Monday, September 8, 2014

Part One of the String Theory Glossary For Courses 17 and 18

1)  The Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of gravitational force, in conjunction with the activity of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.

2)  Mass-Based Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of Yau-Exact phenomena that bear strings that directly appertertain to mass, in conjunction with the gravitational force.

3)  Light-Bearing Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of substinringular orbifolds that work to bear singularities that are partially hermitian and partially perturbative, with the directly respective and correlative indical projections of gravitational force.

4) Plain Energy-Bearing Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between substringular orbifolds that work to bear exclusively Chern-Simmons singularities that are either partially perturbative or exclusively perturbative, with the directly respective and correlative indical projections of gravitational force.

5)  Polyakov Action -- That activity of superstrings of discrete energy permttivity, of which works to loosen the directly respective and correlative fist-ordered point commutators - these of which work to form the said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity - from their subsequently and initially relative smooth topological connection that these have at the very beginning of BRST, that happens in so as to act as that physical process during BRST that works to produce the general format of the basis of the respective given arbitrary Lorentz-Four-Contraction eigenconditions.

6)  Polyakov Manifold -- The general spatial region in which a respective and correlative eigenstate of the Polyakov Action is occurring.

7)  Polyakov Transformation -- The format of the respective given arbitrary changes, that happen during a Polyakov Action eigenstate.

8)  Bette Action -- The general format of that activity of substringular action, that happens via that activity of the directly corroborative mini-stringular fabric - that works to inter-bind the homotopic structure that exists in-between any given arbitrary  superstring and its correlative counterpart during the course of any given arbitrary iteration of BRST - that helps to form a Grassman-based orientation, if such correlative superstrings are to remain of a Noether-based flow.  If a superstring is not orientable during the so-stated respective Bette Action eigenstate, then, such a superstring will tend to become tachyonic.

9) Bette Action Manifold -- The general spatial region in which any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittitivy is here undergoing a respective and correlative eigenmetric of the Bette Action.

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