Monday, October 14, 2013

Some Stuff About Gluons

Gluons are the substringular particles that work to inter-bind leptons and/or quarks, in so as to form atomic-based particles -- such as protons, electrons, and neutrons.  Gluons allow for matter to exist as matter, by sticking the prior eluded to sub-atomic particle together via a basis of Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational pull and tug.  Gluons operate in so as to function in accord with the said Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode, due to the sequential management-based conditions of initially apprehending the directly corresponding subatomic particles -- while then drawing these said particles (leptons and/or quarks) into the Poincaire-based dual-symmetrical fields of those said particles that are to be stuck together.  This happens in so as to bring these into a meshing of the eluded to fields.  The gravitational mode of matter as we tend to think of it is the general Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter reverse fractal of the Hamiltonian-based operation that I have eluded to.  This is the general manner of activity that worked to initially form those particles that atoms are comprised of.   This is so that the basis of creation would be able to interact with the residue of the scattering of electromagnetic energy, this residue of which is entropy.  This energy, of which is then in kinematic mode in so as to produce the multiplicit conditionality of the entropy thus formed, works to allow for the changes in physical states that are necessary so that life can exist.  Gluons are examples of heterotic superstrings.  This specific format of multiplicit heterotic string has a highly dense field network base at the directly corresponding given arbitrary Poincaire level.  This dense field inter-binding and inter-relationship  that works to be delineated via a Clifford Expansion, happens over a metrical-based Lagrangian -- towards their corresponding holonomic substrate.  This just mentioned substrate functions, in so as to operate in such a manner to where their indices are pulled and tugged -- both into and towards the eluded to gluons (a sequence of a multiplicit cross-product operation with a strong topological sway, which forms an equal and opposite sequence of a multiplicit dot-product operation with a strong topological sway).  This causes mini-string segments, that were initially at the gluonic-based cite, to find the given arbitrary counter-part of  the eluded to holonomic substrate, which is here at the lepton or quark-based cite --  via cooberating multiplict dual complementary and dual supplemental-based cites.  As this is brought into fruition, the rebounding said holonomic substrate of the initiating gluon -- that initially moved into the Poincaire loci of its complimentary/supplementally-based group attractor cites -- causes its eluded to counterpart to move towards the Hamiltonian operator that initiated the contact, which would be the said gluon that is being considered here.  This works to form a relatively strong Yakawa Coupling, that here forms a Gliossi interaction between the eluded to leptons and/or quarks -- both upon themselves, and, between the said gluons, during a group operational metric that will here form the activity of the strong force.  The strong force is the inter-binding of subatomic particles.  The activity of the Ricci Scalar via the Rarita Structure will thence bear the effect of the directly previously mentioned general process, which will here act as the prior mentioned format of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode. I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

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