Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Part Two of the Glossary to Courses 17 And 18

10)  Bette Transformation -- Those changes that happen in the general substringular region where a respective eigenstate of the Bette Action is happening.

11)  Regge Action -- The activity of a superstring as it is pulled into a respective eigen-locus of the   Regge Slope, which happens shortly after the respective and correlative eigenmetric of the directly corresponding duration of BRST.

12) Regge Manifold -- The general region in which an eigen-locus of a respective and correlative Regge Slope is happening.

13)  Regge Transformation -- Those changes that happen in the general substringular region where a respective eigenstate of the Regge Action in happening.

14)  The Grassman Constant -- The average (per spin-orbital metric of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity) homeomorphic genus of separation that exists in-between any given arbitrary superstring and its counterpart, over the duration of the correlative and respective eigen-metric of an eigenstate of the Bette Action.  The Bette Action, such as with the Polykov Action, occurs over the course of BRST.  So, when taken through the vantage point of a central conipoint, any given eigenmetric of the Bette Action happens in synchronicity with the directly corresponding eigenmetric of the Polyakov Action.  These just two mentioned formats of metric occur over the whole course of the corroborative duration of BRST.

15)  Poincaire -- The basis of the consideration of a substringular situation that is taken from the vantage point as to being right at the topological front where the respective given arbitrary genus of the here  directly associated substringular eigenstate of phenomenology is at.

16) Klein Bottle -- The holonomic substrate as to what a Schotky Construction works to comprise.

17)  Schotky Construction -- The construction of an "empty-like" parallelopiped-based composition that here consists of a rectangular-based world-sheet-like projection of Wilson-based linearity that bears Wilson-based linear orientafolds at both the lengthwise topological contours and the width-wise topological contours of that general given arbitrary region that is directly in the relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction of where the initial rectangular-based world-sheet-like projection is localized at.  The interior of such a construction works to bear a relatively organized initial condition of norm-state projections, of which work to later help in the activity of what is known of as the Kaeler-Metric.

18)  Wilson Line -- Any non-time-bearing line that is literally straight --- without the natural curvature of space-time-fabric working to bend the directly corresponding linearity.

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