Thursday, October 3, 2013

About Certain Physical Attachments

Just as E(6)XE(6) strings work to "pluck" second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in so that these may form vibrations that operate to allow for both the inter-relationhip of what are typically conceived of as superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with gravitational-based strings &, also, for the indirect formation of the Wick Action so that Gaussian Transformations may then occur, E(8)XE(8) strings work to piece together orbifolds with orbifolds in so as to allow for the existence and the predominance of orbifold eigensets. As mentioned before, orbifolds are physical spaces -- consisting of one or more superstrings -- that operate to perform a discrete physical function.  Consequentially, orbifold eigensets are groups of one or more orbifolds that operate to perform a potentially higher-based discrete physical function.  Just as E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent must spin assymetrically in order for their fields to not spontaneously collide, E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent must spin assymetrically in order for their fields to not spontaneously collide.  As an ansantz, this means that if the prior two conditions instead involved a covariant-related symmetrically-based spin, these two formats of heterotic string would eventually -- on their own accord -- have fields that would collide in a chaotic manner.  This is why certain collisions of heterotic superstrings should not be experimented with.  This general basis of a need for an assymetric-based spinning of adjacent heterotic strings is because the foundation of the physical cause of the genus of the motion of the light-cone-gauge, as well as the "cornerstone" of the "building-blocks" that put physical spaces of a discrete operational function together -- must not be anharmonically meddled with.  This is why their fields are not to chaotically collide.  I will continue with the suspense later!  P.S.:  Remember the addage:  Two things can not occupy the same space at the same time!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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