringular entity had been, when it had been at the said respective general locus of this specific given arbitrary case, what the integration of those indices that had come together in so as to work to form the so-stated substringular entity had been, and how the said substringular entity had moved -- over the course of the activity of that same respective given arbitrary substringular entity, is helped to be able to be extrapolatable to an observer, of whom may have worked to determine both the existence and the activity of the so-eluded-to holonomic substrate that had behaved as the so-stated substringular entity.  Due to general conditions such as the Heisenburg Principle and the Pauli-Exclusion Principle, such a general genus of extrapolatory-based detection is here to basically be mainly of a mathematical-based nature -- with our present-day modern technology.  Yet, when one is to understand the basic premises of as to how, when, where, and what a given general locus of proximal substringular entites is to behave over time, at a reasonably tightly secure locus of nature, then, it is more proportionabley viable to bear a condition of having a higher probability to be able to more accurately determine the so-mentioned conditionalities of as to the when, where, how, and what, the holonomic substrate that works to comprise any respective given arbitrary substringular entity had behaved -- in the manner that would work to help at better determining a more reliable extrapolation of the manner of activity of the said substringular phenomena, that could here be of a correlative physical scenario.  Since motion in the substringular -- for all practical purposes -- happens basically everywhere and all of the time in actual physical nature, any correlative respective set of cohomological indices is basically always going to be in some sort of motion or change, over any detectable time period in which one may be able to work to make any viable extrapolation as to the behavior of any Yakawa-based couplings of ghost-based indices.  This often holds true -- even if there are no spontaneous Gliossi-based interactions of discrete superstrings, that are to happen upon the topological stratum of the holonomic substrate of the so-eluded-to cohomologies -- for the reason of the ansantz-based fact that norm-state projections are basically constantly working to interact with the multiplicit assortment of ghost anomalies, over time.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Part Four of the 11th Session of Course 18 -- the Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

When the Regge Slope happens in a particular angular relation, the superstringular modulae -- both in terms of the directly affiliated fractal and elastic modulus -- is maintained at a particular related acceleration.  If the correlative respective superstring and its counterpart are orientable during the affilated Regge Action eigenmetric -- there can be no jerking of the speed-related acceleration of the holonomic substrate of the here directly associated superstring, that is here just about to go into the majority of the generally unnoticed durational metric of Ultimon Flow -- unless the specific slope of the motion of the said superstring that is here undergoing the so-stated Regge Action eigenmetric, at its set general locus, is altered or perturbated from a condition of optimum rest, of which may often occur if the directly related superstring is overtly effected in its angular Ward-Neumman-associated eigenbase.  This often is the case of a superstring that is made to be tachyonic, over a successive series of the immediately previous iterations of group-related instanton.  The perturbative differential effect of the perturbative Hamiltonian-based forces, that help work to alter the manner of the various successive iterations of any specific given arbitrary Regge Action eigenmetric, may be viewed of as a respective given arbitrary Regge Field Transformation.  If any given arbitrary Regge Field Transformation is undergoing a condition of static equilibrium, then, the so-stated Regge Field Transformation is of a non-perturbative Majorana-Weyl-Invariant mode, that is here of a conformally invariant-based nature.  If the said respective Regge Field Transformation is of a harmonic-based nature, then, the mode of such a said Transformation is said to be relatively superconformal, when this is taken in terms of the manner of the directly related steady-state-based indices.  Yet, if the said respective Regge Field Transformaion is of an annharmonic-based nature, then, the mode of such a said Transformation is said to be, instead, of a relatively divergent-based nature -- when this is taken in terms of the manner of the directly pertinent perturbative-based indices.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Part Three of Session 11 of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

The norm-conditions of any given arbitrary eigenstate of the Bette Manifold -- as is exhibited by the Ward-Caucy boundary conditions of the so-stated respective given arbitrary eigenstate of the Bette Manifold -- work to be defined by both the tangential and the orthogonal Yakawa-based couplings that exist, as any directly corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric is underway, during the directly affiliated metrical duration of BRST.  As the light-cone-gauge initially coils (as I eluded-to before), the Gliossi-based region that is most directly affiliated with any respective given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric is "tightened."  As the light-cone-gauge then recoils, the Gliossi-based region that is most directly affliliated with any respective given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric is "loosened."  The just mentioned recoiling activity of the light-cone-gauge -- in a multiplicit manner -- helps to pull superstrings into the ensuing increments of the Kaeler-Metric and/or into the Regge Action.  The manner in which such a torsion happens -- as is here exhibited by the said recoiling -- helps to work at pulling superstrings into the start of the generally unnoticed duration-based gauge-metrical activity of Ultimon Flow.  The manner of the so-eluded-to coiling and recoiling may often vary in the genus of its physical differentiability.  The genus of the differentiability of such a torsioning, is the factor of which is able to work at controlling the manner in which the Regge Action specifically happens, in any respective given arbitrary scenario -- in so as to produce whatever the genus of the directly affiliated Regge Slope is to be.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Part Two of the 11th Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and the Kaeler Metric

Any given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate exists in-between its respective Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate, and its directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity.  Any given arbitrary Bette Action eigenmetric happens in-between a given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, and its respective immediate counterpart.  The immediate respective counterpart of any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity is to the relatively forward-holomorphic side of the so-stated directly corresponding superstring.   (With a relatively limited amount of mini-stringular segmentation in-between these two said phenomenology.)  The multiplicit Bette Action eigenmetric happens during the whole duration of BRST.  The multiplicit Bette Action is that activity that happens, in so as to work at making any directly corresponding superstring to be orientable to its immediate substringular counterpart.  A superstring of discrete energy permittivity is orientable, when the region in-between the so-stated superstring and its counterpart is differentiably homeomorphic during BRST -- or, when the region in-between the so-stated superstrings and its counterpart is differentiably homeomorphic during the Bette Action.  The multiplicit light-cone-gauge eigenstate is physically existent, just to the relatively reverse-holomorphic side of any directly corresponding given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittivity, during BRST.  The activity of any respective given arbitrary first-ordered light-cone-gauge, and the activity of the Bette Action -- are interdependent during BRST, though.  As the region in-between any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy perimttivity and its directly corresponding counterpart is undergoing the Bette Action, this activity initially works to tighten both the fractal modulae and the elastic modulae of this said region, at this so-stated point in gauge-metrical duration.  Yet, as the directly corresponding first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate of any given arbitrary region, that is at the Poincaire level to a holonomic substrate of discrete energy -- works to bear a torsioning -- this of which goes from initially going into a coiling phase, into going into a reaction-based recoiling phase, this genus of activity works to relax both the respective fractal modulae and the respective elastic modulae of the specific region, where the directly corresponding Bette Action eigenmetric that is immediately related to the same discrete unit of energy -- had been happening, at the start of the metrical process of the so-stated duration of BRST.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sam Roach.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Part One of the Eleventh Session of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

A superstring of discrete energy permittivity and its counterpart iterate per each successive group related instanton.  The process of BRST works to accomplish a majority of each individual successive iteration of such a series of happenings of group instanton.  The multiplicit holonomic substrate of the light-cone-gauge bears a certain degree of torsioning, during each successive iteration of the said process of BRST.  The just mentioned torsioning of each first-ordered light-cone-gauge works to cause a certain degree of a coiling effect -- of which happens, again, to the holonomic substrate of the multiplicit existence, as well as the activity, of the light-cone-gauge.  The light-cone-gauge, in general, has a certain genus of a fractal modulae -- as well as the light-cone-gauge having a certain genus of an elastic modulae, over each successive series of iterations of group related instanton, in which such directly affiliated first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates act as the holonomic substrate-based Hamiltonian operators of the wave-functionability of discrete energy impedance.  As a direct response to the coiling effect that is worked upon the holonomic substrate of the multiplicit light-cone-gauge, the light-cone-gauge, in general, responds with its so-eluded-to modulae -- in such a manner, in so that there is an equal and opposite recoiling that is here to happen, that happens with the light-cone-gauge -- that is here directed in the opposite tense of holomorphic directoral wave-tug/wave-pull.  This antiholomorphic coiling-like tendency happens, in so as to form an optimum rest-based static equilibrium of the multiplicitly mentioned light-cone-gauge -- so that any possible activity of conformal invariance may be able to exist upon both the directly affiliated existence and the directly affiliated activity of superstrings, that are here to exist with the natural so-stated tendency of optimum stability and rest.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam Roach.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

The Last Part of Session 10 of Course 18

A d-field -- of which is the general format of the fundamental field-density of an electron -- works to bear a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time, as a phenomenon such as an electron is moving, over time.  Flat space or Minkowski space consists of up to 26 spatial dimensions plus time.  A single set of parallel universes works to consist of up to 32 spatial dimensions plus time, and, this works to form an overall Hilbert space.  So, the difference in the spatial dimensionality of an overall set of parallel universes And the maximum number of spatial dimensions in a flat space or a Minkowski space is a quantity of six spatial dimensions.  Likewise, as I have said before, an electron exists in a minimum of six spatial dimensions plus time, as such so-stated electrons are distributed and delineated from one given arbitrary respective spot to the next.  The mobiaty of space-time-fabric is based upon a general eigenbase of 26 spatial dimensions, over any respective given arbitrary period of time that may be correlative to such a said eigenbase.  Electrons are that phenomena, that, over the time period that we as people have ever been able to perceive of space-time-fabric in any viable tense that we have been able to apprehend its nature, works to form photons, or, discrete units of electromagnetic energy -- by the so-stated electrons dropping an energy level, in order to be able to go to a state of optimum rest.  Light works to exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions plus time, as such light is distributed and delineated from one spot to the next.  The first four spatial dimensions that would here directly appertain the most to the existence of an f-field of a nucleon -- are all extended spatial dimensions.  The next six spatial dimensions, that would here most directly appertain to the existence of a p-field -- the immediate field of any respective given arbitrary photon -- are all curled-up in nature.  Thus, the relationship that electrons -- in the process of being the core relater between the existence of mass, kinetic energy, and electromagnetic energy -- work to form the ongoing extrapolatory existence of light, works to help cause the conditionality that electrodynamics is the key to the condition, that the general existence of relative mobiaty works to form a second-side/second-edge, as the granular extrapolation of space-time-fabric is pulled over the general genus of the curvature of its multipicit eigenmembers, in so as to cause the multiplicit correlative gauge-metric eigenbase that would here work to cause overall space-time-fabric to have a basis as a Hilbert space or a volume space -- instead of having a basis as a Minkowski space or a flat space.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

As To Njenhuis Norm-State-Projections

Sometimes, there is a given arbitrary Calabi-Yau field -- that would here be represented by an orbifold eigenset, to where such as a particle, whose immediate field would thence work to form either an f-field or a d-field -- will work to bear a Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost, that is comprised of an integration of directly inter-related cohomological indices.  This is to where these so-stated ghost-based indices may here be occasionally scattered by norm-state-projections, that are not innately from our general universal setting.  For instance, one may often have a Calabi-Yau manifold that is comprised of an orbifold eigenset, that bears a lack of those norm-based conditions with certain other Calabi-Yau-based manifolds that are here relatively adjacenet to one another -- to where the two sets of Calabi-Yau-based manifolds discussed here will have a tense of bearing a different Gaussian-based format, by which the two said different sets of such physical mass-bearing manifolds will here be of two different universes.  Let us now say that there is a given arbitrary norm-state-projection -- that had here just guided the second so-eluded-to set of Calabi-Yau manifolds, in such a manner to where the group attractor matrix that I have just eluded-to here, as helping to work at adjusting the said second mentioned set of Calabi-Yau manifolds, is pulled into the immediate either f-field or d-field of the first mentioned Calabi-Yau manifold. (The so-eluded-to initial set of mass-bearing manifold, of which is here, in this respective given arbitrary case, a single of such manifolds.)  The norm-state-projection that is not of a Real Reimmanian-based inter-relationship to the initially mentioned Calabi-Yau manifold, will then bear a Gliossi-based interaction upon the initial mass-bearing manifold (Calabi-Yau manifold), to where the Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost-based pattern that had then been initially formed by the so-eluded-to particle of mass that I had started talking about here, will have its integration of cohomological-based indices annharmonically scattered to one extent or another.  This is to where there will be a certain degree of a Rayleigh scattering, of the initial ordering that had been formed by the prior-based Reimman scattering -- the latter of which had worked here to form the so-stated ghost-based pattern, that had come together in so as to form the physical memory of both the existence and the activity of that respective given arbitrary particle -- whose projected trajectory had formed a mappable tracing that left a trace of as to the where, how, and when, the said mass-bearing particle  whose ghost-based indices had been scattered, had been. This genus of a Rayleigh scattering will not necessarily form as viable of an effect upon the said starting particle itself, as it would have had upon its mappable tracing, yet, either way, there would then be at least some sort of a direct relationship between the indices that would here be directly affiliated with one Gaussian-based setting of one universe -- to the other Gaussian-based setting of what would here be another of such universes, in this given arbitrary case scenario.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Static Charges

When one d-field that is directly associated with the immediate field of one given arbitrary electron, rubs against another d-field that is directly associated with the immediate field of another given arbitrary electron, there is -- to one extent or another -- an electrostatic charge that would here involve a certain degree of the scattering of the two so-eluded-to Calabi-Yau manifolds, that are here directly related to the scattering of the two general respective d-fields -- that would here work to form the two electric fields that are directly correlative to the two said electrons of this case scenario.  When two electric fields that are directly affiliated with the respective presence of two respective individual electrons, each, scatter amongst each other -- via the interchange of their correlative Yakawa-based indices, then, not only are the directly affiliated respective given arbitrary Calabi-Yau manifolds scattered to one extent or another, yet also, the directly affiliated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost anomalies that are directly associated with each of such individually taken electrons, are also each scattered -- to one extent or another.  As the so-stated respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts of the two given arbitrary electrons are scattered, the dual states of the Reimman-based cohomological indices -- that had initially here worked to form the physical memory of both the existence and the activity of the initial eigenbase of the two said respective given arbitrary electrons -- are scattered annharmonically, via  a Rayleigh-based scattering -- from the initial chiral-based and Reimman-based integrative cohomological-based ordering, into an entropic antichiral-based disorganization of the directly affiliated cohomological-based indices, that had initially worked to form the individual respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts, that had been the mappable tracings of the two said respective given arbitrary  initially superconformally invariant electrons that will have here diverged from such a Majorana-Weyl Invariant mode by scattering amongst each other here.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely,
Sam Roach.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Scattering of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive Ghosts

When either an f-field, a d-field, or a p-field, is formed -- in a tense of superconformal invariance -- the resulting Calabi-Yau manifolds will then here work to bear a cohomological-based index of a mappable tracing, of which may be thought of here as their respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts.  The formation of such respective Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts happens as a Reimman scattering, of which will here work to form an even eigenbase of a chirality of scattered eigenmembers -- as a state of what may be here rendered as a relatively harmonic scattering.  Yet, when one or more photons work to interact with the said respective Calabi-Yau manifolds, the resulting cohomological-based indices will be scattered, via a tense or a genus of a form of a Rayleigh scattering -- this so-stated Rayleigh scattering of which may be thought of as an annharmonic scattering.  The annharmonic scattering of any respective given arbitrary Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghost-based pattern is formed by the result of an interaction of a directly affiliated ghost-inhibitor with the holonomic substrate of a cohomological-based setting -- this said ghost-inhibitor of which works to act as a group attractor, that works to bring-in relatively reverse-holomorphic norm-state-projections -- to where the initially formed physical memories that are thus formed by the projected trajectory of the here directly corresponding superstrings, that will have here initially moved in any of such respective given arbitrary loci of a respective tense of superconformal invariance, will then be annharmonically scattered out of the so-stated general tense of such a given arbitrary loci of static equilibrium -- in so as to scatter the directly corresponding physical memories of both the motion and the existence of the correlative superstrings.  This happens in such a manner in so that the reverse-chiral adjacent eigenmembers of the here former integrative cohomological indices, will then be brought out of the so-stated initial ghost-based structure -- in so as to these said indices then being brought off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, into the relatively Njenhuis Plane.  This so-stated relative Njenhuis Plane, in general, is where the relatively correlative gravitational particles, that work to form a subtension to the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- via the activity of the correlative local Rarita Structure eigenstate(s), through the existence of the local Ricci Scalar, are present.  This general inter-relationship between Calabi-Yau manifolds and the Rarita Structure, via both gravitons and gravitinos -- due to the existence of the Ricci Scalar -- is the general format of what is to occur, so that gravity is then here able to act upon superstrings of discrete energy permittivity in a viable way, so that there may be a cohesion among discrete energy, so that energy and thus reality may bear at least some form of direct relationship -- so that there may be any sort of viable energy at all.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!!!  Sam Roach.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Part Three of Session Ten of Course 18 -- The Ricci Scalar and Kaeler Differentiation

Again, nucleons -- both protons and neutrons -- exist in F fields. -- F-fields exist in a minimum of four spatial dimensions (plus time), these spatial dimensions being all stretched-out dimensions of Ward-Caucy-based physical constraint.  Electrons exist in D-fields -- these fields of which exist in a minimum of six spatial dimensions (plus time).  The directly corresponding Ward-Caucy-based physical constraints of D-fields, of which exist to where  four of these so-eluded-to spatial dimensions are stretched-out and two of these spatial dimensions are curled-up.  Photons exist in P-fields -- these fields of which exist in a minimum of ten spatial dimensions (plus time).  The directly corresponding Ward-Caucy-based physical constraints of P fields, of which exist to where four of these so-eluded-to spatial dimensions are stretched-out and six of these spatial dimensions are curled-up.  The spatial parameters of the respective F-fields, D-fields, and P-fields, are at their minimum conditions of spatial Ward-Caucy inter-relationship -- when the so-eluded-to manner of as to how the directly affiliated particles of which I had described of as existing in such respective fields, is considered in an at rest genus of differential plausibility.  Often, if such respective particles -- of which may exist under the conditions of the so-stated formats of field-oriented eigenbase, are not traveling through a discrete unitary Lagrangian, the said partical-based geni -- of such physical attributes of the directly affiliated orbifold eigensets, will then exist in a Ward-Derichlet status, as to bearing, over their respective delineatory translations over time, a condition as to existing in more spatial dimensions than I had said, per the so-stated conditionality of respective Ward-Caucy physical parameterization.  For instance, if an electron is traveling through certain genus-based formats of what may be either a binary or a tritiary Lagrangian over time, often, if certain cross-sections of dimensional parameterization are to be crossed here, the said electron may often be traveling with an explicit overall physical dimensionality -- that may here be involved with more than six spatial dimensions plus time.  Furthermore, if a photon is traveling through certain genus-based formats -- of what may be either a binary or a tritiary Lagrangian over time, often, if certain cross-sections of dimensional parameterization are to be crossed here, the said photon may often be traveling with an explicit overall physical dimensionality, that may here be involve with more than ten spatial dimensions plus time.  Even a proton -- of which is generally considered to bear more of a tense of superconformal dimensionality at its general locus -- if the so-eluded-to general locus of the said proton's substringular neighborhood is being re-delineated as a whole through a worm-hole, the so-stated proton may often then be translated over more than those four spatial dimensions -- as the said proton is being pulled through a directly affiliated spatial cross-section of Ward-Caucy physical paramterization that is multiplicit, in terms of the directoral eigenbase of the degrees of freedom of the just eluded-to orbifold eigenset, this of which here is directly refering to the set of superstrings that operate in so as to perform one specific function as a proton, in the reverse-fractal tense of the so-stated particle that would here be on route to a furthered destination, via a multidirectoral Lagrangian, over time.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!
Samuel David Roach.