Friday, September 17, 2010

A Description Of Ghosts Of Higgs Action Eigenstates

The Higgs Action is the phenomenon that moves the Klein Bottle in such a manner so as to allow for the Kaeler Metric so that superstrings may regain the permittivity that these need to be the discrete energy that these are so that energy may exist. The Kaeler Metric also causes Planck Phenomena to regain the impedance that these need as well so that discrete energy impedance may exist so that that discrete energy may have a field trajectory so that superstrings may have the light-cone-gauge relationship that these need so that energy may exist.
The Higgs Action is a general term for the said type of phenomenon, yet individual discrete units of the Higgs Action are known as Higgs Action eigenstates.
Higgs Action eigenstates are examples of gauge-actions that are discrete phenomena that exist in spite of being smaller in length than the Planck Length. As a Higgs Action eigenstate moves through a Fourier Transformation, the kinematic redistribution and redilineation of its Gliossi field displaces norm-states as well as potentially displacing scattered Fock Space. Such a redistribution of the Fock Space that is in the Lagrangian path of the kinematic redilineation of a Higgs Action eigenstate forms a physical memory of where and how the associated discrete unit of Higgs Action was displaced over the course of the said Fourier Transformation over the described Lagrangian, the latter of which discribes the spacial operand of the translocation of the given Higgs Action eigenstate. Such a physical memory will tend to bear a generally non-abelain geometry as an equal and opposite reaction to the abelian geometry that is associated with the metric-gauge of the holonomic characteristic of the fabric of the associated Higgs Action eigenstate. When such a non-abelian ghost anomaly bears curvature that has singularities in the trajectory of the associated Laplacian ghost field and/or singularities in the trajectory of the associated Fourier ghost field that are related to indiscrete limits in the multiplicit partially integrated delineated Fock Field associated with one or more iterations that depict the Ward tree-amplitude distribution of the said ghost anomaly, then such a said ghost anomaly is said to have spurious Laplacian and/or Fourier delineation which may be described as a set of substringular phenomena that is Chern Simmons. Yet, if the ghost anomaly related to a Higgs Action eigenstate which is thus non-abelian has limits in the Ward Caucy bounds of the Laplacian and/or Fourier Lagrangian trajectory of such an anomaly that are multiplicitly hermitian in all of the partials of the redistribution of the associated Fock Field, and if the described ghost differentiates within the affiliated Real Reimmanian Plane, then such a ghost may be described as Yau-Exact. If a ghost of a Higgs Action eigenstate operates in-between the two previously describe cases (does not quite conform to the standards of the two prior circumstances described), then such a said ghost is said to be partially Yau-Exact and/or partially Chern Simmons. Usually, certain eigen partials of the Laplacian and/or Fourier distribution of such ghosts over the respective static and/or kinematic spacial Lagrangian that is related to such ghosts are Yau-Exact, certain of such eigen partials are Chern-Simmons, and certain of such eigen partials may be described as partially Yau-Exact and/or partially Chern-Simmons.
The residue of such ghosts forms a sub-energy contained imaginary supercharge that helps in allowing for the reverse-fractored effect that controls the delineation and the redileation of the scattering of Tesla Energy. Such a scattering of Tesla Energy allows for the metric-gauge activity that forms that generalized wave-tug that helps to interbind the condition of homotopy.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam.

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