Sunday, June 27, 2010

Course 5, Session 7, Part One

Point particles touch each other and rub against each other because of the ends from these that extend from their interacting. The touch and rub of separate point particles toward each other is very brief. Not only is the touching a kinematic transition, yet the point particles themselves are a condensed set of oscillations that act as as an individual phenomena discharge. Remember that phenomena discharge is stough that involves nodes of redistributed space? Space is everywhere what exists. Physical space is space that involves discrepancies. A discrepancy is a lack of what would theoretically be actual. Why is physicality like this? Remember Cassimer Invariance? Recycling? Mobius Twist approximation? What the last three things mean is that physicality is actual, yet the discharge pairing is odd. Picture this. You are a juggler. You are juggling an odd number of things. Can this be done? Yes. Yet it involves a repeat that does not directly overlap. Here. Let's say that you were to juggle three things. You start with two in one hand and one in another. You toss one up and place the thing that that is closest to the empty hand into it as you are about to catch the tossed thing. As this continues, the order of things keeps changing. Lack of order is disorder. Numbers in counting go from odd to even to odd. When pairing is not even on a team, somebody substitutes. Making due happens. Making due involves a controlled way of handling disorder. Disorder is something that is not taken account into in theory, unless such theory includes the effects of entropy. Disorder is the key to discrepancy. Discrepancy is on account of the fact that reality to a limited viewpoint is three-dimensional at the base. Three is the smallest odd counting number besides one. One is unitization. Unitization basically means that a thing is a thing. Nothing has to happen for the basis of unitization to exist. Reality is. Real odd numbers that mean something besides unity or autonomy or self-existence start at three. I will continue with the suspense of this session later. Until then, you have a phenomenal day!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

What I Am Writing Is Logical

If it wasn't for Ultimon Flow in-between instantons, superstrings would not be able to associate properly.
If it wasn't for ghost anomalies, gravitational particles could never form.
If it wasn't for phenomena smaller than superstrings, superstrings would have no interconnective field.
If it wasn't for the "space-hole", superstrings would not be able to organize.
If it wasn't for tachyons, light would shatter when it went to scatter.
If it wasn't for more than three spacial dimensions, there would be no parallel universes.
If it wasn't for parallel universes, the delineation of substringular field would be to weak to sustain in any significance.
If it wasn't for the Higgs Action, superstrings would lose permittivity, energy would cease, and there would be nothing.
Any more questions?

A Post Inspired by an Interview of Alan Dressler in Discover Magazine

The following post was inspired by an article in Discover Magazine, which was an interview of Alan Dressler. The article was, "Astronomer Alan Dressler Sets Off On The Trail Of The First Galaxies In The Universe." The following is what I was inspired to write based upon this article.
Time. What is it? Real time is the integration of one or more instantons. Imaginary time is the integration of metrics and sub-metrics that happen in order to produce the Ultimon Flow that exists in-between instantons. What is the duration of an instanton? Presently, an instanton exists every 10^(-43) of a second in physical space and time. Has the duration of an instanton changed over the course of time that the universes existed? Yes. From the moment of the "Big-Bang," (It wasn't actually big, and there was no medium for sound, so it didn't resound a "bang."), until Winter Solstice of 2012, in terms of modern seconds, space and time existed for 86,400*365.25*15*10^(9) seconds. Yet, iteration duration has slowed just a little bit over billions of years, making the universes's duration in this iteration of Tau to be exactly 13.7 billion years according to time being controlled by the flow of instantons. Therefore, in this iteration of Tau, space-time consists of a total of 473,364*10^(55) instantons, or, in other words, a total of 473,364*10^(55) iterations.

Monday, June 21, 2010

A Post That Was Inspired By Discovery Magazine

This post was inspired by the article, "NASA braces for course correction" from the magazine Discovery.
Space-Time bends. So, if you want to go to one spot in outer space, what would seem to be a direct route is not actually straight. So, in order to go "straight" to a destination in outer space, you must calculate going in what would from outward appearances seem to be a semi-curved or nonlinear path in order to get to the said destination the quickest. This is because the three sets of parallel universes are toroidal hoops that, once traversed through half way via one of these hoops, pulls one into a parallel universe. If we were to recircuit the said hoop of a set of parallel universes (there are three of these), one would again be pulled into another parallel universe. As I have shown in a previous blog post, there are 91*10^81 universes in our set of parallel universe, and there are three of such sets in kinematically based space and time that is physical. Knowing how to go "straight" via seemingly curved-space involves a relation of quantum physics & astronomy that will help mankind. I hope this was helpful.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Solutions To Test One Of Course # Five

1) If two masses differ in compactification, these masses differ in the amount of space that exists in-between the core densities of the masses considered individually while then being compared.

2) If two masses of the same volume differ in compactification, then one mass has more spaces in-between its core densities than the other.

3) When an umbrella is open, it is relatively uncompacitfied. When an umbrella is shut, it is relatively compactified.

4) The empty spaces in-between the fabric of a quilt shows a degree of a lack of compactification in the said quilt.

5) When space is composed of a mass, kinetic energy, or an electromagnetic energy, when composed of discrete phenomena, it is an overt thing. When space is empty, it is nothing.

6) Differentiating space forms energy when it differentiates over time in a kinematic directoralization. Energy in static equilibrium is matter. Matter with relatively little empty space is relatively compactified.

7) A point particle that is first-ordered is like a ball of yarn because it consists of intertwined mini-string.

8) Point particles that are first-ordered that are unfrayed are all interconnected via mini-string during instanton, just as balls of yarn in a hoop may all directly or indirectly interconnect via the ends of these balls of yarn interconnecting.

9) All first-ordered point particles interconnect via the transit of Ultimon Flow.

10) The spin and roll of first-ordered point particles causes the emission of mini-string. The emission of mini-string interconnects the said point particles Such spin and roll also makes the said point particles kinematic. The kinematic interconnection of such particles tug these phenomena along the Ultimon, thus causing Ultimon Flow.

11) Spin and roll are related to magnetic field.

12) The drive in a direction of a point is related to angular momentum, and produces the sub-basis of electric field.

13) A Yakawa Coupling is the touch, rub, and curl of substringular phenomena upon each other.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Compactification and Yakawa Couplings, Course 5, Part 5, First Test

1) What is meant by that two masses differ in compactification?

2) What is meant by that two phenomenal discharges of equal total volume differ in compactification?

3) Describe how an umbrellas relate to compactification.

4) Describe how a quilt shows a lack of or a degree of compactification.

5) When is space an overt thing, and when is it nothing?

6) What makes differentiating space compactified?

7) How is a point particle like a ball of yarn?

8) Give the analogy I gave how all point particles are interconnected.

9) Thru what general transit are all point particles interconnected?

10) How are the spin and woll of the point particles related to this transit?

11) Spin and roll are related to what field phenomena?

12) The drive in a direction of a point is what and describes which part of "12?"

13) What is a Yakawa Coupling?

Course 5 on Compactification and Yakawa Couplings, Session Four, Part Two

Now, to return to my analogy of the ramifications of spin and roll. As the balls of yarn spin and roll while cycling thru the hoop (going around), the twisting from the spin and roll action causes the yarn ends separated from each ball of yarn to interact with each other. How? Each ball of yarn is spinning, rolling, and moving along the hoop at a high rate of speed. The balls of yarn are close enough to where the ends of each ball described are able to interact, yet far enough away from each other to where the balls as a whole will not collide with each other. Since the balls of yarn are spinning, rolling and moving as units so fast, the yarn of the balls extending from these balls will want to hyper extend and move in all sorts of directions. Since the balls of yarn have closeness, and what I said above is happening, the yarn that is extended from the balls will need to interact (touch, rub, and curl around each other). This is because the ends of yarn extended from the balls will be where each other are at for each ball toward each other ball at least once during the one complete rotation of the balls around the hoop that I mentioned earlier. Picture the balls of yarn as point particles. The interaction of the ends of yarn of each ball of yarn in terms of these ends of yarn touching, rubbing, and curling around each other as the balls of yarn go around the hoop described earlier is an interaction symbolizing a Yakawa Coupling. Yakawa is the person's name who described a related phenomena a long time ago, and a coupling is an interaction (touching, rubbing, and curling around). When spouses are a couple, what do they do? They touch each other, rub up against each other, and curl around each other. The words have a similar history (couple -- coupling). Yakawa seemed to think that coupling was based on string as strings. Yet, as I described in previous courses, in order for strings to exist, there must be points that make these up. As far as traveling to other parts of the Continuum in basically no time flat, which I could teach, the smallest form of Yakawa Coupling that is necessary to understand is that of a point particle (within a substring) taken as a piece of yarn. If you will recall from a previous course, the hoop that I am describing is considering the universes in terms of a substringular framework instead of a globally distinguishable framework.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Black-Hole "blow-torches"

Black-Holes are torsioning funnels of gravitational pull that are formed by collapsed white dwarf stars. Gravitational force tends to obey g= (MmG/R^2). Here, "g" means a gravitational force. "M" means the larger mass that is considered in a given case. "m" means the smaller mass that is considered in a given case. "R^2" is the radius of the larger mass squared. "G" means the Universal Gravitational Constant. When a white dwarf collapses into a highly massive relatively pointal distribution of frayed sub-atomic particles, the "R" of "R^2" is of a mass to where m is much larger in radius than M, and therefore M has a much smaller radius than m. Such a dense delineation of a relatively small volume that is frayed forms a torsioning that not even light can escape. Once a black-hole starts, the dense relative bottoms of the given black-hole turns into a conical apex of that selfsame black-hole. Black-Holes fray substringular phenomena, and such a torsioning funnel of stringular gravity has relatively few ways of being destroyed. At times, "jet streams" of frayed phenomena is expelled from the larger opening of a black-hole. Such a "jet stream" becomes illuminated by the surrounding electromagnetic energy to add impedance to such a "jet stream" to keep its velocity under light speed, yet also such impedance reverses the De-Sitter/Anti-De-Sitter gravitational directoralization of the given "blow-torch's" Ricci Scalar, to cause the given stream's to convert from an antigravitational flow to a gravitational flow. The Calabi-Yau and Calabi-Wilson-Gordan interactions of electromagnetic energy upon the given "blow-torch" along with the given reversal of the associated Ricci Scalar is to reassemble the frayed superstringular phenomena back into superstrings that interact in such a manner so as to decrease permittivity over time. The accumulation of such "blow-torches" that brought together and codifferentiate sometimes forms a supernovae, which, when acted upon by a Dirac-like perturbative force may decompactify by thus forming a Nebulae. When "blow-torhes" exit the apex-like end of a black-hole, this antimatter is acted upon to convert its effectual De-Sitter/Anti-De-Sitter gravitational directoralization of its associated Ricci-Scalar to an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational directoralization of its associated Ricci Scalar as well. Yet, in this case, the illumination of the described "blow-torch" forms an impedance upon the described "jet stream" to convert the given antimatter into matter. Again, the cohomological binding of multiple "blow-torches" may form an impedance, which, when perturbated upon in a Dirac-like manner, may form a Nebulae. In either case, some phenomena that is frayed in a black-hole is pulled in by tremendous gravity, while then converted into an antigravitational phenomena that is then "spit out" of a said black-hole. Disorganized material phenomena that is "spit out" exits the wide end of a black-hole, while disorganized anti-matter-like phenomena exits the apex-like end of a black-hole. In either case, such "blow-torches" often accumulates to form supernovaes that form Nebulae that recreate and redistribute material phenomena thru the universe. This is not the only way supernovas are formed, though.
I hope that you are learning from me.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Course 5 On Compactification And Yakawa Coupllings, Session Four, Part One

Yarn. A bunch of string that is used to make fabric. A ball of yarn. A bunch of yarn that is rolled up into a closely knit whole. I am using an analogy to help describe certain concepts in string theory. What happens when you untie the yarn and toss it? Not only does the yarn scatter, yet it also spreads out and becomes disorganized (implied by scatter). Compact. Do you remember what I said it means? Squished. (Implied). Which is more compact, a ball of yarn, or a scattered quantity of yarn? A ball of yarn is. Take the end of a ball of yarn. Move it in a direction away from the ball. What happens? The ball of yarn gets smaller and the yarn from the ball is taken to a place where if you think about it, it could be shared with more yarn. If you remember, this type of movement is called a distribution or a redistribution. What if you had many balls of yarn that were placed in a region. These balls were near each other. One end of each ball was moved away from each respective ball. Each of these ends of yarn were to interact (touch, rub, and curl around) with other ends of yarn that were recently moved away from their respective balls. Each ball of yarn mentioned moves in a common general direction. (There may be slight changes in direction of balls of yarn relative to each other, yet each ball of yarn ends up moving in what ends up being the same whole direction). The balls of yarn go together in a circle as a unit. After the set of balls of yarn complete going in a group rotation, (What I mean here by rotation is like a group of cars going all around a racetrack), each ball of yarn ends up interacting (touching, rubbing, and curling around) with each other ball of yarn in terms of the ends of yarn that were loosened from the given balls of yarn as was described earlier. This shows in words metaphorically that after one complete cycle of balls of yarn going around a hoop of curvature, each ball of yarn has in effect interacted (touched, rubbed, and curled around, here, in terms of the ends of yarn from each ball of yarn brought outward from the balls) with each each of the other balls of yarn existent in the hoop that I just mentioned. (Existent means here that each ball of yarn mentioned is in the hoop.). As the balls of yarn rotate as a group around the given hoop (as cars rotate around a racetrack), the balls of yarn also spin and roll. What is spin? Place a small ball on your finger and twist it. The twisting action you see is called spin. What is roll? Toss a bowling ball down a bowling alley. The twisting action you see is called roll. I will continue with the suspense of this session later. I hope that you are learning from my ideas on string theory. Please be patient with my analogies. I am trying to use metaphors and similes to bring my concepts down to earth for the average reader. When I get a router that works, I will be on the Internet often enough to answer the comments that are given to me. Until later, you have a phenomenal day!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Course 5 on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings, Session Three, Part Two(2)

Compactification is a process. A process is a happening. A happening is an occurrence that involves energy. Energy is made up of vibrations. Vibrations, as said above, are mode up of waves. Decompactification is a process in the opposite direction of compactification. Thus, this process involves energy, yet in the opposite direction. Here, the waves move in the opposite direction of where the waves moved in compactification. Compactification is a collapse of structure. Decompactification is an expansion of structure. Compactification involves no necessary destruction to the structure in certain circumstances, nor does decompactification build upon a structure necessarily. In cases besides the ball, compactification may alter the general shape of the twists of certain overt structures, and this type of change in significant obvious contours and/or shapes from within the structure of a given shape may happen during decompactification. Heh? Here: Three letter "s" shapes here are three-dimensional. These are twisted upon themselves. These are elastic in terms of flexibility. As these are smushed, the curves bend-in to form the shape of a torqued figure-eight. As these are stretched, the curves straighten. These are respective examples. Materials that are rigid are more likely to maintain a general type of contour or shape. This is true of waves, too. Materials that are more elastic are more likely to lose their general type of contour or shape. This is true of waves, too. As waves move, there is always a certain degree of elasticity there. If that were not true, then the waves would become too brittle and shatter. Also, if something is too rigid, it can no longer move. Everything is motion, and everything is made up of waves. So, everything has some degree of elasticity to a certain extent. Elasticity is also adaptation. Environments involve many things. Many things in a reality involve immediate changes in surroundings. So, for stuff to move in an environment where there is immediate change, the object(s) or waves involved are everything. Flexibility is the condition of adaptation. A wave or a set of waves' ability to be flexible increases its ability to maintain. The maintenance or a structure decreases wear-and-tear. Less wear-and-tear means less applied entropy. Less entropy means less chaos. Less chaos means that a given structure will last longer. Elasticity may allow one to change a structure more in an individual structure, while yet causing relatively no damage to it, if any.

Course 5 on Compactification and Yakawa Couplings, Session Three, Part One

Did you ever go to a store like "Natural Wonders?" Did you ever see the balls that begin with a large size while these are later brought down to a tiny sized ball? Did you ever notice how the total amount of stuff that actually makes up the ball is always maintained? The ball goes from dispersed in how it is stretched out, to more densely packed. This is a good example of compactification. The example is good because the shape of the ball is maintained, while yet the density of the ball goes from low to high. Also, the shapes of the twists in the ball as these twists form the same general shape of the ball are maintained in general, except that these twists go from elongated and separated to scrunched in and more together. As the ball is more compact, the twists not only are touching more, yet these also have more of a tendency to twist upon each other. As these twists twist upon each other, this forms a twist in and of itself. As these twists go throughout the shape of the whole ball, the ball is shown here to actually be an integration of twists that twist upon themselves. When the ball is stretched out, these integrated twists are separated from each other and stretched, although keeping the same curve pattern. In either case, the twists are three-dimensional curve-like waves that are stationary when put into position. Now, with strings, waves are constantly moving. A moving wave is a vibration. Everything that is made up of energy is made up of waves, and thus, vibrations. Vibrations that appear to be standing still are composed of standing waves. What these are are waves that go back and forth through the same spot, thus appearing not to do anything. Now, the ball from before was made up of some synthetic material. The material here is made up of energy and thus vibration, yet the material here itself is not moving relative to our perspective. The material, when triggered, does move by stretching or contracting. The motion of stretching may be called decompactification, while the motion of contracting may be called compactification.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Course 5 on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings, Session 2, Part Two(2)

So, with the quilt, the spaces described are not matter, these spaces bear insignificant energy or electromagnetic energy, and are compressible. So, what does that make the quilt? Compactible. How could the quilt be viewed of as space? Matter is mostly empty space. The more you break down phenomena, the more that you find it to be empty space. Yet reality exists. All reality depends on a framework of certain relative truth that depends on a pervasive logic, integrating into an overall reality. If this reality is truly real, then this logic shall be completely pervasive. Something that is matter has mass. Mass of the right atmospheric pressure and gravitational pull on earth will have weight. Something that is actual space as we know it to be will hot have weight. A mass of a quilt will have weight. Something that is of the globally distinguishable that is not overtly matter, energy, or electromagnetic energy will hot have size or weight in a gravitational field. A quilt consists of a mass that also has many spaces. By some weird concoction, the space may be able to form an energy. Yet, is it? No! Why? To distinguish that, yes, all is in a sense space -- yet that what is termed of as space means basically nothingness by my present content. Also, yes, all is energy -- yet that what is termed of as energy by my present context is stuff that resists compactification. What do I mean by resist? If you smush a quilt enough to eliminate the holes, you will start to encounter difficulty in smushing it any further. Why? The quilt is stuff. Stuff doesn't want to go away. If stuff gets smushed to where it doesn't want to smush any more, all of the loose spaces are gone and the stuff is said to be fully compactified or compact. The process of compactifying a phenomenon is said to be COMPACTIFICATION.

Course 5 on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings, Session 2, Part 1

So, an object with a lot of spaces in it may be smushed down a lot more than an object that has few spaces in it. Will an object ever have no spaces it? No! Everything that exists will always have a certain amount of space in-between the objects that comprise the thing. So, what is this thing that I am calling space? What I am calling space is actually space that is void of what we would conceive of as physical entities. You see, EVERYTHING in a sense is space! Remember, matter is energy in static equilibrium. Energy is redistributed space. Space is the patch where the universes are at! So, space is everywhere and is everything except for time (in the physical universes). The loops in-between this patchwork are a different trace of space. Remember, whenever stuff is in a spot is a place where there is space. Whenever you can detect stuff is a spot of space. So, basically, all is space except for time. Yet, what did I mean at the beginning? Here. It's relative. You use yarn to make a quilt. The quilt has holes. What happens when you smush the quilt? Its size goes down. Does its mass go down? No! Because the holes in the quilt were spaces or gaps in that mass that comprised the framework of the quilt. The "objects" referred to as spaces here were areas where there were no matter. A quilt is an example of an object that is matter. Something that is not matter has no weight. These spaces are also not kinematic or electromagnetic here, for all practical purposes. Since that is true, the energy and light of the spaces have no significant three-dimensional bearing on the area or region where the spaces existed at. So, the smushing of the quilt eliminated no significant quanta of energy as energy or light nor did it displace any of such significant quanta of energy or light from those regions that were described as the spaces where the quilt did not exist from within the quilt. I will continue with the suspense of this session later. I am sorry that I have not responded yet to the comments. I hardly ever get a chance to get on the Internet, since, shortly after I got my router, it went to "pot." When I get a new router that works right, I expect to work rigorously with my blog, as well as fixing this blog up. You have a phenomenal day!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Course 5 on Compactification and Yakawa Coupllings, Session One, Part Two

Is it possible for both the raking of leaves and the splitting of an atom to be done in nature at any given moment? Yes! Nature includes the whole universe. Yet, which of the two takes more force? Smushing an atom does. Why? The reason is that the more electrodynamic fields get in the way of a motion involving atoms, especially when you consider the fact that the atoms you are dealing with are the same type of general thing, the more resistance there is to direct manipulation. Look at it this way: A proton can't smush a proton, since like charges repel. An atom often has charge -- ions always do -- yet the density of its electrodynamic charges is such that a group of charge densities of the same nature will not have the intensity or direction to penetrate or smush the small volume of the field that exists in the region of an atom. When you are talking about leaves, these may be moved by direct physical contact such as we know it. Physical objects that we normally would try to move are generally just portable sets of molecules whose fields come together to form an entity. This entity may be solid to our view, and therefore not compactible. If the object appears to be compactible, then the empty spaces are obvious. If the object isn't, then its compactification will only happen under high pressure. What pressure? High physical or atmospheric pressure will help to smush the contents of an object if this pressure is directed on the object in a way that focuses inward. Will this compactification have rhyme or reason in terms of symmetry? This depends on the metrics of the forces of pressure that are existent upon the given object, and at what multiple directions that this physical force is exerted during the given set of metrics.

Course 5 on Compactification And Yakawa Couplings, Session One, Part One

When a lot of interconnected solids are folded together, the shape of the overall structure changes. When this folding is done in one dimension, that dimension is cut in size. If the interconnected solid is folded in the middle, then the overall structure is cut in size by one-half in that dimension. If the prior dimension was the length of the structure, then the length would be cut in half while the width would stay the same. If the length and width of that solid were folded alone, then the thickness would be multiplied by four. If all three parameters of the solid were folded in the the middle, then each of the parameters in what we normally view of as our three-dimensional delineation in terms of the solid will be cut in half, yet a fourth dimension would have to be multiplied by six. Question. If you fold something up, won't the thickness increase? You would think so. Do you know what a trash compactor is? It smushes things into a smaller overall size. How many things are infinitely dense? Not many. Since every interconnected solid is made up of atoms, and atoms of a planet tend to form molecules, a solid object tends to contain many molecules. Are atoms smushed together in molecules? Certainly not! Molecules have a lot of empty space. Atoms are mostly empty space for that matter. Do many different types of molecules exist for certain types of solids? Yes! Are there spaces between these different types of molecules? Yes. The further you move away from the atom, the easier it is to smush things down. For instance, how easy is it to rake leaves? It is pretty easy for most people to do such a procedure in general. Yet how easy is it for a person to split or smush an atom? Now this will take some nuclear engineering. I will continue with the suspense of this session later. I hope that my readers are following along and learning about what I am writing as I go. Don't worry. I will not teach anything dangerous on this blog. This blog is just a means of teaching fundamental string theory. Have a phenomenal day!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Solutions To Last Test Of Course 4, Part Two

9) The "roll" of superstrings forms an orbital effect that, along with the spin of the said superstrings, allows for the supermagnetism of the substringular. Such a spin-orbital momentum is reverse-fractored into the "S" of an electron which forms the magnetic fields of the globally distinguishable.

10) Point particles redistribute their interial fields after sets of their radial motion in such a way that their whole neighborhood of a point particle (the region where the point particle's field indices are Poincaire to the general region of the said point particle) is touched by mini-string after each set of such radial motions that is equal to the reciprocal of the fraction that the said point particle neighborhood described is void of being completely compactified.

11) Since point particles redistribute their mini-string sundry times each Planck Moment, the point particles appear as completely filled in the globally distinguishable, even though these aren't completely filled at each sub-metric in the substringular. Such reformation causes the kinematic plane of the said point particles to be a majorized plane which causes space-time-fabric to bend over the covariantly kinematic sets of Fourier Transformations that allow phenomena to interact.

12) When norm states or other organizations of point particles are redistributed from point commutation into a covariantly homeomorphic conglomeration that involves inexact and nonlinear differential eigenstates, then such an activity will cause these states to convert into a vacuum.

13) When scattered point particles of a vacuum of space are converted into linear and exact differential eigenstates, these may then form superstrings.

14) When the multiaxial of a superstring's redistribution through a Fourier Transposition is of a mass under light speed, then the spinor coniaxial of such is orphoganal relative to light when compared under a scalar that joins these via supplementation that is Yakawa yet not Gliossi. Such an orphogonal relationship helps to cause the condition of a mass' differentiation through time to be relative to light.

15) When a superstring is unorientable during both the Bette and Regge Actions, then the spinor coniaxial of the said superstring is made orphogonal to what it had before. An unorientable superstring becomes tachyonic.

16) Only light may "catch up" to light. Tachyonic flow is always transient, and involves the adjustment of space-time-coordinates. So, tachyons do not really "catch up" to light unless it is of a form of electromagnetic energy.

17) A "normal" string is multiplicitly parallel to the fabric of point particles. This is because "normal" points obey Noether Flow. Although Noether Flow involves a type of Planck Differentiation per instanton, the general flow of point particles is under light speed. This is because the spinor coniaxials of the multiaxial of "normal" point particles is orphogonal to that of electrodynamic energy, since electrodynamic energy is propagated, and, therefore, is not really projected like a mass is projected. This is why mass moves relative to light, and thus, can not "catch up" to light. Again tachyonic motion involves a redistribution of space-time-coordinates and/or the reconnection of relatively distant loci of space.

Solutions To Last Test of Course 4, Part 1

1) The substringular is the way phenomena appears when all of the Lorentz-Four-Contractions are optimized in order to indicate the actual occurrences that happen at the most sub-atomic levels.

2) The globally distinguishable is the way that things appear based on the measurements made by life forms from a relatively macroscopic level.

3) The co-differentiation between photons and the other substringular phenomena taken as a multiplicit set of Fourier Transformations that are constantly kinematic is what causes the substringulara to appear as the globally distinguishable.

4) Phenomena circle the Ultimon in-between instantons in one unit of Imaginary Planck Time.

5) Most physical phenomena is a vacuum at any given time because norm states are the result of non-linear and/or inexact differential eigenstates, and such eigenstates are more common than exact and linear differential eigenstates.

6) A string is a string during instanton. An instanton is when the point particles that are encoded to be organized phenomena form cohesive sets of exact and linear differential eigenstates over the relatively Laplacian condition of one unit of Real Planck Time.

7) Superstrings find their way back in order to reiterate due to homotopy, exterial and interial cohesive binding due to the action of the substringular's attempt to orientate the said strings, the repelling force applied to such superstrings via norm-state wave-tug that helps to settle the point particles that comprise superstrings, the inevitability of exact and linear differential eigenstates that reiterate due to multiplicitly engaged covariance, and due to the effect of the substringular encoders upon individual superstrings.

8) The spin of superstrings forms a reverse-fractored effect that causes electrons of the same pair to spin asymmetrically in order to not collide. This relationship allows electrons to have a non-perturbative magnetic field under normal conditions.