Thursday, October 31, 2013

Part Four of the Thirteenth Session of Course 14

The contour of a two-dimensional world-sheet of a one-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permttivity is the cohomology of the given one-dimensional string's world-sheet.  The contour of a three-dimensional world-sheet of a two-dimensional superstring of discrete energy permittivity is the cohomology of the given two-dimensional string's world-sheet.  When the cohomology of a superstring's world-sheet is smoothly interconnected, then, the limit of this cohomology exists throughout that whole space of the core field density of the corresponding world-sheet.  Multiple world-sheets may be interconnected to form a cohomology -- whose limit exists throughout a given space.  When the cohomologies of a world-sheet is not smoothly interconneced at any given arbitrary sector that may be considered by extrapolation, then, the limit of the said cohomolgy of the world-sheet that was just eluded to, at that spot that is here to be considered, does not exist.  (There is a singularity at the locus of the just eluded to spot.)  Cohomology that is smoothly connected is considered to be a Real-based cohomology. Whereas, cohomology that is not smoothly connected is considered to be an Imaginary, or Njenhuis-based cohomology.  For cohomology to even be considered to act as a Njenhuis-based cohomology at a given arbitrary locus, there needs to be some sort of a tangency of interaction that exists in-between the world-sheets that are bound in some sort of a Gliossi manner or another in order to work to define the eigenspace of that cohomology that is to be considered here by extrapolation.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Some Stuff About Doubolt Cohomologies

When a superstring and/or a group of superstrings travel through a unitary Lagrangian, in such a manner in so  that there are more changes in the derivatives of its or their motions, respectively, than the number of dimensions that the set of superstring or superstrings are going through spatially, then, the cohomology of the world-sheet or sheets, as extrapolated by the eminent ghost anomalies that thence form, is said to bear what are said to be Chern-Simmons singularities.  If any of such superstrings, or group of superstrings, is to bear a hermitian path that is spurious -- the pulse of the eluded to orbifolds has anharmonic modes that are exhibited during the projection of its trajectory -- then, the said superstrings and/or set of superstrings is still said to bear Chern-Simmons singularities.  The cohomology of any ghost anomalies that bear Chern-Simmons singularities are said to have a Doubolt cohomology.  The extrapolation of a Doubolt cohomology is the sequential-based mapped-out trajectory of the physical memory of world-sheets -- that are the trajectory of superstrings -- that are appertaining to bearing Chern-Simmons singularities.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Third Part of the Thirteenth Session of Course 14

The reason for the general format of the patterning of the traceable mapping of the ghost anomalies of substringular encoders, as to where I previously described  them as being traced, is due to the condition that the ground-states and the norm-states that surround the Ward-Neumman boundaries of the mentioned stringular encoders -- at the kinematic metrical-based states that directly correspond to each succeeding iteration of group instanton -- (when one is in reference to both the positive and negative-ground & the positive and negative-norm-states that physically are in the substringular neighborhood of each substringular encoder that is in the process of being meshed into the basis of those templates that work to define the delineation of the said substringular encoder) -- when one considers, as well, the directly surrounding encoder counterparts -- differentiate in a timeless-based manner in a Ward-Neumann-based mapping. This mapping exists in terms of their residue that is both Real Reimmanian when during group instanton, and Imaginary -- when this is considered during those physical conditions of the Ward-Caucy boundaries that are kinematic from both right before and right after the said durations that signify the activity of group instanton.  At any given set of iterations of the metrical indices that are directly related to group instanton, only one substringular encoder and its directly corresponding counterpart bear a predominantly active eigenbasis of inter-relation -- with what would then be what is termed of as the predominant layer of reality.  After what I term of as the Major Reality Change, the substringular encoder and its corresponding counterpart that are predominantlly active are altered to a different substringular encoder and its directly corresponding substringular encoder counterpart.  I will continue with the suspence later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Part Two(2) of the Thirteenth Session Session of Course 14

The world-sheets that directly correspond to one and two-dimensional substringular encoders are operational  as traceable mappings of a physical memory -- as to how and where these were, at the prior delineation.  This is only during the generally unnoticed format of those durations of Ultimon Flow that exist in-between successive iterations of group instanton.  The basic structure of these said one and two-dimensional substringular encoders, when these encode for the predominant layer of reality that is "phenotypical" at the "time" -- always come back to basically the same spot. This is because substringular encoders exist outside of the Ward-Caucy bounds of the world-tubes in which superstrings of discrete energy permittivity kinematically differentiate in over time. This is over the course of the iterations of the successive series of group instantons, of which would here directly correspond to the activity of the said encoder, as it is then the encoder of what would here be of the active predominant layer of reality.  This, of which, exists over the course of a given arbitrary duration that may be considered here.  The mini-string segments that extend from the base of the structures of a substringular encoder, though, vary in their delineation vastly, after each succeeding index of the iteration of group instanton.  The actual holonomic substrate that works to comprise any given arbitrary substingular encoder, when perceived at the base of its structural entity, is indistinguishably different during each succeeding iteration of group instanton.  This is when one considers the primal format of the general construction -- that is at the said base of the structure of the respective stringular encoder -- during an integrable set of group instantons.  Yet, at the Poincaire level of each first-ordered-point particle that works to comprise any given substringular encoder -- even at each comparable sequence of iteration that may here, then, in a covariant mapped-out tracing of the directly corresponding weaving, works to show the literal construction of each first-ordered index of the given arbitrary substringular encoder.  This is true, particularly, when one considers the integration of the said first-ordered indices that works to comprise the said encoder. Such a specific arrangement of the literal field of the corresponding mapped-based trace of the respective mini-string -- that inter-binds to form any of such said encoders -- will vary in terms of their structural genus. I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Some Comparisons Of Various Ghost Anomalies

For superstrings that appertain to the motion of forward-moving time, positive-norm-states are the forward-holomorphic-based-norm-states, and negative-norm-states are the reverse-holomorphic-based-norm-states.  For superstrings that appertain to the motion of backward-moving time, negative-norm-states are the forward-holomorphic-based-norm-states, and positive-norm-states are the reverse-holomorphic-based-norm-states.  The given action of the reverse-holomorphic-based-norm-states upon the eluded to forward-holomorphic-based-norm-states is a general condition of the activity of a harmonic-based scattering, that works to arrange the directly associated world-sheets into a traceable mapped-out based composition, this composition of which is the previously mentioned phenomena of ghost anomalies.  The scattering of the just described ghost anomalies works to allow for the elimination of the lack of room, that would otherwise impede the motion of the said respective superstrings and gravitational particles from having a place in which to kinematically differentiate in over time.  The motion of dilatons and dilatinos works to form ghost anomalies -- as a physical memory of their corresponding world-sheets -- in so as to form a delineated distribution that maps-out a trace -- as to where and how the eluded to gravitational particles had been in the relatively transient past, prior to any given arbitrary extrapolaton that may be able to track such a general consideration of motion.  These ghosts of gravitons and gravitinos are what I have mentioned to be Neilson-Kollosh ghosts.  The activity of the ebbing of the Rarita Structure is what works to cause the residue of the perturbative scattering of ghost anomalies -- that appertains to Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts -- to be exchanged with the residue of the perturbative scattering of ghost anomalies that would here appertain to Neilson-Kollosh ghosts. To be clear here, the formation of ghost anomalies is a harmonic-based scattering, while, the loosening of ghost anomalies into a residue that is transferred off of a given arbitrary locus of a relative-Real Reimmanian plane is a perturbative-based scattering.  (It's Chern-Simmons singularites form a tense of an anharmonic scattering at the Poincaire level that is Gliossi to the direct multiplicit field of the corresponding norm-states.)  I will convey more about this later!  To Be Continued.  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Some Stough As To Ghost Anomalies

Ghost anomalies are inevitably annhilated by reverse-holomorphic-based-norm-states.  This eluded to scattering of forward-holomorphic-based-norm-states by reverse-holomorphic-based-norm-states happens via a Yakawa-based Gliossi interaction of the said reverse-holomorphic states that I mentioned striking the mentioned forward-holomorphic states -- in so as to work at a back-and-forth recycling operation that exchanges the residue of perturbated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts with the residue of Neilson-Kollosh ghosts.  The mentioned ghost anomalies are basically a multiplicit arrangement of mapped-out traces -- that statically depict a physical memory of the respective, associated substringular basis of the corresponding particles.  The said mapped-out traces -- as to the directly prior motion and existence of superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, works to form the earlier mentioned genus of ghost anomalies, which are known of as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts.  The mapped-out traces as to the directly prior motion and existence of gravitational particles -- the physical memory of gravitons and gravitinos -- works to form Neilson-Kollosh ghosts.  The just described ghosts include the immediate respective fields that are Gliossi to the Poincaire loci of the corresponding formats of substringular particles. This works to show why a world-sheet always bears one more spatial dimension than the dimensionality of its corresponding substringular particles that form these, via the bumping of norm-states of opposite parity into the respective forward-holomorphic-norm-states.

Friday, October 18, 2013

A Start As To Rham Cohomologies

When a superstring travels through a projection via any given arbitrary trajectory, it produces a physical memory in the form of ghost anomaly-based indices.  When a given arbitrary superstring travels straight through a unitary Lagrangian, it may often bear a hermitian delineation of physical memory in the form of a ghost anomaly-based formation of traceable mapping, that here bears no Chern-Simmons singularites.
This is considering the said given arbitrary superstring, when in terms the supplemental distribution of the corresponding ghost-based indices that, here, form an integrable linear trace as to where and how the said given superstring had moved in the relatively transient past sequential series of iterations of group instanton.  Such a path -- more than likely -- will not trace a Wilson linearity through the non-time-oriented Lagrangiann of the multiplicit coniaxial of the traceable mapping of the strings previous motion.  This is because, even at the Poincaire level that is adjacent to and/or Gliossi to any actual superstrings, space-time-fabric bends to an extent.  Yet, the supplemental basis of a physical memory of the mapable trace, as to where and how such said superstrings had kinematically differentiated over time, is said to be hermitian if the activity of the directly corresponding superstrings bears only as many changes in the derivative of its motion as the number of spatial dimensions that it is traveling in over time.  And, if the said superstrings pulse harmonically, then, the given superstrings are said to be kinematically differentiating in the just mentioned hermitian manner that bears no spurious-based conditions  -- as can be related to the eluded to group of superstrings that are being considered here.  The just mentioned general format of substringular motion is said to then bear no Chern-Simmons singularities.  Any ghost anomaly that bears such a genus of a traceable mapped-out holonomic path is said to bear a Rham cohomology, of which exists here between the individual ghost anomaly-based indices that come together in so as to form the eluded to extrapolation of what tends to be a relatively straight, or jointal, format of a smoothly curved physical memory of the described general format of superstring -- if the directly corresponding format of mapped-out tracing is not perturbated by its exterial-based surroundings.  Again, as a reminder, ghost anomalies include the immediate field of their multiplicit directly corresponding field -- that is Gliossi to the Poincaire level of such given arbitrary superstrings. This is why a world-sheet and the ghost anomalies that it forms always exists in one more spatial dimension than than the dimensionality of its directly corresponding superstring that works to form it.   I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel Roach.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

An Elaboration As To Reverse-Gravity Versus Antigravity

Here is some of an explanation as to what is the difference between a given case of reverse gravity versus a given case of antigravity.:  A substringular scenario begins at an arbitrary case-point in time.  The directly associate gravitational-based particles are differentiating kinematically here in a tense of static equilibrium, or, in other words, in a condition of superconformal invariance.  Also, the directly associated indices of the corresponding Rarita Structure eigenstates are here bearing a multiplicit general format of wave-tug/wave-pull that corresponds to a multidirectoral integrable tense of angular momentum, in a specific genus of a related Hamiltonian operation.  We will here call the general wave-tug/wave-pull that is here associated with the multiplicit directoralization of the resultant motion of the corresponding activity -- of the related gravitational-based particles -- as the basis of what my be relatively described of as the initial given arbitrary forward-moving gravitational pull.  The permittivity of such a genus of what would here be the angular momentum of such a gravitational pull --- by the directly associated gravitational particles -- is the motion that we will here use to describe of as the forward-holomorphic gravitational Hamiltonian operation.  When the given arbitrary angular momentum of the corresponding gravitational-based particles reverses in terms of the directoralization of its holomorphic-based permittivity, then, the substringular region -- that would here correspond to the activity of the said given gravitational-based pariticles, would be said to be undergoing a situation of a relative reversal of gravity.  This is a case of reverse gravity.  Yet, if instead, the directly corresponding indices of the eigenstates of the directly associated local Rarita Structure -- in the form of second-ordered Schwinger-Indices -- multiplicitly, as a group, simultaneously reverses in the directoralizaton of the permittvity of their angular momentum-based Hamiltonian operation, by reversing the holomorphicity of the kinematic delineation of the said second-ordered Schwinger-Indices, then, the corresponding substringular region of this scenario is said to be undergoing antigravity.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Part One of the Thirteenth Session of Couse 14

One-Dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity differentiate kinematically over a sequential series of instantons, in so as to form two-dimensional world-sheets.  Two-Dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity differentiate kinematically over a sequential series of instantons in so as to form three-dimensional world-sheets.  Two-Dimensional world-sheets form a traceable mapping that often works to take the hoop-like morphology that is of the non-time-oriented integration of indices that work to form the eluded to field at one distribution -- during one given arbitrary iteration of such a field during group instanton, while then taking the ghost anomaly that is formed by the directly related physical memory of the corresponding superstring, and integrating the eluded to multiplicit index of the tracing of the said given arbitrary superstring that is being discussed here through a Lagrangian -- into a cylindrical morphology, over time.  Two-Dimensional world-sheets often also form a traceable mapping that works to take the initial disc-like morphology of its initial non-time-orientable mapping, and integrates this mapping -- through a Lagrangian -- into shaft-like structures that twist in as static-based manner over time. Cylindrical-like world sheets of  two-dimensional world-sheets that directly correspond to one-dimensional superstrings, over a relatively transient period of time, twist over a sequential series of iterations when these bear a Doubolt-based format of traceable cohomological mapping.  World-Sheets that directly correspond to both one and two-dimensional superstrings often twist over a time-wise metric-based duration, in accordance with the directly related changes in directoralizations of the corresponding one and two-dimensional superstrings of discrete energy permittivity  This happens, in so that these may kinematically differentiate in their correlative world-tubes.  The three-dimensional world-sheets that exist are formed by two-dimensional superstrings.  I almost forgot to mention to you:  The world-sheet of a superstring involves not only the topological-based trajectory that is of the said superstring, yet, these also involve the direct field of the string that is Gliossi to the stringular neighborhood that is at the Poincaire level of any given said superstring.  These three-dimensional world-sheets tend to be torroidal in their basic shape.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Little Bit of Preparation, Other Part

I wish to finish course 14 by early November.   I wish to complete courses 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, and 26 by the time that I turn 45 (11-6-2015).  As a heads-up, course 16 is about topology, cohomologies, and iterations -- both the spurious and the Yau-Exact kind.  Course 17 is about the Ricci Scalar.  Course 18 is about the Ricci Scalar and the Klein Bottle.  Course 19 is about orbifolds and Kaeler-differentiation.  Course 20 is about Calabi-Interactions.  Course 21 is about supersymmetry and supergravity.  Course 24 is about Superconformal and Conformal Invariance.  Course 25 is about Poincaire interactions.  And, Course 26 is about Wess-Zumino and Cevita Interactions.  This should give the reader some input as to how to learn as to what's next by reading in-between the lines in the posts that I have already written  (and will right soon).  Always remember:  Whenever a superstringular region of many superstrings reverses in its general holomophicity, a  Gaussian Transformation is about to happen.  Also, whenever electromagnetic energy strikes anything, there is about to be a certain general type of Gaussian Transformation happening known of as a gauge-transformation.  To sum-up what I am going to show you in relatively new future posts, if a cohomology of ghosts anomalies is completely hermitian in its kinematic translation over time, then it is of a Rham-based genus.  Yet, if a cohomology of ghost anomalies is Chern-Simmons in its kinematic translation over time, then, it is of a Doubolt-based genus over time.  That is all for now.  Let this knowledge incubate in your mind, and, I will get the ball rolling soon.  I will right to you soon!  Sam Roach.

A Little Bit of Preparation

I have recently discussed gluons and ghost anomalies.  My next six posts involve the four parts to session 13 of Course 14 about Group Action.  In the posts that appertain to the four parts of session 13 about Group Action, I thoroughly discuss the activity of ghosts -- as various formats of delineated displacements of the physical memories of world sheets.  World-Sheets are the physical trajectories of superstrings.  Such physical memories are mappable traces that are comprised of mildly bumped into forward-holomorphic norm-states, whose delineations work to show the directly prior motion as to what, how, and where various superstringular phenomena had been kinematically placed over a sequential series of iterations of group instanton.  The reverse-holomorphic norm-states that act as counterparts to the forward-holomorphic norm-states work to scatter ghost anomalies, so that the residual indices of the eluded to physical memories of superstrings may be extrapolated into fractals of Hamiltonian operators that subsequently work to form those gravitational particles that act in so as to interact along the Rarita Structure in order to operate the function of gravity -- when in conjunction with superstrings that act as discrete units of energy permittivity.  In later sessions, I will explain as to how the ghost anomalies of gravitational-based particles, which are known of as Neilson-Kollosh ghosts -- work to exchange indices with the ghosts of discrete units of energy permittivity, which are known of as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts -- in so as to balance the various loci as to where there needs to be room for both gravitational particles and the eluded to Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts, so that there may be adequate space for energy to move kinematically over time in so as to remain as energy.  You will then soon learn about both the hermitian-based ghost anomalic formats, as well as the Chern-Simmons-based ghost anomalic formats, so that there may be a viable dialogue as to the harmonic nature of both the permittivity, impedance, and the mappable tracing of the integrable delineations of such ghosts in both a time-wise and in a time-less extrapolatory genus of parity.  Knowing how to trace and determine any given arbitrary past motions of superstirngs works to help one to understand the activity of the substringular. By the way, forward-moving time associated ghost anomalies are formed by positive-norm-states and scattered by negative-norm-states, yet, with backward-moving time associated ghost anomalies, ghosts are formed by negative-norm-states and are scattered by positive-norm-states.  This is because the holomorphic direction of reverse-time-based substringular action is in the reverse genus of general parity of the holomorphic direction of forward-time-based substringular action.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Some Stuff About Gluons

Gluons are the substringular particles that work to inter-bind leptons and/or quarks, in so as to form atomic-based particles -- such as protons, electrons, and neutrons.  Gluons allow for matter to exist as matter, by sticking the prior eluded to sub-atomic particle together via a basis of Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational pull and tug.  Gluons operate in so as to function in accord with the said Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode, due to the sequential management-based conditions of initially apprehending the directly corresponding subatomic particles -- while then drawing these said particles (leptons and/or quarks) into the Poincaire-based dual-symmetrical fields of those said particles that are to be stuck together.  This happens in so as to bring these into a meshing of the eluded to fields.  The gravitational mode of matter as we tend to think of it is the general Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter reverse fractal of the Hamiltonian-based operation that I have eluded to.  This is the general manner of activity that worked to initially form those particles that atoms are comprised of.   This is so that the basis of creation would be able to interact with the residue of the scattering of electromagnetic energy, this residue of which is entropy.  This energy, of which is then in kinematic mode in so as to produce the multiplicit conditionality of the entropy thus formed, works to allow for the changes in physical states that are necessary so that life can exist.  Gluons are examples of heterotic superstrings.  This specific format of multiplicit heterotic string has a highly dense field network base at the directly corresponding given arbitrary Poincaire level.  This dense field inter-binding and inter-relationship  that works to be delineated via a Clifford Expansion, happens over a metrical-based Lagrangian -- towards their corresponding holonomic substrate.  This just mentioned substrate functions, in so as to operate in such a manner to where their indices are pulled and tugged -- both into and towards the eluded to gluons (a sequence of a multiplicit cross-product operation with a strong topological sway, which forms an equal and opposite sequence of a multiplicit dot-product operation with a strong topological sway).  This causes mini-string segments, that were initially at the gluonic-based cite, to find the given arbitrary counter-part of  the eluded to holonomic substrate, which is here at the lepton or quark-based cite --  via cooberating multiplict dual complementary and dual supplemental-based cites.  As this is brought into fruition, the rebounding said holonomic substrate of the initiating gluon -- that initially moved into the Poincaire loci of its complimentary/supplementally-based group attractor cites -- causes its eluded to counterpart to move towards the Hamiltonian operator that initiated the contact, which would be the said gluon that is being considered here.  This works to form a relatively strong Yakawa Coupling, that here forms a Gliossi interaction between the eluded to leptons and/or quarks -- both upon themselves, and, between the said gluons, during a group operational metric that will here form the activity of the strong force.  The strong force is the inter-binding of subatomic particles.  The activity of the Ricci Scalar via the Rarita Structure will thence bear the effect of the directly previously mentioned general process, which will here act as the prior mentioned format of the Ante-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational mode. I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Part Four of Session 12 of Course 14 About Group Action

The world-sheets of a superstring of discrete energy permittivity may be any of several various forms of paths, that work to map-out the physical memory of the trajectory of the said given arbitrary superstring over a period, or duration, of many iterations of instanton.  The length of a world-sheet may vary, based on both the number and the Hodge Volume of the directly corresponding ghost anomalies -- that are formed by the interaction of the said format of superstrings with forward-holomorphic-flowing-norm-states.  For superstrings that directly correspond to the forward-moving time-tense of motion, forward-holomorphic-flowing-norm-states are positive-norm-states.  The eluded to ghost anomalies that are thence formed act as a template of the extrapolatory-bases of the physical memory, as to the prior activity and existence of the related superstrings -- in the paths that the said superstrings kinematically differentiated in, per iteration of these superstrings.  This is as these form a sequential series of perturbations that work to facilitate the formation of  the viable energy of the Main-World-Tubes.  So, world-sheets of any superstrings of discrete energy permittivity, that are of any given arbitrary case -- end in their partial-based paths -- once a given arbitrary multiplicit set of superstrings diverge from a convergent set of trajectoral path-delineation, in so as to form a sequential set of respective path-based-trace singularities.  These singularities work to relate a set of redelineaetions of the bases of the eluded to Ward-Caucy-bounds of the said superstrings. This set of redelineatory-bases happen simultaneously through the vantage-point of a central conipoint.  This works to help cause the format of the said path-based-trace singularities, which will then diverge from the directly corresponding multiplicit limits of integration, in so as to then correspond to the eluded to perturbations of the directly correponding cohomologies that had exited amongst the world-sheets, directly prior to the mentioned completion of the activity of the formation of the respective world-sheets.  So, the world-sheets of all of the superstrings that are to be recycled, via the continual indistinguishably different redistribution of the intrinsic mini-string segments, over a sequential series of multiplicit inter-bound group metrical activity -- works to form the tractibility of the energy of the arena of the Overall-Physical-Space-Time-Continuum.
Sincerely, Samuel David Roach.

Monday, October 7, 2013

The Third Part of The 12th Session of Course 14 About Group Action

Let us say that there are -- in this arbitrary given case -- a group of superstrings that are being considered to be extrapolated at the same general multiplicit-based metric at a succeeding series of group instantons.  As the superstrings just mentioned continue to iterate and reiterate in slightly different spots over the eluded to sequential series of instantons, ghost anomalies form to provide an ability for the relatively local holonomic substrates of each of such cases to detect -- via the motion of the local substringular entities of such a related case -- the directly corresponding world-sheets that are formed, indirectly, by the trajectory of the projection of the said superstrings.  As the said ghost anomalies form via the basis of the relative positioning and delineation of the corresponding superstrings -- as the said superstrings bump into positive-norm-states per iteration of group instanton -- the eventual activity of the counter-basis that exists as the physical entity of negative-norm-states that strike the mentioned physical-basis of memory of the directly related superstrings, in so as to work to scatter the eluded to ghost anomalies.  As the directly previous is going on, the said superstrings continue to iterate and reiterate as holonomic substrates -- that are comprised of indistinguishably different compositions of integrated first-ordered point particles, whose inter-bound mini-string segments are constantly flushing out and pulling in exterial mini-string segments in the process of the recycling of ground-to-norm-to-ground states.  This happens, so that topology may work to remain homotopic.  This activity works to allow superstrings to continually form new paths that work to form various mutiplicit world-sheets that are thence multiplicitly formed over the course of the sequential series of iterations of group instanton.  So, every time that a superstring of discrete energy permttivitiy iterates in the process of redelineating its Ward-Neumman-based phenomenology, in so as to form those integrative pulses that work to form the flow of motion that forms the basis of energy, an index of the physical memory of those superstrings is multiplicitly formed in so as to form ghost anomalies that are here known of as Gliossi-Sherk-Olive ghosts.  So, a world-sheet is the actual trajectory of a superstring -- in this context --, while, a ghost anomaly is the physical entity that forms in so as to form a basis of being able to detect the path of any given arbitrary world-sheet.  This may be enough to "chew-on" for now!  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

About Certain Physical Attachments

Just as E(6)XE(6) strings work to "pluck" second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates in so that these may form vibrations that operate to allow for both the inter-relationhip of what are typically conceived of as superstrings of discrete energy permittivity with gravitational-based strings &, also, for the indirect formation of the Wick Action so that Gaussian Transformations may then occur, E(8)XE(8) strings work to piece together orbifolds with orbifolds in so as to allow for the existence and the predominance of orbifold eigensets. As mentioned before, orbifolds are physical spaces -- consisting of one or more superstrings -- that operate to perform a discrete physical function.  Consequentially, orbifold eigensets are groups of one or more orbifolds that operate to perform a potentially higher-based discrete physical function.  Just as E(6)XE(6) strings that are adjacent must spin assymetrically in order for their fields to not spontaneously collide, E(8)XE(8) strings that are adjacent must spin assymetrically in order for their fields to not spontaneously collide.  As an ansantz, this means that if the prior two conditions instead involved a covariant-related symmetrically-based spin, these two formats of heterotic string would eventually -- on their own accord -- have fields that would collide in a chaotic manner.  This is why certain collisions of heterotic superstrings should not be experimented with.  This general basis of a need for an assymetric-based spinning of adjacent heterotic strings is because the foundation of the physical cause of the genus of the motion of the light-cone-gauge, as well as the "cornerstone" of the "building-blocks" that put physical spaces of a discrete operational function together -- must not be anharmonically meddled with.  This is why their fields are not to chaotically collide.  I will continue with the suspense later!  P.S.:  Remember the addage:  Two things can not occupy the same space at the same time!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Second Part Of the 12th Session of Course 14

To start from where I left off last time:  For instance, let us consider a superstring of discrete energy permittivity that iterates at one particular spot during group instanton.  The said superstring then goes into the generally unnoticed format of duration of Ultimon Flow.  The said superstring then reiterates at a slightly different spot than it had iterated at during the directly prior duration of group instanton.  The said superstring will then continue to proceed from going into the generally unnoticed format of duration of Ultimon Flow, back into iterating as an individual partial eigenstate at group instanton -- that forms a sequential series of a gradually altering delineation of the said superstring -- through a path that may then, here, trace the kinematic-basis of the time-wise differential motion of a superstring, that would here be moving as is according to a Noether-based substringular flow.  As the directly prior activity is happening, substringular residue -- in the form of mini-string segments that are displaced in a relatively harmonic manner, in so as to allow for the recycling of ground-to-norm-to-ground states, so that the topological substringular fields may bear a codeterminable, covariant, inter-relative relationship between and among them.  Let us say that one considers multiple superstrings that obey Noether Flow during the same eigenmetric -- through a central conipoint. The previously eluded to format of multiplicitly-based indistinguishablly different superstrings -- that behave as the initially eluded to superstring behaves -- continue to reiterate at similar spots. Let us then  compare the individual spots that the said given arbitrary format of superstrings are here delineated at, at the given arbitrary partial distributions that the said format of superstrings were at -- as an eigenstate of energy permittivity.  This consideration will then be from the directly previous delineation that the superstrings that are here being discussed was at, to its ensuing delineation. the succession of the eluded to iterations works to allow for the motion of the said eigenstates to flow into what is termed of as energy.  The just mentioned substringular residue is, as well, shuffled via the Royal Arc, the Bases of Light, and, the phenomena known of as the Main-Heterotic-Substringular-Fabric -- in such a manner in so as to tract the just mentioned substringular residue to the ensuning delineations.  I will continue with the suspense later!  Sincerely, Sam Roach.