Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Fifth Part of the Interim Between Sessions 13 and 14 of Course 17

When in terms of the Chi-shaped Trace of any given arbitrary Basis of Light -- as such a Basis is existent in the manner of which it is in, during the part of the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow that happens right before the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse mode, in which the space-hole is kineamtically Gliossi to the so-eluded-to substringular activity -- the general locus as to where collected ground-state-based mini-string segments are most richly delineated, in the process of their indistingiuisably conversion into norm-states -- works to form the general designation as to where the so-stated Trace will topologically sway -- over the so-eluded-to course of gauge-metrical-based activity.  This is where the said Trace is momentarily fattened.  As norm-states recycle in different associated wave-tug locants, the directly associated ground-state quantum is relocalized -- putting the morphology of the correlative topological flow into a reiterative ensuing sequence of different local translation.  So, by nature of the so-stated Trace, morphological sways are always countered by the collective condition of each sub-group heterotopy -- as the covariant differential associations that work to define these, are propagated by the ongoing recycling.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Part Four of the Interim Between Sessions 13 and 14 of Course 17

For each topological sway that the so-eluded-to Chi morphology delineates its existence as the spin-orbital coniaxial operator of one Basis of Light -- when taken as the  multiplicit reverse-fractal of one layer of reality in one set of parallel universes -- in so as to act as the Bases of Light, its counter-sway is generated -- either after the completion of one harmonic oscillation of each directly associated Basis of Light -- of this given arbitrary respective case, or, after the the kinematic activity of the differential association of one harmonic/annharmonic interaction, that the so-stated respective Basis of Light works to complete, when in terms of its relativistic coniaxion.  After one iteration of the directly associated recycling mode of the substringular flow of the Ultimon, the indistinguishably different condition of the directly corroberative norm and ground states of that relative layer of reality of one given universe in one set of parallel universes, acts in such a manner, in so that the relative modem of the topological sways and countersways of the coniaxion of the holonomic substrate of each individual  Basis of Light is balanced -- for Bases of Light that bear no lack of homotopy (true for any Basis of Light that has not been caught-up in any black-hole).  If this were no to  happen, at least a certain discrete scalar amplitude of that light, that is directly involved with a Basis of Light that has been caught-up in any homotopic fraying, will bear a degree of entropic scattering -- over the course of the group iteration of that duration that happens when the space-hole is activated, right before each directly associated iteration of the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode. I will continue with the suspense later, on account of the condition that this is quite a mouthful for anyone to grasp all at once. To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Part Three of the Interim Between Sessions 13 And 14 of Course 17

You see, the tracing of the Chi morphology of each individually taken Basis of Light may often lean along the majorized plane in any of the three directly associated relative Real Reimmanian-based spatial dimensions, that are here correlative to the vantage-point of such a phenomenon -- as taken at the Poincaire level.  One is to then consider the morphology of such a so-stated Basis of Light, at the alterior spatial dimension that works here to bear a Laplacian-based curvature that sways from itself -- while yet still working to complete the non-time-bearing condition of the said majorization.  At the basis of such a condition of majorization, the so-stated non-time-bearing topological sway of the said Chi morphology may be pajoritatively swayed in any of the spatially related partially integratable aspects that I have just eluded to.  Each individual series integrand that works to denote the kinematic basis of the directly associated vibrational manner, that is of each of the individually speaking Bases of Light, may be utilized to help to describe the eigenbase of the topological sway of each of the said Bases of Light, in so that this may be utilized to describe at least one conformal set of reiterations in the amplitude of the oscillatory genus -- of what amounts to what is refolded into the fractal-based Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates --  that move out of the so-eluded-to transition kernel eigenmetrics, as these apply to the development of what is to become the homogeneous solution to each specific holonomic substrate that works to form the discrete units of energy impedance.  This is as these are brought -- via the activity of the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse -- into a direct association with what are to become their directly associated discrete units of energy permittivity. This works to define the recycling encodement of the directly associated tori-sector-range (the directly associated range of phenomena, that work to define the region of one layer of reality, that exists in one set of parallel universes).
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Two of the Interim Between Sessions 13 and 14 of Course 17

Each overall Basis of light works to bear a Trace that does not necessarily have the directly associated Chi morphologies in perfect symmetry, during the amplitude of the directly associated transition kernel -- in the process of the reiteration of that activity that is directly involved with the correlative "space-hole".  Such activity, of which, works to help cause the ensuing delineations of the superstrings of discrete permittivity, that are to be redistributed, once the quaterionic-instanton-field-impulse is happening.  It is that virtual breakage of homotopy that happens -- as both the Bases of Light are in their condition of holonomic substrate, and the directly corresponding superstrings and their correlative counterstrings are brought into a genus of wave-tug that works to realign the interconnectivity of relative topology -- that works to bring back the more generally thought of condition of superstrings that are brought into the ensuing state of group related istanton.  This process then works to bring back both the ensuing state of both superstrings that are of a Noether-based flow into their condition of relative conformal invariance, & also superstrings that are of a tachyonic-based flow into their condition of relative delineatory perturbation.  This works to both realign and to redistribute those superstrings that are of that layer of reality of each individual Basis of Light, into their ensuing delineations.  Once the superstirngs of discrete energy permittivity move out of both BRST and the  Regge Action, the said superstrings are pulled into the generally unnoticed motion of Ultimon Flow.  Please see my other writings for more as to the how and why such activity happens.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sincerely, Sam.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Part One of the Interim In-Between Sessions 13 and 14 of Course 17

How about if we are to here consider the "Chi" morphology of each Basis of  Light -- as such a holonomic substrate is existent during the duration that happens when the "space-hole" is activatetd.  (This happens right before the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse works to pull-out the mini-popov-trace eigenstates from each Basis of Light, in the process of working to bring superstrings and their correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, into the condition of each respective ensuing group instanton -- particularly, bringing what is directly associated with each Basis of Light into its componet parts, one of such Bases for each layer of reality from one given arbitrary set of parallel universes, that is to proceed into the ensuing duration of BRST.  The so-stated "Chi" morphology bears an inscribed "figure-eight" morphology -- in each of the so-eluded-to Bases of Light.  The so-eluded-to format of  "Chi" morphology may vary in its contour in one-trillion different manners of genus.  It is the general format of the so-stated "Chi" geni of morphology -- during each iteration of the duration that happens as the so-stated "space-hole" happens -- that works  to help kinematically translate the ground-states that exist in the substringular, for each respective layer of reality that directly is correlative to each respective Basis of Light, into the process in which these ground states are recycled into norm-states (in a manner that here involves indistinguishable difference).  Picture this.  The activity of the "space-hole" works to cause the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode, in so as to  pull what is to soon act as superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- in a manner that pulls the directly associated Basis of Light (one for each layer of reality that is in each set of parallel universes) into countless Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstates, that are pulled -- by the  into a direct association with their correlative so-stated superstrings of discrete energy permitivity.  The directly associated reverse fractal of Hamiltonian operation works to delineate each overall unit of discrete energy into its spot where it is to soon iterate, for a duration of instanton (primarily BRST).  There is only one predominant layer of reality per Ultimon Cycle.  This works, on account of the condition that the Bases of Light for each set of parallel universes are staggered. Think of this as a "huddle, break!"  This activity involves what I term of as the Royal Arc.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Part Two of the 13th Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

Phenomena that work to comprise the superstringular arena of mass, in general, may be formed by either the cohomology of world-sheets and/or are formed from the interconnection of orbifolds -- of which may be relatively spatially perturbative, in a kinematically differential tense, or, these may often be, instead, of a conformally invariant genus or mode.  The tense of the directly corresponding singularities -- in both cohomologies that work to indicate the presence of a mass, as well as in orbifold eigensets that work to form mass -- are always of a hermitian-based superstringular genus.  Not only are such inter-related singularities hermitian, yet, these directly associated singularities are also either of a non-perturbative tense or of only a partially perturbative tense.  The substringular condition of mass-based indices -- that work to form the physical structure of atoms, bear singularities in substringular cohomology, as well as in the construction of the corroberative orbifold eigensets, when such a so-eluded-to structure is of a relatively conformally invariant genus or mode -- is always of both a cohomological and of a Gaussian-based non-perturbative modulus (in terms of here having a Yau-Exact condition that is of a relatively steady-state Noether-based flow).  Whereas, the substringular condition of mass-based indices -- that instead work to form the physical "structure" of neutrinos -- work to form directly corresponding singularities in both substringular cohomology as well as in the construction of the corroberative orbifold eigensets, that always tend to be of both a cohomological and of a Gaussian-based partially perturbative modulus (in terms of having a Yau-Exact condition that works to not be of a steady-state condition -- of which is also often of a tachyonic-based nature).  The latter-based condition is true, because the corroberative appertaining singularities here work to kinematically differetiate off of the relative Real Reimmanian plane -- although the vibrational oscillation of neutrinos is relatively harmonic, for a phenomenon that is so often of a tachyonic-based nature. This is why atomic-based phenomena tend to be more controlled by the activities that are directly associated with the Ricci Scalar than phenomena such as neutrinos.  To Be Continued!!! Sam.

Friday, September 19, 2014

An Interim Chart

Here is a "chart" in so as to help one to co-relate the nature of certain physical phenomena with what these said phenomena are:

Matter -- Hermitian and on the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

Electromagnetic Energy --  Partially hermitian and partially "perturbative" from the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

Scattered Electromagnetic Energy -- Partially hermitian (with permutations) and completely perturbative from the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

Plain Energy -- Non-Hermitian (basically completely Chern-Simmons) and partially perturbative from the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

Scattered Plain Energy -- Non-Hemitian (basically completely Chern-Simmons) and completely perturbative from the Real Reimmanian Plane.

This should help.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sam.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Part One of the 13th Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

The term matter generally refers to the condition of a directly appertaining phenomenon that exists as being of a mass.  Electrons are generally considered to be a point mass.  Yet, massive neutrinos are a phenomenon that bear a mass that is smaller than that of an electron.  Things that have mass have a certain type of response to gravitational pull --  as is generally conceived of, in terms of Neutonian mechanics, as (m1*M1*G)/R -- to where the "G" refers to the universal constant of gravitation, the small "m" refers to the relatively smaller mass, the "M" refers to the relatively larger mass, and the "R" refers to the radius of the distance from the center of the larger mass to the center of the smaller mass.  This works to indicate the acceleration of gravity --  in any given arbitrary region of field, to where the respective gravitational force that is directly relevant is applicable.  This means that any given arbitrary gravitational pull on any directly related mass that is in question, is equal to the quotient of the mass that is here in question that is effected by the surrounding gravity (the "m") times the mass that is respectively producing the specific gravitation of such a case scenario (the "M") times the universal gravitational constant (the "G") as is divided by the radius of the distance that exists from the center of the relatively larger mass to the center of the relative smaller mass (the "R").
Again, this is only a Neutonian approach to the determination of any applicable gravitational-based acceleration, that one may need to determine, in general.  I will continue with the suspense later!
To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Part Two of The 12th Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

When a topological entity vibrates harmonically in all of the Ward-Caucy-based physical dimensions that are given by the physical boundaries that are directly associated with the initially said entity, and the so-stated physical topological-based entity is  hermitian in both a Lagrangian-based manner and in a metrically-based manner -- while yet also only vibrating in the relative Real Reimmanian Plane, then, this works to define the said physical topological-based entity as being Yau-Exact, under the so-eluded-to duration that works to elude to the directly affiliated group metric.  Hermitian topological entities, particularly Yau-Exact ones, act in such a manner in so as to obey Chan-Patton rules -- in so long as the just stated general format of entity is moving in so as to move in accordance with a Noether-based flow, over a directly corroborative group metric.  When a topological entity, that acts in so as to obey the general premis of Chan-Patton rules, bears a topological-based sway, then, the just stated "sway" moves in so as to also be Yau-Exact -- unless there are alterior viablely affectual Njenhuis tensors that act upon the holonomic substrate of the initially mentioned topological entity.  Njenhuis tensors kinematically differentiate off of the directly affiliated relative Real Reimmanian Plane, although these so-stated Njenhuis tensors will still work to allow a topological entity -- that these act upon in a Yakawa manner -- to vibrate harmonically per iteration of group related instanton, and thus bear a correlative attribute of working to obey Chan-Patton rules.  Any non-kinematic-based perturbation that physically bears an unsmooth Lagrangian-based topology is not completely hermitian, and thus, does not directly refer to the correlative existence of Yau-Exact substringular phenomenology in this case.
I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part One of the 12th Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

Both superstrings, world-sheets, and orbifolds, exist with a topology.  A superstring may either be hermitian, a superstring may be topologically unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based mappable tracing,  a superstring may be annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation -- while yet being topologically smooth over its directly corresponding  Lagrangian-based mappable tracing -- over its vibrational genus --  per iteration of group instanton, a superstring may be annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation and unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based mappable tracing -- over its vibrational genus -- per iteration of group instanton, and/or a superstring may vibrate off of the relative Real Reimmanian plane -- over the course of a given arbitrary sequential series of the directly applicable iterations of group instanton.  The topological-based framework of a world-sheet may either be hermitian, it may be topologically unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based path -- while yet vibrating in a harmonic manner, it may be annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation, while yet being smooth in its Lagrangian-based path, over the course of its vibration per iteration, it may be both annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation and also unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based path -- over the course of its vibrations per iteration of group instanton, and/or, such a topological-based framework of a world-sheet may vibrate off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.  Likewise, the topology of an orbifold may be hermitian, it may be unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based mappable tracing, it may be annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation -- over the course of its vibrational-based genus -- per sequential series of group instanton, it may be both unsmooth in its Lagrangian-based path while yet also being annharmonic in its metrical-based pulsation -- over the course of its vibration --  per sequential series of group instanton, and/or such an orbifold may vibrate off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.
This says allot.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!!! Sam Roach.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Part Two of Test Two Solutions, Course 17, The Ricci Scalar

7)  When an orbifold bears Chern-Simmons singularities, this works to make the so-stated orbifold to be of a condition other than of a Yau-Exact genus.  Phenomena that are not of a Yau-Exact genus are not directly of a mass.  If a phenomenon is not directly of a mass, then, it is not directly of a Calabi-Yau manifold.  It is mainly phenomena that are directly of a mass, that works to directly appertain to the activity of gravity.  So, if an orbifold works to bear Chern-Simmons singularities, then, such a so-eluded-to phenomenon will not be as directly appertaining to the conditions of gravity, as other substringular manifolds that are Yau-Exact.  This would then work to cause the conditionality of phenomena that bear Chern-Simmons singularities to not be as directly influenced by the Ricci Scalar -- as phenomena that are Yau-Exact in nature, instead.

8)  If a cohomology is of a Chern-Simmons nature, then, its mappable tracing will not bear as rooted of a direct affectual nature towards the physical memory of a substringular-based phenomenology, that is effected by gravity --  as another cohomology that , instead, works to trace the activity of a Yau-Exact substringular phenomenology.  This would make such a so-stated cohomology -- that is of a Chern-Simmons nature, map-out a tracing of a substringular phenomenology that is not, per say, as effected by the Ricci Scalar as much as a mappable tracing of a Yau-Exact phenomenology.

9)  If a hermitian singularity is of a substringular phenomenology that goes from a Noether-based flow into a tachyonic flow, then, such a hermitian singularity would be, at least somewhat, of a perturbative nature.

10)  If a Chern-Simmons singularity works to map-out the tracing of a substringular phenomenology -- that goes from a Noether-based flow into a tachyonic-based flow -- when one maps-out  the time-wise motion of the alterations that would here directly appertain to such a mappable tracing, then, this would directly appertain to a kinematic perturbation of a general genus of a Chern-Simmons singularity.

11)  When there is a kinematic perturbation of a Chern-Simmons singularity -- that is of the general nature of an initial Noether-based flow -- that is drawn-into a tachyonic-based flow, then, such a phenomenology would here work to describe a certain genus of a holonomic substrate, that will at least temporarily lose at least a certain relative scalar magnitude of its effect upon the relative re-delineated basis of gravitational force.  This would then work to describe a phenomenology that at least temporarily loses some of its effect upon the Ricci Scalar (and vice-versa, over time).

12)  A kinematic perturbation of a Chern-Simmons singularity often works to describe a substringular phenomenology that goes from a Noether-based flow into a tachyonic-based flow -- while often going from a steady-state euclidean basis of delineation, into a Clifford-based expansion, that will end-up going back into a relatively steady-state euclidean basis of delineation.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Part One of the Test Solutions to Test Two of Course 17

1)  A hermitian singularity is one in which there is either no Chern-Simmons singularities  -- in one or more manners of working to determine this.

2)  A Chern-Simmons singularity is a change in the derivative, as to either the kinematic flow and/or the mappable tracing of a substringular phenomenon, that would here, either:  change in more derivatives than the number of spatial dimensions that it is traveling through -- in its directly corresponding Lagrangian path -- , and/or bear either an enharmonic extension or an enharmonic attenuation of its substringular pulse, and/or, if it is of a cohomological tracing, move as a Njenhuis projection that is pulsating off of the relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

3)  The two basic superstringular-based Chern-Simmons topological singularities, are either a Lagrangian-based singularity or a metrical-based singularity.

4)  The three basic cohomological-based Chern-Simmons singularities are either a Lagrangian-based singularity, a metrical-based singularity, and/or a Njenhuis cohomological tracing of a ghost-based indical pattern -- the latter of which may be described of as hermitian off of the Real Reimmanian Plane (a tense of being partially hermitian).

5)  A heritian-based orbifold -- if it is completely hermitian, to where it works to describe a tense of superstringular phenomena that are Yau-Exact, will be in reference to the direct existence of a mass.  It is the phenomena of mass that work most succinctly to influence the interactivity of gravity.  The Ricci Scalar is the eigenbase of that mechanism that works to drive the activity of gravity itself.

6)  Cohomologies are the mappable tracing of both the activity and the existence of substringular phenomena.  If a cohomology is completely hermitian, then, not only is it Yau-Exact, yet, it bears only Real Reimmanian-based tensors -- when under these said eigenconditions.  This will then mean that we are talking about phenomena of mass that are here able to make viable Yakawa Couplings with each other.  This would work to indicate the format of Calabi-Yau manifolds that interact as Real Reimmanian eigenstates, that bear no unattenuated Njenhuis residue.  This would then involve a relatively more Hodge-based  index, in terms of the given arbitrary genus of Ricci Scalar eigenbase -- in terms of the directly involved inter-activity  -- than if one would instead have an added clause of Njenhuis-based tensors.  (Since we would here have purely Rham-based cohomologies instead of Doubolt-based cohomologies.)

I will continue with the solutions later! Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Questions to the Second Test of Course 17 About The Ricci Scalar, Session 11

1)  What is a hermitian singularity?

2) What is a Chern-Simmons singularity?

3)  What are the two basic types of Chern-Simmons topological singularities?

4) What are the three basic types of cohomological Chern-Simmons singularities?

5)  Explain how hermitian singularities of orbifold eigensets effect the Ricci Scalar.

6)  Explain how hermtian singularities of a cohomology effects the Ricci Scalar.

7)  Explain how Chern-Simmons singularities of an orbifold eigenset effects the Ricci Scalar.

8)  Explain how Chern-Simmons singularities of a cohomology effects the Ricci Scalar.

9)  Explain how a hermitian singularity can be perturbative.

10)  Explain, in general, the kinematic perturbation of a Chern-Simmons singularity.

11) Explain how a kinematic perturbation of a Chern-Simmons singularity effects the Ricci Scalar.

12)  What phenomena does a kinematically perturbative Chern-Simmons singularity work to describe?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Part Three of the Glossary To Courses 17 and 18

19)  Orientafolds -- Wilson Lines that are parallel.

20)  Kaeler Function -- That format of substringular action that happens in a Klein Bottle, that often causes energy to re-become energy.

21)  Gauge-Metric -- A duration that is less than a discrete unit of time.  (A duration in-between the activity of an instanton, to where such an activity happens in less than 10^(-43) of a second.)

22)  Metric-Gauge -- A phenomenon that is smaller than a superstring.

23)  Fischler-Suskind-Action -- Those actions that work to give any given arbitrary operating respective Klein Bottle the condition of relative homeostasis.

24)  Higgs Action -- The Action of a Higgs Boson -- particularly that motion of such a so-stated Higgs Boson, that works to move a Klein Bottle from one specific locus to another.

25)  Landau-Gisner-Action -- That Gaussian perturbative activity that works to move the Higgs Boson, via the Fischler-Mechanism,  into the general metrical kinematics of the Kaeler-Metric.

26)  Substrate -- Generally, any substringular phenomenon, that is here to be considered in the tense of its being acted upon by its environment.  (So, when one considers the condition of anything in the substringular, in direct view of its phenomenology being acted upon, this is the basis of considering it in light of being a Substrate.

27)  Holonomy -- Generally, any substringular phenomenon, that is here to considered in the tense of it acting upon its environment.  (So, when one considers the condition of anything in the substringualr, in direct view of its phenomenology acting upon something else, this is the basis of considering it in light of being a Holonomy.)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

How Gauge-Bosons Fit-In With Gauge-Transformations, A Heads-Up to Courses 18 and 19

When a substringular cohomology reverses in its directoral-based holomorphicity, there is a reversal in the applicable Kaeler conditions, and, this works to form a Wick Action eigenstate -- of which works to initiate the process of a Gaussian Transformation, which involves the activity of a Kaeler-Metric eigenstate.  When this happens, the directly corresponding gauge-bosons reverse in their holomophic-directoral basis.  What this means, is that the gauge-bosons will here go from "plucking" their respective second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates from one Laplacian-based direction of wave-tug/wave-pull -- to "plucking' their respective second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in the opposite Laplacian-based direction of wave-tug/wave-pull.  When such a Gaussian Transformation here involves the scattering of electromagnetic energy, this is called a gauge-transformation.  In relation to the gauge-bosons, this works to not only reverse the basis of their correlative holomorphic directoral tense, yet, it also works to reverse the parity of the vibrations that are formed by their plucking of their correlative second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates -- the directly corresponding second-ordered Schwinger-Indices are here then reversed in the arrangement of their indical-based holonomic substrate.  This is a beginning of an explanation as to the relationship between the activity of a gauge-transformation -- with the activity of the correlative gauge-bosons, that are here of the same respective given arbitrary basis of phenomenology.
To Be Continued!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Part Two of the Glossary to Courses 17 And 18

10)  Bette Transformation -- Those changes that happen in the general substringular region where a respective eigenstate of the Bette Action is happening.

11)  Regge Action -- The activity of a superstring as it is pulled into a respective eigen-locus of the   Regge Slope, which happens shortly after the respective and correlative eigenmetric of the directly corresponding duration of BRST.

12) Regge Manifold -- The general region in which an eigen-locus of a respective and correlative Regge Slope is happening.

13)  Regge Transformation -- Those changes that happen in the general substringular region where a respective eigenstate of the Regge Action in happening.

14)  The Grassman Constant -- The average (per spin-orbital metric of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity) homeomorphic genus of separation that exists in-between any given arbitrary superstring and its counterpart, over the duration of the correlative and respective eigen-metric of an eigenstate of the Bette Action.  The Bette Action, such as with the Polykov Action, occurs over the course of BRST.  So, when taken through the vantage point of a central conipoint, any given eigenmetric of the Bette Action happens in synchronicity with the directly corresponding eigenmetric of the Polyakov Action.  These just two mentioned formats of metric occur over the whole course of the corroborative duration of BRST.

15)  Poincaire -- The basis of the consideration of a substringular situation that is taken from the vantage point as to being right at the topological front where the respective given arbitrary genus of the here  directly associated substringular eigenstate of phenomenology is at.

16) Klein Bottle -- The holonomic substrate as to what a Schotky Construction works to comprise.

17)  Schotky Construction -- The construction of an "empty-like" parallelopiped-based composition that here consists of a rectangular-based world-sheet-like projection of Wilson-based linearity that bears Wilson-based linear orientafolds at both the lengthwise topological contours and the width-wise topological contours of that general given arbitrary region that is directly in the relative forward-norm-to-holomorphic direction of where the initial rectangular-based world-sheet-like projection is localized at.  The interior of such a construction works to bear a relatively organized initial condition of norm-state projections, of which work to later help in the activity of what is known of as the Kaeler-Metric.

18)  Wilson Line -- Any non-time-bearing line that is literally straight --- without the natural curvature of space-time-fabric working to bend the directly corresponding linearity.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Part One of the String Theory Glossary For Courses 17 and 18

1)  The Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of gravitational force, in conjunction with the activity of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity.

2)  Mass-Based Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of Yau-Exact phenomena that bear strings that directly appertertain to mass, in conjunction with the gravitational force.

3)  Light-Bearing Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between the general activity of substinringular orbifolds that work to bear singularities that are partially hermitian and partially perturbative, with the directly respective and correlative indical projections of gravitational force.

4) Plain Energy-Bearing Ricci Scalar -- The amplitudinal basis of the connection that happens between substringular orbifolds that work to bear exclusively Chern-Simmons singularities that are either partially perturbative or exclusively perturbative, with the directly respective and correlative indical projections of gravitational force.

5)  Polyakov Action -- That activity of superstrings of discrete energy permttivity, of which works to loosen the directly respective and correlative fist-ordered point commutators - these of which work to form the said superstrings of discrete energy permittivity - from their subsequently and initially relative smooth topological connection that these have at the very beginning of BRST, that happens in so as to act as that physical process during BRST that works to produce the general format of the basis of the respective given arbitrary Lorentz-Four-Contraction eigenconditions.

6)  Polyakov Manifold -- The general spatial region in which a respective and correlative eigenstate of the Polyakov Action is occurring.

7)  Polyakov Transformation -- The format of the respective given arbitrary changes, that happen during a Polyakov Action eigenstate.

8)  Bette Action -- The general format of that activity of substringular action, that happens via that activity of the directly corroborative mini-stringular fabric - that works to inter-bind the homotopic structure that exists in-between any given arbitrary  superstring and its correlative counterpart during the course of any given arbitrary iteration of BRST - that helps to form a Grassman-based orientation, if such correlative superstrings are to remain of a Noether-based flow.  If a superstring is not orientable during the so-stated respective Bette Action eigenstate, then, such a superstring will tend to become tachyonic.

9) Bette Action Manifold -- The general spatial region in which any given arbitrary superstring of discrete energy permittitivy is here undergoing a respective and correlative eigenmetric of the Bette Action.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Part Five of the Tenth Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

When a Chern-Simmons singularity is perturbative at a given arbitrary substringular locus, then, the just mentioned respective given arbitrary singularity is annharmonic -- in either the kinematic extrapolatable mappable traceing and/or in its covariant-based metrical continuity.  Such an annharmonic delineation of displaced discontinuity may often work to form a rift in the local topological stratum -- at the Poincaire level of the kinematic extrapolation of the correlative altered holonomic substrate, that works to act as the operational physical phenomenology, that is here being perturbated by the codeterminable and codifferentiable physical existence of the so-stated discontinuity.  Such an annharmonic topological rift may work to initiate a scattering of local Planck-like phenomena, that are of the same given arbitrary superstringular neighborhood as to where the so-stated physical discontinuity has then here occurred. Such a so-eluded-to scattering may often work to form the kinematic activity of a Wick Action eigenstate -- to where, if such a directly associated scattering works to involve any scattering of electromagnetic energy, then, this so-stated scattering will work to cause an ensuing gauge-transformation in the self-same substringular region.  If the holonomic substrate -- where such an eluded-to gauge-transformation is of the characteristic-based tense of being of a mass, then, such a gauge-transformation is of a Calabi-Yau interaction.  Any Calabi interaction will be directly associated with the formation of entropic photons, and, the activity of a Calabi-Yau interaction always works to form a relative tying, of the formation of discrete entropy with the general mechanism of gravitational force.  Gravitational force acts as is according to the relative respective manner of the local Ricci Scalar eigenstates.  This is, as a brief general consideration, the manner in so as to how entropy works to correspond to both the existence and the activity of (bosonic) strings of discrete mass -- to where the general force of gravity is tied into the activity of the association as to how all motion of any mass is relative in characteristic to both the existence and the activity of electromagnetic energy.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Part Four of the Tenth Session of Course 17 About The Ricci Scalar

Also, when there are Chern-Simmons singularities in-between two different relatively conformally invariant orbifolds, that work to comprise an cohomological eigenbasis in such a manner in so as to form one overall respective given arbitrary orbifold eigenset -- the existence of the so-stated Chern-Simmons singularities, whether the specific nature of such Chern-Simmons singularities is of a Lagrangian-based genus or of a metrical-based genus, works to where the  so-eluded-to discontinuities may work to impede the overall degree of the correlative Ricci-Scalar scalar magnitude, that would otherwise be affectual towards the respective given arbitrary substringular cite -- at which, the directly corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates are then to here utilize Hamiltonian-based kinematic operation upon such a cite in less of a warp-like manner.  So, even the existence of Chern-Simmons singularities of any kind, that would here be exacted upon an interconnective Hamiltonian-based operation -- that works to connect two or more orbifolds of an orbifold eigenset, at any given arbitrary relative respective locus in the substringular, will work to impede the scalar magnitude of the effect of gravity upon the so-eluded-to local cite.  This is due to the condition that any discrete lack of hermicity upon the topological holonomic substrate of any initially Calabi-Yau-based substringular locus will work to impede the Hodge-based scalar amplitude of the so-stated Calabi-Yau-based genus  -- that is of the so-eluded-to substringular neighborhood that is in question here. Any lack of Calabi-Yau-based conditions upon an otherwise Calabi-Yau-based manifold will work at decreasing the relative respective scalar magnitude of that mass -- that would here work to describe the correlative warping-based genus of the directly associated space-time-fabric of the correlative substringular region.  Such Chern-Simmons singularities work to cause the directly associated Ricci Scalar eigenstates to lack, to some degree, the otherwise existent scalar magnitude of correlative gravitational pull.  This would thus work to decrease the affectual mass of the so-stated substringular cite, from what it would otherwise be.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Some More Stough About Hodge-Indices

A Hodge-based index is generally conceived of as bearing a Real-based integer eigenbase of scalar amplitude.  Yet, often a Hodge-based index may be conceived of as bearing an irrational scalar amplitude of eigenbase, and, often a Hodge-based index may be conceived of as bearing an Imaginary scalar amplitude of eigenbase, and, often a Hodge-based index may be conceived of as bearing a scalar amplitude that is both Imaginary and irrational in eigenbase.  In so long as one is able to tally-up the sum of any given arbitrary Hodge-Index eigenbasis -- based upon the additive correlation of discrete units of scalar amplitude -- that is respectively consistent upon whatever the directly corresponding eigenbase of Hodge-based index is appertaining to, in any respective given arbitrary case, uniquely and individually per each case scenario that this would then here be attributive to -- then, the so-eluded-to eigenbases of the respective given arbitrary Hodge-Indices may be viewed of as being specifically rigorous -- depending upon each given arbitrary respective case.  So, a Hodge-Index is an additive consistent numerical eigenbasis that is discrete, in the process of adding-up the attribution of Hamiltonian-based eigenstates -- that is utilized in the process of working to determine the affectual interaction of one covariant eigenbase of physically present codeterminable codifferentiable holonomic substrate with another covariant eigenbase of physically present codeterminable codifferentiable holonomic substrate -- as such eigenbases are kinematically integrable in each appertaining respective given arbitrary case scenario, over time.
To Be Continued!!! I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Part Three of the Tenth Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

At the specific local cite where a Chern-Simmons singularity is happening -- to either a superstring, its effectual cohomological ghost-based index, an orbifold, or, an orbifold eigenset -- there is at least a partial break in the abelian-based effect of gravity upon the directly corresponding cohomology, to where the directly corresponding Ricci  Scalar eigenstates, that are here to act upon the said substringular phenomenon at the specific locus -- as to where such an eluded-to Chern-Simmons singularity is then here happening, bears less of a scalar amplitude of Hodge-based interaction -- as this may be extrapolated by the then here lessoned effect of the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates upon the given arbitrary cohomological holonomic substrate, at the just-eluded-to specific locus of Laplacian-based perturbation.  At the just mentioned locus of Laplacian-based perturbation, at the Poincaire level of such an either Lagrangian-based or a metrical-based spike in the path integral -- as to the trajectory of the projection of the here given arbitrary substringular Hamiltonian operator -- the so-stated Chern-Simmons singularity does not integrate the "mers" of the additive gravitational pull, that would otherwise be ebbed into the translation of the kinematic translation of whatever the given arbitrary substringular-based cohomological-oriented holonomic substrate may be, in this given case scenario.  The result in the altered or perturbated Hodge-Index-based extrapolation of such a locus, that would here bear a certain genus of Chern-Simmons-based cohomology -- is that the so-eluded-to locant will then bear a lack of a mass-based attribution, in so long as such a cohomological-based index is spontaneous upon the said kinematic-based locant, over a sequential series of group related insantons.  This is in part due to the condition that a mass has Yau-Exact singularities, and, Yau-Exact singularities do not bear Chern-Simmons singularities that are exacted upon the directly corresponding superstrings, over the duration in which the consequential respective superstrings are acting in such a manner in so as to be discrete units of mass-based energy.  Even though gravity works, to some extent, upon all superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- via the motion of  the correlative Rarita Structure eigenstates, over time -- gravity primarily acts most directly upon superstrings that are of Calabi-Yau-based manifolds.  This then means that the Ricci Scalar tends to interact most directly upon Calabi-Yau manifolds, via the just mentioned Rarita Structure eigenstates.  This is why the existence of anomalous Chern-Simmons singularities  work to decrease the effect of gravity upon the  respective superstrings, in which such an activity happens to it, and thus, the presence of Chern-Simmons singularities upon the holonomic substrate of any given arbitrary subs tringular phenomenon will tend to work at decreasing the correlative effect of both the activity of  local Rarita Structure eigenstates, as well as decreasing the correlative effect of the local Ricci Scalar eigenstates.  I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Part Two of the Tenth Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

If any given arbitrary cohomology goes from initially being of a cylindrical-based topological-based shape -- this just insinuated cohomological traceable mapping being of a one-dimensnioal superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is pulled through a directly associated Lagrangian that is in the general directoral tense of the so-stated one-dimensional superstring's relatively forward-holomorophic direction -- into being of a shaft-like-based topological-based shape -- the latter just mentioned insinuated cohomological traceable mapping being of a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity, that is pulled through a directly associated Lagrangian that is in the general directoral tense of the so-stated two-dimensional superstring's relatively forward-holomorphic direction, then, the superstring that is here being discussed is going from having an initial partially hermitian-based cohomological mode, into having a Chern-Simmons-based spike in the cohomology, as the initially so-eluded-to one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity is perturbated into being of a phenomenology of a given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- over a relatively transient sequential series of iterations of group related instanton.  The cohomology of the resultant two-dimensional superstring may be of either a Yau-Exact conditionality ( a superstring with no Chern-Simmons singularities), if the resultant superstring that works to form those so-eluded-to ghost-based indices that would here work to form the shaft-like morphology of the so-stated shaft-like cohomology, is of a discrete unit of a masss -- or, if the cohomology of the resultant two-dimensional superstring may instead be of a  format of partially hermitian-based singularities, if the resultant superstring that works to form those so-eluded-to ghost-based indices that would here work to form the shaft-like morphology of the so-stated altered cohomology, is not of a discrete unit of mass.  Only superstrings of discrete units of mass are both Yau-Exact and of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology.  So, if the resultant so-eluded-to two-dimensional superstring that I have here been discussing is not of a discrete unit of mass, then, one is here dealing with one respective given arbitrary one-dimensional superstring of a partially hermitian-based tense of cohomological-tense, that is then perturbated out of the eluded-to initial Majorana-Weyl eigenbase of conformal invariance -- into what is then here a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittvity, that will here be of a different tense of Majorana-Weyl eigenbase of conformal invariance at a different general locus, over a relatively brief group metric of directly appertaining time.  This will then here work to involve one initial tense of Chern-Simmons singularity-based genus, that will perturbate into then involving a second initial tense of Chern-Simmons singularity-based genus.  This will then work to involve one given arbitrary superstring, that is at least of a partially Chern-Simmons-based nature -- as the said superstring is undergoing an analogous Yakawa-based coupling, into what may be thought of as a Fujikawa coupling.  The main potential difference here being that this is not necessarily of a discrete unit of plain kinetic energy that is then converting into a photon (discrete unit of electromagnetic energy).I will continue with the suspense later!  Sam.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Part One of the Tenth Session of Course 17 About the Ricci Scalar

So, as eluded-to before, Chern-Simmons singularities may often be traceable in cohomological-based stratum, as well as in conformally invariant orbifold-based fields.  If one is to extrapolate the tracing of a cohomology that is otherwise smooth in mappable topology -- due to the dual existing conditions of having both jointal-based and smooth-curved-based aberrations, along the contour of the mappable trace of its ghost-based physical path over time -- those permutations, that are directly the result of the lack of smoothness in the here eluded-to mappable tracing of the physical memory of the path of the correlative cohomological holnomic stratum, will here work to form a tense of unique Chern-Simmons singularities, of which will here work to form a Chern-Simmons format of a cohomological-based pattern.  Such a substringular tense of a Chern-Simmons ghost-based field will then here directly involve either superstrings, and/or orbifolds, and/or a tense of a perturbative orbifold-based field, that will have altered -- over a transient group metric of a relatively limited sequential series of instantons -- from an initial tense of conformal invariance, into a relatively new local tense of conformal invariance.  What is here happening, is that an initial relatively limited number of superstrings is initially iterating in a tense of a relative condition of Majorana-Weyl-Invariance.  The resultant cohomological-based pattern is initially at least partially hermitian in composure, over a relatively brief duration of time.  Either a Lagrangian-based spike and/or a metrical-based spike will then happen spontaneously and abruptly, to the correlative given arbitrary set of directly pertinent superstrings -- working to form a Chern-Simmons-based field, that will here work to cause a relative lack of topological smoothness in the Laplacian-based mappable tracing of the ghost-based extrapolation, the latter of which works to indicate the immediate what, how, where, and when of the here so-stated directly pertinent set of superstrings that have undergone the just eluded-to altered stated of the correlative Chern-Simmons-based delineations, has thus been happening.  Any perturbative tensors that are interactive upon a substringular holonomic stratum will here work to form a perturbation in the directly corresponding Majorana-Weyl-Invariant modulus.  This will then work to form a relative condition of group covariance.  This just eluded-to alteration in the relative local field index will then move in the direction of most stability, ensuing the correlative delineation of either a spike-like and/or a spurious-based singularity that is then pulled-out of the here mentioned general locus of substringular cohomological-based topological stratum.
I will continue with the next part later!  Sam.