Monday, June 21, 2010

A Post That Was Inspired By Discovery Magazine

This post was inspired by the article, "NASA braces for course correction" from the magazine Discovery.
Space-Time bends. So, if you want to go to one spot in outer space, what would seem to be a direct route is not actually straight. So, in order to go "straight" to a destination in outer space, you must calculate going in what would from outward appearances seem to be a semi-curved or nonlinear path in order to get to the said destination the quickest. This is because the three sets of parallel universes are toroidal hoops that, once traversed through half way via one of these hoops, pulls one into a parallel universe. If we were to recircuit the said hoop of a set of parallel universes (there are three of these), one would again be pulled into another parallel universe. As I have shown in a previous blog post, there are 91*10^81 universes in our set of parallel universe, and there are three of such sets in kinematically based space and time that is physical. Knowing how to go "straight" via seemingly curved-space involves a relation of quantum physics & astronomy that will help mankind. I hope this was helpful.

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