Friday, September 24, 2010

Course 5, Session 7, Part II

Now, to continue with the rest of Session 7 of Course 5. Counterclockwise unscrews, or brings reality toward its observer. The Creative Force needs to observe us. So, point commutators flow from right to left in the realm of the holomorphic direction in the course of forward moving time, and point commutators flow from left to right in the realm of the holomorphic direction in the course of backward moving time. Constant change forces life to learn. The basis of constant change is the basis of Organized Learning. In order for points to be points with discrepancies, constant compactified change must happen within a region small enough to where the translocation of its indices changes the operand of its surroundings. So, if a point is really a point, the region around it will exhibit a field. If the field exists, there will be an electric and a magnetic field associated with it on a fractally minute basis. Points are an approximate kinematic association. No lie. A point is a density of redistributed space that effects the area where it differentiates. As the point translocates, the ends of its condensed oscillation that comprise its make-up uncurl a little because of the fields of other points acting upon it, and the point prepares to interface with other of such point particles. What are these fields? Energy is everywhere. Energy and space are interchangeable. Point energy is dense energy that is compactified. When a magnetic and an electric field are formed, ripples in the energy between point particles forms a wrinkle in space-time fabric. These wrinkles act like hands that move to "try" to untie the ends of the strings at the ends of the said point particles. These oscillating wrinkles of space-time fabric are fields or field eigenstates. When these field eigenstates are kerneled to a specific tangent of the norm operator of one of these string ends, the point particles associated with this are contracted. If enough of these field eigenstates are kerneled as such, then the point particles' end points are pulled into the operand of space that is not dense. When the extent of continued pull brings two point ends to touch each other, then these come into contact and touch for a brief instant. As soon as the point ends curl around each other into a hooked normalcy, then the point ends pull each other straight and slip off of each other. This is since the elasticity of point particle end points have complete normalcy to all others that these come into contact with as these exhibit some sort of attraction that bends them like a supplemental compliment. (Normal Line).

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