Saturday, October 31, 2009

FTAAN, Second Half of Last Test Solutions

7) A superstring and its light-cone-gauge eigenstate are both non-abelian when tachyonic, and a collapsed white dwarf has superstrings that are abelian as its light-cone-gauge eigenstates are abelian.

8) Gluons are superconformal per instatnon when these kinematically differentiate from holomorphically one Planck length to antiholomorphically two Planck lengths to holomorphically one Planck length, then from norm to holomorphically one Planck length, to norm to antiholomorphically two Planck lengths, to norm to holomorphically one Planck length, when existing in forward moving time. In backword moving time, these holomorphic directoralizations are reversed.

9) When a gluon is mildly perturbated, the Chern Simmons conditions cause the gluons to go from needing 191 times less Higgs Action activity to needing 191 times more Higgs Action activity to stay together when these are gluing together quarks and leptons. When the perturbation becomes too strong, the gluons unglue and the sub-atomic particles dismember.

10) The one-dimensional superstring moves radially and spin-orbitally and transversally. As the one-dimensional superstring transversally and spin-orbitally moves along with the electron in a non-perturbative flow, it moves one Planck radii holomorphically, then two Planck radii antiholomorphically, then one Planck holomorphically, then one Planck radii norm to holomorphically, then two Planck radii norm to antiholomorphically, then one Planck radii norm to holomorphically.

11) Protons and neutrons as holonomic strata vibrate within the nucleus with a harmonic vibration when unperturbated. The two-dimensional superstrings of their energy may be superconformal as that of a one-dimensional superstring of an electron, yet the nucleus does not holonomically move transversely in a Fourier series integration, and the spin and parity of a nucleon is different from that of an electron. Electrons have fractional spin. Nucleons have whole spin. Electrons have an antiholomorphic permittivity-like parity while protons have holomorphic permittivity-like parity.

12) Neutrinos propagate transversely, spin-orbitally, and radially in a set operative manner through space directorally transversely, and may be captured with heavy water.

13) Neutrino energy may be dissipated by capturing these in heavy water, while then converting this water into superheated steam by adding infrared electromagnetic energy.

FTAAN, First six Solutions to Last Test

1) A substringular point particle undergoes Noether flow when unperturbated by a dark matter source. Otherwise, a point commutator is tachyonic. A first-ordered point particle has a given core diameter (5*10^(-87) meters in the substringular and 1.5*10^(-87) meters in the globally distinguishable.) The point fill of point particles during ultimon flow, when of superstrings or norm states, have a point-fill that is 10,000 times less sparse as a superstring's point-fill is during BRST. During BRST, point particles of norm states are 50 times as sparce in point-fill as those of ground states of point particles that comprise superstrings. The extra uncondensed oscillation that is not in point particles during ultimon flow acts as a directoralizing delineating substringular field networking that acts to guide and to organize the substringular fabric during ultimon flow. So, substringular fabric is more non-abelian during ultimon flow so as to allow the residue of all of the universes to interplay in-between each instanton.

2) A norm state, as also a ground state, during ultimon flow may be 10,000 times less sparse during ultimon flow per pointal holonomic volume, yet, this less condensed oscillation because of the majorized plane that is exists in differentiates at all of the other 9,999 withdrawn eigenstates plus its own per 10,000 Laplacian eigeniterations of its diameter taken transversally during ultimon flow.

3) The second-ordered abelian light-cone-gauge eigensgtates push and pull supplementally 60 times each during the course of BRST. This metric happens as a unit for the respective first-ordered-light-cone-gauge eigenstate.

4) The second-ordered non-abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates form a propagated sinusoidal wave that forms 60 sinusoidal periods per second-ordered eigenstate. This too pushes and pulls at its ends during the Imaginary Exchange of Real Residue during the core of BRST. This metric happens as a unit for the respective first-ordered light-cone-gauge eigenstate.

5) The abelian nature in-between a superstring and its counterstring is the same as that of the abelian nature of the respective light-cone-gauge in-between the associated Planck phenomena related phenomena and the respective superstring.

6) When a swivel-shaped superstring is non-abelian in topology as a holonome it is tachyonic.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The leverage of the Higgs Action

Dear Reader, Here is a clearer and better mathematical physics proof of the leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism upon the Higgs Action to move the Klein Bottle. This leverage makes the Higgs Action the "force" or "the God particle."
Samuel David Roach

Mathematical Proof of the Leverage of the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism Upon the Higgs Action To Raise the Klein Bottle.

((764(A)*384(B)*191(C)*Planck Length(D))^2)
A) The # if "D" that comprise the length of the holonomic substrate of a Klein Bottle eigenstate.
B) The # of "D" that comprise the width of the holonomic substrate of a Klein Bottle eigenstate.
C) The # of "D" that comprise the thickness of the holonomic substrate of a Klein Bottle eigenstate.
D) 3*10^(-35)meters
3*10^(-78)meters = The fully uncontracted diameter of a first-ordered whole point particle.
(764*382*191*Planck Length)^2*3*10^(-78)*The number of third-ordered-point-particles along the five walls of a Schotky Construction vs. The # of 3rd-ordered-point-particles of a Higgs Action Eigenstate, as taken in cubic meters.

AA)5 unopened sides of a Schotky Construction.
3*10(-35)meters(D)/3*10^(-387)meters(Fully uncontracted first-ordered-point-particles whole diameter)
BB)1/((10^(-86)meters)^2)(reciprocal of fully contracted point particle of the first-order quantity squared)*(764*384)(number of Planck lengths along length-width side of Schotky Wall)
CC) (1/(diameter of whole 3rd-ordered point particle/diameter of whole 2nd-ordered point particle)^2)/(spacing factor between 3rd-ordered point particles)
= ((1/((3*10^(-387)meters/3*10^(-121))^2))/4 = 10^516/4
((3*10^(-78)*291,848*10^172))^(-1/4)(Since Reverse-Double Majorized)/4(spacing between point particles) = (8.75544*10^99)^(-1/4) = 2.418296252*10^(-24)(EE)
Due to the Reverse Majorized Hilbert Space,
you have a factor of EE/12 = 2.015246877*10^(-25)
((10^516/10^344)*3*10^8(scalar of light speed))/3(divided into 3 general dimensions
= 10^180
6/(pi*(3*10^(-387)^3) = 6/(pi*(10^(-1,137)*9(reciprocal of volume 3rd-ordered point particle)
vs. (2.418296252*10^(-24) +2.015246877*10^(-25))*(6/(9pi*10^(-1,137))
vs. 2.796550633*10^(-54)*3*10^(-78)meters*291,848*106^172*(10^516/4)*5*10^344
= 2.448503127*10^46*8.775544*10^99*10^(516/4)*5*10^344
= 2.448503127*10^46*10^(516/4)*5*10^344
= 6.121257819*10^561(meters cubed)*(5*10^344)
= (5/4)*2.448503128*10^(906)
= 3.06062891*10^906
= (1.571892563*10^(-23))/(9pi*10^(-957))
= (5.559432697*10^(-25))/(10^(-957))
= 5.559432697*10^932
(5.559432697*10^932)/(3.06062891*10^906) = 1.816434746*10^26
(1.816434746*10^26)/6.25*10^18 = 2.90629559*10^7
((4pi/3)r^12)/2 = 2.90629559*10^7
(r/2) = about 2; so the square root of (r/2) is about the square root of 2.
Phi is decremented by a factor of about sec 45 degrees, and theta is decremented by a factor of about sec 45 degrees.
So, when considering the abelian nature of the apexing on both the norm to holomorphic and the norm to anti holomorphic ends of the Higgs Action, and, if the fudge factor for decrementing phi and theta were about the square root of 2 each, when solved as (r/2)^.5,  when ((4pi/3)r^12)/2 = the initial fudge factor, the actual leverage factor of the Ficshler Suskind Mechanism upon the Higgs Action, would equal about 6.25*10^18, which = (1/1.6*10^(-19)), and one discrete unit of electrical charge = 1.6*10^(-19)Coulumbs = 1ev.
So, to attain the associated abelian nature of the hermitian Higgs Action, the core of the Higgs Action is relatively condensed to allow for a smooth curvature to its tips.
Ansantz: Since the conversion of non-abelian theoretical topology to an abelian topology is hermitian, the decrement in toplogical volume to determine the Relativistic Clifford Pressure, or metric leveraging, must involve phi and theta in a covariantly euclidean manner.
URGENT!!!If the leverage of any Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism-Eigenstate were to be forced from being other than 6.25*10^18 upon a Higgs action eigenstate to form a "force" other than that given to raise a Klein Bottle eigenstate (a Klein Bottle eigenstate), this may form a black-hole, since this would attempt to alter the discrete unit of electron volt (1.6*10^(-19))Coulumbs = 1ev). Thus, the hadron collider is dangerous to earth since it may produce a black-hole.
This is because attempts to alter a discrete unit of electrical charge or voltage may attempt to alter discrete Planck energy. Attempts to alter discrete Planck energy in a locus may undue or fray local Planck permittivity by perturbating the given Klein Bottle eigenstate. THEREFORE, DO NOT TRY TO ILLUMINATE THE HIGGS ACTION.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Field Theory and Abelian Nature, Session 16 (Test)

1) Describe how a superstringular point particle kinematically and spatially differentiates in its neighborhood during ultimon flow.

2) Describe how a point particle of a norm state spatially differentiates in its neighborhood during ultimon flow.

3) Describe how the mini-string abelian gauge states differentiate during BRST. Describe this as a first-ordered metric.

4) Describe how the mini-string non-abelian gauge-states differentiate during BRST. Describe this as a first-ordered metric.

5) Compare the abelian nature of superstrings and their counterstrings in relation to the light-cone-gauged abelian nature (the abelian nature of the mini-string in-between superstrings and counterstrings).

6) Describe when a swivel-shaped superstring is tachyonic or not.

7) When do a superstring and its light-cone-gauge eigenstate have the same abelian nature?

8) Describe the superconformal nature of gluons.

9) What happens when a gluon is perturbated?

10) Describe the conformal invariance of a one-dimensional massive superstring in an electron. Describe the holomorphic shifting.

11) Describe the conformal invariance of protons and neutrons.

12) Describe the conformal invariance of neutrinos.

13) Describe how neutrino energy may be dissipated.

FTAAN, Session 15

Protons and neutrons exist in a state of conformal invariance when these exist in the nucleus. Protons and neutrons consist of quarks, leptons, and gluons. A proton consists of gluons, two quarks, and one lepton. A quark has a charge of (+2/3). A lepton has a charge of (-1/3). So, a proton has a charge of (+1). A neutron consists of gluons and two leptons and one quark. So, a neutron has a charge of 0. Neutrons are neutral in charge. Neutrinos are also neutral in have. Protons and neutrons both have gluons, and gluons have no charge. Protons and neutrons differentiate in a vibratory kinematism that generally has a harmonic transversal motion that bears a parity and chirality that is even and Real in terms of the relatively stable oscillation of the particles that are relatively stationary when one takes the first-ordered relative motion of these given particles during transient periods of time when the given protons and neutrons are not physically perturbated by an outside force. The particles of the given protons and neutrons at the substringular level differentiate superconformally except for the vibration of the particles, although this superconformal behavior is not as limited to the prior said differentiation as with the gluons when one considers the successive motion of the leptons and quarks. The said superconformal behavior only applies to a situation of first-ordered relative motion, such as the eminent behavior of a gluon, quark, or lepton. Neutrinos have an eminent transversal motion that bears a mass of 10,000 superstrings that are Imaginarily Yau-Exact. Imaginarily Yau-Exact means that the superstrings are hermitian and non-perturbative off of and then on the Real Reimmanian plane after successive iteration. This Imaginarily Yau-Exact condition is conformally invariant in terms of the spin-orbital and radial differentiation of the given one-dimensional superstrings, although these given superstrings eminently are propagated through a transversal kinematism that differentiates directorally in a relatively Snell manner, unless these are electrodynamically, or otherwise physically, perturbated by any given holonome that interacts with its Gaussian eigenbasis. If this eigenbasis is altered in such a way that the Landau-Gisner-Action of the given neutrinos happens the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism alters the Higgs Action in such a way so as to alter the given Klein relation. The Ricci Scalar will then perturbate to produce a Kaeler/Calabi metric that will alter the state of these neutinos. The prior potential of what was neutrinos will now have a dissapation that may, through the proper electromagnetic reinforcement, form a potential energy for the formation of other neutrinos. Hint: Cause the eletromagnetic reinforcement to have a reverse-perturbative potential so as to be able to create neutrino energy from the Kaeler/Calabi heavy water holomorphism that trapped the neutrinos.

Monday, October 26, 2009

FTAAN, Session 14

For the one-dimensional mass of an electron, the superstrings involved are one-dimensional superstrings. The given superstrings are vibrating strands. Anything that has mass has a degree of conformal invariance. Anything that has mass has a sense of Yau-Exact condition. Yau-Exact conditions are conditions of a superstringular phenomena being hermitian and non-perturbative. A condition of mass or a condition of Yau-Exact conditions generally is a situation in which the superstrings that comprise the mass are not superconformal. These conditions of conformal invariance that are not superconformal involves a kinematic tense of superstrings that, besides the given kinematism, obey simailar locus to that of superconformal invariance. Let us consider the motion and conformalism of one-dimensional superstrings that are conformally invariant even though these are not superconformally invariant. A one-dimensional superstring arbitrarily exists as a component of the mass of an electron. The given one-dimensional superstring is moving kinematically in a spin-orbital, radial, and transversal directoralization. The whole electron as a unit, given its charge, relative to the protons of the nucleus is moving in a spin-orbital, radial, and transversal fashion. The given one-dimensional superstring is Yau-Exact. The given superstring, in and of itself, is conformally invariant in spite of the motion of its corresponding electron as a unit. The given one-dimensional superstring begins is a norm position relative to the holomorphic direction. Relative to the polarized holomorphism, the given superstring angles to the left at the next iteration. The given superstring then angle to the straight at the next iteration. The given superstring then angles to the right at the next iteration. The given superstring then angles polar norm (straight) at the next iteration. The given superstring then angles holomorphically at the next iteration. It then angles polar norm (straight) at the next iteration. It then angles antiholomorphically at the next iteration. It then angles polar norm at the base and top relative to the holomorphic position (straight) at the next iteration. This ninth iteration begins the second series of this associated sequence of superconformal invariance. In the meanwhile, the eletron's string here (one of 511,000 superstrings related to the mass of an electron) will propagate transversally spin-orbitally, and radially as the electron differentiates as a charged unit. This will continue until the given electron is electrodynamically, or otherwise physically, perturbated. So, an electron as a unit may often be conformally invariant in terms of its transversal momentum, while the electron as a unit may undergo the described spin-orbital/radial superconformal invariance at the same time, as long as the superstrings of the given electron are then all obeying Chan-Patton rules. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

Saturday, October 24, 2009

FTAAN, Session 13

When a superstring is superconformally invariant it is limited in its sway of differentiation. Let us consider the differentiation of the superconformal superstrings of a gluon. The superstrings of a gluon are two-dimensional. These superstrings do not transversally differentiate in a relatively transient period of time, nor do these superstrings kinematically differentiate off of the Real Reimmanian plane after a quantum metric per iteration after the core of BRST has begun in terms of any Kaeler metric outside of the activity that transpires during the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse that associates here directly with the given gluon. Yet, per iteration the given two-dimensional superstrings differentiate at different radial loci that may be mapped out by considering the Planck associated tendencies that accompany the gauge-metric wave-tug pressures that pull the given superstrings toward or away from the neighborhood of the superstring's field. The two-dimensional superstrings will begin in a polarized to holomorphic position that is pure Gaussian relative to the field of orbifold eigenset differentiation. The given superstrings will then turn counterclockwise one radian relative to the holomorphic position at the next iteration. The given superstrings will then turn clockwise one radian relative to the holomorphic position at the next iteration. The given superstrings will then pull clockwise as before one more radian at the next iteration. The given superstrings will then turn counterclockwise one radian at the next iteration relative to the holomorphic position. The given superstrings will then tip holomorphically one radian in the next iteration. Then, per iteration, the given superstrings will tip antiholomorphically twice one radian at a time per iteration. Then, the given superstring will tip holomorphically one radian at the next iteration This happens after many iterations at the core of BRST. This will happen until the Landau-Gisner action in automated by a change of Gaussian that happens via a physical perturbation to the given gluon.

FTAAN, Session 12

A one-dimensional superstring may be swivel-shaped when it is just Imaginarily Yau-Exact or that one-dimensional superstring may be swivel-shaped when it is tachyonic. A two-dimensional superstring may be swivel-shaped in one and/or two dimensions when it is just Imaginarily Yau-Exact, or when it is tachyonic. A one-dimensional superstring may only be swivel-shaped normal to the holomorphic and antiholomorphic plane. A two-dimensional superstring may be swivel-shaped in the holomorphic or antiholomorphic directions, or these two-dimensional superstrings may be swivel-shaped normal to the radial metric of the topology of the given two-dimensional superstring. A one-dimensional superstring has swivel-shapes that are sequentially normal to the holomorphic plane, then normal to the antiholomorphic plane starting from the bottom of the one-diensional superstring to the top when it is tachyonic. A tachyonic two-dimensional superstring has swivel-shapes that are sequentially holomorphic/antiholomorphic, normal inward to the radial metric of the topology of the given two-dimensional superstring, normal outward to the radial metric of the topology of the given two-dimensional superstring. These sequences are spacial sequences and not time-oriented or multiplicitly substringular metric sequences. With two-dimensional sequences, start at 0 pi and go counterclockwise back to 0 pi. This is taken from a holomorphicly-oriented perspective. When a swiveled superstring is not tachyonic, it may be abelian or non-abelian, depending on the topology of the associated light-cone-gauge eigenstates. Yet, tachyonic swivel-shaped superstrings are always non-abelian.

FTAAN, Session 11

When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is abelian, its corresponding superstring and counterstring are generally non-abelian. When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is non-abelian, its corresponding superstring and counterstring are generally abelian. When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is abelian, the mini-strings in-between the corresponding superstrings and its counterpart are also abelian. When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is non-abelian, the mini-strings in-between the corresponding superstring and its counterstring are also non-abelian. When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is abelian, the surrounding connective mini-strings are partially abelian with a tendency towards non-abelian. When a light-cone-gauge eigenstate is non-abelian, the surrounding connective mini-strings are partially abelian with a tendency towards abelian. The mini-strings that interconnect certain superstrings with certain other supersrings always have a tension, yet always have a slack in the line. Abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates have relatively more slack in the connective mini-strings that connect their corresponding superstring, although abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates themselves have no slack in the line in and of themselves. Non-Abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates in and of themselves have slack in the line although their corresponding mini-strings that bind their corresponding superstrings have relatively less slack than the mini-strings that bind the corresponding superstring of abelian light-cone-gauge eigenstates. In other words, the peripheral mini-strings that associate with a light-cone-gauge eigenstate within a Gaussian eigenbasis have a virtually opposite abelian geometry to the abelian geometry of the given light-cone-gauge eigenstate itself. The abelian geometry of strings and counterstring themselves is generally opposite to that of the mini-strings that bind these. The abelian geometry of the mini-strings in-between strings and counterstrings is the same as that of the light-cone-gauge. A light-cone-gauge eigenstate is the same mini-string behavior in-between a Planck phenomena related phenomenon and its corresponding superstring. The light-cone-gauge is the integration of all of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

FTAAN, Session 10

A superstring has point particle cores that are 5*10^(-87) meters thick in the substringular and 1.5*10^(-78) meters thick in the globally distinguishable. The mini-strings in-between these are 5*10^(-87) meters long. So, above the top point particle of the first order of a one-dimensional superstring is an antenna-like profection of mini-string that is often non-abelian in and of itself per iteration, whether the given superstring is abelian on the whole or non-abelian on the whole. When a two-dimensional non-abelian superstring of a non-swivel nature iterates, the mini-strings in-between the given first-ordered point particles vibrate holomophically/antiholomorphically 60 times each without moving the given first-ordered point particles during the core of BRST. When a one-dimensional non-abelian superstring of a non-swivel nature iterates, the mini-strings in-between the given first-ordered point-particles vibrate norm to holomorphically and norm to the Lagrangian of the substance of the superstring/norm to antihlolomorphically and norm to the Lagrangian of the substance of the superstring 60 times each without moving the given first-ordered point particles during the core of BRST. When a one-dimensional abelian string iterates mini-string ripples through the first-ordered point particles causing the mini-string in-between these to begin to kink at their center states sixty times norm to the holomorphic yet also norm to the Lagrangian substance of the superstring and sixty times norm to the antiholomorphic yet also norm to the Lagrangian substance of the superstring without moving the given first-ordered point particles during the core of BRST because the given ripple of the mini-string of the first-ordered point particles provides phenomena to the mini-string. When a two-dimensional abelian superstring iterates, the same thing happens except that the mini-string vibration kinks the mini-string 60 times holomorphically and 60 times antiholomorphically. The vibration of non-abelian strings and the kinks of abelian strings happen holomorphically then antiholomorphically back and forth, or norm to these and the Lagrangian of their substringular substance back-and-forth. This happens without moving the core of the first-ordered point particles during BRST.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

FTAAN, Session 9

A point particle as it exists in a superstring has a core diameter of 5*10^(-87) meters. The mini-string that connects to these is 5*10^(-87) meters long. A mini-string has a thickness of 10^(-129) meters. These are taken in the substringular. In the globally distinguishable, these phenomena are 10^8*3 times thicker, since the Lorentz-Four-Contraction works to a factor of 3*10^8. So, in the substringular, the Lorentz-Four-Contractions are maximized for optimal core detection possible. Thus, in the substringular, one has minimal to no increased Lorentz-Four-Contraction. As a point particle of the first-order travels through ultimon flow the given point particle has mini-string taken away by means of it being pulled out of the bundle to where the given point particle has then 10,000 times less volume during the core of ultimon flow, since the associated bundle has less mini-string, although the bundle has the same diameter. The compactified condition of a point particle is densely configured. This densely volumed point during the core of ultimon flow differentiation by a factor of 10,000 to exist at the whole volume of its neighborhood by a certain number of times since the loose bundle discussed is relatively thinned out here. It does this by molding into different morphologies that total to its total volume of a first-ordered point particle a certain number of times within the core of ultimon flow. The volume normally taken up by a first-ordered point particle is known as a point particle neighborhood. A point particle of norm state during the ultimon flow has the volume of a first-ordered point particle of a string during the core of ultimon flow. A point particle of a norm state during BRST is just 50 times smaller in volume to a supersting's point particle during BRST. Point particles of superstrings of non-abelian superstrings are more loose than those of abelian supertrings.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Addendum to course #22

Each iteration that a superstring goes into the Klein bottle, the associated superstring is shuck by a Kaeler metric during Polyakov Action and Bette action before it goes into Regge slope. The associated superstring goes though a minimum of 96 such Kaeler metrics to obtain the metric-gauge that it needs to reattain the permittivity that the said superstring needs to be the energy that it is to be Each shake adds an equal amount of metric-gauge to the given superstring, allowing the superstring mentioned to go into Regge slope each iteration until the associated superstring has 1900% extra potential metric-gauge so that it will not run out of permitivity for a while. The extra potential metric-gauge is stored by 190 smooth and/or Chern-Simmons mini-loops in such a superstring allowing for the superstring to be Yau-Exact or partially Yau-Exact or Chern Simmons while then having the potential for pure hermitian, partially hermitian, or completely non-hermitian singularities in its mini-loops as a vibrating strand or a vibrating hoop. After the 191 iterations of such Kaeler-metric, the said superstring will always be initially orientable and never completely round or straight. The smoothness of the said 191 mini-loops are smooth in 32 spacial derivatives in a 32-dimensional subspace at the locus of the said superstring. The said condition of smoothness is defined by the constancy of each of the 32 derivatives of the said superstring. Such smoothness is Laplacian and thus non-time-oriented. When including the time factor, he Fourier translation of such is smooth or hermitian only per instanton-based observation right before Polyakov and Bette Action. Such hermcity is taken upon a holomorphic polarization detection for forward time moving particles, and such hermicity is taken upon an antihlolomorphic polarization detection for backward time moving particles. Until such a superstring becomes swivel-shaped and/or tachyonic, the 191 mini-loops of such per superstring will remain in number, yet will vary in relative concavity, amplitude, and indistinguishably relative position relative to the surrounding superstrings of the same universe.l As this happens, the norm conditions of the correlative Planck phenomena will maintain their given angling and wobble per iteration relative to the other Planck phenomena, depending on what universe the other Planck phenomena are in, until there is a Gaussian Transformation. The group multiplicit metric of when the Klein bottle raises phenomena equals the duration of the "backgammoning" of the orbifold or orbifold eigenset.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

FTAAN, Answers to First Test

1) A gauge-metric is the physical motion of superstrings themselves and the physical motion of gauge-actions themselves, while a metric that is a Gaussian metric is the measurement of relative motion of certain substringular phenomena within a Laplacian setting during BRST. A Gaussian metric is only always during BRST.Gauge-Metrics aren't necessarily.

2) The Grassman Constant during the Bette Action during BRST is an example of a Gaussian metric.

3) The motion of a superstring in Regge Slope is an example of a gauge-metric.

4) A perturbative electron is an example of a Cevita condition, while a stable electron is an example of a Wess Zumino condition.

5) If you use antigravity to resolve convex within the annuli of a Planck phenomena related phenomena to concave enough to extrapolate the detection of a superstring over the course of successive iterations, one may detect and map out superstrings since antigravity constrains the fluctuation of the electric field of electromagnetic energy hermitianly in an abelianly Minkowski manner.

6) When an orbifold eigenset is perturbated by a change in relative norm conditions, a Hausendorf projection known as a Wick Action here indirectly causes a Gaussian Transformation, whose activity is known as an example of a Cevita energy, since it alters the local topological setting although it does not change the condition of homotopy here.

7)The Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravity attaches quarks and leptons while then pulling there together, respectively. The Chern-Simmons effect of Anti-De-Sitter gravity is what forms the perturbation that attaches the quarks and leptons together at the beginning of quaternionic-instanton-field-impulse, while the Yau-Exact effect of De-Sitter gravity pulls these quarks and leptons together during the instanton, or, in other words, during BRST itself.

8) When an orbifold eigenset undergoes changes in norm conditions, its respective gauge-metrics act as a sub-energy that has Cevita conditions. Once the orbifold eigenset is stable, the associated conditions are known as Wess Zumino conditions.

9) As a photon is scattered, it very transiently becomes tachyonic with an abelian light-cone-gauge. (All other light has a non-abelian light-cone-gauge.) Once the associated light begins to requantize, the photon's light-cone-gauge changes back to completely Yang-Mills, or, in other words, to having a completely non-abelian light-cone-gauge. This is because the striking of a photon upon a surface causes the sinusoidal light-cone-gauge eigenstate described to straighten as an equal and opposite reaction to the springing of its phenomenology, like a shock-absorber works in a car, until the given photon is given a chance to ease its perturbation by beginning to requantize with other photons.

FTAAN, Session 8, First Test

1) What is the difference between an arbitrary gauge-metric , and a gauge-metric that is not a Gaussian metric.

2) Give an example of a plain Gaussian metric.

3) Give an example of a gauge-metric.

4) What is the difference between a Cevita condition and a Wess Zumino condition.

5) Describe how superstrings may be mapped out.

6) Describe how Cevita energy may change an orbifold eigenset.

7) Describe how gluons bind sub-atomic particles.

8) Describe how an orbifold eigenset that has Cevita conditions may change to have Wess Zumino conditions.

9) Describe the abelian nature of a photon as it is scattered.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FTAAN, Session 7

Superstrings may be hermitian or Chern-Simmons. Superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. One-dimensional superstrings may be hermitian or Chern-Simmons. One-dimensional superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. Two-dimensional superstrings may be hermitian or Cher-Simmons. Two-dimensional superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian. One-dimensional tachyonic supersrings and two-dimensional tachyonic superstrings are Mobiusly hermitian yet euclideanly Chern-Simmons. One-dimensional tachyonic superstrings are completely non-abelian as superstrings, even though this does not condsider the gauge conditions of the given superstrings. When eletromagnetic energy initially scatters upon a surface, the individual two-dimensional bosons that have just struck the given surface will temporarily become tachyonic. These tachyonic superstrings will be completely non-abelian while their gauge structure will be completely abelian. The two-dimensional superstrings will become completely non-abelian as the result of a spring-like action happening to the given superstrings that jiggles the superstrings not to shatter the topology of these superstrings. This jiggling acts as a "shock-absorber" that straightens the non-abelian nature of the gauge structure of the given electromagnetic energy to make the given gauge structure temporarily abelian. This happens because the inertia of the light-cone-gauge eigenstates when a ray of electromagnetic energy strikes a surface pulls into the given two-dimensional superstrings and Planck phenomenon related phenomena on account of the strong metric-gauge and gauge-metric that the light-cone-gauge has relative to the given two-dimensional superstrings and their Planck phenomenon related phenomena. This pull Mobiusly winds the two-dimensional superstrings to make these jiggle to prevent the Planck phenomenon related phenomena from breaking temporarily while also jiggling to help straighten the light-cone-gauge so that the gauge structure will become abelian. Whenever a one or a two-dimensional superstring becomes freshly tachyonic, or whenever a one or a two-dimensional freshly non tachyonic, the superstring given has Cevita conditions. Whenever a supersting remains topologically invariant between two consecutive iterations, the given superstring has Wess-Zumino conditions. Superstrings may be abelian or non-abelian due to the considered wave-tug upon the superstrings via mini-strings. A hermitian superstring tends to be abelian, while a swivel-shaped superstring tends to be non-abelian.

FTAAN, Session 6

A one-dimensional superstring has a topology. A one-dimensional superstring also iterates each time during the core of BRST. The topology of a one-dimensional superstring exists during each iteration. Yet, a one-dimensional superstring does not always remain as a one-dimensional superstring. Often, one-dimensional superstrings convert into two-dimensional superstrings and two-dimensional superstrings often convert into one-dimensional strings. One-dimensional superstrings often have a hermitian topology. When a one-dimensional superstring maintains a homotopological hermitian topology during consecutive iterations, then the given one-dimensional superstring is said to have Wess-Zumino conditions. When a one-dimensional superstring maintains the same topology during consecutive iterations,k then the given one-dimensional superstring is said to have Wess-Zumino conditions. The energy used to cause a superstring to go into Wess-Zumino conditions is said to be an Anti-Cevita energy. Such an energy is not an actual energy because it does not consist of Planck phenomenon related phenomena, so this energy is actually a gauge-metric that acts through a multiplicit substringular metric. This gauge-metric acts as a sub-energy that redistributes topological indices via mini-string differential wave-tugs that happen at the proper angles and with the proper quantum and with the proper metric-gauge quantums and with the appropriate abelian nature to allow a given one or two-dimensional superstring to go from a perturbative topological nature per iteration to a non-perturbative topological nature per iteration as these go from a swiveled oriented Chern-Simmons anharmonic condition per iteration to a hermitian harmonic condition per iteration. This nature of going from Cevita conditions to Wess-Zumino conditions during a series of iterations goes for both one and two-dimensional superstrings, since all two-dimensions since two-dimensional superstring always have a topology. Superstrings as a unit always have homotopy when not at the space-hole. The space-hole always happens right before instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse unless phenomena given goes into a black-hole.

Monday, October 12, 2009

FTAAN, Session 5

Gluons normally have an Anti-De-Sitter/De-Sitter gravitational pull that causes this sub-atomic energy to glue the other sub-atomic particles that comprise protons and neutrons to stick together so as to form protons and neutrons that are the sub-atomic neucleons of the nucleous of an atom. Right before each iteration, there is the beginning of an instanton quaternionic-field impulse that happens to both the particles of the ultimon as well as the partially of the stringular encoder section of the Overall-Physical portion of the Space-Time-Continuum. The instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse is always holomorphic for forward time moving particles of he ultimon and is always antiholomorphic for backward time moving particles of the ultimon. The instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse is always holomorphic for forward time moving particles of the stringular encoders of the Overall-Physical portion of the Space-Time-Continuum, and this impluse is always antiholomorphic for backward time moving particles of the stringular encoders of the Overall-Physical portion of the Space-Time-Continuum. With gluons, the substrings are going thru the beginning of the instanton-quaternionic-field-impulse before the core of BRST, the skubstrings differentiate in a Chern Simmons manner that is virtually hermitian and perturbative so that an Anti-De-Sitter gravitational mode may be formed that fluctuates "up" and "down" relative to the norm to the given path of the two-dimensional strings as these fluctuate towards the core of BRST. This fluctuation is in 26-dimensional Minkowski space, bringing in gthe gluonic energy to tie together the sub-atomic particles that make up protons and neutrons. The subsequent De-Sitter gravity during Yau-Exact conditions at the core of BRST keeps neucleons from apart.

Friday, October 9, 2009

FTAAN, Session 4

Physical phenomena may be perturbative or it may be non-perturbative. When a superstring and/or its singularity that binds the given superstring to another superstrings, or when an orbifold and/or its singularities that bind this orbifold to other orbifolds is perturbative, the vibration of these perturbative phenomena is Cevita energy. The vibration of perturbative substringular phenomena is the perturbation itself taken on a kinematic basis. This type of vibration is not just the Cevita world-sheet mapping of the anharmonic motion of a substringular phenomenon, yet this type of vibration is the non-linear/inexact redistribution/redifferentiation of the point particles that surround the given Cevita kinematism. The Cevita kinematism is a Chern-Simmons metric-gauge that is altered in its inertial flow by the Wick Action of the given holonomy in its euclidean or euler Ward time-oriented differential conditions. This metric-gauge is therefore altered in holonomity and holomorphism through a change in the Lagrangian conditions of the Dirac or Clifford substringular Hamiltonian basis. As the Hamiltonian matrix is altered in terms of the kinematism of the physical Gaussian basis, the Jacobian eigenbasis is altered just as the metric-gauge is altered to form a reverse holomorphicity as the Wick Action indicates. The alteration in the Jacobian eigenbasis signals the Landau-Gisner Action via mini-string to produce the activity of the action that moves the Klein Bottle to allow the Ricci Scalar to bring superstrings that lack metric-gauge to perform the Kaeler metric. The Kaeler metric is performed via the 22and1/2 degree rock-sway/45 degree 2-D/90 degree 3-D integrated into 12 dimensions sway of the Klein bottle to the superstrings that allows a holomorphic/antiholomorphic sway to allow the superstrings to be given metric-gauge within this Schotky Construction. The amount of need for Kaeler metric is provided for by the degree of Higgs Action. The degree of Higgs Action is provided for by the degree of Landau-Gisner Action. The Landau-Gisner Action degree is provided by the light-cone-gauge eigenbasis differential kinematic mini-strings that are activated proportionably to the perturbation for the Gaussian norm eigenbasis.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

FTAAN, Session 3

Anti-Cevita energy is energy that causes a perturbative physical substringular state to become non-perturbative. A Wess-Zumino conditions is a condition of a substringular state that is non-perturbative. A Cevita condition is a physical condition of a substringular state that is perturbative. A Cevita conditions is mapped via the multi-dimensional euclidean cartesian tying together of the substringular Poincaires that define the substringular region that is given. The given Cevita energy is varied through the region of the neighborhood of the differentiation of the given substringular phenomena that acts as the given substringular states. The Ward conditions of the Ceivita energy that are referred to here are the topological vibrations of where the substringular states were defines the ghost anomallies related to the differential existence of the substringular states. These ghosts may be mapped as I referred to before by Poincaire extrapolation, and one may then define the existence and neighborhood of light-cone-gauge ghosts, ghosts of singularities, ghosts of world-sheets, ghosts of Planck phenomenon related phenomena, ghosts counterstrings, and/or ghost of superstrings. Ghosts of Planck phenomena related phenomena are mapped out as Fadeev-Popov-Ghosts and there are ghosts of superstrings. Fadeev-Popov-Ghosts are more easily measurable during Wess-Zumino conditions since strings here are non-perturbative. When substringular states are under conformal invariance, the superstrings given are steady state, and one may detect a Fadeev-Popov-Ghost by mapping it and then by going convex to concave to discern a set of iterations of a substriingular phenomenon that appears torroidal because of the set of vibrations that define the detection of that given substringular phenomena.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

FTAAN, Session 2

The Cevita conditions are the conditions of Cevita energy. Cevita energy is the perturbative energy of substringular states. So, Cevita conditions are the conditions of the perturbative energies of substringular states. Substringular states are the states of Planck phenomena related phenomena, the states of superstrings, the states of counterstrings, the states of cohomologies, and the states of singularities that bind the prior named types of states. Perturbation of substringular states is often short lived. When a perturbative substringular state is brought out of perturbation, the substringular state is brought into a Wess- Zumino condition via Anti-Cevita energy. Just as Cevita energy brings substringular phenomena into perturbation, Anti-Cevita energy brings substringular phenomena out of perturbation. Wess- Zumino conditions are the conditions of substringular phenomena that are not in perturbation. Anti-Cevita energy always produces a framework of certain Wess-Zumino conditions. Often, There are a certain amount of Cevita conditions and a certain amount of Wess-Zumino conditions that apply to an orbifold eigenset at the same time. A mass that is of a neutrino or of an electron is Yau-Exact per orbifold even though the particle itself tends to be perturbative at times. So, the conformal invariance of neutrinos and electrons has Wess-Zumino conditions because conformal invariance involves non-perturbations, and masses tend to be non-perturbative when their inertia is constant. Yet, as the neutrinos and electrons scatter upon something, the Yau-Exact characteristic becomes partially hermitian and perturbative with refference to the particles themselves, and their heat and entropy are non-hermitian and perturbative. Any mass has Kaluza-Klein topology to an extent (at least one orbifold). All Kaluza-Klein topology involves entropy because of the abelian nature of their light-cone-guage as a supplemental Dirac Hamiltonian. All entropy involves heat. Heat is generally displaced via convection because of the Gaussian norm conditions via mini-string of orbifold eigenbases through Real Reimmanian Fock supplementation. Thus, masses inertialwise tend to have a way of being Yau-Exact except for the entropy, heat, and plain energy that happen to exist as these alter differentiation-wise.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Field Theory and Abelian Nature(FTaAN), Session 1

Whenever there is torsional force or the force of the scattering of light, there is a substringular force that happens through a transformation known as a Gaussian Transformation. A Gaussian Transformation is a renormalization of the Jacobian eigenbasis that appertains to the orbifold orphogonation that exists for a specific orbifold or orbifold eigenset. This renormalization is a switch in orphogonation orientation and/or switch in orphogonal perturbation that allows the differentials in the given orbifold eigenbasis to seek new ground on account of one or more Wick operators that kinematically switch the quantity and/or quality of the holomorphic and/or antiholomorphic operators that differentiate within the given orbifold or orbifold eigenset. This group differentiation renews the condition of normalization in the individual orbifolds as well as renewing the condition of normalization in the orbifold eigenset as well as altering the orphogonation orientation of the given orbifold eigenset with the orbifold eigensets that surround it. When a Gaussian Transformation happens, the Hilbert space that surrounds it is perturbated to a new orientation of normalcy that forces the spacial display of the orbifolds to alter the spacial relation of the given superstrings to spontaneously differentiate 10-dimensionally so that the differential geometry of the strings differentiates kinematically to reposition the given Li space from its prior condition of conformal structure. With a gauge transformation, there is light scattering. Light scattering always involves a 26-dimensional reorientation that may be tracked down to 12 dimensions as a majorized Hilbert space. This reorientation involves an added differential in the Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism that pulls the Higgs Action toward the furthered or contracted positioning of the superstring, depending on if the light is initially scattered or if the scattered light is beginniing to requantize. A scattering of light initially pulls the superstrings a little bit holomorphically, while when the scattered light begins to requantize, the superstrings are pulled a little bit antiholomorphically. The reason for this is that a wave-like light-cone-gauge eigenstate that becomes supplemental will be pulled to the relative left, whereas a supplemental light-cone-gauge eigenstate that becomes wave-like will be pulled to the relative right. This is relative to the light-cone-gauge eigenstates based on their being a set of timeless phenomena in one frame. Yet strings spatially differentiate. so, a superstring is not in one exact spot during two consecutive iterations. So, the overall holomorphic transition may be right or left moving in either case although the pull relative to a substringular frame is as I have described it, not to mention the multi-dimensional radial pull that superstrings encounter due to spin-orbital and roll momentum that are described by the differential Hamiltonian metric-gauge wave-tug that accompanies any superstring, since superstrings are always kinematic when these are not eaten up by a black-hole.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

GUFT, Another Addition

The Klein bottle exists for the purpose of Kaeler metrics. The Kaeler metric is the gauga-metric sequential series that allows for superstrings to shake back and forth thru a series of 191 iterations or instantons eight timers per iteration so that a set of superstrings per Klein bottle per utilization may regain the permittivity that these need so that these associated superstrings may be the energy that these are to be. Superstrings are the permittivity of discrete units of basic Planck energy. The Kaeler metric also causes the field trajectory of superstrings which are known as Fadeev-Popov-Traces to reatain the impedance that these need so that these may secure the energy of the superstrings so that discrete energy may not form an imaginary supercharge that would destroy everything. So, the Fadeev-Popov-Traces act as the impedance of discrete units of energy. The Klein bottle is lifted toward the locus of where the Kaeler metric is to happen via a particle known as a Higgs Action.The Higgs Action is moved via an operation (Fourier) known as a Fischler-Suskind mechanism. The Fischler-Suskind mechanism is a leverage operation that increments the Higgs Action one Planck Length at a time via a gauge-action known as a Landau-Gisner Action. The Landau-Gisner Action is triggered by a Hausendorf Projection known as a Wick Action. The Wick Action is formed by the alteration or perturbation in the norm conditions (Ward normal) of the superstrings and the norm Ward conditions of the orbifolds and the norm Ward conditions of the torroidal cohomologies of the superstrings of the orbifolds of an orbifold eigenset that cause a substringular profection per associated Klein bottle locus that appertains to the need for a Gaussian Transformation. The Klein bottle is built in a fashion known as a Schotky Construction. A Schotky Coonstruction is comprised as follows: It has five sides with no relative "top" in the form of a half-cube that is empty of superstrings and has no cap. It has sides that are the thickness of the Planck Length with norm states inside of it that are Campbell indices that here are negative norm statess. The four sides that arae parallel are known as orientifolds. The Schotky Construction of the Klein bottle'ss norm indices and angled at 22.5 degrees from each other subtended back-and-forth from layer of states to layer of states. This low pressure in the Klein bottle gives it a low substringular pressure that makes it have a norm to reverse/norm to forward holomorphic pull that is based on the Minkowski Hodge Index of one of its walls. The overall push on the Klein bottle thus allows it to be moved "upward" by the forces acting thru the Higgs Action via the Higgs Action. (A volume of third-ordered-point-particles with a leverage that has a backing has a greater Hodge Index than a relatively small Minkowski surface.) The Klein bottle or Schotky Construction rock-sways at 45 degrees 3-D subtended lengthwise by 22.5 degrees subtended widthwise per iteration as it reaches the plane where the superstrings are to enter it. (22.5 degrees subtended from the bottom of the Higgs Action holomorphically, then antiholomorphically.) The Higgs Action angles as described before for side motion of the Klein bottle. The superstrings then receive the Kaeler metric once per iteration for 191 straight iterations.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Additional String Theory to GUFT

If it wasn't for Cassimer Invariance, their would be no recycling of superstrings and no soul energy. If substringular phenomena did not recycle, there would be no reorganization of substringular homotopy. If there was no reorganization of substrinigular homotopy, there would be no Wick Action. If there was no Wick Action, there would be no Landau-Gisner-Action. If there was no Landau-Gisner-Action, there would be no Fischler-Suskind-Mechansim. If there was no Fischler-Suskind-Mechanism, the Higgs Action would never be kinematically differentiable. If the Higgs Action was never kinematically differentiable, the Klein Bottle would never be transported to the general locus of superstrings that need permittivity. If the Klein Bottle was never transported to the general locus of superstrings that need permittivity, there would be no Kaeler metric. If there was no Kaeler metric, superstrings would never be able to reattain metric-gauge. If superstrings never reattained metric-gauge, these superstrings would lose all of their permittivity, since metric-gauge incorporated into superstrings gives these superstrings permittivity. If superstrings lost all of their permittivity, these strings would cease to be discrete units of metrical energy. If superstrings no longer were energy, reality would vanish. Yet, on account of the norm conditions of Planck phenomenon related phenomena as discussed before, the Chi of superstrings always bears a cross-sectional twist that is Diracly twisted then relaxed so that substringular recycling automatically, for soul energy, happens. The Ward conditions of the striking of modern Jewish for "What the Builder" upon the core of the "Big-Bang" (which ironically enough wasn't big and did not make a sound), taken in all of its supplementally norm attributes, reassured the general norm conditions of corresponding Planck phenomena related phenomenon and their correlative superstrings via the light-cone-gauge.