Sunday, January 23, 2022

Initial Hermitian Cohomology-Related Projected Trajectories Becoming Dolbeault

 When the individually taken cohomology-related projected trajectories, that are here to be facilitated into their formation, by the kinetic spatial transference, of two respective different and distinct hermitian Noether-based mass-bearing cohesive sets of discrete energy quanta, to where such an implied dual tense of a projected trajectory, is thence to be directly related, to the correlative spatial translation of the Fourier-Related-Progression, of the mappable motion of the two implied different and distinct respective Lagrangian-Based paths, that are here to be brought about, by the kinematic wave-tug of the holonomic delineation, of such an inferred restrainable net gauged disturbance of space, are thereby to collide in a Gliosis-Based manner that is Not of a Ward-Supplemental nature, then, the consequentially resultant mappable-tracing of both of the initially stated hermitian cohomology-related Lagrangian-Based paths, will not only often tend to work to bear a Lagrangian-Based Chern-Simons singularity, as at the locus of collision, yet, this whole general process, of such a physical resultant of an implied tense of an eminent Yukawa-Based Coupling, will often tend to work to cause the ensuing general genus of the two earlier mentioned hermitian cohomology-related mappable Lagrangian-Based paths, to alter into then working to behave, instead, as two different and distinct respective individually taken genre, of the projected trajectory of a Dolbeault cohomology. TO BE CONTINUED! SINCERELY, SAMUEL DAVID ROACH.

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