Friday, April 30, 2010

Course 4 on the Substringular Vs. the Globally Distinguishable, Session 6, Part 1

Since the 1/2th to 1/10,000th of the point particle acts as the whole point particle in terms of the source of pulse, in a way, the point particle is going against the Pauli Exclusion Principle. The point is also below the stringular level. You can extrapolate information about the points, yet, one may not directly use individual points by a physical means. This is because the iterations of the point defy the discrete level of factor by a factor of 2 to 10,ooo as implied before. So, you may not determine where point density is and what it is giving off directly under instantaneous circumstances, as implied by the Heisenberg Exclusion Principle.
If you were a spring with many springs attached, and you were pushed together tightly, what would you do if you were let go? You would spring in many directions. Likewise, if you were condensed oscillation, and you were basically at many spots at the same time (yet not at the precise same metric), what would you do if you were given plenty of room to move, and were pushed along a tapered curve over a relatively great distance? You would spring out in many directions -- many per each attached spring. what if something got the "ball" rolling, and you spring as given among many of such springs? Such a motion would not only propel your attached springs, yet it would also work to spring and propel the other springs if these could interact in the proper geometric order. What this is eventually getting at is the origin of my explanation of the light-cone-gauge. I will conclude with my point that I am trying to get at with this session later. I hope that you are putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Course 4 on The Substringular Vs. the Globally Distinguishable, Session 5, Part two

The whole "point particles" including the empty space of the points' homogeneous fields are really point particle neighborhoods. Do you remember me mentioning the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Heisenburg Exclusion Principle? The Heisenburg Exclusion Principle basically says that you can not find or determine exactly where a very small particle is at and what it is giving off at the same time. The Pauli Exclusion Principle is basically that two things can not occupy the same spot at the same time. (Adjacent electrons must bear antisymmetric spin.) A typical point particle as its core density iterates and reiterates within a volume of roughly two to 10,000 times the volume that it would have if it was completely condensed. It does this iterating throughout the translation of its point particle neighborhood radii (consistently during iteration and Ultimon Flow). The point particle, as a density, is condensed oscillation. Condensed oscillation will tend to "want" to spring out when it is given a chance, just like a spring will spring out when it is released. The world-tube governs the Ward Conditions of the strings. Strings are the basis of the organization of point particles. So, a point particle will "want" to reiterate primarily in the relative center state of its neighborhood after the point iterates one radii of its neighborhood over the course of the substringular activity that involves the given point particle (when one considers 'the flow from iteration time to Ultimon time to be a blend of metrical activity). This is because the cross-section of the given world-tube will be holomorphically translated after during such a travel. Yet, this would leave one to 9,999 dispersed areas of locant that are not covered! No problem. After the point travels the given distance, it will iterate at all two to 10,000 states due to the majorization of the plane that the point traverses. This is because the point particle, in traveling the radii of its neighborhood, will curve in four directions besides its "0" dimensional framework. This is because the given point particle neighborhood is treated here as one of the simplest "three-dimensional" phenomenon that is curving in space to where it behaves like a "four-dimensional" phenomenon as the Ultimon cycles. Each added dimension adds a power of ten to the areas equivalently swept, since the world-tube bears 10 directly associated dimensions (explained later) and 10^0 = 1, 10^1 = 10, 10^2=100, 10^3=1,000, and 10^4=10,000. So, the point is at 10,000 different locations many times over the cycle of one iteration. (It is at one spot at a time, yet this is at a lower level of discrete. This is under regular Einsteinian motion. 1/10,000 of the condensed oscillation centered in a point particle neighborhood pulses radially after each iteration of the substringular.

Course 4 on The Substringular Vs. the Globally Distinguishable, Session 5, Part 1

Energy? Energy is conceptually thought of as motion. When an object consisting of mass is in space, this motion is a form of kinetic energy. An object is usually identified as a phenomenon that has mass. Mass is present on every planet and star (stars are plasmic). Light is electromagnetic energy emitted by an electron when it drops in energy. As said before, mass, energy, and electromagnetic energy are all forms of motion that are founded upon by the same basic increment of phenomenon -- h for transversel energy and h bar for radial energy (h bar is equal to h/2pi). What I mean by "h" is Planck's Constant. What I mean by "h bar" is the radial form of Planck's Constant. H Bar is one radii of wave phenomenon broken down to the next lowest level of discrete from where we are at (next lowest quantum discrete level). Yet h bar is a physical phenomenon. This would need to bear truth, since it was proven that what we call energy and what we call matter are indeed interchangeable when given the appropriate conditions Yet, a physical phenomenon when denoted as an actual thing bears a sense of being an object verses being a translation or motion. So, if what we as humans term as energy is actually a different organization of things verses a translation of actual things in space, then what would one call the actual motion of those said basic increments of energy as that energy is being translated in space? Strings are composed of point particles, or else the said superstrings would not be able to commute and reorganize. As said before, a point particle is usually mainly space (since it is never fully condensed) except for at the location of its field density. This empty void in-between the loci of mini-string fabric is where waves may enter in and interact with each other. It's like the old adage, "Leave slack in the line, but no slop!" I will continue with the suspense later. I hope that my readers are following along. If you read very carefully and are a stringular physicist, you will understand to some extent, anyhow, the direction I am going with this.
Samuel David Roach

Monday, April 26, 2010

Course 4 On The Substringular Vs. The Globally Distinguishable, Part 2

As a start to this second part of Session Four, we will begin with a concept that involves patterns as I have mentioned.

Have you ever heard of a code? Strings have physical points that comprise them. In a one-dimensional string, these strings tend to be in a basically straight line during the sliver of one iteration. Such a straight line is physical yet not ideal. Ideal is theoretical, and theoretical is not the way things really work. So, the "straight" line has discrepancies! In this case, the given discrepancies are physical points that lay outside of the flush path of the general line that defines the particular locant (not neighborhood, since neighborhood is more general) of the given string as it iterates in its sequence.) Note, we are dealing with slices of space where the strings are iterating. Even then, the phenomena that comprises the given string is constantly in some sort of motion. Yet, a slice refers to those Caucy Ward conditions that define the string at as close to a standstill as you can without changing those properties of the string as it would be to form the demonstrated eigenstate of the eigenstate of energy we are talking about (Here, we are now referring to the discreteness of a single increment of energy that happens to be the basis of kinetic energy. I'll show you in words later!) as an eigenbasis so that we may be able to define an individual string as an eigenstate instead of a mere action. This is so that the existence of the points that comprise the string may be viewed of as indical actions instead of such small phenomena that their general differentiation as something that comprises the string is insignificant. So, where the points of a string are along its particular slice locant during a specific iteration work to define what it will do next. Also, how much stuff (condensed oscillation) is in each of the given points, where this stuff is located in each point particle neighborhood, and the mini-fields that exist in each point particle neighborhood -- taken for each point of the given string -- work to define what the string will do next. The points of a string as we would detect them are actually neighborhoods -- the condensed oscillation or field density of each neighborhood is actually smaller as compared to that neighborhood. The synergetic tensor of such a "slice" development gives a string its encodement for where it is to go next!

Course 4 on The Substringular Vs. The Globally Distinguishable, Session 4, Part 1

Plain energy is the re assortment of one-dimensional strings taken as an eigenbasis. Individual eigenstates of energy are sequences of the given individual one-dimensional strings along the ultimon that re assort after reiterations. An individual sequence of strings that define such an eigenstate, as stated before, breaks down after each iteration of these strings, circle the ultimon, and subsequently reiterate within the same relative particular neighborhood if not tachyonic. When this happens, the surroundings must change. (Their relative spacing will remain the same here -- I'll show you in words!) Remember, this is one eigenstate! It is time independent. (Although, to be measured as a specific thing, it must be detected during an increment of some elapsed metric.) So, the amplitude, direction, and placement of the given eigenstate must be constant over the "sliver" of duration that defines when that operation of motion is occurring in that sequence (relative). The surroundings would change because everything constantly changes. Surrounding change is not all uniform during the sliver of time of a particular metric. Unassociated phenomena relative to the changes given must be according to what this is functioning with. What something associates with is what something functions with. So, the whole break down is stuff circling around the ultimon, andthe re association of strings is based on an association that is common to all of those strings that are used to form a sequence that defines a particular eigenstate of energy. This association could not be interactively kinematic at every sliver of transpiring differentiation. That would be an unorganized fiasco. (Although all points communicate at least one piece of information to all other points during the transit of those points around the ultimon.) The manner in which what I just described happens will be described to you in general terms in part two of this session. I hope that people are reading my writings, and learning from what I am teaching them. I will conclude with the suspense later. I hope you have a great day.
Samuel David Roach.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Globally Distinguishable Vs. The Substringular,Course 4, Session 3, Part 2

So, by using tangent (norm) radiation in terms of spin and orbit, the transversel and radial motion of the electrons as a unit may be defined. So, the spin-orbital interaction helps define where the electron is and is going as well as the directoral impetus. Directoral impetus is the drive that a particle has due to the way its stuff is positioned in a particular direction. As stated before, these are related to fields. Electric and magnetic. The exact magnitude and direction of the fields may vary, although the basic "ingredients" of these are constant. (One electron has a basis of one electron volt, a mass of ~9.11*10^(-31)Kg, ect...). As an electron moves and changes spot, its relation relative to other things changes. Yet, if the basic "ingredients" that define what the electron is and what it is doing become different than those that allow it to be what it is, then it is no longer an electron, it is a residue of what it was. In order for such residue that is not sued in the defining of an electron to not occur, the fields that define the differentiating boundaries of what an electron is must have a degree of harmonic oscillation. When there is harmonic oscillation, homotopies are smooth. -- Any singularities that exist work to define a lack of overt jointedness. This means that the surface areas that are described by the transition of the fields of the given electric and magnetic fields must not be broken up or jointed like a "crumbled tortilla shell", instead, these are interconnected like you would think of water. Think of light. It is a thing. A "hole" in it really isn't a hole, it is a shadow or a section that you can not see. A "hole" in light is a spot where there is no light. Light is energy formed from electrons when these drop in energy. So, electrons obey similar laws. Light is a smooth relation. electrical field interaction is a smooth relation. If electrical fields were to crumble, then their fields would bear asymptoty to each other, and would thus bear a lack of tangency. A lack of such tangency would mean that singularities would be acting upon these and would split apart the relation of the associated fields, since asymptotes in field interaction mean that the fields would no longer be tangent or touching. If the fields weren't touching, these would separate, and the electron would fall apart. Since an electron is a simple thing, it is together. Thus, it fields are interacting. Thus the homotpies of an electron must be smooth in terms of differential assortment (geometries).

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Course 4 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 3, Part 1

So the fields of an electron under a specific instant have to have surface areas that are smooth in shape and in the way that their distributing changes contour unless a definite singularity has acted upon the interconnection of its fields. If the homotopy of the field of an electron is not specific enough under any discrete detection, then the electron will be something other than what an electron is. Electrons are pretty much the same in some ways, yet there are some differences. There is angular momentum and spin-orbital interaction. Electrons mainly differ by where these are and what these are doing. The job of a quantum thing is its eigenfunction. By an eigenfunction, I mean a specific operation. Another aspect of difference is the transition of comparative electrons, either metrically or simply amplitudinally.
A thing is a relation of energy. If a thing exists, it has an operation. An operation is a function. An individual "task" that a particle has as it is propagated is thus its eigenfunction. If something exists, as said before, it has a spot, whether that spot is changing or constant. Where an electron is has more of an effect on its angular momentum. What an electron is doing has more of an effect on its spin-orbital-interaction. This is because the angle that something is placed in is where something is at relative to its surroundings, and a tangible object normally has three dimensions. So, if something is radially stable, it is a sphere. A sphere exists in space. Anything in space touches something, either directly or indirectly. Touch involves tangency or normalcy. Normalcy involves 90 degrees. So, when something pushes to its boundaries due to this defining the limits of what's inside of it, the transpiration of what a given object's tangency is is along the radial tangencies of any particularly defined circumferences that exist along that sphere's surface. The relative placement is arbitrary. The harmonics/anharmonics relation of one tangency is spin related, while the harmonic/anharmonic relation of the norm tangency to this is orbital related. Such motion pushes the electron on, just like X marks the spot. In art, whenever you want to know right where something is relative to a vanishing point, you use two lines. This defines right where the point would be. If you are starting somewhere, and you wanted to know a straight line to a destination you would need to know at least two other points -- where you are going and one in-between. So, by using tangent (norm) radiations in terms of spin and orbit, the transversel and radial motion of the given electron as a unit may be defined with almost certainty. I will conclude with what I am getting at with this session later with part two of Session three. I hope that people are following along with my blog.
Samuel David Roach.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Course 4 On The Globally Distinguishable Vs. The Substringular, Session 2, Part 2

Picture this (no smoke!). You are on a globe. The whole scenario is stuff in a spot. So, you and the globe bear an impetus in a given direction or angle (angular momentum). Now, if the globe were to spin, or spin differently, you would tend to want to fly off of the globe in a straight line that is perpendicular to the globe at the point that you were on it. Any straight line that touches one point of a surface bears a sense of 90 degrees. Such spinning involves spin-orbital interaction. As you can see, spinning of a sphere throws off points along the surface of that sphere as lines that are perpendicular to that sphere. When you consider an electron's wobble and transversel/radial motion, you can see why an electron's magnetic field isn't totally jointal. Like you probably already know, totally discrete or totally globally jointedness does not allow for symmetric differentiation. So, if an electron's homotopic field bears such aberrations unexplainably, then perhaps your angle of measurement, your angle of approach, or the fields involved with producing the angles of measurement or angles of approach are wrong. If there are no aberrations in the fields of your angle of measurements and in your approach, and the J of your detection produces a nullification of residue in the way of imaging the correlative fields of the given electron, and if the electron's relative position at a given metric is extrapolated with an expectation value of basically 1 in terms of identifying the proper local neighborhood of where the electron is at, then the electron may be properly identified. The fields of that electron must then bear a smooth surface differentiation when considering the transfer of J through whatever medium that the electron is in, as long as that environment does not destroy the electron or form direct homotopic aberrations during the metric in which the given local neighborhood is detected.

Course 4 On the Globally Distinguishable Vs. the Substringular, Session 2, Part 1

An electron as it is propagated along a path without any aberrations due to singularities that act directly upon the field generation has a homotopic electromagnetic field that defines the Ward Neumman boundaries of its emanated phenomenal discharge. As the electron is a sense of motion, it also moves as a unit as it is propagated in whatever direction/curvature that it is going in. Since this motion is moving, there is a tangency between the condition of the electron taken as an object And the energy released by that object moves along the operand of radiation that is defined by its constant change in directoralization. The electron always changes in its relative direction orientation seeing that it is constantly spinning. Whenever something moves, it gives off energy. Energy is always accelerating, and thus, always propagating energy. Radial motion that is constantly applied is always changing direction along with a discharge of a differentiating energy. Thus, radial motion of an electron is always dispensing a certain tense or tenses of energy, whether that energy is statically given off, or given off as electromagnetic energy (namely light). A tense of energy associated with a phenomenon as the radial discharge of an object is more associated with a magnetic field. The right-hand-rule works because the discharge of an electron's energy due to spin-orbital interactions tends to be 90 degrees to the discharge of an electron's energy due to its angular momentum. I will conclude with the suspense of this session of this course on my blog later.
Samuel David Roach

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Course 4 on The Substringular Vs. the Globally Distinguishable, Session 1, Part 2

The shape and size and energy of the electron may, however, be pinpointed within a region by algebraic probabilities that corner the Ward kinemation of an electron within a specific locant, like a synchronized set of puzzles that define the only way that a condition may be applied. This is not even delving into the abilities of discrete that may be surfaced by the lower size and more varied degree of flexibility afforded by dealing with vvibrations that exist at a lower level than those that scientists are currently able or willing to deal with. If one were to measure, through current probability, the approximate shape of an electron, and came up with a ten-dimensional basis to its kinematic differentiation, then we are starting to get is business. Look at the 3 prime axes in terms of the electron's three main dimensions. View the electron as a motion that covers as small of a region of locus as you may detect without adulterating the primal Ward conditions that define those boundaries that allow the electron to be what it is. Mark any field gaps in homotopy in terms of spin-orbital differentiation. These work to define an error in how the detection reads the flow of radial to transversel kinematism of the electron, or it draws an aberration in how the electron's field is changing. If there is proof that the field of the electron is changing due to a discretely applied outward singularity, then this may be marked off from being an error of detection. Next, how to treat errors in detection.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Course 4, Session 1 on the Globally Distinguishable Vs. the Substringular, Part 1

Think of an electron. It is a physical phenomenon that is both mass, energy, and the source of light. Light, as well as all electromagnetic phenomena, is created by electrons. Electron-Light interactions produce the fields and detectability which allow anyone to perceive materially. Material perception causes our senses, and our senses are what we were given to physically detect anything. Electrons are the basic "negatively" charged stough in an atom that circle the nucleus of the atom. You may say that the reason why electrons are negatively charged is because electricity goes from negative to positive when considering going in the direction of the electron holes. Electrons "want" to pull those charges into the atom while protons "want" to pull outward toward the electrons. Electron-Proton-Interactions form atoms, which are the building blocks of all matter that is solid, liquid, or gas. Electrons have a shape, a size, and an energy, as does any other real physical thing. We detect an electron, as a mass containing motion that is elsewhere once we obtain that info that showed the spot and attributes that that electron had. In other words, where it is at and what it is doing can not be pinned to a precise moment as said in Course 1, yet to what region of clarity or certainty? That which we're use to detecting is the electrodynamics, and the electron is electrodynamic and is the creator OF electromagnetics. I will continue with the suspense later.
Samuel David Roach

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glossary For Course 23, Part 2

8) Reverse Gravity -- Gravitational particle kinematism that reverses the flow of gravity and does not change the given light-cone-gauge nature in and of itself. Reverse gravity in and of itself maintains the direcoroalization of the Ricci Scalar.

9) Abelian Topology -- Jointal topology that bears a direct wave-tug in a given locus.

10) Non-Abelian Topology -- Sinusoidal or smooth curved topology that bears no direct wave-tug in a specified locus.

11) Yang-Mills Topology -- Light-Cone-Gauge topology that is nonabelian.

12) Kaluza-Klein Topology -- Light-Cone-Gauge topology that is abelian.

13) Abelian Gauge Topology -- Light-Cone-Gauge topology that is supplemental.

14) Non-Abelian Topology -- Light-Cone-Gauge topology that is sinusoidal.

15) Partially-Abelian Topology -- a) Topology of a gauge symmetry that is based on the light-cone-gauge being Yang-Mills at one locus while yet Kaluza-Klein at another location.
b) Topology of a given general wave pattern in the substringular that bears a direct wave-tug through a Lagrangian in one locus, while, in a Laplacian manner, the same given general wave pattern bears an indirect wave-tug through a Lagrangian at another locus.

16) Chern-Simmons Differentiation -- Differentiation that is either non-hermitian and/or perturbative over the course of at least one sequential series of substringular metrics.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Glossary For Course 23, Part 1

1) Njenhuis Tensor -- An added tensor that operates off of the given Real Reimmanian plane.

2) Neilson Collosh Ghosts -- Ghost anomalies of gravitational particles.

3) Fadeev Popov Ghosts -- Ghost anomalies of Planck phenomenon related phenomena.

4) Positive-Norm-States -- Forward holomorphically based ghost anomalic annhilating loci that begin as point particles of the first-order that are norm to a relatively larger number of other first-ordered point particles.

5) Negative-Norm-States -- Reverse holomorphically based ghost anomalic forming loci that begin as point particles of the first-order that are supplemetally norm to a relatively small number of other first-ordered point particles. Negative-Norm-Sates form the Gaussian topology of Fadeev Popov Ghost and oher ghost anomalies.

6) Substringular Resolution -- To be able to resolve down to 3 and one-third*10^(-37) meters. You may do this via a proceduere of antigravity.

7) Antigravity -- A gravity formed by a reversal in the directoralization of the Ricci Scalar. It is thus a Yau-Exact translation of Chern-Simmons directorals. It is a synergy of antigravity-acting particles that make the given gauge-symmetry partially abelian.

Glossary for Courses 1 and 2

1) The Heisenburg Principle -- The condition that you can't detect where an electron is and what it is giving off at the same time.

2) The Pauli Exclusion Principle -- The fact that adjacent electrons of the same atom spin antisymmetrically.

3) Angular Momentum -- The transversel directoral wave-tug of a physical phenomenon.

4) Spin-Orbital-Momentum -- The radial directoral wave-tug of a physical phenomenon.

5) Electric Field -- The wave field due to the angular momentum of a physical phenomenon that is electrical or smaller.

6) Magnetic Field -- The wave field due to the spin-orbital-momentum of a physical phenomena that is electrical or smaller.

7) Cassimer Invariance -- The fact that all physical phenomena is recycled.

8) The Space-Hole -- The condition in-between sub-stringular iterations when homotopy is temporarily broken and re-sewn.

9) Homotopy -- the condition of all mini-string being interconnected in one fashion or another throughout the ultimon.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Glossary For Courses 3 & 4

1) Lorentz-Four-Contractions -- How time, mass, and length change when an object moves at different velocities relative to light speed.

2) Energy -- Quantumly measurable phenomena and groups of such phenomena that act as redistributed space over time.

3) Light -- Energy that is like plain energy except that it fluctuates in its electric and magnetic fields according to the right-hand-rule.

4) Matter -- Energy in static equilibrium.

5) Tangency -- The condition of touching, or, in other words, the condition of 90 degrees.

6) Majorization -- The addition of two physical spacial dimensions to a physical spacial setting.

7) Supremumization -- The addition of three physical spacial dimensions to a physical spacial setting.

8) The Globally Distinguishable -- The Continuum as we may perceive of by detection at under light speed.

9) The Substringular -- The Continuum as we may perceive of by detection via a worm-hole, or via anything that's able to transport phenomena light-years basically instantaneously.

10) The Royal Arc -- The arena of Planck Phenomena and their correlative strings during iteration.

11) Simplest of World-Sheets -- Trajectories of superstrings.

12) Main World Sheets -- The twelve "domes" of the Royal Arc where superstrings "phenotypically" (from an outside perspective of an observer under light speed) differentiate during iteration.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Last Test Solutions, Part 2

9) If a spherical object containing many superstrings spin-orbits, rolls, and moves transversely at the same speed in a constant mutiplicitly unitized direction, that spherical object will contract uniformally.

10) Yes. It may if its fastest speed just under light speed is along a one-dimensional axial. If the center of an object that is traveling at the given object's maximum speed is in one direction along the center of a superstring's topological field that is propagating straight in that given directoralization, this will happen.

11) Phenomena relatively much larger than a superstring bear interial tensorisms of conformal invariance that result in a kinematic operation that causes the vectors and tensors of the given Fourier Transformation of that given object to differentiate as a whole at under light speed if it is not traveling in a worm-hole. If its volume is radially dependant, its Lorentz-Four-Contractions are effected by the transversel (rho), radial (phi), and spin-orbital (theta) Fourier Transformations that effect the kinematic differentiation of the given object.

12) If the tensoric and/or Njenhuis dimensions of an object are intrinsic to the Fourier Transformation of that object, then its Lorentz-Four-Contractions happen according to their Ward velocities and accelerations that exist metrically within the Ward spacial parameters of the given object.

13) Yes.

14) As a superstring keeps reiterating, the Gliossi-Shirk-Olive field that the given superstring maps out will cause it to be detected as larger than its primal essence and of a different shape than its primal essence.

15) The unitized field bearing to the center of the propagation of the field of the given oscillatory path is Lorentz-Four-Contracted according to Einstein's equations.

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Last Test Solutions, Part 1

1) At .5c, the superstrings of the given object closest region along the given axis would contract lengthwise according to l = ((1-v^2/c^2)^.5). The superstrings of the given object that surrounded the prior mentioned region would contract moderately. The superstrings that did not define the length of the given object, and thus were furthest from the center of the specific axis given, would not contract at all, since the superstrings here would not define the length of the given object.

2) Matter and kinetic energy that are of a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology contract relative to light because, since light is the result of the recycling of differential geometries, and all motion that involves mass that is of an abelian light-cone-gauge topology moves relative to the basis of such recycling, the physical parameters associated with such phenomena of mass must alter when such phenomena change in kinematic differentiation relative to light.

3) l = ((1-v^2/c^2)^.5, m = (1/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5), and relative to one traveling just under light speed, t = (1-v^2/c^2)^.5, or the proportion of more time noticed by a stander by as compared to one traveling just under light speed would obey t = (1/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5).

4) Its length would contract by .6, its mass would increase by (1/.6), and, the amount of time noticed by the one going at .8c would be .6 of the time of a stander by.

5) A mass with a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology can not travel at light speed or else it would have all of the mass in space and time. This is because a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology is abelian, and such topology bears a maximum fractal modulae in terms of its Gliossi field generation as encountered with just under light speed, and you can not increase such a fractal stress and expect it to obey the properties of a non-abelian light-cone-gauge topology.

6) Since the center of such strings specifically travels at .8c, this central region would contract according to (1-v^2/c^2)^.5 and (1/(1-v^2/c^2)^.5), and, the Lorentz-Four-Contractions would ease homeomorphically as one examines the further regions of the kinematic strings involved here.

7) The strings that are directly in the path of the directoralizations that moves at the given "quick" speed would contract in their given directoralizations according to Einstein's equations. Yet, since the two phenomena moving at the "quick" speed are differentiating in a multiplicit directoralization, the observation of such contractions would form a radial covariance that would be non-trivially isomorphic. The superstrings that are slower would also obey Einstein's equations would contract less.

8) A spherical object consisting of many superstrings that is moving in a unitary direction and is not spinning, orbiting, nor otherwise radially differentiating kinematically will only contract lengthwise toward the center of its directoralization, and would thus not contract uniformally.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Last Test, Part 2

9) How may one get a spherical object to Lorentz-Four-Contract uniformally?

10) May a material object contract as in one dimension in the globally distinguishable? Why? At what level could such a contraction happen?

11) Describe in general the directoralization of phenomena much larger than a string. What if its volume is radial?

12) If an object is in 3-D, how may its other dimensions happen?

13) Do strings vibrate?

14) Describe how the reiteration of a string in its neighborhood effects how it is detected.

15) Describe how an oscillating path is Lorentz-Four-Contracted by the transversel motion of its velocity in a given directoralization.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Last Test, Part 1

1) if an object is traveling along a specific axis in general at .5c, describe what strings will be contracted according to the equation I gave, which strings would not be contracted at all lengthwise as a unit, and which strings would contract moderately in the globally distinguishable.

2) Why does matter and kinetic energy contract relative to light?

3) What are the basic equations for Lorentz-Four-Contractions?

4) If an object were to travel at .8c, how would its length, width, mass, and time be effected by a stander by?

5) Why can't a mass travel at light speed if it has a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology?

6) A perfect "X" of two strings travels in the direction of the gap between them at .8c, describe the contraction of both lines that comprise the "X." (The strings would never collide.)

7) If an object is traveling in a different direction than that direction that is changing at close to light speed, yet certain of its strings are moving at the quicker string's speed, how will that object contract quantitatively?

8) Will any spherical object Lorentz-Contract uniformally if it is traveling in one direction at less than light speed? Why?

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 15, Part 2

Think of the speed of the object as constant once it enters the given field. The direction of the speed is the general path directoral that the object went in once it has traveled. One may predict this based on where it is planned to go. Strings that are exactly in the direction of the given arbitrary path that the object is going are contracted as normally in the globally distinguishable. Strings that are not quite in the said direction of the path bear a sense of tangency at each moment that this is measured under consideration. For instance, if one detects the observed string within 10^(-20)seconds, and the string is vibrating uniformally within the object for this whole time, then we need to detect how the direction of the string interacts with all of the summed tangential changes of the path of the object as it moves along its arched path. If the string is trigonometrically away from the path of motion of the object during the "moment", then it will be contracted less than if it is moved along the path of directoralization. Another aspect to discerning this is the degree of vibration of the given with the vibration of the object as a unit as it radially and transversely kinematically differentiates through the path operand which is where the object went in the given field.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 15, Part 1

Think of an object. It contains strings that are distributed throughout all 32 dimensions of the set of parallel universes that it is in. Some of the said strings cut through all 32of the dimensions. Some of the strings only exist in one dimension. The strings of the given object are thus arbitrarily assorted within any parameters which include directorals that fall in the dimensional fields that exist within the Continuum at that general region. Say, for instance, that the object given is not moving in an exact given dimension that we would call "forward holomorphically", "side-to-side", or "up-and-down." Let us think that a tangential motion relative to the earth was considered as a: Directoral axis (thickness of earth) based on a three-dimensional axes that included an earth associated axis that is tangential to it; associated, while the axis going "up-and-down" would arbitrarily be the k directoral. Let us arbitrarily define the dimensional situation and placement of the strings of the object based on the given directorals and the other 29 dimensions that one may define based upon the proscribed assortment of the directoral indices that we have shown. Make the axial size down to the discrete level of the width of a string, and the length of the axes as to include the field that defines the scope of the total range of motion of the given object. The object moves within its Ward boundaries. It does not move parallel to any of the given axes. It moves, say, in an arch that falls within the fields of each of the dimensions of the axes that define the region where the object moves. Since the object is always changing direction, it is constantly accelerating. I will conclude this session so as to relieve your suspense at a later time. I'm hoping that you can picture what I am describing in detail. If you can see a concept in your mind, the solution is clear.
Samuel David Roach.