Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Some discussion as to Topology-based Interactions
The reiteration of superstrings may be extrapolated by the mapping of their correlative world-sheets via tthe successive series of both the physical placements, distributions, and the delineation of the directly corresponding ghost anomalies -- as such so-stated ghosts are traced through the multiplicit and multivarious Lagrangian-based settings where there are physical memories of the correlative superstrings that have kinematically moved through over time. A superstring iterates over a tightly-knit spot -- over the course of one given arbitrary eigenmertic of BRST. Any given arbitrary eigenmetric of BRST involves a multiplicit set of specific eigenmembers of discrete energy that coelesse into a given eigencondition of that flow of covariant energy delineation, as taken basically like a snapshot in which the said superstrings are in their respective individual iterations of their encoded-for delineation, that works to form a discrete Hamiltonian pulse of all of the unfrlayed superstrings that still are viabel in a metric-based Gliossi manner. This delineation is progressed by a sequential series of such distributions and redistributions of both that phenomena that form discrete energy permittivity and of that phenomena that forms discrete energy impedance, in a manner of which works to form that flow of discrete physical energy-based phemomena that is simply what works to allow enegyy and is energy. The physical memories of superstrings act as a raw holonomic substrate for the recycling of Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts with Neilson-Kollosh ghosts, as well as providing the physical basis of the formation of gravitational-based particles, that inter-play in a covariance that brings in freshly assorted norm-state-projections into each eigenstate of Real Remmanian-based plane --- in the process of the said recycling of the just eluded-to physical memories. Such a physical-based cooperation is managed, too, by the recycling of norm-states to ground-states and vice-versa. -- so that there may be an indistinguishably different inter-play between the conditions of multiplicit singularized jointedness with the condition of multiplicit hermitian smooth-curvedness, as is fascillitated by the existence and the activity of the Royal Arc. The just mentioned process of indistinguishable difference of the recycling of norm-states to ground-states and vice-versa is the general manner of what may be discerned of as the inter-change of homotopic residue. Homotopic residue is the set of those segments of topoligical stratum of which are in the immediate locus where topological-based chords of mini-string are re-connected to alterior local substringular cites -- which is during that gauge-metric that happens right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse in which those changes in the general delineation of substringular homotopy happen, in order for Gaussian Transformations may successively happen during the multiplicit interaction of the Kaeler-Metric. Such an eluded-to transformation in homotopy works to establish a tense of topological-based setting that goes in the direction of optimum relaxation.
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10:13 AM
Gaussian Transformations,
Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts

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