Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Solutions to Last Test of Course 16, Part One

1)  A Doubolt cohomology is a set of one or more interconnected ghost anomalies that either directly involve Chern-Simmons  singularites and/or directly involve a Njenhuis topological sway that corresponds to a veering of the directly associated  superstrings -- that worked to form the correlative ghost-based indices that are off of the related relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

2)  A Rham cohomology is a set of one or more interconnected ghost anomalies that directly involve hermitian-based singularities that also involve a Real Reimmanian-based topological sway -- that corresponds directly to superstrings that worked to form the correlative ghost-based indices, from the related relative Real Reimmanian Plane.

3) Ghost anomalies are annhilated by the annharmonic scattering of ghost-based indices by the kinematic motion of reverse-holomorphic norm-states and/or reverse-holomorphic norm-stated-projections -- that strike the correlative static-based forward-holomorphic norm-states and/or forward-holomorphic norm-state-projections that had previously been harmonically scatterered into the initially eluded-to ghost anomalies, by their interaction with the kinematic motion of superstring-like phenomena.

4)  Donaldson-Ulenbach-Yau conditions are the physical principles that refer to that cohomological-based phenomemena that reverse -- in terms of their holomorphic directoral topological sway -- in so as to form an antiholomorphic Kaeler Condition, that works to initiate a directly corresponding Wick Action eigenstate, in so as to start the activity of a Gaussian Transformation.

5)  The Bette Action is the kinematic inter-relation of superstrings, with their directly associated substringular counterparts, during BRST -- in so that there may be either a homeomorphic or a heteromorphic core-field-density, that is then formed in-between the so-stated superstring and its said counterpart -- during the said duration of BRST.

6)  The Poloyakov Action is the activity of superstrings and their counterparts, in the process of spreading outward in the directly associated distance, that would then exist in-between the directly associated first-ordered point particles, that work to comprise the phenomenology of the Gliossi-based Ward-Neumman topological stratum of the corresponding superstrings -- as well as in the process of spreading in the directly associated distance, that would then exist in-between the directly associated first-ordered point particles that work to comprise the phenomenology of the Gliossi-based Ward-Neumman topological stratum of the corresponding substringular counterparts -- that are stretched to the scalar amplitude that is to the inverse of the directly affiliated Lorentz-Four-Contraction that is then being applied to a superstring and its counterpart, at the Poincaire level, over the course of a correlative duration of BRST.

7)  A Regge Slope is the trajectory of a superstring, that is delineated right before a superstring leaves the general locus where it had iterated at during a discrete increment of instanton.

8)  A superstring is oriented if the said superstring works to form a homeomorphic core-field-density that would exist here in-between the so-stated superstring and its directly affiliated iteration of BRST.

9)  A superstring is unoriented if the said superstring works to form a heteromorphic core-field-density that would exist here in-between the so-stated superstring and its directly associated substringular counterpart, during a directly affiliated iteration of BRST.

10)  A Klein Bottle eigenstate is the kinematic display of a phenomenon that is built with a Schotky Construction.  A Schotky Construction is a substringular design that involves three pairs of orientafolds   One of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is the Planck-Length in the construction of the thickness of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, one of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is twice the Planck-Length in the construction of the width of the said Klein Bottle eigenstate, and one of these so-stated pairs of orientafolds is four times the Planck-Length in the construction of the length in the said Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The Schotky Construction is open at the relative norm-to-holomorphic end of the directly associated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The two sides of each of the so-eluded to pairs of orientafolds are flush, as according to a Wilson linearity.  The interior of a Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out sixteen times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when going into the width of the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  The Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out eight times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when going the thickness of the affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.  And, the Schotky Construction contains first-ordered point particles that are spaced-out thirty-two times as much as these would be in a fully contracted superstring -- when tracing the distribution of the so-stated first-ordered point particles going along the length of the directly affiliated Klein Bottle eigenstate.

11)  The mobiaty of a superstring is the general effect of space-time-curvature upon a superstring.  This makes a relatively "straight" superstring behave as not actually straight - in terms of a Wilson linearity.  Such a space-time-curvature works to form a condition of Minkowski topological sway that works to complete its second-side/second-edge over a much more vast Laplacian-based Lagrangian -- in a manner that is ordered via the kinematic activity of Njenhuis-based tensors.  This activity works to make overall space-time-fabric of a Hilbert-based nature.

12)  The mobiaty of a world-sheet is the general space-time-curvature that interacts upon the topological phenomenology of the trajectory of a superstring.  Such a curvature is not of a Wilson linearity.  This general space-time-curvature works -- over a vast multiplicit-based Lagrangian -- in so as to complete the Minkowski-based second-side/second-edge of such an integrable-based delineation via the kinematic-based interaction of directly affiliated Njenhuis tensors over time.

13)  Ward conditions are either Neumman, Derichlet, or Caucy conditions that generally involve four of more spatial dimension, or, often instead, involve only zero to two directly involved spatial dimensions.  Yet, in a sense, everything at the Poincaire level is going to involve an up-an-down, a side-to-side, and, front-to-back format of mobility (not to be confused with "mobiaty.").

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