Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Some More Stuff About Electrons

Electrons that are a part of their respective atoms are constantly orbiting around the nucleus of the directly corresponding atoms in an elliptical manner.  Any phenomenon that is orbiting around some other phenomenon is constantly accellerating -- even if it is then maintaining a constant velocity, since a pheonomenon that is orbiting around another phenomenon is constantly changing in direction.  Such a basis in the directoral flow of an electron is a significant part as to why an electron that is part of an atom -- at any given arbitrary consideration that may be extrapolated -- will always be delineating at least some Chern-Simmons singularities, during the process in which such individually considered electrons are in the process of orbiting around the nucleus of an electron.  So, it is the orbital momentum of any given arbitrary electron that may be considered in any case, in which such an individually considered electron is under those specific Chan-Patton rules, to where such a given arbitrary electron will always be delineating one format or another of Chern-Simmons-based singularities upon its immediately surrounding environment -- over the so-stated course in which the said genus of electron is accellerating around the respective given arbitrary nucleus of its directly corresponding atom that it is in, in so long as such a said electron is moving in some manner or another around such an eluded-to nucleus of an atom.  Again, this is because any orbifold or any orbifold eigenset that is accellerating will, by its very nature, be delineating Chern-Simmons singularities -- at least of a metrical-based genus.  Furthermore, if an electron is initially released from an atom -- for any duration in which such a phenomenon of orbifold eigenset is pulled out of the Ward-Neumman constraints of any atom that may here be considered, over a directly affiliated extrapolation -- those mappable traces in which the motion of the so-stated electron of this case is moving in a perturbative manner that is not of a hermitian manner -- will bear at least some degree and format of Lagrangian-based Chern-Simmons singularities, for that duration in which the said given arbitrary electron is displaying a mappable tracing that may bear an extrapolation that is not fully hermitian.  The resultant of such an initially non-hermitian wave-tug/wave-pull that is imbued upon the kinematic activity of any given arbitrary electron is a discrete increment of electromagnetic energy that is known of as a photon.  This is what works to form, in part, the condition that discrete units of electromagnetic energy are partially hermitian -- photons tend to bear a high degree of metrical-based hermicity, of which bears Lagrangian-based hermicity that still affords Chern-Simmons singularities -- since the latter mentioned Lagrangian-based hermicity has a bearing that is off of the respective relative Real Reimmanian Plane. This works to describe the Chern-Simmons singularities of photons as lacking a foundation of spuriousness -- while, still affording a viable degree of hermicity.  The high degree of metrical-based hermicity of electromagnetic energy is what works to form the basis of Lorentz-Four-Contractions, while, the condition of discrete units of entropy being formed by any scattering of the respective photons is the Chern-Simmons resultant of the directly related lack of Lagrangian-based hermicity of electromagnetic energy -- in a propagatorial-based tense.  The main operation of entropy is the formation of infrared photons -- of which works to allow for the spontaneous and continuous existence of mass,as well as for the spontaneous and continuous changes of the physical states of the so-eluded-to quantums of mass.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Calabi Interactions -- coming to this blogcite in Course 20.  To Be Continued!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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