Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Second Part Of the 12th Session of Course 14

To start from where I left off last time:  For instance, let us consider a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that iterates at one particular spot during group instanton.  The said superstring then goes into the generally unnoticed format of duration of Ultimon Flow.  The said superstring then reiterates at a slightly different spot than it had iterated at during the directly prior duration of group instanton.  The said superstring will then continue to proceed from going into the generally unnoticed format of duration of Ultimon Flow, back into iterating as an individual partial eigenstate at group instanton -- that forms a sequential series of a gradually altering delineation of the said superstring -- through a path that may then, here, trace the kinematic-basis of the time-wise differential motion of a superstring, that would here be moving as is according to a Noether-based substringular flow.  As the directly prior activity is happening, substringular residue -- in the form of mini-string segments that are displaced in a relatively harmonic manner, in so as to allow for the recycling of ground-to-norm-to-ground states, so that the topological substringular fields may bear a codeterminable, covariant, inter-relative relationship between and among them.  Let us say that one considers multiple superstrings that obey Noether Flow during the same eigenmetric -- through a central conipoint. The previously eluded to format of multiplicitly-based indistinguishablly different superstrings -- that behave as the initially eluded to superstring behaves -- continue to reiterate at similar spots. Let us then  compare the individual spots that the said given arbitrary format of superstrings are here delineated at, at the given arbitrary partial distributions that the said format of superstrings were at -- as an eigenstate of energy permittivity.  This consideration will then be from the directly previous delineation that the superstrings that are here being discussed was at, to its ensuing delineation. the succession of the eluded to iterations works to allow for the motion of the said eigenstates to flow into what is termed of as energy.  The just mentioned substringular residue is, as well, shuffled via the Royal Arc, the Bases of Light, and, the phenomena known of as the Main-Heterotic-Substringular-Fabric -- in such a manner in so as to tract the just mentioned substringular residue to the ensuning delineations.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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