Saturday, June 26, 2010

A Post Inspired by an Interview of Alan Dressler in Discover Magazine

The following post was inspired by an article in Discover Magazine, which was an interview of Alan Dressler. The article was, "Astronomer Alan Dressler Sets Off On The Trail Of The First Galaxies In The Universe." The following is what I was inspired to write based upon this article.
Time. What is it? Real time is the integration of one or more instantons. Imaginary time is the integration of metrics and sub-metrics that happen in order to produce the Ultimon Flow that exists in-between instantons. What is the duration of an instanton? Presently, an instanton exists every 10^(-43) of a second in physical space and time. Has the duration of an instanton changed over the course of time that the universes existed? Yes. From the moment of the "Big-Bang," (It wasn't actually big, and there was no medium for sound, so it didn't resound a "bang."), until Winter Solstice of 2012, in terms of modern seconds, space and time existed for 86,400*365.25*15*10^(9) seconds. Yet, iteration duration has slowed just a little bit over billions of years, making the universes's duration in this iteration of Tau to be exactly 13.7 billion years according to time being controlled by the flow of instantons. Therefore, in this iteration of Tau, space-time consists of a total of 473,364*10^(55) instantons, or, in other words, a total of 473,364*10^(55) iterations.

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