Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 14, Part 3

Each time that a string is iterated, it forms a ghost eigenbasis in terms of the form of "imaginary" residue that the quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse-range can not use for a while in the given tori-sector. These ghosts will quantify until either the substring changes its relative tori-sector or until some of these ghosts may be reused in other strings. Light detects what light effects. So, since these ghosts are like a "sculpture" of what the strings have been and where these strings have been over the span that it takes for any detection of that string, what we really detect is the residue that that string has left behind. This is indicative of the electron. What we mainly detect of matter is the electron and its product, electromagnetic energy. Even if you could somehow detect stuff within the movement of light's transfer, (The Planck Moment), the substrings are basically constantly on the go. By understanding how strings interact relative to light helps one to see behind the mask of what strings are and how these really behave! What I have just written in this post should reveal to a greater extent than before why all motion is relative to electrodynamics.
You may ask, why are Lorentz-Four-Contractions existent based on the equations that I have shown in earlier sessions? Here is why. Light in a vacuum (where there is no matter in the way of the propagation of the light) travels at 3*10^8 meters per second. At the speed of the fastest electron, which is just under light speed, the Lorentz-Four-Contraction is 3*10^8.
So, based on what the speed of the fastest electron is and the prior conditions that I have just mentioned, Lorentz-Four-Contractions behave as according to the equations that I indicated in past sessions.
I appreciate all of the comments and all of the support provided to this blog.
I am trying to teach others.
Samuel David Roach.

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 14, Part 2

Everything that exists down to a point particle within a point particle (a third-ordered point particle) differentiates when you examine these things within the substringular. Phenomena below the stringular level are not kinematic in terms of showing what we would call energy in the globally distinguishable or in the substringular. Each time a string as a globally "stationary" phenomenon reattains its position at the given locant or neighborhood that defines its relative position towards the other strings that comprise its conformally invariant environment, that string has then reiterated. Since everything changes, this includes stringular environments in both the globally distinguishable and the substringular. So even if a string was encoded to return to the same spot after successive iterations, that string may need to adapt and return to a slightly different spot that exists in the neighborhood of the prior iteration. This inevitably happens, since all points iterate within short periods. So, when an object is motionless, and it's temperature is just over 0 Kelvin (-273.15 degrees centigrade), the strings may not vibrate relatively much in the globally distinguishable. The substringular would continue to reiterate at the approximate relative position in so long as there is no additive change in the object. So, when one detects something, the detection takes time. Time involves the differentiation of light. Light involves the Planck Moment. During the Planck Moment, a string is reiterated once within a proximal neighborhood (a relatively local substringular range.) I will conclude Session 14 later. I am trying to convey things starting with ideas that are not overwhelming. If you have any comments or questions, please let me know. Until later, have a fantastic day.
Samuel David Roach

Monday, March 29, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 14, Part 1

The appearance of stringular contraction is in the globally distinguishable. You may wonder, "What does he mean by detecting a string within a neighborhood as it is iterating and reiterating several times?" Since a string is a small phenomenon that is of itself a vibration of several point particles that comprise its make-up, then, as a string defines its position as what it is for just a moment, it is iterated. Change is constant. The strings existence as a string in a specific position as being exactly what it was during the metric of pointal organization that allows it to be that is basically no longer than the instantaneous organizational moment that it takes for the points to become "exact" and "linear" when considering the basis of a 1-D string or a vibrating strand, form an instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse range right before this iteration, and then dissociate after this iteration. So stringular organization is only a transient thing when considering ultimon flow. Yet, if you detected a "string" at any spot, it would show a sense of stability in terms of empirical reality, even though it would indicate a condition of vibration. How? When a string in the globally distinguishable appears to be basically vibrating as a still phenomenon, then the substringular action indicates motion of the string that keeps coming back to basically the same spot if in a state of superconformal invariance. Since the string keeps approximating the same position here after it keeps returning after circling the Continuum each time, it appears to be basically changeless in terms of Cartesian displacement as a unit. The condition in the lateral displacement of the string as a unit is the condition of a phenomenon that does not differentiate kinematically as a unit in the globally distinguishable. I will appease the suspense of my readers by providing more knowledge of this session later.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions Session 13, Part 3

To find the velocities of these three lines, here. The lines are to be considered so extremely thin that the only impetus derived from these is in their endpoints. The lines connecting these points are merely a ghost of delineation. So a theoretical line in the middle of the directoral line that was orthogonal with the directoral line would bear no reality, and thus no motion while the horizontal (directoral) line moves. So, here, motion of interconnected lines is minimized at 90 degrees, and maximized at 0 degrees, when calling the horizontal line 0 degrees and the orthogonal position 90 degrees. So, if the "X lines" were at 3 degrees from the flat line each, and neither line fidgeted at all, then as the flat line traveled at .8c, then the two lines would travel at cosine of 3 degrees * .8c each. If there were 3 billion of such lines interconnected in the same fashion, then, to find out their velocity, multiply the cosine of the angle of each by .8c to find their velocity as a unit in the given direction. All three lines, however, would be traveling at .8c relative to the direction of the directoral line. You see, each line would be traveling as a unit in a sense quicker if all of their lengths were the same in a given direction, yet, take the endpoints into consideration. Take two pencils of equal length. Lay one flat. Angle the other one. Yes, the flat pencil goes the furthest along the surface. So, again, faster than light we shall discuss in future courses.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 13, Part 2

Now, let us think of ourselves metaphorically as quantum particles that would be able to see a thin line. Note: There are no living things that small, and as I said before, in reality, there are no infinitely small lines. Yet, to show you what I mean, consider the analogy so that you may begin to understand my point. You are near the plane that defines the surface of where the line mentioned above will move. The line will only move in one directions. The line will not fidget. You are standing in the middle of the line's trajectory. As I said before, if the line's speed were to be .8c, the line would appear .6 of its actual length, according to a "stander by." Now if the object under observation were to be three lines this time that formed a thin "X" with a line thru the lengthwise (directoral) axis, and only the line that was perfectly lengthwise went exactly .8c, then only the directoral line would have a length of .6 of what it would appear if it were "standing still." (It would appear .6 of its original length to a "stander by.") Even if all three of the lines were to travel in the new shape as a unit, the speed of .8c is the speed of the object (phenomenon) along a given direction. So, here, only the directoral line has a velocity of .8c. The different directions that the other two lines go in cause their velocity to be different from that of the directoral line because velocity is speed in a direction. So, when the directions of the things of a given object are different, then, technically, the velocities of the different parts of that object are different.
I will let you ponder what I have written at this point, and I will later conclude this session.
It helps to use imagination to understand string theory. I hope you are learning what I am telling you conceptually.
Samuel David Roach

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 13, Part 1

When an object moves as a unit, all of the stuff that begins, maintains, and remains as the unit of phenomena that defines the existence of the given object quantifies as the object itself when taken as a whole. If an object were to move as a projectile in a straigt line, and the object were to be a straight line itself, then all but one of the Cartesian parameters would remain the same, and the one Cartesian parameter that would change would constantly show different deplacement after each discrete unit of change in the position of that line as it moves as a unit in the given direction that it is moving. If the same line were to fidget from one direction to its opposite, yet never alter in any of the parameters of space except for the one that I had mentioned earlier, then the one dimension that that line moved in before would still be the one dimension that it would be moving in again.
I will let you ponder this introduction to the given session.
If you have any questions about this session or any other session, please comment these questions to me. I would be happy to clarify anything that is not easily understand by the reader.
I appreciate the readership that I have started to receive. Together, we as the human race may come closer and closer to a knowledge of the world around us.
Again, thank you.
Samuel David Roach

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


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Test 2 of Course 1

1)Draw two hooks that catch each other. If these hooks are the same size and are tugging with the same force and in the supplemental direction, what could cause these to be released?
2)Explain how different directions of wave-tug may be advantageous or disadvantageous to pulling in the other hook.
3)Pretend that nearness is according to a polar diagram. When are two points near for sure, when are these very near, and when are these far?
4)Pictorially contrast two near particles with two far ones. State an example in which all four of these particles are relatively near as compared to that. State another example of two particles that are much more localized than any of those particles.
5)Name the ”neighborhood” of your writing utensil.
6)What are the local neighborhoods of a molecule of the air that you are breathing?
7)Relate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Heisenburg Principle to an electron. Name a flaw in this argument.
8)Relate the Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Heisenburg Principle to a string. What must be so in order to validate any conclusions as to how these principles function. (Use your imagination. I need to see effort and a development of truth based on our lessons.

Solutions to Test 2 of Course 2

Solutions to Test 2 of Course 2

1)The difference between the stuff inside of a point particle and the stuff it gives off is that the stuff inside of a point particle is more of a condensed oscillation of mini-string (substringular field).

2)The point fill of a superstring’s point particles are half-full, meaning that the condensed oscillation inside of these are half-way fully compactified. The point-fill of Fock Space point commutators are always less than half completely condensed.

3)The function of a point commutator is to guide dissociated superstrings along the ultimon so that the described superstrings may iterate at their encoded positions.

4)A superstring is composed of linear segments that form a rectangular pattern when in conjunction with their counterparts, while globalizations of point commutators consists of a point particle that is supplementally norm to a plane of point particles.

5) Fock Space is the distribution of point particles that are not of a substringular form (including substringular counterparts).

6)Between Real & Fock Space exists the “space-hole.”

7)The “space-hole” is the condition of the very temporary break down in substringular field, that lasts for ~.283hbar metric, in which Real and Fock Space begin to hone in on each other before Quaternionic-Field-Impulse-Mode in such a manner that the associated mini-string that begins to untangle snaps back due to the abelian nature of the tensil modulae pressure of the described homotopic condition that restrengthens and refurbishes the condition of homotopy right before BRST.

8)The commutation between both sides of the “space-hole” is a hyperbolically supplemental Laplacian Lagrangian gauge-metric operation that helps to reorganize the settings of substringular fabric so that norm conditions in the substringular may differentiate in a generally Noether manner thru the proceeding Fourier Expansion of substringular sequential series.

9)In-Between iteration, superstrings dissociate into point particles that are guided by point commutators. The differential geometry of such an interaction causes the onset of the next activities of the said superstrings.

10)The norm condition of globally norm conditions needing an association with globally ground conditions because smooth-curvedness requires the interaction of jointalness due to the need that spin-roll momentum needs the interaction of transversel momentum is the geometric disposition that causes point commutators to guide superstrings.

11)A plane phenomenon is a thing, occurrence, or an event.
Homotopy is the topological interconnection among superstrings.

12)A discharge is a release of phenomena, while a delineation is a directoralized organization of phenomena.

13)Light from the sun is an example of a phenomenal discharge.

14)The preservation of the sun is a homotopic delineation.

Test 2 of Course 2

Test 2 of Course 2
1)What is the difference between the stuff inside of a point particle and the stuff that it gives off?
2)What is the difference between the point-fill of a stringular point particle and the point-fill of a Fock Space point commutator?
3)What is the function of a point commutator?
4)What is the difference between a string, and a globalization of point commutators?
5)What is Fock Space?
6)What exists between Real & Fock Spaces?
7)What is the space-hole?
8)What type of commutation exists between both sides of the space-hole?
9)Describe as thoroughly as you can what happen to a string in general in-between iterations.
10)What geometric disposition causes point commutators to tag along dissociated strings?
11)What is the difference between a regular phenomenon and homotopy?
12)What is the difference between a discharge and delineation?
13)Name an example of a phenomenal discharge.
14)Name an example of a homotopic delineation.

Course 1,Session 9

If two things are next to each other, then these are near. If the same two things are separated by a substantial distance, then these are far. Two things that are near each other are relatively local. Two things that are far from each other are not relatively local. Two things that are made relatively local to each other have become localized. Two things, however, that were relatively local and subsequently became separated have become delocalized.

A man who lives by his neighbor is local to that neighbor. The man’s children, you might add, are even more local to that man. Yet the man’s neighbor is certainly more local to him than someone on the opposite side of the planet, at least in terms of physical nearness. As a standard, a locality in America is named by the county or city that that person lives in. You may say, “I live in Pinckney, Michigan, which is in the United States.” Likewise, one may always be able to grunge through more and more detail as to where a particle is, yet the precision of how specific you define your locality is often defined by the need that your specific description is to suffice. For instance, if you wanted to know where a cluster of molecules was, you probably wouldn’t delve down to the subatomic level. Rather, you would only need to search a level or two smaller than what you are looking for in order to find the region in which the thing you are looking for may be found. In this case, maybe searching down to the level of small molecules that may cluster in such a way so as to find what you are searching for.

Loci may mean spots where things interdependently differentiate, or it may mean spots that are near because these are attached. For instance, a uniform is near the body of a baseball player, yet it is not a part of that baseball player’s body. A chair may be near the table that it goes to, yet the chair is not part of the table. You might say, “Well, the uniform is local to the ball player’s body, yet it isn’t part of his body. And the chair is local to the table, yet it isn’t part of the table.” Exactly. So, if you consider certain phenomena as things that are made of parts, and these parts are made up of parts, when is something just local, and when is the object at hand in and of itself? What you need to define is what you are calling a specific thing. If the ball player’s whole body, including his hair, was the definition of a specific thing, then any part of his body would not be considered just local to his body – it would be part of his body. Yet, if the definition of the given specific thing was only the living portion of the ball player’s body, then his hair would be local to his body versus being part of the same specific thing.

The electrons of an atom are local to that atom, while the electrons of another atom are local to that other atom and not local to that first one. This is because we are not treating the atom as a static blob, but as a kinematic interplay of components that are interdependent. So, there is no “specific thing” that defines that entity of an atom, since an atom is the basis of the structure of matter, and matter is energy in static equilibrium. So, if you are talking about anything being local to the neighborhood of an atom, you are talking about a particle or object that is at least adjacent to the field of that atom. Yet if you are talking about something that is local to an atom, you are talking about something taking place within the given atom itself. For instance, anybody in a city is a local resident of that city, and everybody in that city is part of that city. If you were part of a pencil, you are considered localized within that pencil. This is because the members of a city, just as the electrons of an atom, are kinematic at their respective levels, whereas the parts of a pencil are not kinematic at an observers respective level.

Course 2, Session 8

Whenever you have phenomena that are mostly condensed oscillation, you must have a set of counterparts of phenomena that is mostly free waves. A string goes around the Continuum as dissociated points that find their way back to a relative set neighborhood of location to reiterate as what it was before. When the string reiterates, its composite points are caught up with each other as close as these are able to without disallowing these to be brought together (so that these will not dissociate before these associate). Since the Real position of this string is at this state, in a condition of as fixed invariance as it can get in in the substringular, it must give off as much free waves as it can without being deficient in these. This means that the Real Reimmanian string is half condensed oscillation and half free waves. Whenever there is give, there is take. If a string releases half of its condensed oscillation, and its flux is minimized, then there must be a set of points that directly orientates with it in order to form a differential of exchange in terms of the norm conditions of the waves that it releases. (Imagine a general condition of points that are anywhere from being half free waves to virtually all free waves.) Let us think of the point particles that comprise this general condition as a receptor of the norm conditions of the Real Reimmanian strings. Also consider these point particles as an exchange of waves with other strings. The norm condition exchange would happen between the Real Reimmanian strings and their directly associated Fock Space counterpart, yet the exchange between the waves of the Real strings and Fock Space may happen between phenomena that are not necessarily in direct local correlation. For instance, a string (Real Reimmanian) has zillions of point particles. The way that the waves of each point are “crinkled” together causes many jointal and smoothly curved sectors that fidget around as each point circles the Ultimon. Half of these waves leave the point as it traverses like this. The points encode for basically the same spot that the string was in before since the path due to the differentiation of the other points causes the points of the past string to be near each other within the same neighborhood of its past iteration. The ways that the crinkled waves rearranged jointal conditions forms a “vapor” of stuff from these waves that meets the “vapor” of the Fock Space waves at an asymptote that is the physical Dirac of the norm state supplementation that forms as an extremely thin common ground between the Real string and the Fock string. This is because the string and its counterpart, as a given and a receiver of opposite residue types, even though both residues are Real, forms a simple wave scatter that treats the central operand of the interaction as a sinusoidal “bouncing board.” So, the supplementation is made Imaginary, and thus comes to be made relatively vertical rather than horizontal. The abyss between all Real and Fock Spaces interconnects after ~.283hbar time (its relative metric in sub-time equivalency) within the ultimon, and is called the space-hole. It is usually unbroken. The temporary loss of homotopy that is restored here allows for a momentary reorganization of substringular ties.

Course 2, Session 1

What is a line? A line is a curvature that goes straight in whichever direction you consider it going in. If the line were ideal and not a segment, then it would go infinitely in either direction. Since the universe that we are dealing with is limited, it is finite. Anything that is finite as a discrete size. Therefore, any line that is physical is limited, and thereby finite. Thus, there are no physical lines with infinite length. This means that there is actually no ideal line. Lines are segments.
In our previous course, we discussed that phenomena is constantly in flux. Organization allows life, and life proves a relative degree of order. In order for order to proceed from physical flux and reassociations, there must be a set of physical points that are flush for every eigenstate of encasement. Each point particle of such a flush array must have a counterpart that allows each to lock in as a stabilized action. Otherwise, the flush orientation would just be a transient coincidental array and THAT would not happen. The counterpart would associate here due to an attraction due to wave supplementation. The flush array of Real points mentioned here is an example of a one-dimensional string. Its counterpart is the Fock Space association of the string.
Strings are physical. These are relatively optimum and necessarily, yet these are not ideal. Strings are small, yet these also have thickness. These are straight, yet these are not infinite in flushness. Strings are temporary per iteration, yet these hold near position for a slightly longer metric than the adjacent point commutators, although these subsequently speed up for a brief while.
Every string in the substringular has segments that make it up. Each of these segments is a separation from space as it normally is, and I call these “partitions.” Each of these “partitions” encodes for a string in the realm that we would detect them. Each of these globally distinguishable strings has one aberration from flushness. The aberration from the flushness of the globally distinguishable strings is equal to the thickness of one point particle. In the substringular, the partition is smaller than the string that it encodes for. The strings in the substringular keep flush top to bottom in the world-tube/general world-sheet that these iterate in.

Even More on the Higgs Action

When a Higgs Action reverses in relative directoralization, the “vacuumed pouch” that is Dirac relative to the Higgs Action hermitianly changes in its second derivative. It will reverse the concavity of the mini-loop hermitian singularities that exist as the gauge-action field sub-quantum that exist between a superstring and its associated light-cone-gauge eigenstate. Look. As Kaeler metric happens, gauge bosons pluck the associated second-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstates, as is always the case during BRST. The scattering of the norm-conditions in the Klein Bottle, also seeing that a superstring in the substringular (fully contracted here) has a length (1-D) or circumference (2-D) of 10^(-43) meters, inverts the vibratory holomorphicity of the associated Schwinger Index away from the Rarita Structure. Such an inverted vibration increases the impedance of a Fadeev-Popov-Trace while it allows for the increase in permittivity of the associated superstring. Again, gauge-bosons have twice the circumference of a two-dimensional regular superstring. Each Kaeler metric in a superconformal Fourier Klein Bottle transformation during a Gaussian Transformation equally increases the metric-gauge potential of the superstrings, while increasing the metric-impedance potential of the superstrings’ associated Fadeev-Popov-Trace or Planck phenomenon related phenomena.

Discreteness, Course 1

A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room? Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.
What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,
being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.
An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.
In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.
Patterns + Familiarity.
A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room? Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.
What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,
being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.
An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.
In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.
Patterns + Familiarity.
A man walks into a room. A second man walks into the room. Finally, a third man walks into the room. There are three people in the room now. Could half of the people in the room leave? Obviously not! Could a half person come in or leave the room? Think about it. Certainly not. People can only come in increments of single people, or multiples of that. (Two people could enter a room at the same time.) Even if someone was missing an appendage, a person coming into the room or leaving it is a single person and not a fraction of one. If a person’s body part came into the room, this would not be a fraction of a person, since it would not be alive then.
What I just described above is the concept of discreteness. Certain things may only come in quantities that have a specific number of certain particles. These particles, for the context, may only come as sets of these entities, and not as fractions of themselves. For instance, a photon is the smallest increment of light. It has a phase energy of hbar. Any energy that you see as motion or of the electromagnetic energy is built up of increments of hbar. ”h” is the actual energy as taken for a whole wavelength of itself, yet one phase shift of this energy – being one radian – has the most discrete form of it,
being h/2pi = hbar. This is the energy phase difference between a photon traveling an arc equal to the unit radius. Anything the size of a photon or larger comes in energy units composed of discrete bundles whose phase size is the size of hbar or an increment thereof. You can’t have a phase of energy that is 1.2hbar or 2.5hbar. But you could have a phase of energy of 2hbar or 3hbar.
An electron spins, and it orbits its general neighborhood, and, as you will see, it has angular momentum. It has a fractional spin-orbital interaction, and its angular momentum is a whole number (1, for instance). It’s spin-orbital/angular momentum mode equals its spin-orbital interaction plus its angular momentum. This would be sometimes 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, for example. This shows a very limited solution variety.
In viewing a string as often smaller than a photon, one must consider a level of discrete that makes up phenomena used to form the strings themselves. By measuring the behavior of phenomena as can be extrapolated down to the stringular level, one may understand spin-orbital and angular momentum modes that can accurately predict the behavior of multiple sets of strings. Since strings are a membranous form of phenomena around the Planck length, such behavior should eventually be monitored.
Patterns + Familiarity.

Course 3, Session 2

When we look at the world around us, we see motion. If you were to examine a still object close enough, you would see that it too is constantly in motion. Sight is the most predominant sensory perception of most animals. If you can see something, its detection is keener in one’s mind than if it were sensed otherwise. Light is the basis of visual detection and warmth. (Heat is a form of electromagnetic energy.) If there were no heat, there would be no life or molecules. Since heat is light when at a certain wavelength, light is the most fundamental and important component and factor in allowing life to exist. Since light allows the motion of material phenomena, then there must be a relationship between the existence of light and the motion of objects.
Earlier, we discussed how light is created. An atom exists as a set of nucleon(s) that are surrounded by electrons. Things tend to take the path of least resistance. This is because phenomena tends to work at coming to rest or at least “trying” to expel the least amount of energy that it can. Look at people, they tend to try to do things in the easiest manner that they can. This is because when a person or a thing conserves energy, it has less of a tendency to be disorganized and thus this person or thing finds more stability. If something is more stable, then it is in less of a state of disorder. Disorder is entropy. Although entropy allows for important changes, such as melting, it also causes things to eventually fly apart. Look at your room. The more disorder it’s in, the more things get scattered. Life requires order, since it’s composed of a general organization of certain molecules. This is why life tends to try to stay at rest, and thus find more stability. Other material phenomena acts the same general way, since stability and thus the condition of staying at rest helps the phenomena. So, these obey the same general rule that of previously described. So when an electron finds a chance to exist with less energy in such a manner that it does not have to meet up with any undo resistance then, naturally, that electron will do what it takes to go to the general location that provides it with the opportunity to be more at rest. This entails an electron dropping an energy level in order to then have less energy, although maintaining mass at least for the most part. At this point, it releases that energy, since everything goes somewhere. This energy organizes in order to be a specific thing and is called a photon. Photons in the surrounding area come together in whatever number accompanies the direction in which these are propagated. Remember, the basic energy and wavelength of photons are discrete units. Depending on the combination of photons that form a single wavelength of a given type of light, that light could be whatever form of electromagnetic energy this would describe. Since light is key to existence, and is also a key residue of it, the very nature of light’s movement is key to the motion of all other physical phenomena.

Course 3, Session 2

When we look at the world around us, we see motion. If you were to examine a still object close enough, you would see that it too is constantly in motion. Sight is the most predominant sensory perception of most animals. If you can see something, its detection is keener in one’s mind than if it were sensed otherwise. Light is the basis of visual detection and warmth. (Heat is a form of electromagnetic energy.) If there were no heat, there would be no life or molecules. Since heat is light when at a certain wavelength, light is the most fundamental and important component and factor in allowing life to exist. Since light allows the motion of material phenomena, then there must be a relationship between the existence of light and the motion of objects.
Earlier, we discussed how light is created. An atom exists as a set of nucleon(s) that are surrounded by electrons. Things tend to take the path of least resistance. This is because phenomena tends to work at coming to rest or at least “trying” to expel the least amount of energy that it can. Look at people, they tend to try to do things in the easiest manner that they can. This is because when a person or a thing conserves energy, it has less of a tendency to be disorganized and thus this person or thing finds more stability. If something is more stable, then it is in less of a state of disorder. Disorder is entropy. Although entropy allows for important changes, such as melting, it also causes things to eventually fly apart. Look at your room. The more disorder it’s in, the more things get scattered. Life requires order, since it’s composed of a general organization of certain molecules. This is why life tends to try to stay at rest, and thus find more stability. Other material phenomena acts the same general way, since stability and thus the condition of staying at rest helps the phenomena. So, these obey the same general rule that of previously described. So when an electron finds a chance to exist with less energy in such a manner that it does not have to meet up with any undo resistance then, naturally, that electron will do what it takes to go to the general location that provides it with the opportunity to be more at rest. This entails an electron dropping an energy level in order to then have less energy, although maintaining mass at least for the most part. At this point, it releases that energy, since everything goes somewhere. This energy organizes in order to be a specific thing and is called a photon. Photons in the surrounding area come together in whatever number accompanies the direction in which these are propagated. Remember, the basic energy and wavelength of photons are discrete units. Depending on the combination of photons that form a single wavelength of a given type of light, that light could be whatever form of electromagnetic energy this would describe. Since light is key to existence, and is also a key residue of it, the very nature of light’s movement is key to the motion of all other physical phenomena.

About On-Shell Mass Structure

A two-dimensional superstring has a three-dimensional field associated with it. When a relatively knit Fourier Transform that is highly Laplacian forms a toroidal structure with an annulus at its central coniaxial, the whole Majorana-Weyl supercharge associated with the operation of the associated superstring’s conformally invariant kinematism is delineated, after the group metric that forms the basically Gliossi-Sherk-Olive field described, at the outer shell general locus of that given M-field that is associated with the described kinematic differentiation of the given two-dimensional superstring’s three-dimensional field. This considers the fact that every superstring, whether it partakes of mass or not, has a mass index. Such an on-shell supercharge as taken thru a Fourier Transform that alters the spin-orbital and angular momentum distribution, delineation, and directoralization of the associated three-dimensional field toroidal structure converts the Yau-Exact indices transport in such a way as to form a discrete unit of mass as to the M-field structure that I have conveyed. This is tantamount to that a spherical shell with a physical charge in its center delineates all of the energy of its charge along the topography of its associated shell. Likewise, the norm state Ward conditions of the annulus of a toroidal 3-D field of a 2-D superstring delineates all of the angular momentum and spin-orbital distribution indices at the outer shell of that given toroidal
3-D structure. Likewise, the “figure-eight” twisted toroidal structure created by certain fermionic superstrings forms the point mass of electrons and neutrinos. This mass of certain fermions is created by this: The norm state conditions when considering the Ward conditions of the annuli of the two relatively Mobius ends of the “figure-eight” described have angular momentum and spin-orbital momentum that transfers their distribution and directoralization indices outward to the outer topology of the given “figure-eight-like” structure. The kinematic differentiation of the Yau-Exact indices of the “figure-eight” structure as a whole causes the given phenomenon to translate, thru the Fourier Transform of the given M-field thru a Minkowski or Hilbert Lagrangian, its mass indices into an integration of Hamiltonian eigenstates that allow the Kaluza-Klein phenomena, as with 3-D fields of 2-D superstrings, to convert and/or maintain as a mass. The abelian geometry of the light-cone-gauge of such Yau-Exact structures causes the E(6)xE(6) gauge-bosons related to form Schwinger indices that keep the M-fields oriented to coalesce their Noether indices into a conformally invariant manner that has to be orientable per general locus in order to translate to a proceeding general locus as long as the mass indices associated are limited. Since any M-field needs a limited Lagrangian distribution in order to delineate its Majorana-Weyl indices over a group metric that is based on a harmonics or anharmonics that may not coincide with a group directoralization of Noether flow unless the associated superstring is unorientable, Kaluza-Klein mass is always under light speed, per iteration, and mass must become Yang-Mills as in a worm-hole or Yang-Mills also, if otherwise tachyonic, which is true when mass bears unorientable yet finely directoralized motion via a Ward polarizable dark matter holomorph. Unorientable superstrings may only be as such temporarily when in a large group even if Reverse-Lorentz-Four-Contracted. Mass may become Yang-Mills and tachyonic if its field delineation is majorized.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Course 1 Quiz

Monday, March 22, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 12, Part

Everything influences certain particular shape and behavioral characteristics of every string, yet the overall general Ward and eigenaction conditions that define the world-sheet operand and homotopic residue of a string may maintain exact discrete topology, sway, and angular momentum without considering each alteration in the Continuum, yet alone all the "zooming around" of sort of nearby strings. However, after many "close encounters", differentiating strings will eventually become interdependent with its "commonly" nearby constituents. The more a set of strings co-differentiate, the more of a chance that these will soon be interdependent upon each other. Strings do not act exactly like yarn or a pencil. (No Doy!) They vibrate! Yes, these are a basic form of energy, and vibration is energy, yet remember what I said of the necessity of point particles?! This is stuff that's smaller! The smaller you get, the more vibration that it has for its size. This is because the smaller stuff gets, the more it gets shoved around. So, when you detect a superstring, you are actually detecting a neighborhood of substringular iterations of the same phenomenon. If this wasn't true, the string wouldn't be able to vibrate, or thus exist. So, since the strings vibrate, we would have to be detecting such a neighborhood. What I mean by a "neighborhood" is the local region where such a given superstring is differentiating over a relatively small amount of instantons. Each "instanton" is the course of what I term as one iteration. Go ahead and assimilate what I have just written, and I will soon instruct you further in a better understanding of how and why Lorentz-Four-Contractions work.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 12, Part 1

Strings move to form themselves and larger objects/phenomena. When strings move, they may move either dependently, independently, or interdependently with certain other superstrings. If a group of strings move in such a way that a certain specific string needs the action of the other strings, even though the other strings have no direct need for that individual string, then the given individual string is dependent on the group of strings that it is associating with in the course of its kinematic differentiation. (If a string ceased to differentiate kinematically, it would cease to exist.) If a string moved around in such a fashion so as to not need the direct influence of certain other arbitrary strings as part of what would allow it to exist as a stringular entity at all, then the given individual string that I mentioned would be independent of any of the stated arbitrary strings in terms of direct influence. This Independence would mean that, although everything has some relationship to everything else, the string mentioned above would not be directly interacting with and influenced by certain other strings. If a string is dependent upon other certain strings yet not interdependent upon them, then the other strings would be able to maintain their shape and behavior without the other individual strings. If a set of strings were interdependent, then the set of such strings would need each other to allow for the maintenance of their shape and behaviours in general. I will conclude with the purpose of this session with my next post.

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 11, Part 2

Now, if a phenomenon has a trillion closed strings, and these all traveled in a unitary Cartesian direction at .8c, all of the strings of the given phenomenon would be .6 of their normal length in the direction of the phenomenon's motion, the mass index of all of the closed strings of that phenomenon would multiply by 1 and 2/3 relative to an observer standing still, which would increase the measurable mass of the overall phenomenon by a factor of 1 and 2/3. The time elapsed for the phenomenon in general would be .6 that of what an observer would have observed along the side of its trajectory. Open strings, being vibrating hoops in the substringular, amount to no mass even though every superstring has a mass index associated with it, since open superstrings account for just kinetic energy that is not in the form of electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy consists of photons, and photons are comprised of certain bosonic superstrings. Bosonic superstrings are vibrating hoops of topological substance. Things that have no mass do not change in mass. Certain closed strings, and all closed strings are bosonic superstrings, cause mass. Thus, these closed strings that cause mass change in mass when they differentiate in the globally distinguishable relative to light. (Course 4 is on The Substringular Verses the Globally Distinguishable.) Any change in action relative to a constancy in light is a differentiation relative to light. So, whenever a closed string accelerates or decelerates in the confines of our three-dimensional delineation, its Newmann parameters change relative to a stationary observer. (This would only be if the given stationary observer were able to perceive of the moving phenomenon.) Newmann parameters are the physical boundaries of a phenomenon before you take derivatives of the motion of the phenomenon.)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 11, Part 1

So, how does the Lorentz-Four-Contractions of an object effect the amplitudes of the parameters of the strings that comprise the given object? An object consists of many, many strings that stretch out all along in three physical dimensions relative to an individual who is observing or at least detecting the object. If the given phenomenon that is being detected has a limited number of strings that make it up, then the "object" or phenomenon may have the ability to exist exclusively within the realm of one or more dimensions that are separate from those dimensions that we as people are normally used to. Even if the object is just a regular thing, like a pencil, there is some of this stuff going on at a very small level within the given pencil. All of the strings that we would normally detect appertaining to subatomic particles that quantify globally in our realm exist at least partially within the confines of our three-dimensional delineation, since the pencil exists in space associated with our dimensions. And the strings that overtly make up the subatomic and atomic particles of this real and associating spacial entity must then also exist at least partially in our domain of spacial parameters in the moments in which these are detected as an actual thing that makes up three-dimensional space. Phenomena may be observed, however, twisted within other dimensions of this three-dimensional space -- yet it would no longer be existent within any Newtonian sense of spacial parameters relative to our physical ability to apprehend anymore. Let's think of a single string. Although the given superstring is traveling in Noether Flow (discussed in other courses), its general path is propagated slower than light speed even though such a propagation is here relatively very quick. It travels very fast as a globally distinguishable object, whether or not its dimensional plane majorizes into the parameters of different spacial dimensions or not. It goes at .8c in a specific unitary Cartesian direction as far as can be detected. Its length relative to an observer along the side of the middle of its trajectory would be .6 of that of the observer. And the string would have a mass index related to 1 and 2/3 times that it normally had (if it was a closed string). I will reveal the rest of the scenario later. Hopefully I have provided good suspense.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

I appologize for not blogging lately

I apologize for not blogging lately. I was in the hospital for a while. Directly prior to going to the hospital, I was in a lot of pain. I appreciate your patience. I will be more productive now that I am out of the hospital.
Samuel David Roach

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Solutions to Test 2, Part 2

6) Light in a vacuum may travel at light speed. A mass may only be able to travel at light speed if its light-cone-gauge topology is converted from a Kaluza-Klein topology to a Yang-Mills topology.

7) Ultimon flow, Kirchnov radiation, worm-hole activity, and for a very small number of instantons of light that scatters in a virtual vacuum is all that may travel faster than light speed. Ultimon flow is the Imaginary time in-between instantons. Kirchnov radiation is an accelerated form of electromagnetic energy, worm-holes reconnect space in a manner that exceeds light speed, since the interior of a worm-hole has a completely Yang-Mills topology, and for a brief number of instantons after a photon "strikes" something that it is not quantized with, the photon speeds from its normal speed in the given medium while then slowing barely below the speed that it would normally go in the given medium while then requantizing back into light to attain the velocity that it is to travel in the medium that it is propagating in.

8) An object of mass may not "catch up" to light if it is traveling under light speed, since all motion is relative to light. This is because light is the result of the recycling of differential geometries (in the form of differential phenomena).

9) Point particles differentiate with light during instanton (iteration time) and during Ultimon Flow. To a point article, an instanton has a noticeable duration just as Ultimon Flow has a noticeable duration to a point particle. (Terrestrial Time does not bear a noticeable association with Ultimon Time.) To a point particle, one iteration of Instanton and one flow of Ultimon Time bear the same duration. (Planck Time and I*Planck Time are equal in duration to a point particle.)

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Solutions to Test 2, Part 1

1) One person stands still in the middle of one pedestrian lane that is parallel to two other pedestrian lanes. A second person travels smoothly down one of the two remaining lanes in a craft that is moving at .8c in a given direction. A third person travels smoothly down the third lave in a craft that is moving at cos(30degrees)*c. The initial person described would have a mass, time, and length that would agree with a terrestrial observation. The second person described would have a mass that would be (1/.6) times as much as the initial person, experience .6 the time as the initial person, and would appear to the initial person as having a length (if he/she could theoretically detect the second person) of .6 of the length of the said initial person. The third person, from the perspective of the first person, would experience half the time, have twice the mass, and wold have half the length of the first person, relative to the described first person.

2) The slowest object, (1m/s), from a stander by, would have the least mass, would have the largest length, and the slow moving object would experience the most time. The "moderate" speed, (.01c), would have a barely noticeably smaller length, a larger mass, and would experience less time relative to a stander by. The object traveling at .1c would have significantly less length, would have significantly more mass, and would experience significantly less time relative to a stander by.

3) At the speed of the fastest electron, if you traveled for one-fourth of a relativistic day, over a million years wold have occurred on earth.

4) A mass that has a light-cone-gauge topology that is Kaluza-Klein cannot travel right at light speed because then it would then have all of the mass in the universe. This is shown by the equation m=(1/(1-(v^2/c^2)^.5)). As will be discussed in later courses, this is because a phenomenon with Yau-Exact exterialized singularities that has an abelian topology can not have more than the substringular maximum of fractal and tinsel modulae without fraying.

5) An object that travels just over light speed would have a relatively short imaginary length, would experience a relatively short imaginary time (causing the person to then go back in time), and would have a relatively large imaginary mass relative to a stander by. The object traveling moderately faster than light would experience a larger imaginary length relative to a stander by, would notice time go by in a worm-hole, yet basically no terrestrial time would happen then. The person just spoken of would experience a larger imaginary mass relative to a stander by. A person who travels way faster than light on paper would actually experience the largest imaginary length, would notice way more time within ultimon flow than otherwise ( a stander by cannot experience ultimon flow), and would have a mass that would be quantized with ultimon flow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

When the Solutions to Test 2 of Course 3 will be Released

Today on March 11 of 2010, I have written the test solutions to Test 2 of Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions on paper. On paper, the test solutions covered four pages of written material. That is probably all of the written string theory work that my nerves can take for today. So, I have planned to provide my blog with two posts to designate the test solutions for that test tomorrow.
To me, dialogue implies that there is truth and error inherent to any limited life form. Even though I know that I am majorly on the right path with my string theory because I can see with my mind what I have written on paper, occasionally I may make a typo or an inaccurate way of presenting an idea. Thus far, I am very confident as to the solutions to the tests that I have provided. So, if I were to make any sort of mistake in presenting my ideas anywhere in my blog, I would appreciate it if an argument that at least has some substance were to be presented to me.
I realize that my blog posts are out of order in certain places. This is because occasionally, my computer at home is not agreeable to where I have to put my posts temporarily on My Documents. Sorry for the inadvertent situation presented here. I will try from now on to more of an extent to arrange my writings in more of a logical and sequential manner. Again, I deeply apologize for this inconvenience.
I challenge the readers to try answering the test questions to any string theory test I have provided before the solutions are posted. Not reviewing the solutions ahead of time is matter of honor. Honor is an inherent quality. In the future, I plan on commenting on individuals attempts to accurately type in proper solutions in their own words. I hope that my learners will try to conceptualize the ideas that I have presented. I would eventually like to informally grade some of my readers.
Physics is an approach to the truths of the vast world in which we live. We are pilgrims in science. Together, we will exponentially increase the revenue of mankind's knowledge.
Samuel David Roach.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 10, Test 2

1) Describe in general how the time, length, and mass of three initially identical objects vary as these go in slightly different speeds.

2) Describe in general ow the time, length, and mass of three initially identical objects vary as one goes about 1m/s, one at about .01c, and one at about .8c. Add specifics about the last two.

3) If you went at virtually the speed of light for what would be for you a brief while, what would have happened to the terrestrial time?

4) Why can't a mass travel at light speed when it has a light-cone-gauge topology that is Kaluza-Klein?

5) Describe the time, length, and mass in general of three initially identical objects that travel at different speeds faster than light.

6) What can travel at light speed? Why?

7) What can travel faster than light speed? Why?

8) May a globally distinguishable non-tachyonic object "catch up'' to light? Why?

9) In the point particle model, how does the association of light's relativity change?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 9, Part 2

The equation that I ended with yesterday means that theoretically, if an object with mass that has a Kaluza-Klein light-cone-gauge topology were to travel at the speed of light, the mass that it would have would be infinite. Yet that would not happen. So, if an object with mass were to go from under the speed of light to over the speed of light, the given object would need to at least momentarily convert its light-cone-topology into a Yang-Mills topology right when the object of mass would be traveling at light speed. (You will learn more about this in future courses.) As the object were to go over the speed of light with the use of superstring theory that I will not discuss here, the object would increase in mass, yet in an imaginary scale. As the object goes way over the speed of light, it will have more and more imaginary mass, according to
m=(1/(1-(v^2/c^2)^.5)). The object, however, would never attain zero mass, since it would always be something with a Yau-Exact mass that is there. (You will learn more about this in future courses). So, objects that all move at different speeds, even though these all have the same mass at rest, have different masses, while these are moving at different velocities. So, every person who ever lived would more than likely have experienced different masses as a whole during their life, since we all undergo different motion.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 9, Part 1

What other parameters of physical attribution are effected by their change in differentiation relative to light? The amount of "stuff" that a physical object has in terms of subatomic particles based on the given gravitational field, the more mass that that object has. If two objects of the same mass were placed in different gravitational fields, then the weight that the two objects would have would be different. Weight is a measure of the force that an object has when it is resting on a measuring device, while mass is the amount of "stuff" relative to its velocity relative to the velocity of light that that object has based on a given standard. So, since weight is arbitrarily dependent upon the pull that other masses have placed upon an object, weight is not a parameter of physical attribution that is souly based on the condition of the object itself. Mass, however, has to do with the actual amount of material that that object has. Therefore, mass is a parameter of a given object that is uniformly effected when that given object changes in velocity relative to light (based on the speed of light that is standard in the given medium that the given light is traveling in). How does mass change when the object at hand changes in velocity relative to light? The faster a massive object travels, right up to yet not including the velocity of light, the more mass that it has. If follows this rule: m=(1/(1-(v^2/c^2)^.5)).

Course 3 on Lorentz-Four-Contractions, Session 8, Part 2

If an object changes in the way it is detected, then the ways in which the parameters of the object appear are altered. If the appearance of the parameters of an object change not only due to the object's position, yet also because of the differences in "time" that it takes for light to reach the object as it changes position, then the object is also in another way changing in relative motion relative to light. Also, if an object changes direction, then its displacement relative to its initial axes of motion is altered, since that object would then be moving with a different range of motion. These two factors (speed relative to light and direction), are not the only two parameters that control the measurability of the spacial and time wise parameters of an object as it travels as a unit. If an object rolls, if it spins, if it oscillates, if its angular momentum changes, or if it vibrates are all factors that effect how the parameters of spaciality and time are changed while that object moves as a unit. Basically, if the appropriation and propagation of an object is one that changes how that object differentiates in space relative to light, then the manner in which the spacial and time parameters of that object appear to a bystander will change accordingly. The more that an object changes in such appropriations and propagations, the more that the spacial and time parameters will alter all around in their amplitudes according to one standing still. So, if an object maintains its appropriations and propagations relative to light, then its parameters will appear to not change according to a still measurer. This is not just an "appearance" of what you "think" you saw, this would be the way these parameters would literally change relative to your reference frame. So, to an minute degree, spacial and time related realities vary according to the perspective of different life forms. Yet, there is an overall material reality.