Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Part One of the Interim Between S11 and S12 of C16

The topological sway of  superstrings and of world-sheets, as these are kinematically differentiating through the interplay of the multivarious Lagrangians that these so-stated substringular phenomena go through over time, work to form a torsioning that behaves as to the general Mobiaty of space-time-fabric -- substringular phenomena act, via the interaction of the Ricci Scalar, in so as to work to form the multilateral and interactive space-time-based curvature in which the physical members of space and time act within, as these so-eluded-to superstrings and world-sheets are pulled and pushed into an ebbing that works in the direction of most potential relaxation in the eluded-to process of torsioning that is operated upon -- via the physical existence of and the activity of the eigenstates of the Rarita Structure.  This general eigenbase of topological sway-based torsioning that I have here just mentioned works to form an erixtricable foundation as to what may be termed of as a Mobius Twist.  Such a general eigenbase of the kinematic interplay of substringular phenomena, as acting through a topological-based foundation of Mobius-based twisting, bears a kinematic parity that bears a differential clause that is hermitian -- when one considers the looping of the so-eluded-to conditionality of the torsioning of the eigenbase of the so-stated Mobiaty.  Yet, when one considers that Mobiaty considers a "one-side, one edge" conditionality, the unitarity of the torsioining of the so-eluded-to Mobius Twisting of space-time-fabric will always work to consider at least one independent substringular factor, that will involve at least two dependent substringular factors.  Since there will always be at least one more dependent factor to interact with whatever the sum of the independent factors are, in any actual physical scenario -- in so as to form the so-stated existence of that topological swaying that works to form the general condition of substringular Mobiaty, the so-eluded-to unitariy-based parity of the flow of the substringular course of space-time-fabric works to form a condition that is undoubtably Chern-Simmons in nature.  That is the general reason as to why a Hamiltonian-based expression will always bear more rows than collumns -- there will always be more dependent factors than independent factors, as to the tracing of the topological flow of the parameteric idices of space-time-fabric -- in so as to work to form the reason as to that a Hamiltonian expression is to always be described as a Jacobian.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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