Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Part Four of Session 12 of Course 14 About Group Action

The world-sheets of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity may be any of several various forms of paths, that work to map-out the physical memory of the trajectory of the said given arbitrary superstring over a period, or duration, of many iterations of instanton.  The length of a world-sheet may vary, based on both the number and the Hodge Volume of the directly corresponding ghost anomalies -- that are formed by the interaction of the said format of superstrings with forward-holomorphic-flowing-norm-states.  For superstrings that directly correspond to the forward-moving time-tense of motion, forward-holomorphic-flowing-norm-states are positive-norm-states.  The eluded to ghost anomalies that are thence formed act as a template of the extrapolatory-bases of the physical memory, as to the prior activity and existence of the related superstrings -- in the paths that the said superstrings kinematically differentiated in, per iteration of these superstrings.  This is as these form a sequential series of perturbations that work to facilitate the formation of  the viable energy of the Main-World-Tubes.  So, world-sheets of any superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of any given arbitrary case -- end in their partial-based paths -- once a given arbitrary multiplicit set of superstrings diverge from a convergent set of trajectoral path-delineation, in so as to form a sequential set of respective path-based-trace singularities.  These singularities work to relate a set of redelineaetions of the bases of the eluded to Ward-Caucy-bounds of the said superstrings. This set of redelineatory-bases happen simultaneously through the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  This works to help cause the format of the said path-based-trace singularities, which will then diverge from the directly corresponding multiplicit limits of integration, in so as to then correspond to the eluded to perturbations of the directly correponding cohomologies that had exited amongst the world-sheets, directly prior to the mentioned completion of the activity of the formation of the respective world-sheets.  So, the world-sheets of all of the superstrings that are to be recycled, via the continual indistinguishably different redistribution of the intrinsic mini-string segments, over a sequential series of multiplicit inter-bound group metrical activity -- works to form the tractibility of the energy of the arena of the Overall-Physical-Space-Time-Continuum.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

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