Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FTAAN, Session 7

Superstrings may be hermitian or Chern-Simmons. Superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. One-dimensional superstrings may be hermitian or Chern-Simmons. One-dimensional superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. Two-dimensional superstrings may be hermitian or Cher-Simmons. Two-dimensional superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. One-dimensional tachyonic supersrings and two-dimensional tachyonic superstrings are Mobiusly hermitian yet euclideanly Chern-Simmons. One-dimensional tachyonic superstrings are completely non-abelian as superstrings, even though this does not condsider the gauge conditions of the given superstrings. When eletromagnetic energy initially scatters upon a surface, the individual two-dimensional bosons that have just struck the given surface will temporarily become tachyonic. These tachyonic superstrings will be completely non-abelian while their gauge structure will be completely abelian. The two-dimensional superstrings will become completely non-abelian as the result of a spring-like action happening to the given superstrings that jiggles the superstrings not to shatter the topology of these superstrings. This jiggling acts as a "shock-absorber" that straightens the non-abelian nature of the gauge structure of the given electromagnetic energy to make the given gauge structure temporarily abelian. This happens because the inertia of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates when a ray of electromagnetic energy strikes a surface pulls into the given two-dimensional superstrings and Planck phenomenon related phenomena on account of the strong metric-gauge and gauge-metric that the light-cone-gauge has relative to the given two-dimensional superstrings and their Planck phenomenon related phenomena. This pull Mobiusly winds the two-dimensional superstrings to make these jiggle to prevent the Planck phenomenon related phenomena from breaking temporarily while also jiggling to help straighten the light-cone-gauge so that the gauge structure will become abelian. Whenever a one or a two-dimensional superstring becomes freshly tachyonic, or whenever a one or a two-dimensional freshly non tachyonic, the superstring given has Cevita conditions. Whenever a supersting remains topologically invariant between two consecutive iterations, the given superstring has Wess-Zumino conditions. Superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian due to the considered wave-tug upon the superstrings via mini-strings. A hermitian superstring tends to be abelian, while a swivel-shaped superstring tends to be non-abelian.

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