Friday, March 19, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 11, Part 1

So, how does the Lorentz-Four-Contractions of an object effect the amplitudes of the parameters of the strings that comprise the given object? An object consists of many, many strings that stretch out all along in three physical dimensions relative to an individual who is observing or at least detecting the object. If the given phenomenon that is being detected has a limited number of strings that make it up, then the "object" or phenomenon may have the ability to exist exclusively within the realm of one or more dimensions that are separate from those dimensions that we as people are normally used to. Even if the object is just a regular thing, like a pencil, there is some of this stuff going on at a very small level within the given pencil. All of the strings that we would normally detect appertaining to subatomic particles that quantify globally in our realm exist at least partially within the confines of our three-dimensional delineation, since the pencil exists in space associated with our dimensions. And the strings that overtly make up the subatomic and atomic particles of this real and associating spacial entity must then also exist at least partially in our domain of spacial parameters in the moments in which these are detected as an actual thing that makes up three-dimensional space. Phenomena may be observed, however, twisted within other dimensions of this three-dimensional space -- yet it would no longer be existent within any Newtonian sense of spacial parameters relative to our physical ability to apprehend anymore. Let's think of a single string. Although the given superstring is traveling in Noether Flow (discussed in other courses), its general path is propagated slower than light speed even though such a propagation is here relatively very quick. It travels very fast as a globally distinguishable object, whether or not its dimensional plane majorizes into the parameters of different spacial dimensions or not. It goes at .8c in a specific unitary Cartesian direction as far as can be detected. Its length relative to an observer along the side of the middle of its trajectory would be .6 of that of the observer. And the string would have a mass index related to 1 and 2/3 times that it normally had (if it was a closed string). I will reveal the rest of the scenario later. Hopefully I have provided good suspense.

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