Monday, June 16, 2014

Part Two of the Addendum Before Course 17

The counterpart of any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity exists as a vibrating hoop -- that operates in so as to function at a covariant relative positioning, that is localized just to the relative forward-holomorphic side of its directly corresponding superstring.  Now, the directly corresponding space-hole-based eigenstate that works to correspond to the activity and the existence of any given arbitrary two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity -- that is correlative to the existence of both the so-stated superstring and its local physical counterpart -- exists at a general locus, over the course of the general sub-metric-based-activity that happens at the generally unnoticed duration right before the corresponding instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse mode, as a circular field that is equidistant between the so-stated superstring and its physical counterpart -- in so as to operate right in the middle of that coniaxion-based field that may be extrapolated from such a mappable tracing that would here exist as such, to where the so-stated space-hole-based eigenstate will then here act as a generator of the ebbed norm-state quantifier -- that forms over the proscribed duration, as an equal and opposite reaction to the ground-states which are delineated by the directly corresponding transition kernel.  Such a "transition kernel" of the directly corresponding superstring of discrete energy permittivity will -- over the course of the eluded-to-duration that exist in between the main course of the generally unnoticed portion of Ultimon Flow and the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode -- operate in so as to momentarily lock, in such a manner, that works towards forming the activity of the ensuing said insanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-range (that range that is operated over the course of the directly corresponding mode that has here been inferred.).  Such an activity of "locking" will then here function as a path operand for the directly corresponding quantifiers -- at the relative conicenter as to where the ensuing permittivity of the correlative superstring is to be modified in so as to bear its specific functionability -- so that the "break" (meaning the activity of the redelineation of the correlative superstrings that happens over the so-eluded-to mode after the "space-hole", and not a structural fraying)  in the "huddle" of the so-eluded-to duration of the so-stated "space-hole" will be able to work at being able to delineate the integral context of the sum of those superstrings of discrete energy permittivity as a tori-sector-range, that will here operate as the sum of one layer of reality of all of the substringular phenomena of one set of parallel universes -- that will here be brought into their respective distributions right after the so-stated instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse-mode happens.  This way, the said partially derived phenomena that are of the so-eluded-to layer of reality will, over the eluded-to mode, be able to emit the residue that needs to be emitted in so that the essential substringular recycling of norm-based conditions with ground-state conditions will then be able to happen -- so that both the fractal modulus and the elastic modulus of the unfrayed sum of the correlative topological-based stratum may be modified enough so that homotopy may be optimal. With one-dimensional superstrings, a similar format of activity will happen, except that the field that would here appertain to the space-hole-based eigenstates will be of a significantly more linear-based pretext.   I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sam.

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