Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Course 5 on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings, Session One, Part One

When a lot of interconnected solids are folded together, the shape of the overall structure changes. When this folding is done in one dimension, that dimension is cut in size. If the interconnected solid is folded in the middle, then the overall structure is cut in size by one-half in that dimension. If the prior dimension was the length of the structure, then the length would be cut in half while the width would stay the same. If the length and width of that solid were folded alone, then the thickness would be multiplied by four. If all three parameters of the solid were folded in the the middle, then each of the parameters in what we normally view of as our three-dimensional delineation in terms of the solid will be cut in half, yet a fourth dimension would have to be multiplied by six. Question. If you fold something up, won't the thickness increase? You would think so. Do you know what a trash compactor is? It smushes things into a smaller overall size. How many things are infinitely dense? Not many. Since every interconnected solid is made up of atoms, and atoms of a planet tend to form molecules, a solid object tends to contain many molecules. Are atoms smushed together in molecules? Certainly not! Molecules have a lot of empty space. Atoms are mostly empty space for that matter. Do many different types of molecules exist for certain types of solids? Yes! Are there spaces between these different types of molecules? Yes. The further you move away from the atom, the easier it is to smush things down. For instance, how easy is it to rake leaves? It is pretty easy for most people to do such a procedure in general. Yet how easy is it for a person to split or smush an atom? Now this will take some nuclear engineering. I will continue with the suspense of this session later. I hope that my readers are following along and learning about what I am writing as I go. Don't worry. I will not teach anything dangerous on this blog. This blog is just a means of teaching fundamental string theory. Have a phenomenal day!

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