Friday, June 11, 2010

Course 5 on Compactification and Yakawa Couplings, Session Three, Part One

Did you ever go to a store like "Natural Wonders?" Did you ever see the balls that begin with a large size while these are later brought down to a tiny sized ball? Did you ever notice how the total amount of stuff that actually makes up the ball is always maintained? The ball goes from dispersed in how it is stretched out, to more densely packed. This is a good example of compactification. The example is good because the shape of the ball is maintained, while yet the density of the ball goes from low to high. Also, the shapes of the twists in the ball as these twists form the same general shape of the ball are maintained in general, except that these twists go from elongated and separated to scrunched in and more together. As the ball is more compact, the twists not only are touching more, yet these also have more of a tendency to twist upon each other. As these twists twist upon each other, this forms a twist in and of itself. As these twists go throughout the shape of the whole ball, the ball is shown here to actually be an integration of twists that twist upon themselves. When the ball is stretched out, these integrated twists are separated from each other and stretched, although keeping the same curve pattern. In either case, the twists are three-dimensional curve-like waves that are stationary when put into position. Now, with strings, waves are constantly moving. A moving wave is a vibration. Everything that is made up of energy is made up of waves, and thus, vibrations. Vibrations that appear to be standing still are composed of standing waves. What these are are waves that go back and forth through the same spot, thus appearing not to do anything. Now, the ball from before was made up of some synthetic material. The material here is made up of energy and thus vibration, yet the material here itself is not moving relative to our perspective. The material, when triggered, does move by stretching or contracting. The motion of stretching may be called decompactification, while the motion of contracting may be called compactification.

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