Saturday, October 31, 2009

FTAAN, First six Solutions to Last Test

1) A substringular point particle undergoes Noether flow when unperturbated by a dark matter source. Otherwise, a point commutator is tachyonic. A first-ordered point particle has a given core diameter (5*10^(-87) meters in the substringular and 1.5*10^(-87) meters in the globally distinguishable.) The point fill of point particles during ultimon flow, when of superstrings or norm states, have a point-fill that is 10,000 times less sparse as a superstring's point-fill is during BRST. During BRST, point particles of norm states are 50 times as sparce in point-fill as those of ground states of point particles that comprise superstrings. The extra uncondensed oscillation that is not in point particles during ultimon flow acts as a directoralizing delineating substringular field networking that acts to guide and to organize the substringular fabric during ultimon flow. So, substringular fabric is more non-abelian during ultimon flow so as to allow the residue of all of the universes to interplay in-between each instanton.

2) A norm state, as also a ground state, during ultimon flow may be 10,000 times less sparse during ultimon flow per pointal holonomic volume, yet, this less condensed oscillation because of the majorized plane that is exists in differentiates at all of the other 9,999 withdrawn eigenstates plus its own per 10,000 Laplacian eigeniterations of its diameter taken transversally during ultimon flow.

3) The second-ordered abelian light-cone-gauge eigensgtates push and pull supplementally 60 times each during the course of BRST. This metric happens as a unit for the respective first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.

4) The second-ordered non-abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates form a propagated sinusoidal wave that forms 60 sinusoidal periods per second-ordered eigenstate. This too pushes and pulls at its ends during the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue during the core of BRST. This metric happens as a unit for the respective first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.

5) The abelian nature in-between a superstring and its counterstring is the same as that of the abelian nature of the respective light-cone-gauge in-between the associated Planck phenomena related phenomena and the respective superstring.

6) When a swivel-shaped superstring is non-abelian in topology as a holonome it is tachyonic.

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