Thursday, May 29, 2014

The First Set of Test Questions For The Last Test Of Course 16

1)  What is a Doubolt cohomology?

2)  What is a Rham cohomology?

3)  Explain how ghost anomalies are annhilated.

4) What are the Donaldson-Ulenbach-Yau conditions?

5)  What is the Bette Action?

6)  What is the Polyakov Action?

7)  What is the Regge Slope?

8)  What makes superstrings oriented?

9)  What makes superstrings unoriented?

10) What is a Klein Bottle eigenstate?

11)  Describe the mobiaty of superstrings.

12)  Describe the mobiaty of world-sheets.

13)  What are Ward conditions?

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