Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Description of Ghosts Of Schwinger Indices Via The Rarita Structure, Part Two

The motion of the vibrations known as Schwinger Indices causes the norm-states that are in the path of such a motion per a sequential series of instantons through a group metric that defines a very limited Fourier Transformation to be redistributed in such a manner so as to form a physical memory of where the associated Schwinger vibrations were and how these were delineated. Such a physical memory is known as a ghost of a Schwinger Index via the Laplacian trajectory of the Rarita Structure when considering a physical memory at one instanton. When considering a homeomorphic phenomenon of such a physical memory that is discrete over a sequential series of iterations, then the said Fourier related phenomenon is a kinematically based eigenstate of Schwinger Index vibration as defined by the partial differentiation of a segment of a Rarita Structure eigenstate over a limited number of instantons. The integration of the related previously mentioned differentials in order to form an isomorphic quantum of directly related physical memories which form a reverse fractored discrete ghost-like pattern is known as an eigenbasis of ghost anomalic indices of the Rarita Structure that bear a commonality of parity, angular momentum, and spin-orbital momentum.

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