Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Test Solutions For First Test of Course 3, Part 1

1) Light is essential to the universe primarily because light allows for the magnetic and electric field fluctuations that cause life to exist and flourish. Heat is a form of light. Without heat, matter would not be able to molecularly move, and such a lack in this form of light would cause a static universe that wold undue the codifferentiations that allow for motion, and motion is essential for the time-based differentiation of physical phenomena through space.

2) Energy exists in discrete units as action that is derived from the motion of physical phenomena that bear a mass-index. Energy that fluctuates in its electric and magnetic fields is light. Energy in static equilibrium is matter.

3) Electric fields are the fields derived from the angular momentum indices of light and electrons and other various charged masses. Magnetic fields are the fields derived from the spin-orbital momentum indices of light and electrons and other various charged masses.

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