Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Course 2, Session 8

Whenever you have phenomena that are mostly condensed oscillation, you must have a set of counterparts of phenomena that is mostly free waves. A string goes around the Continuum as dissociated points that find their way back to a relative set neighborhood of location to reiterate as what it was before. When the string reiterates, its composite points are caught up with each other as close as these are able to without disallowing these to be brought together (so that these will not dissociate before these associate). Since the Real position of this string is at this state, in a condition of as fixed invariance as it can get in in the substringular, it must give off as much free waves as it can without being deficient in these. This means that the Real Reimmanian string is half condensed oscillation and half free waves. Whenever there is give, there is take. If a string releases half of its condensed oscillation, and its flux is minimized, then there must be a set of points that directly orientates with it in order to form a differential of exchange in terms of the norm conditions of the waves that it releases. (Imagine a general condition of points that are anywhere from being half free waves to virtually all free waves.) Let us think of the point particles that comprise this general condition as a receptor of the norm conditions of the Real Reimmanian strings. Also consider these point particles as an exchange of waves with other strings. The norm condition exchange would happen between the Real Reimmanian strings and their directly associated Fock Space counterpart, yet the exchange between the waves of the Real strings and Fock Space may happen between phenomena that are not necessarily in direct local correlation. For instance, a string (Real Reimmanian) has zillions of point particles. The way that the waves of each point are “crinkled” together causes many jointal and smoothly curved sectors that fidget around as each point circles the Ultimon. Half of these waves leave the point as it traverses like this. The points encode for basically the same spot that the string was in before since the path due to the differentiation of the other points causes the points of the past string to be near each other within the same neighborhood of its past iteration. The ways that the crinkled waves rearranged jointal conditions forms a “vapor” of stuff from these waves that meets the “vapor” of the Fock Space waves at an asymptote that is the physical Dirac of the norm state supplementation that forms as an extremely thin common ground between the Real string and the Fock string. This is because the string and its counterpart, as a given and a receiver of opposite residue types, even though both residues are Real, forms a simple wave scatter that treats the central operand of the interaction as a sinusoidal “bouncing board.” So, the supplementation is made Imaginary, and thus comes to be made relatively vertical rather than horizontal. The abyss between all Real and Fock Spaces interconnects after ~.283hbar time (its relative metric in sub-time equivalency) within the ultimon, and is called the space-hole. It is usually unbroken. The temporary loss of homotopy that is restored here allows for a momentary reorganization of substringular ties.

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