Monday, April 26, 2010

Course 4 On The Substringular Vs. The Globally Distinguishable, Part 2

As a start to this second part of Session Four, we will begin with a concept that involves patterns as I have mentioned.

Have you ever heard of a code? Strings have physical points that comprise them. In a one-dimensional string, these strings tend to be in a basically straight line during the sliver of one iteration. Such a straight line is physical yet not ideal. Ideal is theoretical, and theoretical is not the way things really work. So, the "straight" line has discrepancies! In this case, the given discrepancies are physical points that lay outside of the flush path of the general line that defines the particular locant (not neighborhood, since neighborhood is more general) of the given string as it iterates in its sequence.) Note, we are dealing with slices of space where the strings are iterating. Even then, the phenomena that comprises the given string is constantly in some sort of motion. Yet, a slice refers to those Caucy Ward conditions that define the string at as close to a standstill as you can without changing those properties of the string as it would be to form the demonstrated eigenstate of the eigenstate of energy we are talking about (Here, we are now referring to the discreteness of a single increment of energy that happens to be the basis of kinetic energy. I'll show you in words later!) as an eigenbasis so that we may be able to define an individual string as an eigenstate instead of a mere action. This is so that the existence of the points that comprise the string may be viewed of as indical actions instead of such small phenomena that their general differentiation as something that comprises the string is insignificant. So, where the points of a string are along its particular slice locant during a specific iteration work to define what it will do next. Also, how much stuff (condensed oscillation) is in each of the given points, where this stuff is located in each point particle neighborhood, and the mini-fields that exist in each point particle neighborhood -- taken for each point of the given string -- work to define what the string will do next. The points of a string as we would detect them are actually neighborhoods -- the condensed oscillation or field density of each neighborhood is actually smaller as compared to that neighborhood. The synergetic tensor of such a "slice" development gives a string its encodement for where it is to go next!

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