Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Little Explaination Of Tori-Sector-Ranges

Hi there, this is Samuel Roach here! How are you doing today folks!
Today, I am going to provide a little bit more of an explaination as to what I mean by tori-secor-ranges.
What I mean by a "tori-sector-range" is a set of substringular phenomena that comprise one layer of actual reality in one set of parallel universes. The reason as to why I call these individual "layers" tori-sector-ranges is because, when one detects a conformally invariant superstring that is not superconformally invariant, it often appears via detection to behave as a torus when one includes the associated Gliossi-Sherk-Olive field. So, when a very high quantity of such often torroidal appearing phenomena interact as one layer of reality within the multiplicitly Minkowski Space that is integrated into six additional Njenhuis dimensions to form a relatively Hilbert Space (which is thence not defining a holographic space), such a sector of substringular neigborhoods defines a range that comprises one actual layer of reality.
So, how are there layers of reality while yet there is an Overall reality? Every so often, one-ten-thousandth of history -- including the relative past as well as the relative future -- alters. Such a perturbation is when the most kinematic layer of reality switches to a different "tori-sector-range." Yet, during each instanton, all of the tori-sector-ranges are interactive, even though only one of such layers is kinematic in a reverse-fractorially "Gliossi" manner at a time.Every time history alters to an extent, I call this perturbation a Major Reality Change. Yet, since space-time substance tends to be more granular than fabric, it is easier to change the future than the past.
Also, what do I mean by the "Bases of Light?" During the brief metric of what I call the "space-hole" which is in-between the majority of Ultimon Time that is based on Imaginary Time and the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-mode which is directly before instanton, the substringular encoders are attached to what reties into Planck Phenomenon related phenomena just as the related substrings are reorganizing in such a manner so as to allow for the appropriate norm conditional sequential spacial differentiations that allow for subsequent Gaussian Transformations, the prior described Planck Phenomenon related phenomena are, for one brief sub-metric, tied together into very large sets of phenomena that are shaped like Planck Phenomena. So, just as quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse begins, which is just before instanton, such large manifestations of Trace untie homotopically and retie homotopically into the googles of Planck Phenomenon related Phenomena that are associated with their correlative substrings.
So, how do these interact without breaking homotopy? Since there is so much potential of abelian-like untying of compacified condensed oscillation among first-ordered-point particles, there is a constant back-and-forth ebbing of mini-string which allows for very distant and close wave-tug interactions.
I wil continue with the suspense later! Sinerely, Sam.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Course 5, Session 8, Part 2

Hi! This is Sam Roach again. How are you?! Now, to continue with the second part of Session 8!

The Bases of Light does what it does because the tieing of superstringular fabric during the sub-metric that occurs when the Bases of Light are manifested is a taught enough stringular tie to pull in at least one stringular encoder into combination with this. The residue of the point phenomena, which is manifested by the tying of these strings is molded back into superstringular fabric within a given Basis of Light. As the just described arbitary Basis of Light is partially undone, the fabric of the manifestation of such a Basis unties to form the countless Planck Phenomenon related phenomena that are associated with such a Basis in such a way that mini-string is not severed, or, in other words, in such a manner so that homotopy is maintaned. This redistribution of mini-string that happens during a sub-metric that transpires just before each instanton helps to form Planck Phenomena types of superstringular substance that frees the points that form strings from being isolated. The point particles related are then caught up with one another. Whenever point particles become caught up with one another, this tieing forms a loosenable by wave-tug 'knot" in spaceformed on account of the associated Basis of Light. The Bases of Light always directly effects a fraction of a nunber of parallel universes involved with the substringular encoder that is directly effected in one tori-sector-range. Each tori-sector range involves 16*10^(98) substrings per universe. Ripples of waves need to follow from the other associated strings of the affiliated tori-sector range to the effected string since the wave-tug of each Basis of Light tugs "through the loop" as the substrings are loosened along with the loosening of the mini-string in such a way so that each substring is associated with one Planck Phenomena related phenomenon via the light-cone-gauge. The strings of the said tori-sector-range then become freed from being strings after instanton to become lightly scattered point particles. Again, only a stringular tie that is associated with one potential eigenstate associated with one Basis of Light will form one substring that is interconnected with one Planck Phenomena related phenomenon which are interconnected via the light-cone-gauge. Such a process may only be frayed one part at a time by black-holes, which are not the best solution to renewing spac-time fabric. Superstings may seem to often be the same stough, yet what is indirectly detected is often indistinguishably different phenomenon that is worked upon from within the overall World-Tube in-between instantons via the activity of imaginary residue (residue that is exchanged in-between instantons). This residue is never wasted in so long as their is no substringular fraying do to black-holes, thanks to Cassimer Invariance.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Two General Types Of Tangency

Hi! This is Samuel Roach here. What do you think of my blog -- particularly what do you think of my more recent posts! Well, I am writing here today to help my readers understand tangency better. It will be fun!
Tangency specifically refers to a ninety degree relationship. Ninety degrees is like the intersection of a horizontal line with a vertical line. Tangency also reffers to any sort of touch, since, whenever two or more things touch each other, there is a ninety degree angle involved with each of such touchings.
Tangency occasionally means a direct touch or interaction which may either be in one timeless framework of setting (Laplacian), or such a direct type of touch or interaction may involve a time oriented sequential framework of setting (Fourier). When two or more things directly touch or interact, the tangency described here is called a borne tangency.
Tangency occasionally means an indirect touch or interaction which may either be in one timeless framework of setting (Laplacian), or such a direct type of touch or interaction may involve a time oriented sequential framework of setting (Fourier). When two or more things indirectly touch or interact, the tangency described here is called an unborne tangency.
Tangency always involves any sort of touch because whenever two or more things comingle in any way, one may pictorially inscribe a vertical axial with a horizontal axial to explain the basis of the differential geometry that explains the Laplacian and/or Fourier seting of the here described connectiveness.
Tangency always involves any sort of interaction because whenever two or more things cominge in any way throughout any conformally invariant Laplacian or Fourier Transformation or also throughout any perturbative Fourier Transformation, there is going to be some sort of either direct or indirect touch involved that operates in such a way so as to help describe the differential framework and/or differential kinematic operation that the associated things that are involved are going through.
The conditions of the differential operations, operators, and operands that involve just how, what, where, when, and why the specific touchings among substringular phenomena happen are described by norm Ward conditions. Ward Conditins are conditions that involve the intrinsic possibillity of involving more than three spacial dimensions either over a Laplacian condition or over a Fourier condition. The interaction of the norm Ward conditions among substringular phenomena help to define the potential conformally invariant as well as the potentially perturbative interactions that are inevitably spontaneaous over a metric that may involve one ore more instantons. It is the norm Ward conditions through a sequential series of Fourier Transformation that help to determine the settings in which any sort of Gaussian Transformations are to occur. If it wasn't for Gaussian Transformations, the Kaeler Metic could never happen. I will continue the suspense later, Sam.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Part One of Session Eight Of Course Five

What I am about to discuss is the general idea of the basis of light for when time is going through a tori-sector-range when the associated time that is related to such a Basis is only going forward.
There are operands in-between the point particles in the Ultimon at the moment when the Bases of Light are in their associated sub-Laplacian conditions, which is before the period in which such Bases are retied into the countless Planck Phenomenon related phenomena that comprise discrete units of energy impedance. Point particle density is where the condensed oscillations of the point particles exist. Strings form where the point particles become caught up in one another. Strings form as either vibrating strands or as vibrating hoops -- the latter of which are comprised of sundry strands that interconnect in a hermitian manner so that these approximate the hoops of which these behave like. When the related "Chis" concurantly bear "U"s that bear a relatively abelian concavity, these will allow for exclusively forward time moving superstings and Planck Phenomena related phenomena. When the "Chi" of certain of the Bases of light forms "U"s of opposite concavity than that of those that represent the basis of forward time momentum, this means that light is moving equally forward and backward in certain of the tori-sector-ranges that are operationally related to the affiliated Bases of Light during the course of the ensuing instanton that occurs over the course of the next iteration of Real Reimmanian Time. In certain parallel universe within the described tori-sector-range, time may here be exclusively moving forward or backward, yet, in the whole tori-sector-range as a unit in that section of the Ultimon, time would be moving equally forward and backward.
There is always some time moving forward in a tori-sector-range.
Time moving forward and backward required a Laplacian-based and hermitian non-abelian concavity in terms of a given Basis of Light just before the "push" that brings together instanton, since the limits of the "Chi" diagonals need to bear a smooth topology that is holonomically Real Reimmanian.
Aren't these posts more fun than a full-length motion picture -- if you can see what I am describing!
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam.

Part One of Session Eight o

Friday, September 24, 2010

Course 5, Session 7, Part II

Now, to continue with the rest of Session 7 of Course 5. Counterclockwise unscrews, or brings reality toward its observer. The Creative Force needs to observe us. So, point commutators flow from right to left in the realm of the holomorphic direction in the course of forward moving time, and point commutators flow from left to right in the realm of the holomorphic direction in the course of backward moving time. Constant change forces life to learn. The basis of constant change is the basis of Organized Learning. In order for points to be points with discrepancies, constant compactified change must happen within a region small enough to where the translocation of its indices changes the operand of its surroundings. So, if a point is really a point, the region around it will exhibit a field. If the field exists, there will be an electric and a magnetic field associated with it on a fractally minute basis. Points are an approximate kinematic association. No lie. A point is a density of redistributed space that effects the area where it differentiates. As the point translocates, the ends of its condensed oscillation that comprise its make-up uncurl a little because of the fields of other points acting upon it, and the point prepares to interface with other of such point particles. What are these fields? Energy is everywhere. Energy and space are interchangeable. Point energy is dense energy that is compactified. When a magnetic and an electric field are formed, ripples in the energy between point particles forms a wrinkle in space-time fabric. These wrinkles act like hands that move to "try" to untie the ends of the strings at the ends of the said point particles. These oscillating wrinkles of space-time fabric are fields or field eigenstates. When these field eigenstates are kerneled to a specific tangent of the norm operator of one of these string ends, the point particles associated with this are contracted. If enough of these field eigenstates are kerneled as such, then the point particles' end points are pulled into the operand of space that is not dense. When the extent of continued pull brings two point ends to touch each other, then these come into contact and touch for a brief instant. As soon as the point ends curl around each other into a hooked normalcy, then the point ends pull each other straight and slip off of each other. This is since the elasticity of point particle end points have complete normalcy to all others that these come into contact with as these exhibit some sort of attraction that bends them like a supplemental compliment. (Normal Line).

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Will Continue With The Rest Of Course Five Soon

Hi people! This is Samuel Roach here. How are you doing?!
I know that you are eagerly awaiting the continuation of Course Five on Compactification and Yakawa Coupllings, yet I have to determine a redue of Session Eight in order to continue with the posting of the described Course Five. I originally wrote Course Five in 2002, and I have made some modifications in the manner and content of which I described things in the described teachings. I plan on putting one or two posts into my blog tommorrow to get back to the revision and completion of teaching the described Course Five.
Until then, I will continue with the suspense later!
You have a phenomenal day!
Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

More Of A Re-Introduction To Course Five

Hi there! This is Sam Roach once again. Here is more of a re-introduction to Course Five on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings.
Mini-String comprises the fields that exist in-between superstrings, as well as providing both the Laplacian and Fourier operation of comprising the substance of the first-ordered point particles that make up the said superstrings. Mini-String that is not frayed exists as an "tyable" thread that comes together to form first-ordered point particles in such a way so as to allow the back-and-forth ebbing and flowing of the holonomic substance of the described mini-string so that the delineatorial and distributional operational indices of the recycling of superstrings, norm-states, as well as that of scattered first-ordered point particles may undergo kinematic changes through time. So, when mini-string is compactified, it is tyed in a type of "knot" that may exchange the integrable substance of the mini-string as a unit in such a way so as to not break the chord-like properties of the described mini-string unless such segments of mini-string are frayed by a black-hole. The interbinding of mini-string is anyways always "knotted" in such a way so as to allow a compactified unit of the holonomic substance of a first-ordered point particle to either maintain its compactification per two consecutive instantons, increase in compactification per two consecutive instantons, or decrease in compactification per two consecutive instantons, depending on the kinematic operation that transpires upon a given first-ordered point particle as it is differentiating through a minimal Fourier Transformation.
The activity of a Yakawa Coupling allows for the interaction of superstrings so that phenomena may bear the tangency that is needed so that reality may exist. As an ansantz, literal Gliossi touch, rub, and curl of substringular phenomena is essential for any interaction to occur, yet, the indirect interaction of superstrings on account of the norm conditions that these depend on in order for us as people to witness interaction are essential as well. Here is what I mean by what I just wrote. Whether substances that we as people interact with are from our universe or not depends on the norm conditions of covariant superstrings that exist within a given region. The norm conditions that I described will obviously involve certain Gliossi interactions, yet, whether or not we as people may directly witness the result of such Gliossi interactions is based on the relative Ward Norm Conditions that appertain to the relationships of the Planck Phenomena that are involved in the interactions that I described that any arbitrary set of people may associate with.
I will continue with the suspense later! You have a phenomenal day! Sincerely, Sam.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Refreshing People About Course Five

Hello. This is Sam Roach here. I am here to refresh you about the last course of string theory that I was in the process of putting into my physics blog. The course that I am referring to is Course Five on Compactification and Yakawa Couplings. You see, the whole idea of compactification in terms of the type of string theory that I have been writing about is the condition of mini-string -- of which is comprised of interconnected "beads" of second-ordered point particles -- going either from a state of being loosely fitted into the realm of the substringular region in which these exist to being tightly fitted into the realm in which these exist or are going from a state of being tightly fitted into the realm in which these exist to being loosely fitted into the realm in which these exist. The increasing tautness of the Caucy Ward boundary conditions of mini-string's holonomic region is a condition of compactification, while the increasing relaxation of the Caucy Ward boundary conditions of mini-string's holonomic region is a condition of decompactification. First-Ordered point particles have varying compactification levels of mini-string -- these bear more compactification of mini-string when existing as part of a superstring while these bear less compactification of mini-string when existing as a Fock related particle. Fock related particles may be either a norm state or a scattered point particle that does not form a direct Gliossi interconnection that would define it as a norm state. Second-Ordered and third-ordered point particles always bear the same level of compactification, since the fabric of the interboundedness of sub-mini-string may only disconnect in-between individual second-ordered point particles, and not otherwise, because of the lack of holonomic Hodge leverage that exists where the said sub-mini-string interconnects second-ordered point particles verses the fully compactified (except for the determinable sub-kernels) conditions that comprise the make-up of second and third-ordered point particles.
Yet, since mini-string may on occasion partially break homotopy when mini-strings enter a black-hole during the simultaneous occurrence of Cassimer Invariance which helps to consistently "heal" homotopy, mini-string and thus also superstrings are sometimes frayed in the course of the breaking of links of mini-string via black-holes. This is because superstrings are comprised of first-ordered point particles, and first-ordered point particles are comprised of relatively compactified mini-string. I hope that what I just wrote will help you to understand Course Five better in terms of compactification.
Yakawa Couplings are all about substringular associations. The condition of Gliossi touch, as well as the condition of touch that bears an unborne tangency of substringular phenomena, the condition of the substringular Gliossi rub a well as the condition of the rub of substringular phenomena that bears no borne tangency, as well as the condition of substringular Gliossi curl as well as the condition of the curl of substringular phenomena that bears no borne tangency, are conditions that are called Yakawa Couplings. One of the most prominent types of Yakawa Couplings is the Fujikawa Coupling, since this type of coupling is what describes how the kinetic energy of electrons converts into photons. Photons are discrete units of electromagnetic energy, and electromagnetic energy, besides the Higgs Action, is about the most important phenomena that allows reality to exist. Thank you for your time. I hope that this session will prepare you all for the continuation of Course Five. I will continue with the suspense later! Sam.

Monday, September 20, 2010

On The Selling Of Courses

Hello once again. This is Sam Roach here. I realize that I stopped putting blog posts about my string theory courses quite a while ago. The intent as to this is that I am willing to sell some of my string theory courses to those of whom would be interested in buying these writings. So, if anyone is willing to buy some of my string theory courses, please e-mail me about this and/or send a comment onto my blog appertaining to such an intent. I am willing to negotiate prices. The sooner that someone contacts me about this, the sooner that I will be in a position to sell such courses. My next blog post will be a list of all of the courses that I not only wrote, yet also, of which I am willing to sell. Yet, let such a decision be of your own free will and accord.
The reason as to this is that I do not wish to intimidate anyone into a decision.
Well, anyhow, think about what I am writing here, and let your own reason faculties guide you into the right decision.
I am only willing to sell courses to people who live in the United States of America, so, let this information incubate into your mind, and subsequently let me know how you feel about this.
I will provide a list of the courses that I am willing to sell in the relatively near future!
Well, anyhow, you take care, and I will continue with the suspense later!
Have a phenomenal day!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Pep Talk About String Theory

Hi. My name is Sam Roach. I am a person just like anyone else, except that I have quite a flare for string theory. Over the centuries, people have come closer and closer to an accurate knowledge of the reality that exists. My string theory posts are a movement toward a more in-depth understanding of reality, so that people may have the "shoulders of giants" upon which to stand in an effort to understand the ways in which things are even better!
If you read my writings without fully understanding what I am trying to imbue into the collective consciousness of mankind, do not worry! With more explanations, continued intercommunication, and dialogue, we, as the human race, may better understand the world in which we live.
Remember, persistence and not discouragement! I am on the side of mankind. We are the champions, my friends!
Let our creator bless you, and I will continue with the suspense later!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Description Of Ghosts Of Higgs Action Eigenstates

The Higgs Action is the phenomenon that moves the Klein Bottle in such a manner so as to allow for the Kaeler Metric so that superstrings may regain the permittivity that these need to be the discrete energy that these are so that energy may exist. The Kaeler Metric also causes Planck Phenomena to regain the impedance that these need as well so that discrete energy impedance may exist so that that discrete energy may have a field trajectory so that superstrings may have the light-cone-gauge relationship that these need so that energy may exist.
The Higgs Action is a general term for the said type of phenomenon, yet individual discrete units of the Higgs Action are known as Higgs Action eigenstates.
Higgs Action eigenstates are examples of gauge-actions that are discrete phenomena that exist in spite of being smaller in length than the Planck Length. As a Higgs Action eigenstate moves through a Fourier Transformation, the kinematic redistribution and redilineation of its Gliossi field displaces norm-states as well as potentially displacing scattered Fock Space. Such a redistribution of the Fock Space that is in the Lagrangian path of the kinematic redilineation of a Higgs Action eigenstate forms a physical memory of where and how the associated discrete unit of Higgs Action was displaced over the course of the said Fourier Transformation over the described Lagrangian, the latter of which discribes the spacial operand of the translocation of the given Higgs Action eigenstate. Such a physical memory will tend to bear a generally non-abelain geometry as an equal and opposite reaction to the abelian geometry that is associated with the metric-gauge of the holonomic characteristic of the fabric of the associated Higgs Action eigenstate. When such a non-abelian ghost anomaly bears curvature that has singularities in the trajectory of the associated Laplacian ghost field and/or singularities in the trajectory of the associated Fourier ghost field that are related to indiscrete limits in the multiplicit partially integrated delineated Fock Field associated with one or more iterations that depict the Ward tree-amplitude distribution of the said ghost anomaly, then such a said ghost anomaly is said to have spurious Laplacian and/or Fourier delineation which may be described as a set of substringular phenomena that is Chern Simmons. Yet, if the ghost anomaly related to a Higgs Action eigenstate which is thus non-abelian has limits in the Ward Caucy bounds of the Laplacian and/or Fourier Lagrangian trajectory of such an anomaly that are multiplicitly hermitian in all of the partials of the redistribution of the associated Fock Field, and if the described ghost differentiates within the affiliated Real Reimmanian Plane, then such a ghost may be described as Yau-Exact. If a ghost of a Higgs Action eigenstate operates in-between the two previously describe cases (does not quite conform to the standards of the two prior circumstances described), then such a said ghost is said to be partially Yau-Exact and/or partially Chern Simmons. Usually, certain eigen partials of the Laplacian and/or Fourier distribution of such ghosts over the respective static and/or kinematic spacial Lagrangian that is related to such ghosts are Yau-Exact, certain of such eigen partials are Chern-Simmons, and certain of such eigen partials may be described as partially Yau-Exact and/or partially Chern-Simmons.
The residue of such ghosts forms a sub-energy contained imaginary supercharge that helps in allowing for the reverse-fractored effect that controls the delineation and the redileation of the scattering of Tesla Energy. Such a scattering of Tesla Energy allows for the metric-gauge activity that forms that generalized wave-tug that helps to interbind the condition of homotopy.
I will continue with the suspense later! Sincerely, Sam.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Types Of Time

This may not be perfect here, specifically, yet it is a definent movement in the direction of truth.
For every instanton that occurs for a specific individual life form, there are 3*(10^8) different speeds in which this time may appear to transpire. This is considering one iteration of Laplacian Transform. So, if you want to consider all of the theoretical varieties in which time appears to happen, multiply the number of instantons that exist for the total life spans of the total number of life forms that exist in one iteration of Tau, and multiply this number by 3*(10^8). So, we all experience the flow of time during the Fourier Transform of successive series of instantons as well as per each individual Laplacian condition that exists for all of the partially integrated redistributions of each associated described life form over the course of their physical existence.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Description Of Ghosts of Klein Bottle Eigenstates

A Klein Bottle eigenstate in one discrete unit of the Klein Bottle.
The Klein Bottle is a general term for a type of physical pheonmenon that exists all over the place in physicality.
A Klein Bottle eigenstate is built based on the Ward conditions of something known as a Schotky Construction.
A Schotky Construction is comprised of four orientifolds that exist as two parallel Klein Bottle associated sides that are perpindicular to two flushly oriented parallel Klein Bottle sides that in and of themselves also happen to be parallel to each other. An orientifold is one of two parallel sides of a Schotky Construction that act as relatively loose mini-string that bear a semipermeable allowance of what is to enter them while also what is to not enter them. These adjacent "house-shade"-like mini-string that comprise the described two sets of orientafolds are used to help draw in the proper norm-states while yet dejecting inappropriate norm-states that should not enter the Schotky Construction of a Klein Bottle eigenstate. The norm to antiholomorphic side of a Klein Bottle eigenstate is comprised of relatively compactified mini-string that are interconnected, while the norm to holomorphic side of a Klein Bottle eigenstate is open to stringular and Planck phenomenon related phenomena that has a need of entering the described Schotky Construction in order that discrete energy permittivity and discrete energy impedance may be rejuvinated so that energy may be able to persisty. A Klein Bottle eigenstate is four Planck Lengths long, two Planck Lengths wide, and one Planck Length thick. As a Schotky Construction as a Klein Bottle eigenstate is redistributed over a Fourier Transformation, the norm-states and/or the scattered Fock Space that is redistributed by the described motion form a physical memory of where and how the associated Klein Bottle eigenstate kinematically differentiated over time. One of such a physical memory of one Klein Bottle eigenstate is considered to be a discrete ghost anomaly of one Klein Bottle eigenstate. As the phenomena within the region of such a described ghost anomaly is moved upon by phenomena once the ghost has already formed, the said ghost anomaly is scattered in order to form residue that may have alterior purposes -- such as forming dilatons and dilatinos in order that gravitational particles may be able to be formed. Remember, ghosts that exist in the neighborhood of a given Real Reimmanian Plane often bear spontaneous interchange with ghosts that are off of the neighborhood of a given Real Reimmanian Plane. Besides these essential functions of transient ghost anomalies, ghost anomalies also are used to share with other point particles what is necessary for the recycling of norm-states, scattered Fock Space, as well as helping with the recycling of superstrings after a relatively long group metric.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Description Of Ghosts Of Campbell-Hausendorf Projections

A Campbell-Hausendorf Projection is an interconnection of Campbell-Hausendorf norm-states.
A ghost of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection is similar to a ghost of any other norm-state projection, except that a ghost of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection involves the physical memory of the latter said type of norm-state projection. Such ghosts as I have set out here to describe may involve a redistribution of non-linear and inexactly delineated first-ordered point particles (scattered Fock Space), and/or the here described ghosts may involve a redistribution of other types of norm-states that exist in the Fourier related path of the kinematic trajectory of such a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection (the physical memory of such a redistribution of scattered Fock Space and/or the physical memory of such a redistribution of norm-states that exist along the Lagrangian path of the kinematic Fourier delineation of the related Campbell-Hausendorf Projection.)
The scattered first-ordered point particles and/or the scattered norm-states whose related redistribution per instanton helps to describe where and how a Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state projection has differentiated over the course of the most discrete tense of Fourier iteration (one instanton until the proceeding one) helps to determine one group Hodge index of the ghost redistributions that interrelate to one successive iteration of a said ghost of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection. Ghosts that waver in a locus over that course of a group metric that involves a successive series of instantons describes an eigenbasis of one ghost anomolic region, such as the transient ghost anomalic field involved in the group metric of a transient region where Campbell-Hausendorf Projections differentiate in either a conformally invariant or a relatively invariant kinematic manner over a successive Fourier Transformation in order that the scattered inexact and nonlinear first-ordered point particles involved and/or the scattered norm-states involved may exist in such a manner so as to facilitate the continued existence of gravity when such ghosts and other related ghosts exist in a relatively said temporary manner. This is because the residue produced by ghost anomalies, as well as the exchange of the covariant residue of ghosts helps to provide a relatively open ground for the continuation of the necessary Noether and tachyonic flow. I will explain more of this later. Please enjoy the suspense! Sam.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Description Of The Ghosts Of Hausendorf Projections

A ghost anomaly of a Hausendorf Projection is like a ghost of a Campbell Projection, except that a ghost of a Hausendorf Projection is comprised of interconnected Hausendorf norm-states instead of being comprised of interconnected Campbell norm-states.
A Hausendorf Projection involves less of a Laplacian-based abelian nature than that of a Campbell Projection and a Hausendorf Projection involves even less of a Laplacian-based abelian nature than that of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection. What I mean here by a Laplacian-based abelian nature is the tautness of the differential geometry that exists between the integrative Hodge Index basis of the individual first-ordered point particles taken together as one whole.
As a Hausendorf Projection kinematically differentiates over the course of a Fourier Transformation, the wave-tug operational indices that are used to describe the Hamiltonian operation, the Hamiltonian operators, and the Hamiltonian operands that exist do to the motion of a Hausendorf Projection through the course of a successive series of instantons that describe a framework of time (as a covariant group metric) may involve a co-differentiating field networking that may be more non-abelian than expected theoretically. Yet, per individual instanton, the interlinking of the first-ordered point particles that comprise such a Hausendorf Projection will always bear a more non-abelian Laplacian differentiation than the interlinking of the first-ordered point particles that comprise a Campbell Projection over the same relativistic instanton of Laplacian differentiation. Such is true even when one compares such a Laplacian non-abelian nature of Hausendorf Projections verses those of a Campbell-Hausendorf Projection.
The scattered norm-states and/or the scattered non-linear and inexact Fock Space that is caused by the motion of a Hausendorf Projection -- that is kinematically re delineated from a relative Laplacian condition into the said scattered condition that happens over a Fourier Transformation -- will form a physical memory of where and how the previously described Hausendorf Projection kinematically differentiated over a local region of trajectory. Remember, ghost anomalies are always transient (they exist, yet over a relatively small covarian group metric).
Yet strangely enough, since the shape of Hausendorf Projections bears relative torsion, the ghosts of Hausendorf Projections tend to have more of an abelian nature than those of Campbell Projections. So, there is an inverse relation here which may be cited by the relative Dirac math which this involves.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Description Of Ghosts Of Campbell Projections

A Campbell Projection is an interonncection of Campbell norm-states.
Such a Projection may scatter either other norm-states and/or this may scatter inexact and nonlinear Fock Space. Inexact and nonlinear Fock Space is comprised of first-ordered point particles that do not have an abelian interconnection between the individual first-ordered point particles described. This would mean that, in inexact and nonlinear Fock Space, you have individual first-ordered point particles that are connected to other individual first-ordered point particles by mini-string that is not supplementally norm in-between these. Such a non-abelian wave-field may be either hermitian if smoothly curved in all of the derivatives that exist in all of the dimensions that it is in, or it may be Chern-Simmons if there are indiscrete limits in the curvature of such a random neighborhood of first-ordered point particles. Since it is the tendency of phenomena to come to a state of relaxation, without Campbell ghosts, Hausendorf ghosts, Cambell-Hausendorf ghosts, and the ghosts of their Projections, point commutators would have the tendency to become to non-abelian in covariant kinematic differentiation over time.
This would produce spurious tendencies which could fray substringular phenomena.
You don't want this to happen. Such is the importance of not only ghost anomalies, that are transient, and the ability of hermitian non-abelian behavior. Yet, not to worry, the sub-mini-string interconnection in-between second-ordered point particles that interconnect and compactify to form first ordered point particles as well as the nature of sub-mini-strings interconnecting in-between second-ordered point particles to form the webbing of mini-string caused the spontaneous nature of the bending of substringular fields to have a high elastic and a high fractal modulae. This is the only way third-ordered point particles could interconnect to form the only way second-ordered point particles could interconnect to connect first-ordered point particles to each other so that homotopy may exist as well as to allow superstrings to be formed by the said first-ordered point particles. Remember, third-ordered point particles only exist where there are second-ordered point particles, since mini-string which is comprised of second-ordered point particles is what forms the field networking which allows for the interconnection of superstrings that causes homotopy to exist. Homotopy allows for interconnection so that phenomena may covariantly differentiate over time and thus exist.
I will continue with the suspence later. Have a phenomenal day!

A Description Of Campbell-Hausendorf Ghosts

A Campell-Hausendorf ghost is like a Campbell ghost except that it involves Campbell-Hausendorf norm-states. A Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state is comprised of a first-ordered point particle that is supplementally norm to what could arbitrarily be either a concave up half-parabollic shell of first-ordered point particles or a concave down half-parabollic shell of first-ordered point particles. The initial first-ordered point particle that I have recently mentioned would be considered to be in the norm to forward holomorphic positioning relative to the type of half-parabollic shell that the prior said first-ordered point particle is supplementally norm to. There are 191 mini-string interconnections that interconnect the originally stated arbitrary first-ordered point particle to the given half-parabollic shell -- whether the given shell is relatively concave up or concave down relative to such a shell being considered in the forward norm to antiholomorphic position. What I am describing is over the course of a basic Laplacian Transform, so that I am not here discussing how such configurations exist over periods that involve time. With Hausendorf norm-states, there are 191 mini-string interconnections that bind the two given shells of an arbitrary Hausendorf norm-state to each other. Yet, with a Campbell-Hausendorf norm-state, the mini-string interconnections are apexed at the norm to forward holomorphic described first-ordered point particle, while, with a Hausendorf norm-state, the described mini-string interconnections are evenly spaced along the Laplacian topology that interbinds the associated shells. So, Campbell-Hausendorf states tend to obey more of an abelian field nature than Hausendorf states. This is why the Wick Action causing the Landau-Gisner Action causing the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism is an arbitrary example of a progression of more and more abelian geometry that is used to leverage an ability of force. At this, such an "arbitrary" example is actually a the most primal example. So, the Higgs Action, acted upon by the Fischler-Suskind Mechanism, is the primal source of the abelian nature which acts as the "force" whereupon energy may recycle back into primal energy so that energy may exist.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A Description Of Hausendorf Ghosts

A Hausendorf ghost is like a Campbell ghost except that it involves the activity of Hausendorf states.
A Hausendorf state is a norm-state that involves a set of first-ordered point particles that exist as a half-parabollic surface of which is supplementally norm to another set of first-ordered point particles that exist as a reversely concave organization of point partilces that form another half-parabollic surface. So, if the concavity of one of such previously mentioned half-parabollic surfaces is relatvely concave up, then the described surface that is supplementally norm to the originally mentioned surface will be relatively concave down.
So, if the concavity of one of such previously mentioned half-parabollic surfaces is relatively concave down, then the described surface that is supplementally norm to the prior mentioned half-parabollic surface is relatively concave up. When the so called bottoms of the two covariant half-parabollic surfaces face each other when these exist supplementally norm to each other as a Hausendorf state, then their orientation is said to be be based on a norm to holomorphic disposition. Yet, when the so called interiors of the two covariant half-parabollic surfaces face each other when these exist supplementally norm to each other as a Hausendorf state, then the orientation here is said to be based on a norm to antiholomorphic disposition. The holomorphism of forward-moving time particles is reverse to the holomorphism of backward-moving time particles. Such surfaces are interconnected via mini-string. As an ansantz, the norm holomorphic Laplacian conditions of the two half-parabollic surfaces that comprise any Hausendorf state are reverse in holomorphism in and of themselves. The reason for my prior defining of what type of Hausendorf state is based on norm to holomorphic under a given Laplacian condition and what type of Hausendorf state is based on norm to antiholomorphic under a given Laplacian condition is based on the condition of the relatively norm to forward holomorphic half-parabollic surface existing in a relatively concave up geometrical configuration. So, such a geometric configuration in terms of the relatively norm to holomorphic half-parabollic surface that describes a Hausendorf state that is considered a Laplacian-based antiholomorphic norm-state is based on the concavity of such a half-parabollic surface to be relatively concave down. So, such a geometric configuration in terms of the relatively norm to holomorphic half-parabollic surface that describes a Hausendorf state that is considered a Laplacian-based holomorphic norm-state is based on the concavity of such a half-parabollic surface to be relatively concave up.

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Description Of Campbell Ghosts, Part Two

Now, I will continue with the suspense. A discrete homeomorphic set of such a redistribution and re delineation of point commutators, that are inexact and non linearly based, on account of the motion of Campbell states, forms a physical memory of where and how such Campbell norm-states differentiated kinematically over a certain given Fourier Transformation. Over the course of one discrete instanton, such a discrete field of physical memory as considered over the Laplacian metrical delineation that is used to consider the differential geometry of the composition of such a discrete ghost defines a ghost anomaly of a Campbell norm-state. The covariantly related Laplacian Field that defines the cohomology of inter related adjacent Campbell ghosts is used to consider and classify the eigenbasis of a Campbell norm-state ghost region. So, the partial differentiation that is used to determine one Campbell norm-state discrete ghost field may be integrated in certain cohomological point commutator Fock regions to determine the Laplacian eigenbasis of such related fields as well as to determine the Fourier Transform eigenbasis of such a prior named field when considering such a field's kinematic operation when taken over a sequential series of instantons. The aberration of the homeomorphic topology of such an eigenbasis forms pseudo-real permutations of such an integrative multiplicit ghost field on account of other gauge-metrics that occur over a transient period. Please study what I have just written, and e-mail to me your thoughts about this!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Description Of Campbell Ghosts, Part One

A norm-state that is comprised of one first-ordered point particle that is supplementally norm to a set of first-ordered point particles that form a plane of surface area that is norm to reverse holomorphic relative to the originally stated first-ordered point particle is called a Campbell norm-state. Campbell norm-states that travel in positive time that are considered positive travel in a holomorphically-based directoralization. Campbell norm-states that travel in negative time that are considered positive travel in an antiholomorphically-based directoralization. Campbell norm-states that travel in positive time that are considered negative travel in an antiholomorphically-based directoralization. Campbell norm-states that travel in negative time that are considered negative travel in a holomorphically-based directoralization. As Campbell states move per sequential series of instantons, these scatter adjacent first-ordered point particles that are loose in certain regions. Such first-ordered point particles that are loose do not exist in a norm-state as is. The scattering of loose first-ordered point particles is a redistribution of anomalous Fock Space that exists along the Ward bounds of general homotopy. I will continue with the suspence later!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

A Description of Ghosts Of Schwinger Indices Via The Rarita Structure, Part Two

The motion of the vibrations known as Schwinger Indices causes the norm-states that are in the path of such a motion per a sequential series of instantons through a group metric that defines a very limited Fourier Transformation to be redistributed in such a manner so as to form a physical memory of where the associated Schwinger vibrations were and how these were delineated. Such a physical memory is known as a ghost of a Schwinger Index via the Laplacian trajectory of the Rarita Structure when considering a physical memory at one instanton. When considering a homeomorphic phenomenon of such a physical memory that is discrete over a sequential series of iterations, then the said Fourier related phenomenon is a kinematically based eigenstate of Schwinger Index vibration as defined by the partial differentiation of a segment of a Rarita Structure eigenstate over a limited number of instantons. The integration of the related previously mentioned differentials in order to form an isomorphic quantum of directly related physical memories which form a reverse fractored discrete ghost-like pattern is known as an eigenbasis of ghost anomalic indices of the Rarita Structure that bear a commonality of parity, angular momentum, and spin-orbital momentum.

A Description Of Ghosts Of Schwinger Indices Via The Rarita Structure, Part One

Superstrings are effected by gravity on account of the Ricci Scalar. The phenomenon that causes the Ricci Scalar to exist is the Rarita Structure. The Rarita Structure interconnects superstrings with gravitational particles. The vibrations that are translated through the Rarita Structure are known as Schwinger Indices. Schwinger Indices are produced by the plucking of second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates by E(6)XE(6) heterotic strings. The accumulative vibratory eigenbasis of the overall plucking of a first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate is known as a first-ordered Schwinger Index. The individual vibrations that comprise such an accumulation are known as second-ordered Schwinger Indices. As the previously mentioned vibrations are translated via mini-string that interconnects a light-cone-gauge eigenstate (first-ordered) toward gravitational particles via a Rarita Structure eigenstate, the metric-gauge of such an activity branches out to allow for the covariant co-differentiation of integrable gravity that is more prominent within a general associated substringular neighborhood. I will continue with the suspence later!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Describing Ghosts Of Light-Cone-Gauge Eigenstates

The Laplacian-based region that exists in-between a given superstring and its associated Fadeev-Popov Trace has a mini-string interaction which is sinusoidal for non-abelian related superstrings or supplemental in terms of abelian based superstrings. What I mean by a non-abelian based superstring here is in terms of the related light-cone gauge, as well as what I mean by an abelian based superstring here is in terms of the related light-cone-gauge. Whenever a superstring exists over a sequential series of iterations, it is going through some sort of Fourier Transformation, since it involves time. So, whenever a superstring moves over a set course of instantons, the corresponding light-cone-gauge also co-differentiates through some sort of a Fourier Transformation. The motion of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate displaces the norm-states that exist in the path of the reiterated motion of the said light-cone-gauge eigenstates. The phsyical Fock redistribution of such norm-states forms a delineation that acts as the physical memory of the previously described light-cone-gauge eigenstate. This physical memory of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is known as a ghost of a light-cone-gauge eigenstate. An individual homeomorphic distribution of such re delineated norm-states would then be a ghost eigenstate produced by one light-cone-gauge eigenstate.