Saturday, October 17, 2009

Addendum to course #22

Each iteration that a superstring goes into the Klein bottle, the associated superstring is shuck by a Kaeler metric during Polyakov Action and Bette action before it goes into Regge slope. The associated superstring goes though a minimum of 96 such Kaeler metrics to obtain the metric-gauge that it needs to reattain the permittivity that the said superstring needs to be the energy that it is to be Each shake adds an equal amount of metric-gauge to the given superstring, allowing the superstring mentioned to go into Regge slope each iteration until the associated superstring has 1900% extra potential metric-gauge so that it will not run out of permitivity for a while. The extra potential metric-gauge is stored by 190 smooth and/or Chern-Simmons mini-loops in such a superstring allowing for the superstring to be Yau-Exact or partially Yau-Exact or Chern Simmons while then having the potential for pure hermitian, partially hermitian, or completely non-hermitian singularities in its mini-loops as a vibrating strand or a vibrating hoop. After the 191 iterations of such Kaeler-metric, the said superstring will always be initially orientable and never completely round or straight. The smoothness of the said 191 mini-loops are smooth in 32 spacial derivatives in a 32-dimensional subspace at the locus of the said superstring. The said condition of smoothness is defined by the constancy of each of the 32 derivatives of the said superstring. Such smoothness is Laplacian and thus non-time-oriented. When including the time factor, he Fourier translation of such is smooth or hermitian only per instanton-based observation right before Polyakov and Bette Action. Such hermcity is taken upon a holomorphic polarization detection for forward time moving particles, and such hermicity is taken upon an antihlolomorphic polarization detection for backward time moving particles. Until such a superstring becomes swivel-shaped and/or tachyonic, the 191 mini-loops of such per superstring will remain in number, yet will vary in relative concavity, amplitude, and indistinguishably relative position relative to the surrounding superstrings of the same universe.l As this happens, the norm conditions of the correlative Planck phenomena will maintain their given angling and wobble per iteration relative to the other Planck phenomena, depending on what universe the other Planck phenomena are in, until there is a Gaussian Transformation. The group multiplicit metric of when the Klein bottle raises phenomena equals the duration of the "backgammoning" of the orbifold or orbifold eigenset.

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