Friday, October 9, 2009

FTAAN, Session 4

Physical phenomena may be perturbative or it may be non-perturbative. When a superstring and/or its singularity that binds the given superstring to another superstrings, or when an orbifold and/or its singularities that bind this orbifold to other orbifolds is perturbative, the vibration of these perturbative phenomena is Cevita energy. The vibration of perturbative substringular phenomena is the perturbation itself taken on a kinematic basis. This type of vibration is not just the Cevita world-sheet mapping of the anharmonic motion of a substringular phenomenon, yet this type of vibration is the non-linear/inexact redistribution/redifferentiation of the point particles that surround the given Cevita kinematism. The Cevita kinematism is a Chern-Simmons metric-gauge that is altered in its inertial flow by the Wick Action of the given holonomy in its euclidean or euler Ward time-oriented differential conditions. This metric-gauge is therefore altered in holonomity and holomorphism through a change in the Lagrangian conditions of the Dirac or Clifford substringular Hamiltonian basis. As the Hamiltonian matrix is altered in terms of the kinematism of the physical Gaussian basis, the Jacobian eigenbasis is altered just as the metric-gauge is altered to form a reverse holomorphicity as the Wick Action indicates. The alteration in the Jacobian eigenbasis signals the Landau-Gisner Action via mini-string to produce the activity of the action that moves the Klein Bottle to allow the Ricci Scalar to bring superstrings that lack metric-gauge to perform the Kaeler metric. The Kaeler metric is performed via the 22and1/2 degree rock-sway/45 degree 2-D/90 degree 3-D integrated into 12 dimensions sway of the Klein bottle to the superstrings that allows a holomorphic/antiholomorphic sway to allow the superstrings to be given metric-gauge within this Schotky Construction. The amount of need for Kaeler metric is provided for by the degree of Higgs Action. The degree of Higgs Action is provided for by the degree of Landau-Gisner Action. The Landau-Gisner Action degree is provided by the light-cone-gauge eigenbasis differential kinematic mini-strings that are activated proportionably to the perturbation for the Gaussian norm eigenbasis.

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