Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Theory and Abelian Nature, Session 16 (Test)

1) Describe how a superstringular point particle kinematically and spatially differentiates in its neighborhood during ultimon flow.

2) Describe how a point particle of a norm state spatially differentiates in its neighborhood during ultimon flow.

3) Describe how the mini-string abelian gauge states differentiate during BRST. Describe this as a first-ordered metric.

4) Describe how the mini-string non-abelian gauge-states differentiate during BRST. Describe this as a first-ordered metric.

5) Compare the abelian nature of superstrings and their counterstrings in relation to the light-cone-gauged abelian nature (the abelian nature of the mini-string in-between superstrings and counterstrings).

6) Describe when a swivel-shaped superstring is tachyonic or not.

7) When do a superstring and its light-cone-gauge eigenstate have the same abelian nature?

8) Describe the superconformal nature of gluons.

9) What happens when a gluon is perturbated?

10) Describe the conformal invariance of a one-dimensional massive superstring in an electron. Describe the holomorphic shifting.

11) Describe the conformal invariance of protons and neutrons.

12) Describe the conformal invariance of neutrinos.

13) Describe how neutrino energy may be dissipated.

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