Monday, June 30, 2014

Part Two of Session One of Course 17, The Ricci Scalar

Electrodynamic energy is the general category of energy that inter-relates the interactions of both electromagnetic energy and the activity of electrons, with their respective environments.  The innate force of electrodynamic energy is also known of as the electromotive force.  As I had mentioned before in Course 22 as to "The Grand Unified Field Theory," (Ironically enough, in the first course that I had covered as to "The Grand Unified Field Theory"), I had here discussed the idea that the electromotive force is known of as that general category of force that is stronger than gravity, yet, such a force as the electromotive force is simultaneoulsy weaker than what is known of as the "strong force."  The strong force is that force that works to inter-bind quarks and/or leptons into their respective multiplicit sub-atomic particles, such as that force (involving gluons, and their activity) that works in the formation of protons, neutrons, and electrons, as given arbitrary examples as to what the strong force does.  As I have eluded-to before, matter is akin to energy that is in static-equilibrium.  The main difference, being here, is that the superstrings of discrete energy permittivity -- that work to form plain kinetic energy -- are open strands, or, in other words, fermionic superstrings that are thence one-dimensional.  Yet, supesrtrings that work to directly comprise of any given arbitrary mass, are closed-loops, or, in other words, are bosonic superstrings -- that are thence two-dimensional.  So, when superstrings that work to comprise of any given arbitrary tense of plain kinetic energy -- are brought into a means of static-equilibrium -- to where such a covariant, codeterminable, and codifferentiable state of superstrings are kept within a relatively closely-knit region that may be described of as a tense of superconformal invariance, that works to cause the correlative superstrings of discrete energy permittivity to become of a tense of mass, then, the initially so-eluded-to open strands will close in so as to perturbate from being of a one-dimensional fermionic superstring-based nature, into closed-loops that will here be of a two-dimensional bosonic superstring-based nature.  In both cases, the nature of such open and closed loop phenomenology that I am here discussing is of discrete energy permttivity.  As such a one-dimensional superstring closes in so as to form a two-dimensional superstring -- the light-cone-gauge changes from being of a basis of five doubled-up core-field-density related segments that are each comprised of what would here be 120 compactified mini-string segments that are thence subtended from the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate to its directly corresponding one-dimensional superstring -- as is when going in the relative forward-holomorphic direction, to a core-field-density of ten relatively thick strands of mini-string segments that are each comprised of 60 compactified mini-string segments that are subtended from the correlative Fadeev-Popov-Trace eigenstate to its directlty corresponding bosonic superstring -- as is when going in the relative forward-holomorphic direction.  Such a perturbation in the light-cone-gauge is accomplished via a matter of a to-and fro ebbing of substringular retying, that is done under a conditionality of homotopy, in the process of the Cassimer Invariance.  I will continue with the suspense later!  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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